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Before the IHWA can even begin we see VP Smith looking frantically backstage for the Hels Henchmen. He walks up to everyone...ring crew, 5 Star, X-Factor, Angel, Phantom..EVERYONE as he looks for the Henchmen.

Smith: DAMN IT...where are they??

Just then Dustman runs up to Smith...


Smith: NO...I don't know where they are.

X-Factor adn Jay Miller are discussing a few things when Smith and Dustman walk back up to them...''

XF: What is going on??

Smith: Didn't you hear?? There was an accident at St. Mary's lower section in the sanitarium??

MIller: OK...and?

Dustman: IDIOTS!! That's where ASYLUM is being held. There was a ACCIDENT there...they are not saying what happened on the news...but do you see any Hells Henchmen here??

Miller: No

Smith: Do they EVER miss a chance to cause havoc on a show??

XF: Mmmmm no...I know Cletus has a match tonight too, and I haven't even seen his weird self. Doesn't sound to good boys.

Dustman: DON'T THINK LIKE THAT!!! That's the last thing I want...Asylum...back here in the IHWA.

Miller: Can't say I blame ya...the guy damn near vomited in the whole backstage after that nasty fall he took. Looked crazier than hell.

Smith: You don' know the half of it. If you see ANY Henchmen...let us know.

XF: Sure...

The VP's walk off in a frantic state from the news they just recieved. What could the Henchmen be plotting now?? Right before we cut to the ring we see Triple A and Todd walk by X and Miller.

XF: Another one Todd?

Miller and X laugh as Triple A turns around with a disgusted look on his face.

TA: You say something boy? You say something to the NEW ICON here in the IHWA?

XF: ICON? Oh man you are lucky Cobra has gone M.I.A. or else he would have handed you your ass by now.

Todd: Cobra would? How about you X? Let me guess...just by looking at your matches lately I would say that the man I knew was long dead and BURIED! You couldn't match up with Triple A.

Miller: Triple H?

TA: TRIPLE A SMART ASS!!! And who are you talk Miller? You come from wrestlings most dysfunctional family since the Harts.

Miller gets in his face as Mean Mike walks up.

Miller: Don't ever mention ANYTHING about my family

you jack ass. MM: Shut up Miller....before we put you out of this damn sport for good.

XF: Don't worry about us Mike, you better worry about Perry putting his size 15 up your ass tonight.

Mean Mike looks at X with anger as Triple A SPITS in the face of Jay Miller. Miller lunges at Triple A, but X holds him back.

XF: NOt now kid...not now.

TA: Little snot nosed punk.

Todd Inc. walks off as X tries to calm Miller down. Lets get to our first match....

Will Murray vs Johnny "J-A" Anderson

Both JA and WM are in the ring ready to go until "Points of Authority" hits and out walks Team 5 Star. The boos are so DAMN LOUD as they drown out the music. Wolf is there, The TV CHamp Bastian Xane is there, and so is the World Champion Alec Diablo. They walk to the ring looking smug as ever as all three men get into the ring. Diablo grabs a mic...

AD: Sorry boys, but this match is going to have to wait, we have more important business to attend to. So please, do yourselves a favor and get the hell out of the ring.

Will Murray runs up to Diablo and goes to get into his face but Wolf BLASTS him and delivers the Anarchys Playpen. JA goes at Wolf, but is MASSACARED by Xane who hits him with a spinning spinebuster slam followed by the Career Ender. They toss both men out of the ring.

AD: Thanks fellas hehehe (The asshole chant begins for all three men)...oh you know you LOVE us Hahahahaha. Back to business, the Front Office, before they were running around peeing on themselves about some accident at Asylums house or whatever, came to us and told us about the big main event match at the PPV. A 6 man tag Dumpster Elimination Match between the ILLUSTRIOUS Team 5 Star, and that one know..Jonothan, Julius, and Jace. My God they sound like some damn law firm....anyhoo...they came to us and we accpeted the match. But now one of the 3 J's has to leave on some personal business. Jace is now gone, and that just sucks for you two. So now we have a little problem, and seeing that you two can run your gums longer than Mantras mom....ouch....we don't care how many people you DON'T have on your team...we still say the match GOES!! So in other's either 3 on 2....or you guys go and muster up another victi...I mean partner for us to beat on.

