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We see last weeks crowning of a new Hardcore Champion in Wolf and then how he was ambushed by the Demons. We ten see the full scale war that erupted afterwards with Team 5 Star and the Demons as the Henchmen looked on.

The fireworks don't go off instead we see the blackness and the burning symbol of the Demons lights up. The lights cut back on and we see them standing in the middle of the ring.

We go backstage to see the Henchmen standing by their monitor as silent as ever as they give no clues as to what they are up to or when they will strike.

"The Real Deal Career Killer" Orlando Jackson vs Tyson, Tyrone, Taylor Sharpe

"Magic Stick" starts up and the crowd anticipates which version of TS will come out tonight, they start to cheer as TS comes out dancing and high fiving the must be Taylor Sharpe...the god guy. TS slides in the ring and starts to bust a move as he gets teh fans into it. "Cashmier" plays and TS immediatly stops dancing and goes into a mean hard stare. It's either Tyrone or Tyson now....Orlando Jackson walks out with his flag in hand and the fans BOO the former hero as he just looks at each and everyone of them with disdain. He starts to yell and curse at the fans in the front row until TS FLIES over the ropes with a splash and lands on OJ. He begins to pound the firefighter and slams him into the steel steps on the outside. He rolls him back inside the ring as the match begins. A fishermens suplex puts OJ back on the floor followed by a jumping elbow drop. A quick headbutt stuns OJ and then he is hit with a spinning samoan drop. TS starts to climb the ropes, but it is too soon as OJ is up and drop kicks him off the top turnbuckle. TS falls off and lands on the apron as OJ gathers himself and yells at the ref for letting TS get the jump on him. OJ goes outside and slams the face of TS into the announce table and then grabs the ring bell and jams him in the ribs. The ref yells at OJ who then just flicks the ref off and the family in the front row. OJ tosses TS back in the ring, but is stomped in the head on the way in by TS. TS hits the ropes and shoulder blocks OJ to the mat and then runs ovewr him. He hits the other side of the ropes but is caught with a tremendous powerslam by Jackson. Jackson gets up and smiles to the crowd as they boo him, he looks down at TS and stomps him in the head and then picks him up for a sit down tombstone piledriver. He goes for the cover, but TS kicks out at 2. Jackson doesn't seemed pleased as he chops TS into the corner and goes up for the ten punch. TS grabs him by his legs and falls back as OJ's face hits the top turnbuckle. He falls to the mat face first as TS drags him out and begins to ram his skull off of the mat. He picks him up and hits a running backbreaker then places him in the torture rack. He has him up there for awhile and then climbs the second rope with OJ still on his back. He jumps off and lands on his knees as OJ's body CRACKS on the back of Sharpe. That looked so painful. This time he goes for the top rope, but OJ reverses out of it and turns it into a DDT from the TOP ROPE!!! He just planted the head of Sharpe into the mat. Love him or hate him Jackson has some moves on him. Jackson staggers up and holds his back as he grimaces in pain. TS is motionless as he lays there with eyes closed. Jackson turns to him and covers.....1......2.....Sharpe kicks out to the anger of Jackson. The fans start chanting "TS, TS,TS" as they get behind Sharpe. Jackson lifts him up for a brainbuster suplex, but TS reverses into a small package......1...2....OJ kicks out and is enraged as he gets up and kicks TS in the head. He lifts him up, but delivers a few knees to the gut first, and then hits a spinning neckbreaker. Jackson is full of himself as he taunts Sharpe and the drops a high lifted leg drop on his head. TS's head bounces off the mat as Orlando positions him as he climbs to the top rope. He jumps off with a double knee to the back of the head on Sharpe. He then picks him up and hits a tiger driver. OJ hooks the leg...1..2....Sharpe kicks out again and the frustration is showing as OJ grabs the ref and begins to yell for a faster count. The ref pushes OJ off of him right into a roll up by TS...1...2...OJ BARELY kicks out as he gives the ref a mean look and picks up Sharpe by his hair. BUt TS pushes him off and fires at him with some stiff rights and lefts. He bear hugs Jackson and overhead belly to belly hims to the other side of the ring. Jackson doesn't know what hit him as Sharpe runs at him and hits a double forearm shot that puts OJ in the corner. TS monkey flips him out and then moonsaults on top of him. Jackson is flustered as Sharpe grabs him for a inverted DDT but suplexes him on his gut instead. OJ rolls on the mat in pain as TS applies a modifed bow and arrow for a good two minutes then switches to a surfboard. He rocks it back and forth as Jackson screams in pain. He let's go and measures up Jackson then springs off the ropes with a spinning back kick that drops Jackson through the ropes. Jackson falls to the floor and calls a time-out, but there are none in wrestling. Sharpe is feeling it now as he goes to go outside the ring, but the ref tells him to get back while he counts. He pushes the ref aside, but OJ grabs him by the neck and yanks down as TS is clotheslined by the second rope. He quickly slides in the ring and goes for a roundhouse on TS, but TS ducks and goes for a atomic drop, but OJ flips over and then hoists TS into a firemans carry position....FIRESTORM!!!! He got him...1....2....3. It's over....the fans boo as Jackson gets up and begins to bow until he hears a ROAR of approval from the crowd. It's not for him though, it's for SAMUAL BOONE who slides into the ring and runs after Jackson but Jackson flies over the top rope like a sculded dog. Boone wants his hands on Jackson, but OJ is running as fast as he can as he high tails it away from the ring.

