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We are live and we come on the air only to see Wicked D and Asylum lead the rest of the Henchmen out to the ring. They climb in and Asylum takes the mic.

Asylum: Tonight is the night that WE, the Henchmen run rampant over this place and decimate it. Come on out everyone.

Just then Shaolin, T-Mo, J-A, Phantom, Will Murray, Plauge, and Skimmy Hirozowa come out and step into the ring opposite everyone of the Henchmen.

Wicked D: Now, this is our army of misfit warriors. And like all warriors, you must prove yourself first. Fall in, stand in line facing us. Now each of you will suffer PYRE's NIPPLE TWIST.

Just then Pyre runs into the ring and goes down the line Nipple Twisting each person. He goes back again and Nipple Twists them relentlessly. Pyre backs off and Nipple Twists Shaolin one last time before exiting.

Wicked D: Good, you all took it well, Now stand up and listen. Tonight, when you are called on come out and we will CONQUER this front office.

With that D drops the mic and exits the ring. Asylum and company follow in tail as the new guys are all left in the ring shaking their heads in appreciation.....

Anna vs T-Mo

The first match is about to get underway here at this week's installment of IHWA Mayhem! "Steel Dragon" by Wasted Generation takes over the loudspeaker the man formerly known as the "bad ass" steps out from behind the curtain. T-Mo makes his way to the ring with a moderately positive reaction from the crowd. Next, "Dust" by Cypress Hill blares over the loudspeaker and the newcomer, Anna, heads to the ring with ex-boyfriend Phantom. This five foot six, 125 pound beauty gets a very warm reaction from the overwhelmingly male audience in the arena but doesn't seem to have much hope for a win as she gives up 13 inches and well over 100 pounds to her opponent! She steps into the ring daintily between the bottom two ropes but T-Mo already puts the boots to her! T-Mo yanks her up by her blonde hair then scoop slams her back to the mat. Early pin....1...2...kickout by Anna but just barely. T-Mo chuckles a bit to himself and whips her off the ropes and drives her to the mat with a back elbow. He drops a leg across her throat...and another before picking her back up. He gorilla presses the frail woman rather easily up over his head....he holds her there...longer...longer still....T-Mo doesn't even look like he's exerting any effort...suddenly, Anna wriggles out and catches his head on the way down...WHAT A DDT! Pin by kickout by T-Mo! T-Mo can't believe he let her get that as both contenders are up on their feet...She slaps T-Mo in the face unexpectedly as his eyes light up with rage. She tries to again but this time he catches it and then cleans her clock with a lariat. Anna is all but out cold and T-Mo calls for the "No-More," hoisting her on his shoulders with ease. He's turn around, taunting each area of the crowd but Phantom hops up on the apron, causing T-Mo to get distracted and set Anna down without completing his finisher. T-Mo walks over towards Phantom but Anna seizes the opportunity to hit him with the Tompson 45! Pin by the newcomer...1...2...3! Phantom hits the ring and hugs Anna as she celebrates her stolen victory! "Dust" hits again and they make their way backstage.

Plauge vs Jay Miller

Jay Millers music begins to play and teh fans go nuts for this IHWA veteran. he gets in the ring as he hits the ropes loosening up for his opponent Plauge. Plauge walks out to all HEAT as he walks down the ramp with a stern look on his face. He slides in the ring and immediatly attacks Miller. The bell sounds, but Plauge is all over him. He sends JM to the ropes and delivers a gorilla press into a falling powerslam with some very massive power. Plauge starts to pound on the head of JM, but JM fires back with some quick rights and lefts. They stun Plauge as Miller hits the ropes, and slides through the legs of the big man. he hits a standing spinning head scissors and then a dropkick right to the mouth. JM jumps on Plauge, but Plauge falls back and uses the top rope to clothesline JM. Miller flies off of him and catches a leg drop to his neck. Plauge lifts him up with a twisting scoop slam and a knee to the face. Plauge uses his heel to twist at the cheek of JM as the ref tries to pull him off. Plauge pushes the ref out of the way, but Jm kicks up and kicks Plauge in the gut. he bounces off the ropes and delivers a spinning neckbreaker and goes for the cover...1..2...Plauge kicks out at 2. JM hits the ropes and stomps away at the knees of Plauge and then delivers a twist of fate to the dark one. He climbs to the top and comes off with a blockbuster neckbreaker to put the big man on the mat. JM goes back up top and comes off with a frog splash elbow drop executed perfectly. he hooks the leg, but Plauge kicks out again at 2. JM goes for a snap suplex and hits it, he goes for another, but Plauge blocks it and turns it into a gourd buster. He picks JM up and drops him face first in the corner for a snake eyes. JM falls back and runs into a shoulder block by Plauge. Plauge whips him into the ropes and delivers a inverted side suplex. JM lands on his gut and holds his ribs as Plauge splashes him on the ground. Plauge hits a pump handle slam but this time just lets him fly over his shoulder and JM l ands on his ribs again. Plauge stomps away at the stomach and ribs of Miller as JM tries to cover up. Plauge lifts him up and goes for a spinebuster, but JM turns it into a tornado DDT> Miller staggers up and goes to the top, but Plauge gets up and falls on the top rope causing Miller to fall on the top turnbuckle. Plauge sees this opportunity and NAILS the Darkness Falls (Stunner from the top). he hooks the leg...1...2..3.