Wolf: That's right Mantra, you unknown sh!t. You wanna talk to us about people mentioning your name? You got what you wanted, but your not fooling anyone. You cried like the mammas boy you are and now you are noticed. And the ONLY reason anyone has given you the light of day is simple. Team 5 Star has PUT Wicked D's gothic ass on the shelf, we've OUTLASTED Asylum thanks to his mental state or whatever, we've taken the FIGHT out of the Henchmen, and looky looky..COBRA is nowhere to be found. So who is left? Only you two jerk offs pleading for attention...guess what? You've gotten our attention...and what's the first thing that hapens?

BX: Jace gets his ass HANDED to him by me. I hear Mantra whining about Goldberg, and all the usual spitter. BUt if he would get his nose from up Jono ass then maybe the picture would be clearer. Jonothan knows what he's dealing with, he knows that he is in some rag tag sorry ass group, and that the giants he picked on are UNSTOPPABLE!! So you two can go ahead and keep on talking your trash, and try to make sense of the problem you have gotten yourself into. But it's plain and don't have WHAT it takes to CLIMB to our what do you do?? Act like some bitches, run your mouth, and take the short cut to the top. You boys disgust me, you wanted to be noticed by the best? Big mistake, you better get your third man....because if not...the slaughter become a hell of a lot easier.

AD: See the mess you've gotten yourself into again Jonothan? You couldn't have stayed away and sipped tea with the Queen could you have? Too thick headed, along with that thick nosed Mantra. Well, if the little kids wanna scream until they are noticed than by al means...let's show you why we are here (at the top)...and you two are NO WHERE to be found.

Strong words from Team 5 Star, lets go backstage with Plauge, who is surrounded by the dark in his locker room.

Plauge: Jonothan, it seems as if your big mouth and cowardly actions are making quite a list of enemies...good...a man like you deservesto rot in hell. BUt hell is the easier part Jonothan...the worst part is ME...PLAUGE! I'm going to be the sickness that will infect your every step Jonothan. I extended my hand to help, to help put you on top. BUt your blind justice ruined all of that. You wanna scream so loud so that the World Champ and his crew will pay attention? Don't worry about the things that glitter Jonothan...worry about me...the dark...the shadows....worry about me. Because I'm the one who is going to send you back to a pine box.

Orlando Jackson vs Phantom

We now go to ringside where "Cashmire" by Led Zeppelin hits and "Firefighter" Orlando Jackson steps out to a pop. He points at his opponent, the massive Phantom who is already standing in the ring awaiting the challenge. Jackson hussles down to the ring rolls in and stares at his opponent. The bell rings and this one's under way.

The veteran Phantom is all over Jackson right away. It looks like Phantom is here in the IHWA to fight with this 'new contract' he signed after selling out his own brother. Either way, Phantom is currently PUNISHING Jackson with right hands. He then nails him with a short arm clothesline. Jackson is back up on his feet quickly...Only to get nailed with a big boot this time. Phantom picks him up, sends him off the ropes....what a tiltawhirl powerslam! Pin...1...2...the firefighter kicks out of that one by JUST enough! Jackson isn't ready to fold yet though...As he's getting up he manages a european uppercut on Phantom! Phantom is sent reeling back and then hit with another from Jackson. Finally Jackson dropkicks him in the chin which takes Phantom to the mat. Both of them get back up but Jackson hits a drop toe hold and then a senton bomb. Another...a THIRD to the downed Phantom! Jackson then picks him up and looks for a belly to belly supplex...Phantom countering his way out of it though! The big man is landing devastating headbutts square on Jackson's forehead! Finally Phantom powers out of the move and then WALLOPS OJ with another headbutt. Jackson to the ropes and Phantom sends him over them with a clothesline. No! OJ landed on his feet and now grabs Phantom's legs! He pulls Phantom out and they are going blow for blow on the outside! Finally Phantom takes control by blocking one of Jackson's swings and then grabbing his throat. OJ struggles to get free but just gets tossed into a ring post by Phantom! OJ goes down like a sack of rocks! Phantom picks him up now and drops him onto the guard rail! OJ's neck coming down across it hard before he even touched ground! Phantom gives him a couple hard kicks while he's down but hears the count up to 7 and heads in. Jackson gets up just in time to hear the number nine and then lunges into the ring! He JUST made it!

