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We open up with the history between Plauge and the Hells Henchmen. We see him being attacked, and then beating 3 members of the group.We the clips of the last match between him and Ichabod as their bloody battle ended with a new Hardcore what could be their most brutal match yet...a straight up Hardcore Title Match...with everything to lose.

The fire works go off and so does the roar of the fans who welcome you to another IHWA Mayhem broadcast.

Tyson Sharpe vs Destroyer 7

D7 is already in the ring as Tyson Sharpe walks out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. They don't know what to think of this kid yet. The bell rings as both men lock up and D7 puts TS into the corner. No clean break as D7 chops the chest of TS and then goes for a big punch. TS blocks and rakes the eyes of D7. He then headbutts him and pushes him out of the corner. He drop kicks him and levels him with a hard scoop slam. He chops away and then delivers a kick to the back of the leg and then a back body drop. TS whips him to the ropes and clotheslines D7 and plays to the crowd.; D7 loads up his mask though and then headbutts TS. TS woozes as if he were hit by a knockout blow, and then falls to the mat after another headbutt. D7 stomps on the new rookie and hip tosses him to the center of the ring. He drops a big headbutt on the shoulder of TS and goes for a cover. TS kicks out at 1 and is tossed to the ropes. He ducks a boot from D7 and comes back with a massive clothesline. He stomps D7 in the face and then pounds away on the back of his head. He delivers a snap suplex followed by a knee drop to the ankle of D7. TS piledrives him to the mat and then hits a modifed samoan drop. He chokes the big man with his boot until the ref tells him to qut the choke. D7 loads up his mask again and strikes for a headbutt, but TS moves and turns the mask around on him. D7 swings and misses as TS setshim up and lands a Dragon Suplex with bridge...1...2..3. ANd easy win for Tyson Sharpe.

Sharpe grabs the mic...

TS: I hope thats not what the IHWA has in store for me...too easy...waayyy too easy.

Winner: Tyson Sharpe

We see Plauge backstage getting ready for his match when Jonothan walks in as both men stare at each other.

Jono: Good luck....

Plauge watches him walk away and then turns to the camera..

Plauge: Ichabod...tonight....we bleed. Get ready for the Darkness..TO FALL!!!

Backstage we VP Dustman and VP Smith on a speaker phone call with Wicked D who is still in the hospital.

VPD: Can't do that D, you know that that man is to risky to let out.

WD: He's ratings, and plus he' s a damn man that you people wanted in that match. Face it, the FO gets it's knocks off watching him dismantle guys you don't like.

VPS: He's too damn dangerous, the last thing we need is him snapping on another fan. I don't like the idea of letting him out again.

VPD: It's a tough choice Wicked, but I think Smith is right about this one.

WD: And what about the higher ups? They want their ratings, and that's what ASYLUM is.

VPD: No Wicked...theres nothin anyone can do for that man.

VPS: He's a lost cause.

WD: Okay guys leave me no choice. We'll see how much of a lost cause Asylum really is.

VPS: What do you mean by that?

WD: Wouldn't you guys like to know. "click"

VPD: Wicked...Wicked,,,,WICKED!!??

All they hear is a dial tone as they look at each other.

VPS: He better not do what I think he'll do.

Back to the ring..

US Title Match
Draven vs T-Mo

T-Mo's music hits as the fans wait for him to come out, but no sign of him. They play it again and still no sign of him. A few minutes go by and "Born in a Burial Gown" hits and out walks the sub-champ Draven. He's defending the title in placeof his injured brother Wicked D. Draven comes out with all smiles as he walks to the ring. He grabs the mic...

DA: Hey...wheres my so called competition?? Ohh Jumbo Tron...