Winner: Plauge

After the match is ended and the wrestlers leave the ring and make their way to the back, Cradle of Filth's "Nocturnal Supremacy" Comes on the PA sytem and the entire Hell's Henchmen line up walks out. Wicked D and Asylum lead the charge followed by Ichabod, Draven, and Cletus Pisson. They enter the ring and each just stand there. Asylum calls for a mic.

Asylum: You know, it's time. Time for our army of misfit wrestlers to take over and over throw this unjust system of biased megalomanical Office.

Wicked D: Not only is it our time to show everyone just how far the extent of our power reaches, but to show everyone that with numbers comes great strength and that these people can't be held down any longer. Now, VP Dustman, I'm calling you and VP Smith out right now.

VP Dustman and VP Smith walk out and come down to the ring. They step inside the ring and speak.

VP Dustman: Is there....something we can help you with.

Asylum: Yeah, you know we, the Henchmen have been organizing a little army over these past few weeks. And here they are.

Just then Shaolin, Phantom, Will Murray, T-mo, J-A, Plauge, and Skimmy Hirozowa walk out. They enter the ring and stand there facing the two Office Members.

VP Dustman: You call this an army? This is a disgrace to the wrestling world.

Wicked D: HAHAHA, you see. We are the most powerful now and always have been. There is nothing we can't do and no one that can stop us.

Asylum: It's guys like you that have been holding us back, making us look bad. Always running around saying this and that, acting like you run the place when WE OWN IT.

Wicked D: Precisly, it's time you realized just who owns who.

VP Smith: You're right, but what can anyone do about it?

VP Dustman: I can tell you what they can do about it. They can do exactly as they planned and attack.

Wicked D: You heard him Henchmen....Attack

Just then the Henchmen move forward. Draven, Asylum, Wicked D, Ichabod, and Cletus move in as the new guys inch forward on the other side of the Front Office. Suddenly, The Henchmen run at them......BUT WAIT, they brushed right past the Front Office and are attacking the ARMY THAT THEY CREATED. The Henchmen are destroying the men that THEY led into battle. Draven and Ichabod are fighting against T-Mo, J-A, and Will Murray. Those three aren;t standing a chance against the team of Draven and Ichabod. Shaolin, Phantom, Will Murray and Plauge are trying to survive against Wicked D, Asylum, and Cletus Pisson. They are being beaten and battered here. These guys didn't stand a chance. The Henchmen are now piling them on top of each other in the center of the ring. Wicked D grabs the mic.

Wicked D: Pathetic, what actually made any of you think we would like such weaklings like the lot of you into our group of Elite Warriors? And to think, that so many of you thought that we were going to HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. There was nothing that could get us to help any of you.

VP Dustman: He's right, and here's another thing. This was all just a ploy to see who would actually challenge us, the Front Office. Now that we know just who challenges us, expect to hear from us in the future. Now, Shaolin I have something special for you. You dare to come into my office and DEMAND ANYTHING. Who are you to think you can do such. Stand him up

Draven and Ichabod grab Shaolin from the top of the pile and stand him up. VP Dustman moves in closer.

VP Dustman: You want to challenge my authority, you want to burst into my office and DEMAND THINGS. You'll pay.

VP Dustman kick Shaolin in the stomack and plants him with what seems to be a modified DDT. VP Dustman is up.

VP Dustman: Don't ever come into my office again unless I ask you too.

Dustman drops the mic and he and Smith exit the ring leaving the Henchmen in the ring with the group of wrestlers that were just destroyed. The Henchmen are laughing as they leave the ring and the show fades to a close on the heap of broken wrestlers.

