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We see scenes from the bloody battles at last months PPV as Ichabod, T-Mo, and Plauge battled in a Hardcore bought that started a feud. The mysterious triangle of Jace Silver, Julius Mantra, and Jonothan nothing? Todd Inc. had a impressive showing....we then see Asylum fall through the cage and take a nasty spill as he cracks his head on the ladder on the way down. We see Diablo being ripped to shreds by the Cell....and then we see Cobra get hit in the head with those bolt cutters....fade to black...

The fireworks go off along with the ROAR of this raucuous crowd here in Taute Haue, Indiana. After the explosions we hear the music of the NEW WORLD CHAMPION, ALec Diablo. He walks out with the World Title over his shoulder, battered and bruised, and flanked by the rest of Team Five Star. Xane and Wolf look just as proud as Diablo as all three members walk to the ring soaking up the boos. They get in the ring as Diablo calls for a mic.

AD: I hate to be the one to do it....hell whom am I kidding...I'm GLAD to be the one to do it...BUT I TOLD YOU SO!! I told you that I would survive the Stairway to Hell match and become the World Champion again, I told you that Team Five Star would be on top of this game in a very short time and look at us now...on top of the world where we belong. You've doubted us, hated us, and now all you can do is embrace the fact that we are the giant boulder made of solid steel, and we are rolling over EVERYTHING!! asylum fell off and bumped his head so there are no more jackasses jumpin on the bed. The IHWA brass felt that he should be locked away, and if you ask me they can throw away the damn key. Cobra sustained some very bad injuries from the looks of it, and probably can't wrestle again. The docs tried that crap on me, but NO WAY! I'm not going anywhere and neither is this World Title.

Wolf: You idiots just don't seem to get it do you? You didn't think Team Five Star would amount to anything ever since we formed a few months ago. Especially that hospital vegetable Cobra. You know what felt REAL good helping you lose that World Title. All you ever do is look down on others with your smug attitude and fat the rest of your body can fit your ego....bruised and inflated. I hope the injurys are permenant and YOU NEVER come back.

Xane: And would you look at here...the rookie is STILL the Television Champion even though my opponent was giving me the same crap about expierence and know how. Well I KNOW this...look at Team 5 are looking at the best thing going today hahahaha.

AD: were warned months ago, and since no one wanted to sit up and take notice about the storm that was brewing and headed this way you guys get to be the unlucky recipiants (sp) of a FIVE STAR BEATING!!!

The fans boo LOUDLY as the music cuts back on and 5 Star heads to the back.

In the offices of VP Dustman we see Phantom talking to one of the Vice Prez's.

Phantom: Why in the hell did I get dragged into this? Shaolin was the one who came busting in here showing disrespect not I have to suffer for it to? I don't even wanna team with the guy.

Dustman: That's the breaks Phantom...wrong place wrong time I guess. but hey...put your differences aside and go out there and literally fight for your job hehehe.

Shaolin BURSTS into the office.

Dustman: YA SEE that's why you are losing your job in the first place. Shaolin: Save it either GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR and quit worrying about how you got into this mess, or I'll end your CAREER right here, right now, in this damn office. DO NOT make me lose this match tonight.

Phantom and Shaolin just stare at each other until Dustman orders both men out. Just then we see Wicked D walking into the office still looking a little banged up. He looks at VP Dustman....

WD: We need to talk...

Dustman: About?

WD: Asylum... D looks at the camera and pushes it out of the room and shuts the door. There still hasn't been any word on Asylum yet, and if the VP's are going to let him out of the sanitarium anytime soon. It looks as if Wicked D is trying to get that sorted out, and still no further word on the status of the ICON, Cobra.

