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Footage of last weeks awesome PPV blasts onto the screen as we see Alec Diablo retaining the World Title in a hard fought battle against a worthy oppnent Plague. BUt it was Plague who had the last laugh as he unveiled the return of the Burning Demons with him, Angel, and a man named Corpse who resembles the late, great Red Leaf Express all too much. We see Bastian Xane retaining the TV and Hardcore Title against the one and only X-Factor. Plus one of the biggest shockers saw Orlando Jackson turning on his partner Samual Boone causing Asylum and Draven to retain the tag titles, while Wicked D outsmarted the Wolf and retained his US Title in a brutal cage bout. All of those actions bring us to tonights card where a NEW Hardcore Champion will be crowned, and Angel gets his shot at the TV Champ, the man he chokeslammed through a table, Bastian Xane. Tonight is gonna be something else....

No fireworks go off as all of the lights go out and the music of Plague plays as a sign of fire that reads "Burning Demons" burns over the ring. The lights come back on as Plague, Angel, and Corpse are standing in the middle of the ring to a mixed reaction, but mostly boos. They all laugh as they stare down this hostile crowd here tonight.

Plague: Last week we saw EXACTLY what "Blood is LIFE" ws all about. I dragged the carcass of Alec Diablo through hell and almost TOOK his LIFE and the TITLE! He doubted me, spat on me, said I wasn't worthy enough to take the gold away from him....hahahaha...I saw the fear in your eyes Alec...and EVERYONE saw what potential I have inside. Yes, I lost the match, but the war has just begun. Angel and I hooked up with this man called Corpse...a fitting name hahahah...and we decided that the Demons were away for too long. We decided that the ORIGINAL hounds of hell needed to set the IHWA on it's ear. We slowly, but surely poked at our return....we destroyed Draven...a well respected of the Henchmen, backstage. We played mindgames with Team 5 Star, the supposed top dogs in the pack. We came back at "Hell and Back"...and the IHWA has been buzzing ever since.

Angel: I took that undefeated Monster known as Bastian Xane....AND I CHOKESLAMMED HIM TO HELL!!! I manhandled someone that is supposed to be unbeatable....hehehehe...I showed him how beatable he is. And TONIGHT...I will finish the job by taking away that gold belt he cherishes so much. I will STOP the unstoppable object, and then I will bury him as he rests in the flames of HELL! The IHWA is not ready for us, the WORLD is not ready for the SECOND COMING OF THE BURNING DEMONS!!! And I promise you...NO ONE IS one. Not Team 5 Star, not the Henchmen, not Boone, not Jackson, not Onslaught, not even the VP's if they don't play their cards right. We started taking over feds long before any of these dogs tried their hand at the game. Hell, Alec Diablo knows all too well what it is like to be at the mercy of the Demons. And now he gets to relive the nightmare once again. And now the IHWA gets to feel the pain and suffering we will bring. A power struggle? No no...there is no such thing anymore. We will KILL any struggle there ever was by putting the whole federation out of it's misery.

Plague: Alec Diablo, there is no where for you to hide, you cannot hide in th elight for there is NO shelter. You cannot hide in the shadows for that is where we lie. I will have you in the ring AGAIN Diablo...and this time I will finish the job by taking the strap around your waist.l...and killing the dream known as Team 5 Star. There i no need for anyone to step up, because we will hunt you down sooner or later and leave you with the rest of body bags. The Demons...have returned.

The music cuts back on as the lights cut back out....and then come back on as no man is in sight. What could the Burning Demons have in store for the IHWA now?

Backstage we see the dressing room of Team 5 Star as each man looks a little battered and bruised but in good spirits.

AD: What a jerk, he thinks that he can just waltz in here and take everything away from us? They actually think that they can come in here and destroy everything that we worked so hard for? We came from being known as a waste of time to the most dominant stable the IHWA has ever seen. I mean look at us, what group, stable, or wrestler is on par with us right now? No one, I'm tired of all the games and little magic tricks....we put an end to this before it grows any bigger...TONIGHT!!

Wolf: I agree, these guys got the jump on us on Sunday, but it ends tonight. We need to cut the snake off before it grows any bigger. And I plan on doing that by one, winning the Hardcore Title and bringing more gold into our stable, and two, get rid of this RLE wanna be Corpse. It's bad enough the guy isn't here to defend himself from some idiot degrading him.

AD: Punish that Burning freak Wolf, I want you to show him WHY he is gonna regret stepping foot into OUR federation and trying to lock horns with 5 Star. Xane, big man, you got that big freak tonight. Are you gonna let him toss you around like some school girl PUSS? Are you gonna let him PUT YOU THROUGH A DAMN TABLE AND PUNK YOU OUT??!!!