Triple A vs Shaolin

Shaolin is already in the ring from what just happened. He turned some heads last week with his performance against Jace Silver with his exciting wrestling style. But the cheers go to boos as Todd brings out Triple A, the Assassin Aaron Answers. This man has promised to be the next ICON of the IHWA. I think Cobra will have something to say about that sooner or later. Let's see what Triple A has to offer. Both men are in the ring as the bell rings and they lock up, Answers arm drags Shaolin into the corner and gets up smiling as he does the Kurt Angle turn (hopping on one foot with arms out). Shaolin is in pain as they lock up again, Triple A goes for another, but Shaolin lands on his feet and lands a reverse jump kick in the chest of Triple A then grabs his own head in pain, obviously from earlier. Answers gets up and charges at Shoalin, but catches a drop toe hold to the mat as Shaolin walks over Triple A. Shaolin grimaces as Triple A rolls out the ring for some advice from Todd. Shaolin fakes a plancha, but Tripl;e A grabs him by both legs and pulls him to the outside and tosses him into the post. He grabs Shaolin by the head and slams him into the steps several times before body slamming him into the steel post. It looks as if triple A has a violent streak in him as he suplexes Shaolin on the floor. He tosses him in the ring and drives an elbow into his chest. He starts to strangle Shaolin and then whips him into the ropes for a running clothesline. Triple A hits a vertical suplex and then applies a painkiller arm bar. He has Shaolin screaming in pain, but the youngster manages to get to the ropes some how. Triple A drives the knee into the arm of Shaolin and then lifts him up by his arm and tosses him into the corner. Shaolin lands on his feet again and catches him with a spin wheel kick. He drops Triple A to the mat, and then lands a standing moonsault. He goes to the top rope and hits a frog splash from the top...hooks the leg...1...2....Triple A kicks out. Shaolin hits a leg whip and then a whipping elbow off the ropes. He scoop slams Triple A and goes back to the top rope. he comes off with a corkscrew elbow and drives into the chest of A. A cover...1...2..A kicks out. Shaolin whips him into the ropes and bounces off the other side, but Todd grabs his foot. Shaolin goes to grab Todd, but Triple A catches him with a forearm to the back of the head and then drops him with a Scorpion Deathdrop. He delivers a brainbuster and goes for the cover..1....2..Shaolin kicks out. Triple A tosses him to the ropes and backbody drops him to the OUTSIDE of the ring. Triple A follows him to the outside as Todd tries to distract the ref while Triple A grabs a chair, but JULIUS MANTRA jumps from out of the crowd and attacks Triple A....the PROOF on the outside. Here comes MEAN MIKE!!! He tackles Mantra to the floor as both men start to battle on the outside and into the crowd. The ref tries to get some order as Todd rolls both Shaolin and Triple A to the inside of the ring. Todd screams for Triple A to get up, but Shaolin picks him up. Low blow by Triple A and then a JUMPING DDT. He covers Shaolin...1...2...3. Triple A picks up Shaolin again and PILEDRIVES him and then spits on him as he raises his hand in victory.

Winner: Triple A

Backstage we see Wicked D walking towards what seems to be the offices of the VP's until we see Cobra and Jason Perry walking in front of him.

Cobra: Clever ploy D, nice way to make friends with all the new guys.

Perry: That's all the Henchmen need, more enemies.

WD: Like we wanna make friends and we live off the anger of enemies, and come this Sunday, you'll need Perry's shoulder to cry on after I TAKE that title away from you.

Cobra: Piss of D, before we make sure you don't make it to Sunday.

D laughs as he CLOBBERS Jason Perry and swings at Cobra, Wicked MISSES and his hand SLAMS into the cement wall. It just crumbles, my God I think it's broken his hand hangs limp like. D turns around to get CLOTHESLINED by Perry. D is slamed into the wall and Cobra catches him with a COBRA DROP ON THE CEMENT!! Cobra is jumping and putting his knees into D's ribs as Perry pulls out a Lead Pipe and is beating him all over his body. D lays there trying to pull himself back up as Cobra picks up his World Title.

Cobra: I know that had to hurt D, better bandage that up or you won't make it to Sunday.

Cobra and Perry walk off but not before D mounts one final attack and attacks them and succeds in knocking Cobra to the concrete but Perry was too fast in D's already weak condition and knocks him back again with one final blow to D's head with the lead pipe. Cobra is up and kicks D one last time but as they disappear ALEC DIABLO comes from out of one of the break rooms and sees D pulling himself up.

AD: That doesn't look to well hahahha.

D: Why don't you take a closer look at it.