We see backstage that CLETUS PISSON is beating the hell out of T-mo. He DDT's him INTO the wall and then drags him to the outside and walks him down the ramp. CLetus tosses him in the ring as the bell sounds and Draven goes to work on him. Just like the HH to do something lik that. He goes to work on TM as he stomps away at his head/. He picks him up and delivers a Samoan Driver. His head bounces off the mat and blood already trickles from his face. No thanks to that DDT from Cletus...into the wall too. Drave is having a field day as TM is on the ropes and he runs at him with a massive clothesline. But TM hits him with a big boot and then a running spear. CLetus runs back down and jumps is about to jump on the apron when T-MO SPEARS him through the ropes. What a move. But DA is up and jumps over the top rope onto T-MO. BUt TM catches him and SLAMS HIM INTO THE STEEL POST!! He doesn't let go and tosses DA back into the ring before tossing Cletus into the crowd. T-Mo gts back in the ring and goes after DA. He kicks him in the face and then whips him into the ropes for a massive powerslam. He tosses Draven into the turnbuckle and hits a running backsplash. The sub-champ falls on his face as TM covers him...1..2...DA kicks out at 2. T-MO gs up and goes for a two handed chokeslam, but Draven rakes the eyes and hits a tornado DT off the second rope. He delivers a side suplex and then a running moonsault. Perfectly executed by the sub-champ. He hits a running shoulder block and then lifts up T-Mo for a Liger Bomb. What power by Draven. T-Mo is still in bad shape from that attack by Cletus. But he fights back as he caches a running DA with a spinning sidewalk slam. T-Mo delivers a running leg drop that almost crushes the neck of Draven. T gets some momentum back as he clobbers DA with heavy lefts and rights. He goes for a powerbomb, but flips DA backwardsso he lands on his face. Draven is in trouble now, T-Mo grabs him and goes for ajackhammer slam, but Draven slips out and turns it into a Dragon Sleeper..NO A CORPSEGRINDER!!!! The cover...1...2..3. He retains the title for his brother. Draven grabs the US Title and walks out of the ring after spitting on T-Mo.

Winner: Draven

We see two video montages of "Southern Justice" Samual Boone, and then one on "The Firefighter" Orlando Jackson. With that lets get up to the ring with these rookies first IHWA match.

"Firefighter" Orlando Jackson vs "Southern Justice" Samual Boone

We now got to the ring, looking for an IHWA-style answer to the age old question of "Who's tougher? Firemen or cops?" Here comes our representative from the Firefighter side of things, Orlando Jackson making his way to the ring to a decent pop and "Cashmire" by Led Zeppelin. He's soon joined by his opponent "Southern Justice" Samual Boone . He too gets a pop that's not half bad as he walks down to the ring with nothing but business on his mind. Both men are now in the ring and the bell sounds...We're ready to get this one underway. Both of these men are servants of the state first and wrestlers second; this should be interesting.

Collar and elbow but Boone uses his size advantage to back Jackson into the corner where the referee orders a clean break and...gets it? Wow, these guys DO play by the rules. They're back in the middle of the ring now and they lock up again...Boone uses his power again, this time sending Jackson sprawling to the mat with a great show of power. Jackson looks stunned but his face turns to even greater surprise when the ex-Ranger offers his hand to help him up. Jackson takes it and is helped up only to be met with a clothesline from Boone as he says "Sorry Orlando!" SB puts the boots to OJ (OJ?! Oh man...) who rolls out of the ring to regroup. As he does, Boone turns to the crowds and throws one finger up in the air Bradshaw-style...Those Texans, all the same. With his opponent's back turned, OJ grabs him and sends him down with a neckbreaker. Jackson drops to the mat with a front face lock, trying to keep the brawler off his feet. Unfortunately for him, Boone still has plenty of power and refuses to stay grounded; he gets to his feet but Jackson still has the lock VISED on. With a surge of power, Boone stands all the way up which puts Jackson in the air and over Boone's head...Jackson grabs him with and turns the moment into a sunset flip...first pin....1...2...hearty kick out by SB!

Both men are back on their feet but OJ rushes SB who catches his breath in the corner. Boone moves out of the way just in time and Jackson crashes into the turnbuckle. Boone seizes the opportunity and smashes his head into it again....3...4....5....6...7...On the eighth attempt though, The Firefigher stops the momentum with a foot on the second turnbuckle and catches Boone with an elbow to the face. He follows it up quickly with a beautiful drop kick. The big man is rocked back and then finally taken down with a cross body block by Jackson! No! Boone rolls through it! But his legs are caught up in the ropes and the referee doesn't see it! Jackson is pinned and Boone is incidentally using the ropes for leverage! 1...2...3! The referee is up and about to call for the bell when Boone grabs his arm and explains to him what happened. The referee looks confused, as if to say, "And you're telling me that you want the match to....continue?" Boone begs the referee who, after a few more moments of confusion, sees Jackson back on his feet, waves off the 3 count, and signals for them to go at it once again! I don't know if that's EVER happened before! A wrestler TELLS the referee his legs were on the ropes.