Winner: Orlando Jackson

We see the replay and then go backstage with Mike Cole who is standing by with Team 5 Star.

MC: I stand here with Team 5 Star, the men who have gold around their waists and the IHWA in ther grips. But I'm wondering if it is ok to talk tonight since I wasn't allowed to last time.

BX: Don't worry about it Cole, I'm in a better mood today.

MC: Tonight you finally get your hands on two member of the Burning Demons, but the black cloud that hangs above is the thoughts of the Hells Henchmen.

AD: Who cares about the Hells henchmen, let them plot and plan, let them hide in the shadows and suck each other off for all I care. All I know is that dominance MUST be shown once again here tonight byt Team 5 Star. The Burning Demons will BURN tonight, and if Plague wants to come down and get some then by all means let him come and die with his team. And if those idiots the Henchmen want to come down and attack.....we are welcoming them with open arms.

BX: I'm getting tired of all of these wanna bes trying to take the kings off of their thrones. When will you get the fact that we aren't going anywhere any time soon....if the Henchmen want to be b!tch slapped along with the Demons then they can come down to the ring as well tonight.

MC: Congratulations is in order for you Wolf....Mr. 4 time Hardcore Champion.

Wolf: Enough of the ass kissin Cole....well....say it one more time....

MC: 4 time Hardcore champion. Wolf: Sounds SO good doesn't it? Damn right it does, and so does the name Team 5 Star, tonight I get the night off, but I get to watch my partners in crime take out these pretenders that WISH.....that they were in our shoes.

MC: It should be a great match up tonight.

We see Boone still looking for Jackson as he has his bull rope in hand when he turns the corner he is BLASTED by a fire extinguisher and then NAILED in the head by Jackson with some sort of glove. It turns out to be a COLE MINERS GLOVE but with barbed wire wrapped around it instead of a chain. He pounds away on Booone again as blood trickles to the concrete floor from the head of Boone.

OJ: Well YEEE HAAAWW ya stupid REDNECK!!! Hows that for a good ol day back on the farm....jackass.

Jackson walks away as Boone lays on the floor trying to regain some senses.

United States Title Match
Wicked D vs Jonathan
Slayer's "Angel of Death" begins to play over the PA system and the 6'5", 275 pounder from Great Britain comes out to the cheers of this capacity crowd. The leader of the Onslaught stretches out his neck and rotates his shoulders as he heads down the ramp to the ring. He reaches out his arms and slaps hands with the fans along the railing as he makes his way to ringside. He slides in under the bottom rope and then gets to his feet. He starts to warm up on the ropes as the ref checks out his boots and waistband. The music changes to "Nocturnal Supremacy" by Cradle of Filth and here comes the United States Champion. At 6'6", and 275 pound, the Carpathian Killer is an even match physically with the Big Brit! Wicked D stops at the top of the ramp and uses his hands to indicate the belt around his waist and then shakes his finger at Jono saying that the belt isn't going anywhere tonight. Jono just smiles and nods his head in a "We'll see…' look. Jono gets in position and tells D to get his ass to the ring. Wicked just smiles and moves slowly down the ramp, ignoring the fans who are flipping him off. He gets to ringside and then slowly and deliberately removes the US belt and sets it gently on the timekeepers table. He's not even going to let the ref show it to Jono today! D slides in the ring and smiles a big, evil smile as the ref checks him out too. The ref calls for the bell and we're underway!