Wicked NAILS Diablo with his broken hand...IS HE CRAZY??? He starts to pound the head of one of the challengers into the concrete as he continues to punch away at Diablos head. He sees Bastian Xane running down the hall, and goes to meet him. But as he gets up he is CRACKED from behind in the head with a steel chair courtesy of Wolf. D stumbles as blood comes out of his head, and he stumbles right into a SPINE BUSTER ON THE CONCRETE FROM BASTIAN XANE!!!! MY GOD HIS BODY WAS JUST BROKEN ON THE DAMN CEMENT!!! Diablo picks up Wicked....

AD: Forget about your title shot you bastard.

AD is going for the FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME, but D fights him off and tries to choke out Diablo. Wolf and Bastian Xane attack D and get him off of Diablo. Wolf and Bastian Xane and Diablo are triple teaming him. D is good but damnit he's already beaten and they continue. Wolf and Alec are holding him against the cement wall as Xane runs at him. D kicks Diablo off and pulls Wolf in Xanes way. Diablo knocks D in the head with the Steel Chair that Wolf brought and keeps beating him....HERE COME THE HENCHMEN!!! 5 Star takes off as Wicked D drops to his knees a bloody mess laughing from the pain. The VP's run out to see what is going on but Asylum just snarls at all of them as they back off. They pick up Wicked D and walk back to their dressing room. This doesn't look good at all for one of the challengers...let's take a look at those replays (we see D smashing his hand against the wall, then getting hit with a Cobra drop, then a chair to the back of the head, then a spine buster on the cement and several other attacks) We will let you know D's condition as soon as we find out. It's one thing to get on the Henchmens bad side, but to piss them off?? That's all we need, angry Henchmen running around causing more trouble. We should find out something after this commercial.

Jace Silver vs Will Murray

We're ready for the next match up here on IHWA Mayhem and it's sure to be a great contest. "Choke" by Will Haven hits the speakers and Will Murray steps out for this streetfight and he has come prepared! He's pushing an entire shopping cart full of hardcore goodies but...but those don't look like they're traditional hardcore goodies...I see...a microwave...a painting...mounted deerhead?! I don't even know what Will Murray has in mind with all that. He throws his hands up in the air, awaiting cheers from the crowd, who meets him with nothing but muffled chatter as they ask "Who is this guy?" to each other. Murray shrugs and continues to saunter down to the ring apathetically. As he reaches the ring though the crowd lets out a sudden roar. Murray looks around, surprised that they're cheering him...but is met with a running forearm from Jace Silver that sends him toppling over his own hardcore shopping cart, spilling its insides all over the concrete floor. Silver looks down at all the hardcore possiblities then decides to throw Murray in the ring instead. Jace then hops up on the apron and slingshots himself over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha on top of Murray. Murray gets back to his feet quick enough but is met with a picture perfect dropkick to the chin, sending him sprawling to the ropes. Murray comes back with an attempted clothesline but has it ducked...Jace hooks his arms...legs over the other shoulder....crucifix pin...1...2....kickout by Murray...Both men are back up and Murray rushes him...arm drag by Silver....another one....Silver looks for a hiptoss this time but has it blocked....He knees Murray and hooks his leg over the back of his head...famouser...NO! Murray stands up and sends Silver flying...but he lands on his feet with a backflip! Eyerake by Murray!
Will finally gets the upperhand in the match-up and begins bludgeoning his opponent with forearms to the back of head, aptly using his size advantage. Murray pulls Silver back up and then whips him into the corner and follows with a shoulder to the gut. Silver stumbles out of the corner and is irish whipped into the ropes. Murray's clothesline is ducked and as Jace bounces off the opposite ropes Murray slides out of the ring in a cowardly fashion...but Silver just keeps coming! Murray has his back turned and doesn't see Jace coming with a suicide dive through the ropes....NO! He DID see him coming and met him with a picture frame to the skull, leaving shattered glass all over the concrete floor! Murray then grabs the mounted deerhead is just beating the downed Silver with it. Murray now grabs the broom and sweeps some of the tiny pieces of glass that seem to be everywhere over towards his opponent then cracks the broom over Silver's back, breaking it in two. Murray then walks over to the time keeper and kicks him out of his chair, intending to put it to a good use of his own.
Murray stalks his opponent but Silver is back up and sends the shopping cart into his opponents midsection with the cart landing on its side. Murray gathers himself though and comes with the chair again...Silver runs and jumps off the shopping cart and dropkicks the chair into Murray's face! What a move! Silver picks up Murray and gets a nice small package....1.....2....KICK OUT by Murray but just barely! Silver decides he's going to get hardcore on his opponent and walks past the Sanskrit Anounce Table and over to the bellringer...Meanwhile Murray has dragged himself back over to the shopping cart and picked up...I guess that's a frying pan....Silver has the bell and is coming for Murray....Murray is playing dead, laying on top of the frying pan. Just as Silver swings the bell, Murray lunges upward and swings the frying pan! They cold-cocked each other! Both men are down! Nobody is moving...Hell, they don't even look like they're breathing! The referee already started the mandatory ten count, it's already at 6....7...Wait, Jace Silver looks like he's going to situp....8...He has his shoulders off the ground!....9...He's up on one knee but collapses down on top of Will Murray! The ref has no choice but to count the pin....1...2...3...The ref raises the hand of the unconscious Jace Silver and calls for the bell which doesn't ring because it's laying under one of the downed competitors....We'll be right back after this commercial break...