You lose, YOU'RE FIRED!!!
Shaolin and Phantom vs Angel and X-Factor

Angel's music hits as X and Angel both walk out to a GREAT reaction from the crowd as they walk to the ring for this match. Both men said they didn't wanna do this and act like VP henchmen, but Dustman and Smith ordered them to do it or else THEy were fired. Talk about political BS. Angel and X await their opponents as Shaolins music hits. Shaolin and Phantom walk out to a nice pop from the crowd as they slide into the ring and cautiously wait for the bell. Shaolin and X start out first with X locking up with Shaolin and pushing him off. The veteran has been in so many wars that Shaolin better have his "A" game with him tonight. Shaolin and X lock up again with Shaolin pushing X off into the corner, but runs up X, backflips and kicks him right in the face. The crowd liked that one as X looks a little stunned as well. They go to lock up again, but X ducks under and goes for a german suplex, Shaolin blocks it and rolls X up for a quick pin....X gets out at one and catches a spinning heel kick to his jaw. That puts him on the mat as he gets up and tags Angel. Shaolin spin kicks Angel, but Angel just catches him and lifts him in the air for a corkscrew powerbomb. What power by the big man as he manhandles Shaolin, Shaolin tags Phantom who seems very reluctant to get in the ring with Angel. They lock up and Angel sends him into the corner and begins to drive several back elbows into his face. Phantom falls to the corner as Angel chokes him with his boot. Angel picks him up by the neck with two hands and tosses him to the center of the ring. Angel goes to drop a big elbow, but Phantom moves. Angel lands hard on his arm, and Phantom slaps him in a crossface right away. Smart wrestling by Phantom, neither Shaolin or Phantom have taken too big of risks and that's smart considering their jobs are on the line. Or should they take every risk they can take? X comes in and boots Phantom to the head, and breaks up the arm bar. Phantom has Angel back into Phantoms corner and pounds the big man with heavy forearms to the chest. He rocks his head back with European Uppercuts and then Monkey Flips him out of the corner, he tags in Shaolin who comes off the top rope with a massive leg drop. What height that man had in the air as he came crashing down on Angels chest. Shaolin covers...1..2...Angel kicks out as Shaolin hits that arm with some heavy martial arts kicks. He goes for a victory roll, but Angel stops and tosses him off. he tags in X who comes in and super kicks Shaolin right in the face. X snap suplexes Shaolin and then drives two elbows into his head. X lifts him up, and delivers a side back breaker. X whips him to the ropes to catch him with a high elevated Kidman style powerbomb. He covers jobs...NOOO Shaolin kicks out at the last second. X has Shaolin on the ropes with some heavy chops, X whips him to the ropes, but Shaolin ducks the back elbow and hits X in the face with a flying forearm. X is down as Shaolin hops to the top rope and comes off witha flying elbow drop to X-factor. He covers him...1...2...X KICKS OUT!!! No one wants to lose this match, as Shaolin PILEDRIVES X into the mat and tags in Phantom. Phantom delivers a reverse airplane spin and then drops to his knees in a modified backbreaker. That LOOKED nasty. He grabs X's legs and applies a Texas Cloverleaf on the X-Factor. X is looking for the ropes, but Phantom has the move locked in. Shaolin tags himself in and jumps over the ropes with a springboard leg drop onto X. Shaolin goes for a cover, but Angel breaks it up. Shaolin hits a Death Valley Driver on X-Factor and climbs to the top rope, but Angel grabs him by his neck and CHOKESLAMS him off the top rope. Shaolin had to of been 10 feet in the air from that drop. Both men are looking for the tag as X crawls to his corner...Shaolin makes it to his corner but Phantom won't tag out. Phantom drops off the apron and grabs a steel way....HE JUST CRACKED SHAOLIN WITH THE CHAIR!!! X makes the tag as Angel looks on in disbelief. He covers Shaolin...1...2..3. That's it it's OVER!! Why in the hell would Phantom help end his IHWA career? Wait a comes VP Dustman as Phantom walks up the ramp...Dust looks at Phantom and smiles as both men shake hands. He hands Phantom a piece of looked like a contract. Dust grabs the mic....

VP Dustman: Hehehe I told you little snot nosed ingrate...and now...I can say it for sure...YOU'RE FIRED AHAHAHAHA!!!

The fans boo at such betrayl as Shaolin is helped up by Angel and X-Factor who look on in disgust as well.