Jackson gives Boone a nod-thank you for the honesty as the Ranger tips his imaginary Stetson hat as a 'yer welcome.' Just then though SB rushes in and is met with a smooth arm drag. Boone back up and victim of another Jackson arm drag. This time he holds on to it and turns it into a top wrist lock. STILL, Boone is too powerful and begins to get on his feet for a second time. Knowing what's coming though Jackson quickly wraps his legs around the big man's head, cutting off his air flow while only modifying the wrist lock he had on him prior. Boone quickly falls off of the one knee he had made it to and collapses back to the mat. Jackson tightens the head scissors and Boone looks pretty out of it...Boone is stretching for the ropes...he can't get there...His arm falls to the mat...the referee leans over to pick it up but before he can get there, Boone makes another lunge at the ropes and manages to grab it with his one free hand! Before the referee can even tell him to do so, Jackson releases the hold and gets back on his feet and then drags Boone to his. OJ goes for an irish whip but Boone reverses it...OJ comes back off the ropes but sees the telegraphed back body drop...Kick to the jaw stands Boone straight up. OJ off the ropes again and tries a cross body block. Boone catches him with a fair amount of easy! SB pulls his opponent up onto his shoulder into a powerslam position. He runs, bounces OJ's back off the top turnbuckle and then SLAMS him down with incredible force! One...two...kickout by Jackson! Boone can't believe it and neither can I! Boone pulls up his opponent and sends him off the ropes...GORILLA PRESS! Lord! Boone has Jackson WAY up in the air, elbows locked out....That's 235 pounds of Firefighter in the air! SB just walks out from underneath him and lets him smack the mat with a disturbing 'thud!' Boone picks up his opponent again and whips him into the corner. Southern Justice turns to the crowd with another fist pumping in the air taunt; part of the crowd gives him a 'yeehaw' in response.

Boone rushes in towards Jackson who sees him coming a split second before impact and dives to the mat instantaneously! What's in his hand? OJ has the turnbuckle pad in his hand! The ref doesn't notice! SAMUAL BOONE IS OUT COLD! The big man ran full force into that exposed steel! The referee waits for Jackson to go for the cover but instead the Firefighter shows the referee the turnbuckle pad. The ref is about to call for the bell while Jackson pleads his case. You can here him repeating "I didn't mean to do it...It just came off in my hand! It wasn't intentional!" The referee pauses a moment, looks at the turnbuckle pad in Jackson's hand...looks at the exposes the downed Boone...then in Orlando Jackson's apologetic eyes. The ref snatches the turnbuckle pad out of OJ's hands and ties it back up to the corner from whence it came. The referee then goes over, attempting to wake up Southern Justice. Jackson helps out as they get the disoriented big man back to his feet. Boone has no clue what even happened when the referee signals for them to get back into it! Now this anouncer KNOWS nothing like this has ever happened before. Each man now has had the match won only to just pass it up in the interest of fairness! This is incredible!

Boone is still shaky-kneed but comes at Jackson with a clothesline which he ducks with ease. OJ then meets him with a boot to the gut followed by a DDT. A quick, sloppy cover by Jackson...1..2..kick out by Boone! I think he could've had him there if he had just hooked the leg! Jackson pulls him back up and then continues the assault on the softened head of Boone with a jumping piledriver. He picks Boone up yet again and then walks away only to bound back over to him with...WOW! WHAT A SUPERKICK! He almost beheaded Boone! Another cover, this time the leg is hooked....1....2...2 and 3/4! Boone just barely kicked out of that one! Jackson is looking frustrated as he goes to the top rope, sizing up his fellow civil servant. Jackson looks pretty comfortable up there, maybe he's jumped out of a burning building or two in his day. In fact, he's TOO comfortable, he took too much time and let Boone slap the top rope, giving him a most uncomfortable seat on the top rope! The male portion of the audience "oooo"s with Jackson as Boone gathers his bearings and climbs to the top where OJ sits. SB grabs OJ's head under his arm and is set up for a DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE! SB slaps his opponent on the back and throws his weight backwards...Jackson almost slipped free but Boone held on to him. LORD! Both men took a helluva bump on that one! Boone ended up taking a lot of the blunt force on his back while Jackson landed DANGEROUSLY on the very top of his head. Boone finds enough energy to drape one massive arm across his opponent...the ref counts....1....2........3! That's it! The cop has beat the fireman! "Southern Justice" Samual Boone has defeated "The Firefighter" Orlando Jackson. Either way though, these men both look to have bright futures here in the IHWA. The ref checks on both men as Boone makes his way to his feet, with much aid from the ropes. The referee raises his hand but Boone pulls it down and uses it to help up Orlando Jackson. Jackson looks cautious at first but when Boone grabs his hand and raises it, a pair of smiles that go ear to ear to ear to ear show up. What a bout and what sportsmen.