Phantom grabs him right away though by the legs and sets up for a slingshot into the turnbuckle...Phantom launches his opponent but Jackson has the presence of mind to land on the second rope! Phantom doesn't see it however and as he's getting to his feet, OJ is getting to the top rope...CROSS BODY BLOCK FROM THE TOP ROPE! 1....2...Kickout by Phantom! My god, Jackson almost had him! Both men get up slow...NO! Jackson was playing possum and just nailed Phantom with a flying forearm...Phantom catches his balance, bounces off the ropes, and charges at Jackson. Jackson catches him with a samoan drop! OJ is killing him! (That's says 'oj is killing him') Another pin....1....2...another kick-out by Phantom! Jackson is getting frustated now...He picks up Phantom and drags him over towards the corner...he's setting up for a Tornado DDT. He pushes off and they spin 180 degrees but Phantom counters! He just pushes OJ off with everything he has and sends him down to the mat hard! Phantom leans on the ropes for a minute to catch his breath as Jackson struggles to his feet. Phantom rushes in with a shoulder block that knocks OJ back down. Phantom now picks him up and plants him down again with a DDT. Phantom still isn't done though...he gets his opponent up again and sets up a powerbomb....He's got him up...RUNNING POWERBOMB! He took him corner to corner up on his shoulders! Sit-out to a pin! 1...2...NO! Jackson's got his foot on the ropes! Phantom is pissed! He's in the referee's face arguing with him about the count! He gives up on that and grabs the slowly rising Jackson by the hair. He shoves his head between his legs, setting him up for a powerbomb. Phantom gives a thumb across his throat to signal that this is the end of it...He goes to lift him but as he bends down to do so, Jackson slips out and hoists Phantom onto his own shoulders into a fireman's carry...into a....FIRESTORM! FIRESTORM! Jackson with the cover...1...2..3. He picks up his first win here in the IHWA.