Hardcore Tag Team Match
Draven and Ichabod vs Angel and X-Factor

"Forsaken" by Disturbed plays as two of the Henchmen walk out to nothing but hate and boos. Ichabod and Draven look ready for a hardcore battle as they are dressed in tattered jeans and white cut offs with their fists taped. Before they can even get to the ring the team of Angel and X rush them from behind dressed in similar clothes. Angel cracks DA in the back of the head with a trash can lid as X holds a lamp in his hands and BASHES it over the head of the Original Ichabod. Ichabod goes down as the pieces of lamp fall off his head. Angel and X toss Draven in the ring as they grab a table and slide it into the ring. The whip DA into the ropes and CLOTHESLINE him with the table. Angel sets it up and POWERBOMBS Draven through the table. The fans are screaming their heads off as the Henchmen are getting some of their own medicine right now, but here comes a bloody Ichabod with a ice pick in his hand. Where in the hell did he get that? He jabs X right in the arm as blood trickle from his arm. Angel grabs Ichabod, but DA low blows him. Ichabod drags him out of the ring and begins to jam that pick into the head of Angel ala the Original Sheik (R.I.P). The fans are horrified at the insanity of the Henchmen. They leave Angel laying in a pool of his own blood as they stomp on X-factor. They double suplex him on the remains of the broken table and cover him...1..2..X kicks out. How? I do not know, but he has always been one of the toughest guys in this federation. X starts fight back, but Draven DDT's him on a piece of the table. Angel staggers up and grabs Ichabod by his throat and CHOKESLAMS HIM INTO THE STEPS FROM THE APRON!!! Ichabod lays on the ground and ANGEL JUMPS OFF THE APRON WITH A GIANT SPLASH!!! The BIG MAN just splashed Ichabod on the floor. He had to of broke some ribs with that move. The fans can't believe it as both men are on the floor a bloody mess. Draven is the only man not bleeding so far as he puts X on the top rope and SUPERPLEX's him to teh center of the ring. Drave goes outside and grabs barrel of HARDCORE weapons from under the ring. He pics up a computer keyboard and smashes it over the head of X-Factor. Keys fly everywhere as X lays on the ground. On the other side CLETUS PISSON is beating up on Angel and has him locked in the GATOR VICE!!!! Ichabod is leaning the on the steps holding his ribs trying to gets his wits back. Draven tosses in a shovel and a steel tray as he slides in the ring. He gets in and gets his head taken off by X and the shovel. X then slams it on his head and picks up the steel tray. He springboards off the ropes and to the outside as he SLAMS Cletus in the head with the tray. He slides back in, but Ichabod spears him into a steel chair placed in the corner. Angel gets up and bodyslams Cletus into the crowd and grabs a IHWA camera....this is gonna cost him but he RAMS IT into the face of Draven. You see the cameras view as it slams into his face and tumbles to the outside of the ring.
The fans are loving it as these men battle blood and soul for this match. Ichabod sets the chair up in the center of the ring and NAILS X with the Bitch Thump (Stunner) as X's throat lands on the edge of the chair. He's holding his neck, but Angel makes the save with a big boot that sends Ichabod over the ropes. Draven sneaks back in the ring with the camera and blasts Angel in the back. He hits a giant belly to back suplex as Angel lands head first on the chair. Draven covers Angel,...1..2...X kicks him in the head and delivers a x-factor to Draven on the steel tray. Ichabod looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder and slams it into the head of Angel on his way back in the ring. X turns around and high cross bodies Ichabod and crushes him under the ladder. He stomps Ichabod, but Draven is back up and bulldogs X into the middle turnbuckle. He sets him on the top rope and then picks the ladder off of his partner. They set up the ladder as Draven climbs to the top. Ichabbod puts X on his shoulders as Draven grabs him in a suplex position and SUPERPLEXES HIM OFF THE DAMN LADDER!!!!! GOOD GOD AND THERE AREN'T ANY TAG TITLES ON THE LINE EITHER!!! The crowd chants "HOLY SH!T" as all four men lay in the ring. Angel and Ichabod look on at the carnage of their partners as Ichabod goes to rush Angel, but Angel gets up and catches him with a running sidewalk slam. What power by Angel who went toe to toe with Bastian Xane last week for the TV title. Angel lifts Ichabod up and delivers a two handed chokeslam/sit down powerbomb onto the mat. What elevation by Angel as Ichabod holds the back of his head. Both X and Draven are still out of it as the ref checks on both men. Angel wastes no time and grabs Draven in his mighty right hand and calls for a chokeslam to HELL! But Ichabod slips on the outside of the ring and grabs a wooden guitar out of the barrel of hardcore as Angel CHOKESLAMS Draven INTO the standing ladder. But as he turns to acknowledge the fans he gets a GUITAR SHOT from the top as Ichabod lays him out while he plays what's left of the guitar. A cover...1....2....X MADE THE SAVE...I thought he was DEAD!!!! The fans are stunned with excitement as X staggers up to see Angel out of the ring and Draven out of the ring. X sets the ladder in the middle of the ring and calls for a X-TERMINATOR BOMB!!! He drags Ichabod up the ladder with him and the fans are calling for it, but CLETUS jumps back in the ring and KANE SHOTS X in the nuts. Ichabod grabs X and hits the BITCH THUMP OFF OF THE LADDER!!!! Cletus rolls Ichabod on X as the ref has to count....1....2....3. Damn what a match.