Jono walks to the middle of the ring, rubs his wrists as he tells Wicked D that tonight's the night he takes back his belt! Wicked smiles and then kicks Jono in the gut… Wicked grabs his head with both arms and then rocks the big Brit with a series of Knee Lifts to the mid-section… Wicked finishes it up with a big European Upper Cut that rocks Jono back on his heels and then a Jumping Spin Kick to the chest that sends him crashing to the mat! Jono is lying on the mat holding his chest in pain as Wicked D looks down at him and shakes his head. Wicked D waits for Jono to start to get to his feet and then grabs him by the head and whips him hard into the ropes then knocks him back to the mat with a perfectly executed Tattered and Torn (Jump Spinning Crescent kick) that plants Wicked D's heel straight into Jono's head! Here's the first cover of the match… 1… NO!!! Too early to try that!

Jonathan rolls over onto his knees and starts to pull himself up using the ropes. He catches movement from his peripheral vision and just ducks as Wicked D comes flying at him with a Running Big Boot - if he had caught Jono with that it would have sent him careening over the top rope and to the arena floor, but instead the champ ends up crotching himself on the top rope!!! Jono sees what's happened and smiles as he grabs the top rope and starts bouncing it up and down as the fans laugh at Wicked D's predicament! Jono finally gives a mighty tug sending Wicked D sprawling into the ring, as he grabs his crotch in pain! Wicked tries to get to his feet but is leveled by a Jonathan Running Clothesline! Jono stays on top of him as he slams Wicked D with a Knee Lift and then whips him into the ropes and sends him crashing to the mat with a Spinning Side Slam!!!

Jono doesn't bother going for a pin this early, instead he pulls the champ up and then slams him in the back of the head with a Big Elbow and then double underhooks both arms and sends the Carpatian Killer crashing to the mat with a Butterfly Suplex! Jono gets up and then runs for the ropes, bounces off and picks up speed as he runs back and then launches into the air and slams down into him with a Running Elbow Drop!!! Jono hooks the leg and makes the cover… 1.. 2.. NO!!! The champ powers out of the pin attempt!

Jono pulls up Wicked D and whips him hard into the ropes he catches him with a Tilt A Whirl set up but then stops with Wicked D hanging upside down ready to drive him into the mat with a Tombstone Pile Driver... NO!!! Wicked D kicks his legs and changes the center of balance ending up on his feet and holding JONO IN THE AIR!!! The fans yell out in amazement as Wicked D lifts him high into the air and then drops Jono across both knees with the Purity (Double Shoulder Breaker)!!! Jono is in some serious pain after that move! Wicked D kicks the fallen hero in the head with a couple of snap kicks and then jumps into the air and drives a knee hard into the Big Brit's head! Jono is down and looks to be about out of it! Wicked D pulls him to the corner and then climbs to the top turnbuckle - Napalm Sky (Corkscrew Moonsault)!!! Looks like he just drove the air out of the big man!

Wicked D pulls Jono up by his hair and then shoves him hard into the corner! D uses a series of snap kicks to the chest and head that rocks Jono back and then uses a Spinning Back Kick to stagger the big man. Wicked D grabs Jono and lifts him up and seats him onto the top turnbuckle - Wicked D climbs after him and then locks his arms around Jono's head and shoulders then slams him back into mat with a Dark Blaze (Sambo Suplex from top rope)!!! Jono crashes into the mat and is out… here's the cover… 1… 2… NO!!! Jono's leg is on the bottom rope and the ref tells Wicked D to continue the match!