Winner: The Firefighter Orlando Jackson

"Mean" Mike Smith vs "Devestator" Jason Perry

"Black and White" by Static X plays as the brute force of Todd Inc. walks out. Mean Mike is booed all the way out of the arena as Todd escorts the big man to the ring. The 6'10 beast if ready for action as he enters the ring. "Heads are gonna Roll" plays as Jason Perry walks out and gets a MASSIVE pop from the crowd. Perry is considered one of the originals of the IHWA and has a massive career established here. Both men have met several times before with each man holding a victory over the other. This one isn't gonna be pretty folks. The bell sounds as they lock up and go toe to toe matching power. MM tosses Perry into the corner and shows off some muscle as he dares JP to come back in the center of the ring. They lock up again and Perry tosses him into the corner this time, and then drop toe holds him to the floor. He glides over him and clamps on a headlock. And with those massive arms Perry could pop your head like a zit. Perry can a wrestle better than most especially for a big man. He was a student of the Malenkos and it shows here. He is picked up though, by MM and hit with a atomic drop. Perry stutters to the ropes, but is shoulder blocked over the top rope. He hits the floor as Todd scurries like a rat looking for a spot to attack Perry. BUt Perry is up and Mean Mike SHOOTS OVER THE TOP WITH A HIGH CROS SBODY!! What a move for the big man as he crushes Perry underneath him. Mike tosses Perry head firstinto the steps and then rams his face into the post. He does it again and again and then body slams Perry INTO the steel post. The whole ring shakes as Perrys limp body falls to the floor. MM tosses him back into the ring and covers him, but Perry is out by 2. He lifts Perry up and delivers a snake eyes into the top turnbuckle. Perry flies back and lands on the mat as MM goes for a big splash, but JP moves and MM hits nothing but mat. He holds his ribs in pain as Perry picks him up and delivers a running gut buster. Perry squats MM on his shoulders and delivers a F5 into the top turnbuckle. Excellent move by the Devestator. Perry goes up to the top rope and flies off with a Kane like clothesline that sends MM out of the ring. Perry goes outside and leg drops MM on the floor. Perry positions the steps and MONKEY FLIPS MM into the post and the steps. What impact as MM hits the steel with the force of a Randy Johnson basbeball. Welts form on the Todd In.c main player as JP throws the steps into the head of MM. He scoops up MM and powerslams him into the pole and holds onto him.He then drops MM on the floor with a powerslam. He rolls him into the ring and slaps him in a modified camel clutch. Mike is in some pain as Perry pours on the pressure. The ref asks if MMwants to call for the bell,but MM won't budge. Todd is on the ropes and gets the refs attention. BUt now he gets Perrys as Perry grabs him by his expensive sports coat. MM is up though and goes for the big boot, but catches Todd instead. Todd flies off the apron and onto the floor as Triple A runs out, but Perry has MM cradled up...1...2..MM kicks out in the nick of time. Triple A slides in the ring, but Perry catches him and delivers TOTAL DEVESTATION on Triple A. Perry gets up, but is hit with a giant scissor kick to the back of the head. Mean Mike grabs him and delivers the WRECKING MACHINE POWERBOMB!!!! He covers Perry and hooks the leg...1...2...3. WOW what a big win for Mean Mike. Triple A congratulates his mate as both men help up Todd.

Winner: Mean Mike Smith

Backstage we see VP Smith and Dustman still trying to figure out where WIcked D and the Henchmen are.

Smith: I know they had something to do with that accident at the sanitarium. DAMN IT, I TOLD you Dustman...Wicked D had something up his sleeve.

Dustman: I KNOW SMith...DAMN IT...where the hell is Wicked D?? He is SUPPOSED to be i the hospital.I called his roo...

Smiths cell phone rings.

Smith: Hello? D? What in the hell is going....

Dustman grabs the phone from Smith...

Dust: I swear, if you and those other Henchmen had ANYTHING to do with the accident at the sanitarium then you will be in BIG trouble. Where have you been? We've been calling your hospital room ALL DAMN DAY!! What do you mean asleep?? Pain Killers?? Don't give me that cra....hello...hello...HELLO?? He hung up...that bastard hung up.

Smith: If they did what I think they did....

Dustman: DON'T think that way Smith...don't even say what you are God...I hope they didn' t either.

Cletus Pisson vs Tyson Sharpe

That eerie theme from deliverance plays and out comes the psychotic Cletus Pisson to massive boos. He simply shakes his head and pats that massive book he carries with him everywhere. Cletus Pisson walks slowly down to the ring where he slides in and snarls at the ref; sending the referee sprawling to the outside. I didn't really expect to see him step out from behind that curtain when his music hit since neither hide nor hair has been seen of the Henchmen all night! I suppose everyone's entitled to be late here and again but I just can't trust those Henchmen. Cletus Pisson asks for a microphone from the anouncer and has it slid to him.

Pisson: Tha sinner in ar midst will see tha light! Tyson Shahrp, you ain't.....