Winners: Angel and X-Factor

"Dust" by Cypress Hill hits and out walks the vivacious Anna, the newcomer with a namesick all too similar to our former champion. As she enters the ring her music abruptly ends and The Circus Theme Hits! Out comes the five foot two inch, scurge from the circus, PYRE the Clown! He steps out to a pretty decent sized pop from the crowd as he somersaults down the ramp much to the fans' enjoyment, surely in deep meditation about whether or not he will deliver his first female nipple twist here tonight. He holds out his arms, snaps the shoulder straps on his wrestling tights and then runs to the ring pointing at Anna. Pyre slides under the bottom rope and the bell sounds.
Anna uses her height/reach advantage and connects with a slap to the face of Pyre not just forward but then another on the way back...what a backhand! Pyre is sent to the ropes only to be grabbed by his opponent looking for a collar elbow but Pyre knocks her hands away and is about to go for a Nipple twist but just as he's about to grab the nips...HE CAN'T DO IT! He shakes his head no and the crowd is in shock! Anna takes advantage and connects with a snap supplex. She picks him up and then goes for a shortarm clothesline which Pyre ducks with ease and puts her in a go-behind waistlock to a rollup and a pin..1...2..kickout by Anna! The crowd lets out a big "awwww" when Anna kicks out and then a good cheer when Pyre pops up to the second turnbuckle with his arms out. Unfortunately this gives Anna the chance to come up behind him for a belly-to-back from the second rope....NO! Pyre back flips out of it and lands square on his feet...Anna gets back up slowly, a bit dazed and Pyre runs her right into the turnbuckle followed by a reverse snap mare, leaving Anna face down on the mat! Wow, what a move by Pyre! She tries to push herself up but finds a pair of size nines in her face when Pyre connects with a quick dropkick! The crowd cheers...another pin....uses the ropes for leverage...1...2..another kickout by Anna! She is just BARELY keeping herself in this one! He picks her up and is about to Nipple twist again but once more he shakes his head and thinks better of it!
Pyre sends Anna off the ropes then cartwheels out of her way, waits for her to come back towards him....he springboards off the second rope for a cross body....NO! Anna slides under him and Pyre smacks the mat hard! Anna goes quickly over to the turnbuckle and climbs it...Moonsault...she hits it! She pulls Pyre up and looks like she's about to go for the Thompson 45 but the clown thumbs her in the eye! He then grabs Anna by her blonde hair, runs and jumps through the ropes and gives her a bulldog, smothering her throat against the second rope while Pyre lands safely on the outside! Her breasts are in perfect position for a nipple twist as Pyre reaches between the bottom two ropes and puts his hands there....The crowd grows to a fever pitch...No! PYRE CAN'T NIPPLE TWIST A GIRL! The crowd boos like mad as Anna rests there on the second rope for a moment which gives Pyre just enough time to sneak around and then climb up to the top rope which he jumps off of and connects with a legdrop across the back of her head! My god! Pyre just put his own body on the line there! That's an amazing move but the crowd is still booing, they wanted to see a nipple twist! Anna is down in the ring and Pyre is down outside it....The referee begins his mandatory count-out on Pyre but the clown manages to make his way back to the apron by only 7...He climbs the ropes right the middle so he can springboard from the second one into the ring just as Anna gets up...Hurracarana! NO! Anna reversed it into a sit-out powerbomb! Pin! 1....2...KICKOUT BY THE CLOWN! The crowd cheers as Pyres fights on. Anna picks him up...sends him off the ropes and goes for a clothesline which Pyre ducks under and comes around her other side in a russian leg sweep set up. He falls forward with her, planting her face into the! Pyre pops up and awaits the crowd's approval only to hear massive boos. He stands there a moment, confused then climbs to the second turnbuckle to see if that helps...More boos. he scratches his head and hops off...he turns around and sees Anna getting up slowly, holding her head. He points a finger in the air as if stating "Eureka!" He sizes her up as she stumbles to her feet, unsteadily...He runs and spins her around she faces him, dazed....NIPPLE TWIST! THE CROWD GOES WILD! Anna falls backwards, clutching her ample breasts as the Circus Theme hits and Pyre walks out to a deafening ovation.

Winner: Pyre the Clown

We see a video montage of "The Firefight" Orlando Jackson and at the end it says "Next Week"....

Hardcore Pick Your Poison Title Match
Plague vs Ichabod

We're ready to go back down to ringside for the "Pick Your Poison" Hardcore Championship Match between Plague and Ichabod! "Forsaken" by Disturbed hits and out comes the Hardcore Champion, Ichabod! He goes into the ring and grabs a microphone. He throws down his Hardcore Title and hangs his head as he speaks.

Ichabod: Well, Plague...It's you and me, one on one....Finally...Well actually it's more like it MIGHT be you and me if you can make it through HELL. I'll be sitting right over here at the anounce table if you need me. Have fun.