Winner: Ichabod and Draven

Draven and Ichabod aren't finished as they are tossing out Angel and X. The three Henchmen are standing in the ring as Draven grabs a mic.

Draven: Earlier, I saw my brother, Wicked D get slaughtered, but not without putting up a final fight. Ichabod and I have been not only best of friends, but Family to D. What happened earlier, WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED. I might be D's little brother, but look at my past and you'll see that I'm just as savage a verocious as D is. I'm not to be triffled with and Team Five star, Cobra and Perry are in my sights.

Ichabod: D and I have been on opposite sides a lot. Both friends and enemies. But never have I met ANYONE with as much destructive force as D, never has anything like what happened moments ago ever been done to D. What you guys did was clearly planned out it seems, eliminating the biggest threat. D could have easily done what you did single handidly. But oh, do you think this will stop D, oh no. If I know D and I DO. He will be back, and when he is up to full force, hellfire and destruction will trail in his wake.

The offices of VP Dustman and VP Smith...

Smith: So thats the match they agreed on?

Dustman: I guess so...brutal to say the least.

SMith: "Sigh" talk about some bad blood between these guys.

Dustman: It's official....a Hell in the Cell covered in BARBED WIRE for this Sundays's gonna be something else But now with Wicked D out of the picture, it looks like there's nothing I can do for him. The scene goes directly from the VP's to the hospital where the EMT's have taken D. He is being treated on several parts of his body, Michael Cole rushes in and pulls one of the doctors aside.

Cole: His condition, how is it?

Doc: Well, he's obviously tough.

Cole: yes I know that. What about his condition, what all is wrong.

Doc: Not sure right now, we are trying to clean all the blood off him so we can depict what's injured and what isn't. It's hard to tell, but I don't think he'll be walking anytime soon.

The Scene goes directly from the Hospital room to Alec Diablo's Dressing Room.

Alec: HAhahahaha, well well well. D is just human after all. And all this time everyone thought he was just invincible. Looks like he won't be the next World Champion after all.

xane/Wolf vs Perry and Cobra Team Five Star vs Cobra & "Devastator" Jason Perry

Pantera's classic metal anthem "Walk" hits the loudspeakers and the crowd give a massive, if not exactly positive, response to the current IHWA Television Champion Bastian Xane. The 6'5". 300 plus lbs monster stalks out onto the ramp with an emotionless look in his eyes. Xane stands and stretches his neck absorbing the mixed reaction from the crowd, the music fades away and is replaced with White Zombie's "Super Charger Heaven", Xane turns his head and smiles as his tag and stable partner Wolf walks out from the back. As Wolf reaches the big man Xane drops immeadiately into pace with Wolf and they share a few words before sliding into the ring. They stretch and the ref checks them over. The music of White Zombie is cut off and is replaced with Judas Priests' "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll", the reaction from the crowd is once again huge but very much negative towards Jason Perry, from the look on his face he really doesn't care though. He stops at the top of the ramp and mocks Xane by performing some over the top neck stretches and miming checking his watch till the music changes. Nine Inch Nail's "Mr Self Destruct" kicks in through the arena and the crowd erupts, the biggest response of the night is saved for the Champion, there's a fair mixtures of cheers and boo's for him as well. Cobra walks down to the ring with a smile on his face. Perry follows him down the ramp with a bigger smile looking directly at Bastian Xane, talking trash to him. Team Five Star retreat to their corner to allow Cobra and Perry into the ring, the ref gives them a rudimentry check for foreign objects and calls for the bell.