Before Pisson can finish his sentence though, Sharpe has come out of the crowd and is all over him like white on rice! Sharpe is a house of fire! Forearms and right hands and left hands have Cletus backed into a corner! The ref slides back in, kicks The Good Book to a corner, and calls for the bell. This one's underway! TS is kicking away at Pisson in the corner as this is surely the most aggressive of his three personalities coming out here right now. CP isn't one to just stand there and take punishment though as he fires back with an eye rake! Tyson is taken aback and Cletus capitolizes with a knee to the gut followed by an elbow to the back of the head. TS is on the ground but up with fair speed. Only to be met by a forearm from Cletu. He whips Tyson off the ropes but TS comes back with a nice slide through CP's legs and a school boy roll up! 1...quick kickout by Cletus who gets up only to be met with a japanese arm drag. CP up and TS with another japanese arm drag. TS puts the boots to the downed Pisson before slapping on a dragon sleeper. TS is now frantically trying to release it for some reason! Pisson is biting the hell out of him! TS stands up but he can't shake him! Pisson just stands up with him and keeps his teeth clenched in under his arm! Finally the ref sees what's going on and gets Pisson off him. Tyson holds the underside of his arm which allows Pisson to lou thesz press him to the ground and this time bite his forehead! The referee counts....1....2....3....4....He tries to pull Pisson off but the Messiah's teeth are synched! He threatens to call for the bell and Pisson finally stands up and smiles at the camera. Blood is dripping from his mouth! Sharpe is bleeding profusely and Pisson is loving it!

As Pisson taunts the fans Sharpe is covulsing on the ground! The ref checks on him but as he does, TS shoves him away! Oh no, we thought that last personality was brutal, this one looks angrier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! Pisson goes to pick him up but gets a low blow for his troubles! Sharpe then lifts a knee to CP's face, standing him straight up. TS spits right in CP's face then kicks him right in the groin! My lord, this third of Sharpe doesn't look like he has ANY regard for the rules! Pisson drops to his knees and...JAWS OF LIFE! JAWS OF LIFE! He's got a vice on Sharpe's groin! Sharpe thinks quick though and sprawls for the ropes which he gets...The ref is pulling Pisson off of Sharpe with very little success and only succeeds with the aid of a few boots to the face of Pisson by Sharpe. The ref is in Pisson's face but he doesn't care...He shoves him aside but just as he does so, Sharpe is up and looking for a superkick which Cletus responds to by grabbing the ref and shoving him in the way! The ref is down and out cold! Sharpe, with bleeding forehead, just looks at Cletus who smirks back with his lips stil covered in Sharpe's blood. They begin exchanging right hands with Tyson getting the better of his opponent and then clotheslining Pisson to the outside! Pisson goes for a chair as Sharpe undoes one of the turnbuckle pads. CP back in the ring with chair in hand...He stalks TS and takes a big swing but Sharpe moves out of the way and Cletus connects with the exposed steel. Not slowing down though Cletus turns back around with another attempt only to have TS duck it this time! Sharpe with a go behind waistlock makes CP drop the chair...Sharpe lands a side belly to back. Sharpe now grabs the chair but is blindsided by a spear from Pisson! Pisson speared that chair right into Sharpe! Both men are down with Pisson holding his shoulder from that full-speed spear he just hit and Sharpe clutching his ribs from the steel jabbing into his torso! Both of these pain mongers though get up way faster than they should...Pisson grabs that bent up chair and looks ready to take another swing with it when Tyson dropkicks it into his face! Sharpe then grabs the chair and tosses it out of the ring and pins Pisson...No he rolls off him now and..he's convulsing again! It's his third personality! The passive one! Oh god no, Pisson is just coming to as well!