Wicked D can't believe it as he pulls Jono back to his feet and whips him hard into the corner again! Running Knee Lift keeps Jono staggered… Wicked D puts him back on the top turnbuckle again and this time sets Jono up for the Blessed are the Wicked (2nd rope Straight Jacket DDT)… NO!!! Jonathan must have his second wind because he is able to send Wicked crashing to the mat with a hug Right Hand! Jono waits for Wicked to get to his feet and then jumps off and slams the champ to the mat with Flying Blockbuster! Wicked was caught by surprise with that one!!!

Jonothan waits for D to stagger to his feet and then rushes across the ring and SPEARS the champ back to the mat!!!! The fans go nuts cause they know what that means! Jono waits for D to get back to his feet and then goes for the kick to the gut but WICKED D CATCHES HIS LEG!!! Dragon Screw Leg Whip!!! Jono is down on the mat and holds his knee in pain! Wicked D is back up and staggers to the corner and then climbs back to the top rope again, he measures up his fallen opponent and then turns around and executes a beautiful Frog Splash! NO!!!! Jonathan got his foot up and catches D under the chin, staggering the champ into the corner! Jono gets quickly to his feet and rushes into the corner - SPEAR!!! Ooooff!!! He just drove the air out of the champ! Jono grabs him by the head and falls back to the mat - Drop Out DDT!!! HE HIT IT!!! Here's the cover… 1… 2… he's got the leg hooked and D bent in half… 3!!! HE DID IT!!! NEW CHAMP!!! NEW CHAMP!!! OH MY GAWD, NEW F***BEEP***G CHAMP!!!

Winner and NEW United States Champion: Jonathan


As Jonothan gets up and raises the US Title over his head THE HENCHMEN RUN OUT AND MAKE THEIR FIRST MOVE OF THE NIGHT!!! Asylum and Draven slide in the ring and MOB Jonothan. They pick him up and SPIKE POWERBOMB HIM ON THE US TITLE!!! An ENRAGED Wicked D gets up and spits on Jono as they hold him up. D grabs him and DROP OUT DDT'S HIM ON THE US TITLE!!! D gets in his face and SCREAMS that is isn't over as they leave the NEW US CHAMP and their first victim laying on the mat.

The Sunday Bloody Sunday PPV will be Sept the 28th and one match has already been signed...the Cole Miners Glove match on a pole between Orlando Jackson and Samual Boone. Boone will finally get his hands on Jackson.

Alec Diablo and Bastian Xane vs. Plague and Corpse
As we come back on the air the arena is ready to go as Plague and Corpse walk out with 'God Send Death' playing over the PA. The fans are booing them both as they enter the ring and await Alec and Bastian Xane. Soon their music is over and 'Judith' comes on the PA System and out comes Alec with Xane. Alec is holding his World Title proudly and Xane has his TV Title. The fans give off a tremendous boo for these two. They run to the ring and slide in, the bell sounds and the match begins.