With that, Ichabod carelessly kicks his Hardcore Title out of the ring and carries the microphone over to the anounce table with him where he takes a seat. "God Send Death" by Slayer hits and out comes Plague, with his eyes as cold as ice. He points at Ichabod as he gets into the ring and prepares to run the gauntlet from hell. Plague is walking over towards the anounce table where Ichabod is sitting, stalking him silently. Ichabod stands up and holds the belt out in front of him, goading him. What the hell?! Cletus Pisson just came out from under the ring and clobbered Plague! Pisson tosses Plague into the ring and the first wave of Henchmen is here for Plague...The bell rings and this one is underway.

Pisson puts the boots to Plague but Plague gets up and then scoop slammed back down. Cletus gets down on his knees and shoves both thumbs in Plague's eyes! The ref is trying to get him off but Cletus is like an animal! At the anounce table, Ichabod voices his approval.

Ichabod: Heh. That chodelick isn't even going to make it past Cletus.

Pisson is picking Plague back up but gets nailed with a low blow! Pisson is hunched over and Plague sends him down with a high-impact DDT. Plague kicks Pisson one time hard in the ribs and then gets him back up and side slams him to the mat. He drags Pisson to his feet and then locks him in for a belly to belly....No! Pisson countered it and Plague dropped his arms...What the....Cletus Pisson just BIT his way out of that move, he has his teeth sunk deep into the forehead of Plague! Finally, being the mouthbreather he is, Cletus has to let go for air as Plague falls to his knees, clenching the gash on his forehead. Pisson drew blood! Plague's hands quickly fill up with blood as Cletus wastes no time in running a knee square into the side of Plague's head. Pisson mounts him and begins bludgeoning that wound as Plague covers up...Quickly though Plague uses his legs to pull Pisson's shoulders down for a cover...1...2...Kickout by the derranged Henchman. Plague rolls out of the ring to regroup and reaches under the ring...Pisson doesn't let him get a breather and dives through the ropes after him only to be met with a steel chair to the skull! My lord! What a shot! That one sent a tingle down MY spine! Plague lifts Pisson up then whips him into the barricade and then follows it up with a body splash with a cross body block, holding the chair to his body, sending them both into the crowd. Plague gets up quick, still holding the chair and walks back over the barricade and towards the anounce table. He's going after Ichabod.

Ichabod: Come on you waste of flesh! Bring it then! I'll whoop your a** like your mother should've!

As Plague cocks the chair back though he has it grabbed Pisson who spins him around and clotheslines him to the ground. Pisson smiles at Ichabod who taunts his downed challenger.

Ichabod: That's right, boy! Nobody touches the Henchmen! Your a** belongs to us now!

With that, Ichabod tosses Pisson a pair of brass knucks which he dons successfully after only 2 or 3 attempts to put them on the wrong way. Plague gets back up and gets HAMMERED with a right hand laced with brass. Then Pisson gets down on one knee next to his opponents head and lands a few more shots with the knucks before tossing him back into the ring. Pisson follows with a sadistic smile and then circles his victim a few times....then pins him....1...2....kickout?! What?! Plague isn't even moving now but yet he kicked out of that?! Pisson looks shocked and Ichabod is speechless at the commentator's booth! Plague's forehead is gushing blood now and the middle of the mat where he lay face down is becoming stained. Pisson slides out of the ring and pulls Plague after him by the feet but gets caught with a quick elbow from Plague. A haymaker by the challenger and Pisson is sent reeling. Quickly though The Henchman recovers with a knee to the gut which sends down Plague. Still refusing to quit though he rushes Cletus and shoves him into the ringpost. Pisson is staggered and leans there a moment which gives Plague enough time to grab a nearby steel chair and...OH MY GOD! He just smashed Pisson's head between the steel chair and the steel ring post! It sounds like high noon in the church tower out here! Pisson falls to the ground limp as Plague covers him...1...2...3! Plague has beaten Cletus Pisson!

Ichabod: Cletus served his purpose. Look at Plague, he's pathetic. He's trying to wipe the blood from his eyes with the hands that are caked in it themselves. And he has three more men to go through before he can even THINK about getting in the ring with me. Ha.