TS is up quick and looks around, confusedly. He sees the downed ref and looks apalled! He quickly goes over to the unconscious ref and attempts to wake him up. He then goes over to the exposed steel and tries to tie the turnbuckle pad back on....He's the one that took it off! Even Cletus is left sitting on the mat scratching his head at this kid! Pisson is never one to miss an opportunity though as he bumrushes him from behind. Pisson DDTs him to the mat as the referee is slowly getting up. The blood from TS' forehead stains the mat as Pisson picks him up for a piledriver and nails it. The referee is up and sees Pisson going for a pin...1...2....kickout! Somehow Sharpe just kicked out! Pisson looks as surprised as I am. Pisson drags TS up and whips him face first into that exposed steel! TS is down and....CONVUSLING! He's changing again! The ref makes Pisson back off...Cletus is pissed! He knows he could've won there if not for the ref giving TS some room! TS stopped shaking now and isn't moving! What the hell?! The ref is going for a closer look but Pisson just pulls him out of the way, having grown impatient. Pisson steps over Sharpe and looks like he's going to go for a vader bomb but before he can get to the ropes Sharpe rolls him up...He was play possum! 1.....2....Sharpe's legs are on the ropes! 3! That's it! The schizophrenic rookie Tyson Sharpe stole this one from the IHWA's established mental patient, Cletus Pisson! Sharpe is celebrating and Pisson is livid! He shoves the referee out of the ring and attacks Sharpe! He slaps on the gator vice! Oh no! Pisson not only has the Gator Vice locked on the newcomer, he's gnawing on that gash on his forehead! This is ridiculous! None of the officials are man enough to get in there, everybody's scared of Pisson! As Sharpe passes out, Pisson finally releases the hold and leaves the youngster laying unconscious in the ring with his win...What the hell...We'll be back after this.

Alec Diablo and Wolf vs Jonothan and Julius Mantra

"Angel of Death" roars over the PA system as Jonothan and Mantra walk out to a deafening pop. The trio of Jace,Jono,and Julius have made quite an impact here in the IHWA. With Jace taking a personal leave it hurts their chances in this giant stable war of ours. The men look very confident as "Points of Authority" plays and out walks the WORLD Champ Diablo, and the Outcast Legend, The Wolf. Two of the founding members of Team 5 Star. We heard the announcement earlier that there will be a 6 Man Dumpster Match at the PPV, but now with Jace out what will happen? DIablo and Wolf get booed HORRIBLY as they enter the ring and size up their opponents. The bell rings as JM and Wolf start out first to the delight of this very vocal crowd. They lock up as the Wolf pushes Mantra into the corner and elbows him in the face. Mantra tries to block it, but Wolf persues with some very stiff shots. The ref pulls him off, and JM clotheslines him as he runs out of the corner. He jumps on top of him and begins to pound his head into the mat. He tosses Wolf to the ropes and hits a high back body drop. He goes for a drop kick and lands it right on the face of the OUtcast. Wolf backs into the corner and takes a breather as AD calms him down. Wolf walks back out in the center of the ring as JM calls him out. JM has him in a arm bar, and then twists the arm. He tags in Jono as Jono jumps off the second rope with a elbow to his arm. He arm drags Wolf and goes for a short arm scissors. Wolf jumps out of it and punches Jono in the face and then hits a arm drag of his own and kicks Jono right in the face. He then hits a double arm DDT and drags Jono to the corner and tags in AD. Wolf holds up Jono as AD jumps off the ropes with a Hart Foundation like double team clothesline. AD spits in the face of the Brit and then stomps on his hands. He picks him up for a quick suplex and covers him...1..2..JM makes the save as AD goes back to work on Jonothan. He delivers a double arm suplex and then drops a rolling leg drop on his head. He tosses him in the corner, but Jono begins to fight back with some left hands that sting. He runs at Diablo, but AD just pancakes him to the mat. He tosses Jono to the ropes, but Jono comes off with a running forearm. Jono gets up and hits a back spring elbow that sends AD into the corner of Mantra and Jono. JM is all over him as AD falls out of the corner into a belly to back suplex. Jono punches the head of Diablo and then lifts him up or a rib breaker and then another. He tags in Mantra who comes off the top rope with a driving knee.