Cobra steps out of the ring onto the apron, looks like Perry will be starting the bout for his team. Wolf hops over the top rope and Bastian Xane advances on Perry. They lock up, Perry's got the size advantage over Xane but he's over thirty pounds lighter, and on Xane that's all muscle. Xane pushes Perry hard a good few feet back into a corner and hits a punch to Jason's gut. It doesn't faze Perry though who locks up with Xane again and when Xane tries to push him again Perry turns and throws Xane into the corner using his momentum against him. Perry backs up smiling and shouts something at Xane. Xane just advances and locks up again. They once again fight for leverage and Perry seems to come of best as he gets a headlock on Xane. The advantage is shortlived as Xane turns Perry and hits a Belly to Back Suplex. Xane quickly picks up Perry and whips him to the ropes. Back body drop from Xane and Perry goes down hard. Xane runs up and hits a quick elbow to Perry's chest. Dev rolls out of the ring for a few seconds and waits for Xane to back away. Xane backs up to the opposite ropes and streches a little. Perry rolls back in and smiles. They lock up agian. Go-behind form Perry. Perry rushes forwards and both of them hit the ropes. Xane tries to grab the ropes but Perry rolls him backwards. Perry rolls backwards and bridges over Xane. 1....2 Kickout. Way too early but a great move from Perry.
Xane rolls out of it and grabs Perry's arm before he can get up. Armbar from Xane. Perry quickly to his knees and Xane changes the move. La Magistral from Xane 1...2. A beautiful cradle roll up from Xane but not enough. Xane pulls Perry up and hits a Piledriver on him. Xane puls him up once more and whips him to the ropes. No it's a Short Arm Clothesline and Perry is down once more. This time Xane does whip Jason to the ropes. Cobra reaches over and tags Perry's back. Xane kicks Perry in the gut doubling him over. Xane puts Perry's head between his legs and lifts him up for a Powerbomb! Cobra's in the ring though and he hits a dropkick to Xane's chest while he's holding Perry above his head. Xane topples backwards and Perry lands on his chest before rolling out of the ring. Xane looks winded as Cobra picks him and takes him down with a Vertical Suplex. Cobra hops up to the second rop and delivers an Elbow down onto Xane's head. Xane gets out of the way though and rolls to his corner tagging The Wolf in. Cobra charges Wolf.
Wolf ducks the Clothesline and Cobra hits the ropes. Wolf leapfrogs Cobra and turns to meet him coming back. Samoan Drop from Wolf on the charging Cobra. Wolf hits a leg drop then moves back and waits for Cobra to attack again. Cobra jumps up and advances on Wolf. Cobra leans in but pulls back and draws Wolf with him. Cobra grabs his arm and sticks a standing arm bar on before spinning Wolf and grabbing him from behind. Reverse DDT from Cobra. Cobra holds on and rolls up then hits a second Reverse DDT before letting go. Cobra gets Wolf to his knees then kicks him in the ribs. Wolf is leaning backwards on his knees trying to focus and Cobra backs up a little. Low Dropkick to Wolf's head. Cobra is taking no prisoners tonight. The Champ picks Wolf up and hits a high kick to knock him back to the corner of the ring. Cobra hits a Stinger splash and lets Wolf stumble out of the corner. Cobra hits the ropes. Bulldog on Wolf. Nooo, Wolf slips out and grabs Cobra's head slamming it to the mat. Wolf climbs to his feet using the ropes and waits for Cobra to get to his feet. Kick to the gut of Cobra. Rocker Dropper from Wolf. Wolf goes for the pin. 1...2. Perry's in the ring and kicks Wolf off of Cobra. Perry throws Wolf out of the ring but is blindsided by Bastian Xane hitting a clothesline form behind. Cobra's on his knee's and hits a low blow on Xane from behind. The Champ gets to his feet and looks for Wolf who's struggling up on the outside. Cobra backs up a few steps then takes a little run up. SUICIDE DIVE! Cobra nails Wolf sending him into the guard rails. Cobra picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Xane and Perry have gone back to their respective corners.
Cobra pulls Wolf up and slaps him across the face before whipping him into his team's corner. Perry aims a few blows to Wolf's head. Cobra walks over nonchalantly and tags him. Perry climbs into the ring and whips Wolf to the ropes. Big Boot from Perry on Wolf. Wolf goes down hard. Perry picks him back up and puts Wolf's head between his legs. POWERBOMB! NOOO, it's a Hurricanrana from Wolf on Perry. Wolf rolls through and bridges for a pin attempt 1...2... Perry kicks out. Wolf quickly rolls to his corner and is tagged by Xane. Xane hops in and faces the still groggy Perry. Perry locks up and hits a Suplex on Xane who rolls through on landing and comes back off the ropes at Perry. Back Elbow from Perry knocks Xane down to the ground. Pair of Elbows from Perry onto Xane's body. Perry picks Xane up but Xane rakes Perry’s eyes and hits a big Side Slam on The Devastator. Xane lifts Perry up again and goes for a Chokeslam but Perry hits some back elbows then a knee to Xane's chest and The Devastator escapes and tries for TOTAL DEVASTATION! He gets Xane up but Cobra pulls his legs out from under him and he comes crashing down to the mat with Xane landing on top of him. Xane stays on top and hooks Perry's leg. 1....2... Perry once again just manages to kick out. Xane drags Perry over to the ropes and places him neck on the second rope before sitting on his back and choking Perry. The ref starts to count quickly. and Xane jumps off and pushes the ref away. Xane with a look of supreme confidence on his face backs up away from Perry and calls for him to get up. Perry's up and he comes at Xane, he swings a right and Xane ducks it before grabbing Perry and whipping him to the ropes, Perry hits them and bounces back. CAREER ENDER!!! Wolf jumps into the ring to intercept Cobra as Xane goes for the pin. 1.... Wolf doesn't even bother with a move and just runs straight into Cobra knocking him off course 2... Cobra turns back and tries to break up the pin 3.... It's over...