Plague looks over at Ichabod and mouths "Your number's coming up" and then walks towards the ramp where he thinks Draven will be entering. Draven however blindsides him from the crowd with a spear off the barrier! Plague is sent down hard but picked back up almost immediately be Draven. Draven givse Plague a vicious jackhammer on the outside followed up by a quick pin....1...2...Kickout by Plague! Draven lets him lay there on the floor and goes under the ring to get a fire extinguisher. He sprays the downed Plague with the extinguisher as he stands up. Draven runs at him but Plague ducks him and then grabs him with a belly to belly supplex. MY LORD! Plague just tossed Draven right over his head, back first into the apron! That almost broke Draven in two! Azagthoth is left upside down, leaning on the ring. Plague grabs a steel chair and dropkicks it into Draven's face! Plague picks Draven up by the head and sets him up for what looks to be a Dominator...Instead of smashing him on the ground though, Plague drapes Draven over the barrier, with half of his opponents body just hanging there. Plague then hops up on the barrier and drops an elbow across the back of his opponent's head, sending Draven flipping back to the floor.

Ichabod: This is getting ridiculous.

With that note of disgust with his stablemate, Ichabod begins to walk, with title in hand, towards where Plague stands over Draven. Ichabod taps him on the shoulder and just as Plague turns around takes a shot at the gash on his forehead with that HC strap! My god! Plague went down like a sack of rocks! This isn't a gauntlet match, it's a Handicap match! Ichabod walks back over to the anounce table and sits down calmly.

Ichabod: There, now Draven just has to finish him off.

Draven finally manages to crawl over to Plague as the referee counts the easy win. 1...2...3 NO! NO! PLAGUE KICKED OUT! How is he doing this?! Ringside is PAITNED in his blood yet he's somehow managing to kickout. Draven is absolutely livid, he drags Plague back into the ring and drives knees into his forehead where the blood portrudes from. Draven picks him up and points at Ichabod as the champ smiles, knowing his stablemate is about to end this. Draven puts Plague in the air for the Corpsegrinder....but Plague floats over his shoulders! But he doesn't land on the mat, instead he pushes off the top turnbuckle and then comes back down with a stunner! DARKNESS FALLS! Cover...1...2..3! Plague has beaten Draven! Plague stands up on the second rope and points at the Hardcore Champ who stands up at the anounce table. Ichabod gets on the microphone.

Ichabod: You've fought valiantly, Plague but unforunately, it doesn't matter! You still have TWO former world champs to go through! ANd

Just then VP Smith comes on the IHWA Mayhem-tron.

VP Smith: Well there's some bad news and some good news. Unfortunately it's all bad for Ichabod and all good for Plague. Wicked D is still in the hospital, nursing that broken hand, among other injuries. And as for Asylum...

Before Smith can finish his sentence the lights go out in the arena and Asylum's music hits. The crowd lets out an enormous round of boos as they await Asylum's arrival. But the lights come back on and Plague is standing in front of the anounce table where Ichabod is, pointing a bat at the champion. Before either of them move, the VP finishes his statement.

VP Smith: And as for Asylum, he's still locked up. It's Plague vs Ichabod in an Inferno match!

With that the Mayhem-tron turns back to showing the competitors as Ichabod leaps across the anounce table and into Plague! Plague drops his bat as the two are unloading on each other! The challenger is wearing a crimson mask but still going blow for blow with the champ! Meanwhile, a ring crew is setting up the ring surroundings for the Inferno match. We have to take a break!

Fade to commercial for "Dr.Scholl's Gel Inserts." "I"m so gellin' I'm like Magellan." A few other commercial spots and fade back in to Mayhem.