Mantra pulls Diablo up and rocks him with a european uppercut and then a scoops him up for a running tombstone. Oustanding move as he covers AD...1..2..Wolf is in there with a leg drop to break it up. Mantra pushes the Wolf, and AD catches him with a elbow to the kidney. He runs into Wolf who catches him with a Book End into a back breaker. AD grabs Mantra and piledrives him into the corner. He tags Wolf who baseball slides the groin area of JM. Mantra is in some pain as he is set up on the top rope and huracanranaed off the top. He lands in the center of the ring as Wolf hits the ropes and hits a modified version of rolling thunder. Wolf lifts him up and drives him to the mat with a shoulder breaker. He tags AD back in who runs and kicks the shoulder of JM and hits the Arn Anderson arm breaking DDT. He lifts him up by the wrists ala UNdertaker and drops him into a inverted atomic drop. AD then clotheslines him into the corner and hits a belly to belly on the way out. Wolf is tagged back in as they SPIKE PILEDRIVE HIM INTO THE MAT!!! Mantra looks defeated as Wolf covers him...1..2...OH Jono was there just in time. AD is in though and floors Jono with a clothesline as both men go to the outside. Diablo goes for a chair, but Jono hits a vandaminator to the face of Diablo that sendshim flying into the crowd. BUt from UNDER the ring comes Plague who CRACKS Jonothan over the head with a giant light that is usually set up on the ceiling. The noise is loud as Jonothan falls to the floor as Plauge puts the boots to Jonothan and then hits the Fall from Darkness OFF THE STEPS AND ONTO THE RAILING!! Jonothan has just been laid out byt Plauge as the ref sees this and orders Plauge back to the dressing room. As the two argue Mantra hits the PROOF on Wolf and goes for the cover, but BASTIAN XANE runs down and into the ring. Mantra sees this and nails Xane. Mantra runs at him but Xane KILLS him with the CAREER ENDER!!! Xane jumps out of the ring and the ref sees him and begins to yell at him. Diablo gets in the ring and covers Mantra....BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!! They come back on and DIABLO is laid out!! The ref is losing control, but Mantra crawls over to AD and covers him...1....2...3. The match is over...but as soon as the bell rings the LIGHTS GO OUT AGAIN!!! This time for about 1 minute as you can hear bodies being dropped in the middle of the ring and you can see images from the camera flashes from the fans....

The lights cut back on and in the ring lay the bodies of Alec Diablo, Jonothan, Xane, Mantra, and Wolf....and in the middle of the ring is ICHABOD, CLETUS, DRAVEN, AND....WHAT.....ASYLUM!!!!!! The fans are going BESERK as the madman IS OUT OF THE ASYLUM?? Wicked D HAD to have something to do with this...the whole HENCHMEN had to have something to do. We go backstage and see an IRRATE VP Smith and VP Dustman as they look as if they had just seen a ghost. Asylum is in themiddle of the ring with a mic in hand.

Asylum: Well, well, seems once Wicked D was out...and I was out....everyone wanted to claim the throne as who ran this place. You know who RUNS the IHWA??? HELLS HENCHMEN RUN THE IHWA!!!And for all you poor bastards being back can only mean one thing.....MISERY!! They say at the PPV that there was gonna be a 6 Man Dumpster match....plans have changed...Ichabod...tell them what the HENCHMEN have in store.

Ichabod: It's real simple....everyone says they are on top?? Well...theres only one group on top and we will prove it.....3 Teams...The Henchmen...5 Star...Jonothan, Mantra...and whoever....TWO RINGS.....ONE GIANT CAGE!! We all know what that is....WARGAMES!!! The Henchmen are challenging the other two so called stables to a 3 way dance in the Wargames. We will prove that the only word that matters around here is the word....of HELLS...HENCHMEN!!!

MY GOD what a match that is gonna be. Asylum is BACK, and now the Henchmen are one step closer to becoming a whole again.This is NOT good news for the IHWA!!!