Winner by Pinfall - Team Five Star

Just as soon as the bell rings the Henchmen are running down to the ring. Draven is dragging his Spiked Table and Cletus, Ichabod, and Asylum and weilding Baseball bats. They slide into the ring and are immediatly attacking them all relentlessly. Asylum is beating Cobra without remorse. Draven is attacking Xane and Wolf while Cletus and Ichabod are on Perry. Alec Diablo runs down to the ring but Draven dives over the Top Rope into him knocking him into the gaurd rail. Ichabod and Cletus are beating Wolf and Xane with the baseball bats and Perry is being drug out of the ring by Draven. Asylum tosses Cobra over the top rope to the floor below. Asylum is now attacking Xane and Wolf with Ichabod and Pisson. Draven now has Perry stretched out on that Spiked Table. he hops back into the ring and the four of them roll out Xane and Wolf. Draven has just put Xane and Wolf onto that Spiked Table along with Perry, what is he thinking? He climbs back into the ring as Cletus exits with a Baseball bat and is attacking Diablo who is starting to get up. Draven, Ichabod and Asylum and standing in the ring. They run into the ropes, bounce off and OH MY GOD, ALL THREE OF THEM JUST JUMPED OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO XANE, WOLF AND PERRY. A TRIPLE SUICIDE DIVE ONTO THE THREE OF THEIR ENEMIES ON A SPIKED TABLE. HOW CAN THINGS GET ANY WORSE? Asylum and the rest of the Henchmen roll back into the ring and stare at their handy work when suddenly, the Titan Tron lights up and on it we see Wicked D in the hospital room with bandaging around his head and his hand and most of his body taped up.

Wicked D: Well, it looks like my opponents have succedded in eliminating me from next weeks match at the PPV. Applaude you Cobra and Diablo, you have taken out the threat in the match and I am now sitting here, unable to even stand at this moment. A Concusion, three broken ribs, two broken bones in my hand, a dislocated shoulder, a hyper extended elbow and massive bleeding. Congradulations, it took each and every one of you to do to me what I could do to any of you alone. So, you probably feel proud, feel like you've accomplished something in eliminating me. Well that you have, but. Wait, whats this, I'm still a competitor in that match, I still have a STIPULATION TO ADD TO THAT MATCH. Seeing as how I can;t be there, here is my stipulation VP Dustman, you had better make this happen....ASYLUM WILL WRESTLE IN MY PLACE AND HE WILL TAKE THE WORLD TITLE HOME. See, you may have gotten rid of me, but you got the Madman in my place now. It's Karma baby, and it started tonight with that small sample of vengence, it will continue with Asylum and it will end with me once I'm back on my feet