Bastian Xane (c) vs Jace Silver

The cruiserweight challenger Jace Silver steps out from behind the curtain to a great pop. He looks PUMPED for his TV title shot against the undefeated rookie monster known as Bastian Xane...Speak of the devil Pantera's "Walk" hits and here comes the champion, Bastian Xane. He steps out to a round of boos and smirks in response. He even puts his hand to his ear in a hogan-esque motion, soaking up the heat. He struts down to the ring, tosses his title to the time keeper and then rolls in. He points at Silver and then makes a motion indicating he's going to break him over his knee. Silver walks up to him lord, the size difference! We have a regular David vs Goliath on our hands here; a cruiserweight against a man many would consider the most well built in our federation...The referee calls for the bell and this one's underway.
Silver and Xane continue to jaw. BX lets Silver spit his venom while he just smiles in return. The champ then lifts a swift knee to the gut of the cruiserweight, doubling him over. BX then clubs Silver down with a double axe-handle to the back. With JS on all fours, he gets met with another downward thrusting axe handle for BX. Xane picks him up and squeezes his undersized opponent with a vice-like bear hug. He squeezes until Jace looks just about ready to tap out and then drops him like a sack of rocks to the mat. BX then grabs him and whips him off the ropes, looking almost bored. Jace gets met with an overhead bely to belly on the way back from Bastian! Silver almost got launched out of the ring! Silver has to make up six inches and about a hundred pounds here tonight...and this version of David doesn't even have a slingshot! Speaking of slingshots, Xane now has Silver's legs and launches him face-first into the turnbuckle! BX smiles and sends his opponent off the ropes again...This time Silver slides through Xane's legs and then chop blocks him in the back of the knee before the big man can turn around! Xane goes down to one knee which gives Silver the opportunity to dropkick him in the back of the head and send him to the mat. Silver then quickly grabs BX's ankle and slams that right knee into the mat. Xane shakes him off though and rolls out of the ring to regroup.
While BX is distracted by a kid in the front row holding a sign that reads "Bastian Xane: The Undefeated Cookie Monster" Jace bounces off the opposite ropes and then over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha! What a move! BX goes down hard on the outside! Silver though is quickly back up and onto the ring apron. He looks down over his shoulder at BX who is slowly getting up then springboards off the second rope with an ASAI MOONSAULT RIGHT ON XANE! The crowd pops for that one as Silver is back up and excited. He looks at the downed champ and drags him by the right knee he worked on moments ago over to the steel stairs...Silver sets the ankle on the lowest stair then jumps up and sits down right on the knee! Again! And again! Jace Silver knows, a man can't fight if he can't stand! My lord, Jace wants this one bad. Now he's pulling Xane up and tossing him in the ring. He follows him in with a slingshot over the top rope, into a somersault senton bomb on BX. Jace then drags BX to the middle of the ring where he slaps on a figure four! Lord! All the pressure on that right knee! Xane can hardly stand it! A man with such little fat on his body is SO prone to injury...there's so much pressure on his joints already and now Jace Silver is playing chiropractor...and not a very good one! Finally BX is able to turn over putting the pressure on his challenger who quickly releases the hold thereafter. Silver taunts Xane, waiting for him to stand up. BX does but nearly collapses as his right knee buckles underneath him! Silver seizes the moment of off-balance by the champ with a dropkick to the knee, sending Xane down face first! Silver then grabs his leg and looks for a half-crab...NO! BX powers out and kicks his opponent away, even with that bad knee! Silver bounces off the turnbuckle and BX forces himself to stand up...he picks JS up in a fireman's carry position with a grimmace of pain as he favors his right knee. OH MY LORD! WHAT AN F5! I can't believe what a just saw! That wasn't a NORMAL F5, Xane went THE LONG WAY for that one! He just sort of held on to Silver's shoulder while he tossed him 270 degree around and then DROVE his face into the mat! Unfortunately for him, his knee gave out just as his opponent hit the mat!