It starts off with all four men in the ring. Alec and Plague are going at it and Xane is battling Corpse. Xane levels Corpse with a Shoulder Block while Plague and Alec tumble to the outside from a Clothesline from Alec to Plague. Alec and Plague go to their seperate corners. Back in the ring now, Corpse is taking a brutal beating from Xane. Xane keeps knocking Corpse flat on his back with punches, Corpse isn't standing a chance here. Xane whips Corpse into enemy territory as Corpse smashes into the corner, Xane comes running in for a massive splash to Corpse. Xane grabs Corpse by the hair and throws him to the mat. Xane tags in Alec, Alec jumps to the top rope and comes flying off with an Elbow Drop, Corpse wisely moves out of the way and is up to his knees. Alec is still on the mat when Corpse comes down across his back with an Axe Handle Smash. Alec is still down and Corpse is taking this time to catch his breath and goes to his corner and tags in Plague. Plague stalks Alec and is taunting him. Plague is right up on Alec and is still taunting him, Plague turns to the audience and as soon as he does, Alec jumps to his feet, spins Plague around and levels him with a Spine Buster. Alec is on top of Plague and is punching him with lefts and rights before the Ref is able to break Alec away from Plague. Alec is up and as soon as Plague is standing Alec runs at him and jumps for a Cross Body Block, Plague ducks and Alec hits the mat and tumbles out of the ring. Alec is up but wobbily as Plague jumps over the ropes, Alec however saw this coming and side steps Plague, letting plague bury himself into the floor. Alec picks Plague up and whips him into the barricade. Corpse is behind Alec now and smashes him with a Forearm. However Bastian Xane comes running around the corner and barrels right into Corpse with a Shoulder Block that not only knocks him back into the barricade but leaves a dent in it as well. Alec has Plague now and rolls him back into the ring. Xane is in his corner and the ref is helping Corpse to his. Alec whips Plague into the ropes and sends him flying with a Back Body Drop on the rebound. Alec walks to his corner and tags in Xane. Xane steps through the ropes and picks Plague up and throws him into his corner...there is a blind tag made by Corpse. Corpse comes in running at Xane, Xane puts his foot up and delivers a Big Boot to the face of Corpse. Corpse falls down and Xane is immediatly back on him. Xane grabs him by his head and begins smashing it into the mat repeatedly. When Xane is finished there he grabs a leg of Corpse and places it across the bottom rope and his jumping on it, much like the old Mr. Perfect used to do. Xane grabs Corpse's Lifeless body (MAJOR PUNS) and drags him to the corner and then stands on his chest with one foot while rubbing Corpse's face with his other foot. Xane steps off of Corpse and kicks him in the ribs before dragging him back to the center of the ring. Xane tags in Alec, Alec steps in and picks up Corpse and sets him up in the corner. Alec starts ramming into Corpse with Shoulder Charges and then a Lariat before Corpse falls out of the corner. Alec begins stomping on the head of Corpse, Plague tries to run in and get Alec off of him but the ref tries to get him back into his corner, While the ref's back is turned Xane enters the ring and both he and Alec double team Corpse. Corpse is getting beaten mercilessly here as Xane and Alec deliver a final blow to Corpse. Xane exits the ring and Alec runs over to Plague and knocks him down to the outside, Alec makes a cover...1........2....NO, OUT FROM THE CROWD CAME ANGEL WHO JUMPED IN THE RING AND KNOCKED ALEC OFF OF CORPSE.

The Ref has thrown the match....Angel is fighting off both Xane and Alec but isn't getting far...Plague comes in and tries to help out but they are being overpowered. Xane just Chokeslammed Angel and Alec delivered the 15 Minutes of Fame to Plague...The Burning Demons are out, they are laid out. OH NO, THE HENCHMEN ARE IN, THE HENCHMAN ARE HERE. They slide into the ring and immediatly attack both stables in the ring. Wicked D is battling Alec Diablo, Asylum is fighting Bastian Xane. Wicked D just laid Alec Diablo out with a massive 'Blessed are the Wicked' and Asylum has Bastian Xane down with a 'Shock Treatment' and now he is applying the 'Straight Jacket' to Xane. Xane is screaming, for the first time he is screaming in pain. The Camera switches to backstage area and we see Wolf running to the ring he turns a corner but NO, he was just laid out by a Kendo Stick straight to the face. Draven stands over him and is still beating him with the Kendo Stick. Wolf is bleeding and trying to cover his body. Draven looks down and says 'Not so Hardcore are you?" Back to the ring. Wicked D and Asylum and brought out two tables and set them up side by side on the outside. They have piled Alec, Xane, Plague, Corpse and Angel on the tables. Draven comes running to the ring and slides in as Asylum and Wicked D climb the turnbuckles. Draven runs to the far ropes, bounces off and comes leaping over the top rop, as he does Wicked D and Asylum jump from the top rope and all three of them crash into the pile of bodies. The tables have been splintered into hundreds of peices. Both Team Five Star and the Burning Demons are out and the Henchmen are standing over looks like the Henchmen's reign will never be over.

Winners by DQ- Team Five Star

The Henchmen have just made their bad intentiosn known and are in the prime position as they have two of their rival stables laying motionless in and outside the ring. We'll see you at the next Mayhem. I'll post the Mayhem Line-up Tonight.