It looks like we returned just in time to see Ichabod turning Plague inside out with a short arm clothesilne! The ring crew appears to have finished up and needs only to ignite the flames now! Ichabod walks over to the Swahili anounce table and tears a small TV monitor out of it! He walks over to Plague and smacks him square in the head with it. Ichabod then tosses the monitor in the ring, followed by a steel chair. It looks like the champ is loading up for this one. He picks Plague up again by the hair and Irish whips him into the stairs but Plague manages to absorb most of it with his shoulder. Ichabod quickly runs at him but is met with a back body drop over the steel stairs and onto the floor on the other side! Plague catches his breath for a moment before picking up the steel stairs and then dropping them mercilessly on top of the champ. Plague wipes blood from his eyes with his forearms now and hobbles over to the anounce table where he dropped his baseball bat. He picks it up, tosses it into the ring and walks back over to where Ichabod is but gets met by a dropkick from...CLETUS PISSON?! Cletus Pisson is back up and pounding on Plague! This is ridiculous! Pisson rolls him into the ring and then goes to help Ichabod up but Ichabod slaps his hands away and shoves him back. Ichabod rolls into the ring and it looks like the Inferno is about to get underway. The Champ takes advantage of Cletus' attack and slaps a blatant chokehold onto Plague. Ichabod then drags his opponent over to the steel chair and pulls him up to his feet, setting up for a Pedigree. NO! Plague reverses it with a back body drop, sending Ichabod DANGEROUSLY close to those flames! Those flames must be at the waists of our competitors and RIGHT on the edge of the ring, replacing the ropes.

Plague picks up the steel chair he's left standing on and grabs Ichabod's ankle and puts it IN the chair. Plague then JUMPS on the legs of the chair, putting TREMENDOUS pressure on Ichabod's ankle! Plague continues to jump relentlessly! Finally Ichabod kicks the chair off his ankle and then reaches down and clutches the joint. Plague takes full advantage, slapping on a standing ankle lock. He finally lets the ankle lock go and awaits Ichabod' return to his feet. The Champ does so but heavily favors that right ankle. Plague nails him with a few right hands but Ichabod doubles him over with a knee to the gut followed by a gordbuster. Ichabod grabs the nearby monitor that he threw in earlier and throws it at Plague. It hits his flesh with a thud but Plague gets back up slowly and tosses it back at Ichabod who readily side-steps the throw as the monitor lands square in the flames and...BOOM! IT EXPLODED! Both competitors smile at the impending pain one of them faces. Ichabod grabs Plague and locks in a fisherman's supplex and nails it...1...2....3...4...5...This one would be well over but to win, you must set your opponent on fire! Ichabod picks him back up into a fireman's carry position and then sends him down with a front face pancake. Ichabod is in control and picks Plague up with a hand on his throat...The Champ tightens his grip on his opponent's jugular but Plague spits in his eye and nails him with a knee to the groin! Then he drags him over to the steel chair and nails a piledriver on top of it! Good god! Plague points to the flames and looks to whip the champ into them but it's reversed! Plague to the very edge of the ring! The flames are almost nipping at his extremeties and Plague works to keep his balance. Ichabod runs to shove him into the flames but Plague turns around meets him with a right hand. Another....A third....NO! Blocked by Ichabod....Kick to the gut by the champ...B*tch Thump! Stunner!

Plague is out cold! He's absolutely laid out on the mat but Ichabod is hobbling on that bad ankle and still nursing a small lump on his head from that piledriver on the steel chair. Ichabod is screaming at his opponent, pointing a finger in his face. The Champ picks up Plague and drags him towards the flames, he's going to end it...Ichabod stands Plague up and SHOVES HIM INTO THE FLAMES! What?! Plague didn't catch fire! He swayed out through the flames and back into Ichabod but he's not on fire! Ichabod looks puzzled but just rocks P with another right hand and then grabs him by the hair and shoves his head into the flames! Ichabod gets shoved back though as Plague survived the flames yet again! How?! This isn't possible! Plague passed through those red-hot flames not once but twice and didn't catch fire! Ichabod doesn't know what to do...he charges the challenger but gets met with a spinebuster. Plague walks solemnly over to his baseball bat and pulls something out of his's some sort of a rag. He ties it around the bat and then swings the bat through the flames. Holy hell, Plague has a fire bat! Ichabod has his back turned and gets met with a homerun swing to the head! The Champ is down and out! Plague then holds the bat like he's about to impale the champ with a downward thrust and holds it to Ichabod's body until...MY LORD ICHABOD IS ON FIRE! PLAGUE HAS DONE IT! PLAGUE HAS UPSET THE HARDCORE CHAMPION! Suddenly the flames surrounding the ring go out and there are EMTS on the scene, extinguishing the flame that ignited on Ichabod's torso as he rolls around in pain. The EMTS then move in to assess the damange to both competitors as Draven and Cletus storm the ring. They efficiently clear the medical personnel out of the ring with a few rights and lefts leaving three Henchmen and one newly crowned Hardcore Champion in the ring. Draven and Cletus size up Plague, who stills holds a flaming baseball bat in hand. The duo looks at each other, then rushes in with a COMPLETE disregard for their own well being. Plague manages to get a shot in to Draven but Cletus sends him to the mat and the bat rolls out of the ring where the scattering EMTS quickly put it out. Cletus begins GNAWING on that open wound of Plague's on his forehead as Draven is back up and putting the boots to his midsection. The pick him up and drag him towards the Yoruba anounce table. Ichabod is back up now, though holding the severe burns on his torso. The former champ walks over to the anounce table and grabs Plague in a piledriver-ready position while his stablemates each grab a leg and...SPIKED PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE ANOUNCE TABLE! OH MY LORD! Plague is left laying in a heap of destruction as Ichabod picks up the Hardcore Title and a microphone.