BX is down for a moment, clutching that knee...but he manages to crawl back to Silver for a pin...1...2...Xane lets up! What?! BX is crawlign over to the ropes where JULIUS MANTRA stands staring at him from the outside of the ropes, curiously close to where JS' foot hung on the ropes during that last pin. When did Mantra get out here?! Xane leans through the bottom two ropes and swings at him but Mantra ducks and then uppercuts Xane! The referee is up in a hurry, scolding Mantra, telling him to get back to the dressing room. Unwittingly though, Mantra has distracted the referee long enough for WOLF to make his way into the ring! Wolf stalks the downed Silver with a trash can lid in hand but is blindsided by a spear from Jonothan! The two roll out of the ring as the referee turns around only in time to see them whomp to the ground and exchange right hands. The referee continues to scold the out-of-ring wrestlers to return backstage but Mantra again joins the fray, now putting the boots to Wolf. Jono and Mantra are taking care of Wolf when all of a sudden ALEC DIABLO shows up in the entrance way! The crowd lets out a pop for the World Champ who stands at the top of the ramp with taped ribs and a gold strap over his shoulder! By now BX has hoisted Silver up and managed to plant him with a german supplex with a bridge which the referee has yet to see! As AD makes his way down to the ring both Jono and Mantra drop Wolf and await the champ. In the ring, BX finally lets the bridge down and SCREAMS at the ref who finally returns his attention to the match. Before Diablo can make it to where Mantra and Jono stand though, a HORDE of officials show up from the back to prevent their injury-prone champ getting into any unneccessary frays. Wolf gets a shot in with the trash can lid to Mantra and then hussels through the officials to where Diablo stands, peering over the crowd at Jono and Julius. He smirks, turns on his heels, tosses an arm over Wolf's shoulder and they walk to the back, laughing the whole way. As BX lands a t-bone supplex, the referee orders Mantra and Jono to the back as well. They comply and it's one on one once again.
The Champ with a pin....1....2...NO! I thought that t-bone supplex ended it for JS but he's still fighting. BX, still heavily favoring that right knee and fairly frustrated, looks to the top rope...this is insane! BX is over 300 pounds and...HE'S STANDING UP ON THE TOP ROPE! His right leg is shaking a bit as that knee looks almost ready to give out...BX jumps off but Silver saw it coming and bounds to his feet and meets the champ with a dropkick to the midsection! How did he do that?! JS made use of pretty much his only advantage there...No, he's making use of ANOTHER advantage now and has that right leg in hand again! Now Silver jumps through the bottom two ropes and wraps BX's leg around the bottom one as he lands on the floor outside. JS doesn't let go of the leg and continues to apply pressure, standing on the outside. JS finally lets it go and BX pulls his leg off the rope and lies there clutching it. Oh no...Silver to the top and Xane doesn't see him...SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Pin...1....2...KICKOUT BY XANE! More accurately, BX BENCH PRESSED Silver off him. JS isn't done with that knee though and he just ruthlessly stomps on it. Silver pulls up the unsteady champ and draps him over the middle rope, face to the outside. Silver then runs and swings his lower body through the top two ropes and kicks BX square in the face! Unfortunately that appears to have awakened the sleeping giant! BX goes for a limping clothesline which is ducked by Silver who slaps on...THE CUT OFF! He's got his move on but it's not synched in...BX managed to get his own arms between his throat and Silver's forearms. The champ powers out with a growl only to be dropkicked in the back of the head. He stumbles forward, the knee almost giving. Silver then hits him from behind with a spinning wheel kick and BX stumbles further forward which gets the crowd excited. JS begins clapping his hands, which the crowd joins him in before bouncing off the ropes. No! That gave BX too much time to regroup as he went for a back elbow...Ducked by Silver! Silver off the opposite ropes and is looking for a flying head scissors takedown...REVERSED BY XANE INTO THE CAREER ENDER! CAREER ENDER! Quick pin by Bastian...1....2...3. The still undefeated Television Champion, Bastian Xane, is helped up by the referee and has his hand raised and his belt handed to him but BX quickly doubles over in pain, still favoring that knee. Out comes both Wolf and Diablo to help their team mate to the back.
Hardcore Title Match
Plauge vs The "Original" Ichabod