Xane just looks at Diablo with a stern look...

AD: I didn't think tell me...what are you gonna do?

BX: I'm gonna make him a REAL Angel by ripping off his pretty little wings and choking the hell out of him with them. He wants to be the TV cham, and I want's over for him guys...consider this chump all MINE!

AD: That's what I wanted to hear fellas, let's show them and EVERYONE else why we are the top stable in the damn universe.

Now we go to the locker room of Hells Henchmen as Wicked, Asylum, and Draven all sit in front of the monitor watching tonights events unfold.

Asylum: I told you it was them that got the jump on Draven.

DA: That's fine, they had their we get to have ours.

WD: Yeah, but you gotta look at it this way fellas, you got two of our main problems, 5 Star and the Demons, already gunning up for each other. They aren't really paying too much attention to us right now, plus the Onslaught isn't doing ANYTHING right now so we don't have to worry about them at all. Hell, I haven't seen Silver here, and Jonothan is wandering around backstage by himself....I KNOW he doesn't want anything to do with what might go down tonight.

Asylum: I say we what 5 Star and the Demons do...and then strike when the time is right.

WD: That's exactly what I was thinking...these guys have their heads and egos jammed up their asses. Let's take a good look at recent things....we punked out Wolf and outsmarted his dumbass a the PPV and revealed him to be the idiot he is. Team 5 Star is real shaken up by the beating they took at the PPV from us, and the Demons...they aren't ready for tonights events. BUT...neither are the Demons.

DA: It's obvious....they are posers...they will get their fifteen minutes of fame...and then slowly their weakness's will start to show....and then we attack.

Asylum: Their weakness's are already showing....we've dealt with Angel many times, and who knows Plague better than Ichabod? We give him a call and it's lights out for Plague.

WD: And Corpse?

DA: Once the other two are out of the way he will be easy pickings.

Asylum: Agreed....but when do we strike....tonight.....or make them wait...and suffer?

WD: Heheheheh....good question...and I think I have the answer.

Up to the ring....

TV Title
Bastian Xane vs Angel
As we wait for the next match to begin, the camera pan the crowd and we see signs proclaiming "Penicillin = the cure for Burning Urinations", "Burned Out Demons" and "Team 3 Nerds" - Hmmm... hostile crowd tonight!

Suddenly the sounds of spooky organ music begins to play as the light go out... the words "Burning Demons" appear on the JumboTron as Angel lowers from the ceiling into the ring! The crowd gasps in awe as the 7 foot monster standing in the ring, dressed in the crimson robe with the silver pentagram hanging from a chain around his neck. He extends his hands and the two large black wings wrapped around him extend their full length and the pyros explode from all four corner posts!!! The smoke clears and the wings are gone, pulled back to the catwalks. Angel removes the robe and the medallion, handing them to the ring attendant who looks scared to touch them. Angel smiles at this and then turns and begin to mentally prepare for the match.

"Walk" by Pantera comes over the PA and the crowd goes wild as the 6'5", 318 pound man-monster from Down Under makes his way to the ring. Team 5 Stars big man stops at the top of the ramp, TV title hanging around his waist, and stares intently at Angel as he shakes his head in disgust. Xane shrugs his shoulders and then takes off at a run for ring... he drops the belt at ringside as he slides into the ring and takes the match right to Angel!

Angel is waiting for him and immediately starts putting the boots to the TV champ as he slides in the ring... Angel kicks Xane about 5 times and then backs off to let him to his feet, but every time Xane starts to get up, Angel raises both arms high over head and slams him in the back with a Double Sledge!!! Three times he repeats this and then grabs Xane by the back of the head... he pulls the champ to his feet and flings him like a rag doll into the ropes... High Kick by Angel catches the Television Champ in the face and sends him sprawling to the mat... Angel smiles to the audience, then drops to his knees and makes the cover... 1... 2... NO!!! Xane kicks out easily. Too early to go for it yet.

Angel gets up and grabs Xane by the head again, he pulls him back to his feet and goes for a quick Clothesline but Xane ducks it and grabs Angel from behind - Belly to Back Suplex!!! Angel was caught by surprise with that one! Angel comes down hard on his back and shoulders but rolls through it and gets to his feet! Xane runs in on him, shoves Angel into the ropes and then sends the big man spinning to the mat with a Knee to the Gut on the rebound! Angel is sitting on the mat, holding his gut in pain as Xane comes up behind him and grabs him in a Dragon Sleeper!!! Only instead of going for the submission, Xane pulls up and SUPLEXES Angel up and over - front first into the mat!!! The crowd goes nuts as Xane nips up to his feet!