Ichabod: You see this, right here Plague? This is official property of HELL'S HENCHMEN and, more specifically, THE ORIGINAL ICHABOD....

Backstage we see Mike Cole with former Texas Ranger and IHWA newcomer "Southern Justice" Samual Boone.

MC: Welcome to the IHWA Samual, many people have been anticipating your debut which is going to be next week.

SB: Well ain't that some good news to hear. I've been watchin this stuff for years and I couldn't wait ta back my bags and get up here to the IHWA. I've been taking on all types of freaks, low lifes, and scum buckets as a ranger down in Texas, but now I get to tame some of the biggest bulls right here in the IHWA. I look forward to kickin plenty of ass.

MC: Well you look as if you can handle your own in a fight Mr. Boone.

SB: Hell ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until next week...everyone will know the name of Samual Boone and my brand of "Southern Justice"...YEE HAW!!

Cole looks a bit frightened by the big Texan as we head back to the ring.

Julius Mantra and Jace Silver vs "Mean" Mike Smith and Triple A

The music of Todd Inc. plays as Mean Mike and Triple A are walked out by their manager Todd. The boos are louder than last week as this trio walks to the ring with revenge on their minds. "Perfect Strangers" plays as Jace Silver walks out to a ENORMOUS POP from the fans this native Brit looks more than ready to get it on as he waits for his partner. Many think that Mantra won't even show up due to his recent interviews. but would he leave someone hanging? Silve waits at the bottom of the ramp as Mantra's name is called....seconds go Mantra...a third Matra. Jace says screw it and jumps in the ring by himself and attacks both men. He tosses Triple A out of the ring and starts to battle it out with MM. he whips him to the ropes and delivers a back body drop. Triple A comes from behind though and levels JS. Mm catches him with a super sidewalk slam and puts him on the mat. TA walks out as the ref yells at him, and now we have a 2 on 1 situation. Todd just laughs at the events at hand. MM tosses JS into the corner and runs in with a big splash. JS falls to the mat as MM stomps away at his back and head. He scoops him up with a gorilla press slam and tags in TA. Triple A hits a russian leg sweep followed by a running knee drop. He l;ifts him up for the vertical suplex and covers him...1..2..JS kicks out. All of a sudden JONOTHAN runs to the ring and hops on the apron and tells the ref that he will be his partner. The ref says no due to the contracts that were signed. Jono starts to yell at the ref, but now MM and TA are double teaming JS. Jono jumps down and stays at ringside anyways. JS is alone in this one. Mean Mike hits a side suplex and hooks the leg...1...2..JS kicks out again. MM goes for a short arm clothesline but Jace turns it into the Cut Off (Cobra Clutch). The fans erupt, but Triple comes in and stops the momentum. JS pulls himslef and lands a spinebuster on MM. He hits a snapr suplex and then a falling headbutt to MM. He picks him up and snap slams him on the canvas as he climbs to th etop for a frog splash. He covers, but TA is there to stop it. JS drop kicks TA off the apron and goes right back after Mean Mike. He kicks him in the gut and hits a unprettier...he covers...1..2..Mm kicks out at a close 2 count. JS goes to the top again, but Triple A is there and PUSHES him off. Silver falls to the outside and LANDS INTO THE CROWD!!! Jono goes to help him out but is BLINDSIDED by a clothesline by Mean Mike. Todd is there and begins to level Jace with some right hands. he tosses him back into the ring where TA takes the place of Mean Mike. what a travesty this is I though Mantra wouldn't let Jace take the fall even if he didn't want to be in this match. Triple A hits a pedigree on Jace and covers him...1...2...JS kicks out, how he did it I will not know. TA lifts him up and piledrives him in the center of the ring. MM comes back in and scoops up JS....WRECKING MACHINE POWERBOMB!!!! That's it it's over.....TA covers...1.....2....JS PUTS HIS LEFT LEG ON THE ROPES!!!!