"Forsaken" by Disturbed plays as the challenger walks to the ring dressed in a Hells Henchmen jersey with black jeans and his fists taped. Both these guys are so similar that it's scary, and both want this Hardcore Title more than the other. As the fans boo this solid member of the Henchmen we see footage of when the HH beat the tar out of several wrestlers including Plauge. But the champ had his revenge when he beat 3 members of the HH last week. "God Send Death" by Slayer plays and out comes the Hardcore Champ. He has weight lifting gloves on with a cut off and blue jeans. He runs in the ring and the bell sounds as the ref jumps out of the ring. Both these men tear into each other with hate and rage as they try to tear each other apart. IB gets the upper hand as he pounds on the head of Plauge. But the champ just back drops him over the top rope and onto the floor. He pulls back the protective mat and slams IB on the concrete. And so it begins, Plauge grabs the chairand smashes the head of IB not once, not twice, but four damn times to the crowds horror and pleasure. He picks him up as he sets the chair up right and then SUPLEXES him on the up right chair. IB is in serious pain as Plauge pulls out a kendo stick glued with shards of glass. I've never seen anything like that before...he SMASHES it over the back of IB as the fans "OoOo" with pain. Ichabod turns around and his head gets lit up with several samurai-esque kendo shots. Shards of glass fly into the crowd as the forehead, that wasn't healed from last week is open up again. Plauge laughs as he crushes the face one mnore time with a Bonds type blow. Plauge raises the stick in the air and hears the approval of the crowd. The fans are loving it as Plauge grabs IB and takes him up the stage. He scoop slams him on the stage and then grabs a fan who is sporting a football helmet to be funny. He takes off the helmet and goes to strike Ichabod, but IB low blows him and then SUPER DDT's him on the cold steel ramp. What brutality....Ichabod grabs the helmet and crushes the face of Plauge. Teeth, blood, and snot go flying from his face as he cracks him in the knees with the hardened helmet. IB takesPlauge up the ramp a bit more and then THROWS HIM OFF THE DAMN THING!!!! Plauge just dropped about ten feet onto the announce table. The table DOESN'T EVEN BREAK!! That had to hurt even more since there was NO give whatsoever. Ichabod grabs a chair and starts to climb the metal posts that hold up part of the stage...he gets to the top and climbs onto the way....YES WAY...ICHABOD JUST JUMPED ABOUT 25 FEET OFF THE BALCONY AND ONTO PLAUGE WITH A DAMN STEEL CHAIR...OOOHH THI IS HARDCORE!!! The table finally breaks as the fans start the "HOLY SHIT!!" chant. Both men are laying on the concrete a bloody mess...what a damn match...if this is for respect than these two should respect the hell out of each after this one is said and done.