He is surviving and showing just how bad he wants this damn match. Wait a that...HERE COMES JULIUS MANTRA TO THE RING!!! The fans are going crazy as he gets on the apron and now he wants the damn tag. Mean Mike goes to attack Mantra, but JM pulls the top rope down and MM goes flying. JS makes the tag as Mantra rushes in after TA and spears him. He is pounding the head of Triple A and the fans are loving it. He sends him to the ropes and hits a TKO on Triple A. MM runs in the ring.....THE PROOF ON MEAN MIKE!!!! Jace is on the outside getting his breath back from the beating he took as JM cleans house in the ring. Triple grabs him from behind and hits a german suplex though and stops the frenzy. Triple A tosses him to the ropes and goes for a running shoulder block, but JM ducks it and quickly turns around to hit the PROOF on Triple A....the cover.....1....2...3...MY GOD THEY DID IT!!!!

Winners: Julius Mantra and Jace Silver

Jonothan and Jace Silver stand victorious in the ring, thanks to a little help from Julius Mantra. Jonothan asks for a microphone and gets it.

Jono: Well...It looks like our paths have crossed once again, Julius. Let's quit playing around and make this thing official; you, me and Jace Silver aren't just friends...we're not just 'looking out' for each other. We're partners.

Jonothan extends his hand towards Julius Mantra who looks down at it, then back up at Jonothan and hesitates. He's been in this position before and rejected the handshake....but this time he accepts! Jonothan smirks a bit as Jace Silver looks on, pleased. Jonothan hands Silver the mic.

Silver: Welcome, Julius and welcome IHWA to the beginning of a return to what the IHWA once was! Welcome to the beginning of a revolution! We aren't going ot allow men like the Henchmen and Team Five Star to run amuck unchecked. You will not only be put in check, but you may be put into body bags!

Mantra: My new allies here sound like they mean business. In fact, I konw they do. The three of us are going to be an onslaught of pain, suffering, and misfortune for all those with moral debts that need paying. We are now the thorn in the are now the KNIFE in the HEART of all that is evil in the IHWA. We've already DESTROYED Todd Inc on various occassions and that's just the beginning.

Jonothan: Tonight is the last night the IHWA is going ot have to witness a backwoods, mouth-breathing, cousin-kissing piece of trash like Ichabod PRETEND to know what Hardcore is about and then STEAL the title from a man that defeated him fair and square. The King of Hardcore is prepared for a return to the throne and for anyone that stands in his way, it IS NOT going to be pretty.

Silver: Wicked D and Asylum are both out of the IHWA right now yet their Tag Title reigns continue? This isn't the way things are done in the IHWA. Champions should be fighting ones and battles should be valiant ones. The United States title has been dormant for far too long to boot! It must take quite the favors from the Front Office to insure that title bouts aren't scheduled, it must take quite the STROKE to know that you can just sit on your gothic a**es and be PAPER CHAMPIONS. The dark cloud that you've all cast over the IHWA has lasted far too long. It's time for everyone to see the Silver Lining.

Mantra: Oh let's not forget our friends in Team Five Star. Alec, you may be licking your wounds for now but I'm sure you're not too busy to kiss a little a** to try and get your title reign softened just like these other goons. Or maybe you just want to make an AMAZING title run like Bastian Xane against no-talent a**-clown competitors the whole time! Xane, Monster, RoidRager, whatever you want to all yourself, you haven't had one CHALLENGE yet in the IHWA. You've been able to walk around here with a chip on your shoulder the size of Texas and no one's touched it yet. That ends here. You're looking at the man who's going to widdle that chip down to the size of your grapefruits afterall those years of steroids.

Jonothan: The Revolution begins here, Henchmen...Five Star. The Onslaught cometh and it looks like this.

With that Jonothan drops the microphone and holds his hands out, displaying his newfound allies. A new and dangerous alliance is borne here on IHWA Mayhem! I can't wait until next week..until then..goodnight everyone.