Ichabod moves first as he sloooowly gets up and picks up the dead Plauge. He slams him into the steel guard rail, but forgets to cover the man after such a brutal fall. I don't think either man is with it right now as we show a replay of the jump from the top. What a match for the roughest title in the sport. Ichabod takes Plauge to the curtain as both men venture to the backstage. I'm wondering if we will see any Henchmen, but IB did say that he wanted know one to interfere. They battle it out backstage, but IB has more senses in him right now as Plauge tries to gather himself after that fall. IB PILEDRIVES Plauge on the cold concrete as the ref is back there as well just for the count. These men look bloody and damn near dead, as Ichabod grabs a table and drags it through the doors and into the parking lot. There he spots another table and sets it up on top...DOUBLE STACKED TABLES!!! This doesn't look good, he goes to find Plauge but he isn't in the hallway when he walks back in. He turns around as Plague rushes from one of the rooms with a steaming hot pot of coffee and SHATTERS IT OVER THE HEAD OF ICHABOD!! That bald head is split right open with glass sticking out of it and everything!! WHat the hell is Plauge doing now?? He reaches in his tights and grabs a CAN OPENER??!! I mean one of the old fashion ones and tries TO PEEL OFF THE DAMN FACE OF ICHABOD!! Now that is horrendous. You can hear the sickened crowd almost lose their lunch, but IB takes a page out of the good book of Cletus and grabs Plauge by the nuts. He SQUEEZES hard as Plauge lets go and crumbles to the floor. All is fair in a hardcore match.He whips Plauge through the doors and into the parking lot where the double stack of tables is waiting...IB points to it as he lets out a bloody smile. He walks over to a fork lift with a pallet on it and tells a crew member to lift them up. He does so and Ichabod wipes of some of the blood that is on his face and tries a powerbomb off the damn pallets, but Plauge goes for a back body drop instead. Plauge holds onto his legs, turns around, and turns it into a JUMPING SIT DOWNPOWERBOMB THROUGH TWO STACKED TABLES!!! MY GOD I THINK THEY ARE DEAD!!! The crowd is in amazement as they cheer both these sick individuals on. Neither man is moving... Plauge is up as he looks at a moving Ichabod. He squints his eyehs real hard, he must be blacking out from the punishment. Before he can fall JONOTHAN is there to help him up. Ichabod looks at Jono but gets nothing but a SUPERKICK to the face. That puts Ichabod down as Jono raises the hand of Plauge. But as he helpshim up he kicks him in the gut and DELIVERS A DROP OUT DDT!!! WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT???

Jono: You like everything we say Plauge? You want to join us and help our fight for the good fight? Well incase you haven't noticed YOU ARE THE PERSONIFICATION OF EVIL!! And we are here to eliminate that. Good luck you evil bastard.And oh yeah...there is only ONE KING of HARDCORE and that's ME!!

Jonothan walks off in a huff, I can't beleive Plauge was gonna try and hook up with the team of Jono, Mantra, and Jace...two totally different spectrums. Both men are still down from the attack by Jonothan as the ref just waits for one them to get up. Ichabod is the first man showing signs as he covers Plauge...this is it...1...2...PLAUGE kicks in the hell did he do that??? Both men are spent as they are both on their feet trading punches, Plauge ducks the punch of IB and slams him into the wall. He sees a ladder and sets it up and begins to climb, but Ichabod is there too and isn't gonna let him have al the fun. Both men are at the top of the ladder until Plauge just grabs Ichabod by the head and HITS THE DARKNESS FALLS FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER!!! MY GAWD WHAT A MOVE!!! But Plauge landed on the concrete and Ichabod landed on the remains of the tables. 7 minutes goes by and now both men are moving again, the emts were called but they are now getting to their feet. They battle it all the way to the outside as screaming fans are there watching every move. Plauge couldn't get the cover on would have been over right then and there. Ichabod suplexes Plauge IN tghe street as cars go by honking and yelling. Plauge falls into a parked car as Ichabod rushes him, but Plague back body drops him THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD!! You can hear Ichabod scream as the glass rips his body apart!! Plauge is on the ground and a bloody mess as he tries to pull himslef back up.I wonder whos car that was?? Plauge is up and Ichabod is out and in SO much pain. They top and look at each other for a second...maybe to see who will fall....they laugh at each other and then trade very slow and weak punches. They are tired, hurt, bloody, but they battle on. They are back inside now as Ichabod goes for a claw hold on the red head of Plauge he tries to wear him down and does unil Plauge rams him against a storage trunk. His back hits it several times as he falls to the floor. Plauge grabs a lighter and now stalks a hurt Ichabod.Ichabod sees this out the corner of his eye and reaches up on the make up table and SPRAYS PLAUGE WITH HAIR SRPAY!!! HIS SHIRT CATCHES FIRE AS HE RIPS IT OFF AN PATS HIS BODY DOWN!!! His skin is BEET red as he turns around still patting...he turns right into a BITCH THUMP ONTO A FALLEN STEEL LADDER!!! Ichabod falls on top of Plauge as he falls to the ground as well. The ref counts....1....2...3....WE GOT A NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION!!! Neither man is moving as the fans cheer the display of hell they just saw. EMT's rush in an check both men...the ref lays the HC title by Plauge who is now being checkedon by Cletus and Draven. The EMTS get stretchers and wheel both men out...what a damn match and what a way to end the night. We will see you next week with more IHWA action JUST-LIKE-THIS!!!

Winner and NEW Hardcore Champ: Ichabod