Angel is slow to get to his feet as Bastian Xane bounces lightly from foot to foot, measuring up his opponent. Angel starts to stand tall but a Snap Kick to the gut doubles him over, Xane hits the ropes and then slams Angel in the back of the head with Jumping Scissors Kick that drives Angel face first into the mat! Xane looks at Angel and then out at the fans and shakes his head as he circles the big man. Angel starts to get up and Xane dives over him, hooking his head and a leg and rolls him up... 1... 2... NO!!! Angel powers out of the pin attempt!

Xane gets immediately to his feet and waits for Angel to start to get up and then rushes in and dives into the back of Angel's leg, taking him off his feet and sending him crashing to the mat. Xane grabs one of Angel's legs and spins through, hooking the Burning Demon in a Standing Leg Lock! Angel tries to slap at Xane but the angle is just wrong. Angel finally uses upper body to pull them both to the ropes forcing Xane to release the hold.

Angel pulls himself up as Xane goes for a lock up - THUMB TO THE EYES BY ANGEL!!! Xane rubs his eye in pain as Angel slams him to the mat with a Diving Clothesline! Angel kneels over the TV champ and starts choking the life out of him!!! Xane's feet are kicking the mat as the ref makes the 5 count... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... BREAK!!! Angel releases the hold, but immediately reapplies it! 1... 2... 3... 4... 5!!! Angel releases again, but the ref tells him this time that if he does it again, he'll be disqualified! Angel flips off the ref and then gets to his feet and drops a big Knee across Xane's forehead!!! Xane is holding his face in pain as Angel gets back to his feet... Angel climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and then jumps off and slams the back of his heel hard into Xane's head with a Flying Leg Drop!!! Xane is bleeding from a busted eyebrow after that one!!! Angel makes the cover, hooking the leg... 1... 2... NO!!! Kick out by the champ!

Angel pulls Bastian Xane to his feet and whips him hard into the ropes then sends him sprawling to the mat with a Big Back Elbow! Xane hits hard but Angel is right there to pull him to his knees and then locks his arms around Xane's waist and flips him into the air and slamming to the mat with a Gut Wrench Suplex! Angel doesn't waste time with a pin attempt, instead he pulls Xane back up and then whips him back to the ropes and then slams him across his knee with a Spinning Back Breaker!!! Angel pushes him off and then rolls Xane onto his hands and knees, grabs him by the head and shoves it between his legs then flips him high into the air and slams him into the mat with a Power Bomb! 1... 2... NO!!! To close to the ropes!!!

Angel can't believe it as he gets up and starts to argue with the ref... the ref kicks the bottom rope and yells right back at the man who towers over him. Angel finally turns around in discuss and gets slammed in the neck with a Thrust Chop by Xane! Angel grabs his throat and staggers back in surprise and pain! Xane rushes in and slams Angel in the head with a Flying Forearm that staggers the big man into the corner! Xane picks him up in a body slam but locks Angel upside down in the corner in a Tree of Woe!!! Xane kicks Angel twice in the gut and then rushes to the ropes and comes sliding hard into Angel's head with a Baseball Slide Dropkick!!! The ref frees Angel's feet and the big man collapses to the mat... Cover... 1... 2... NO!!! Angel's free foot is on the ropes.

Xane pulls Angel up and uses a series of Knee Lifts to the gut to back him back into the corner. Xane slams him three times with a Back Elbow and then lifts the big man up so he's seated on the top rope! What's the TV champ going to do? Xane climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and then sets the giant up for a Fisherman Superplex!!! The crowd looks on in anticipation but - NO!!! Angel just slugged Xane in the gut breaking the hold... Angel grabs Xane by the neck and then stands up! What power!!! Angel is standing on the 2nd rope with Xane held high in the air - Angel CHOKESLAMS Xane OFF THE 2ND TURNBUCKLE!!! THE CROWD GOES NUTS AS THE TV CHAMP GRUMPLES TO THE MAT!!! Here's the cover... 1... 2... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ANGEL PULLED HIM UP?!? WHY!!!

Angel sneers as he pulls Xane up and then slams him back to the mat with a Forearm to the Back of the Neck!!! Angel pulls him up and then grabs him by the neck again... he lifts the champ into the air and sets him on the top turnbuckle and then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle himself... looks like he's going for the Coup de Gras! He lifts Xane into the air by his neck but the champ is ready for it and kicks him right in the chest sending Angel careening off the the turnbuckles and crashing to the mat!!! Xane jumps from the top and slams into the big man with a 5 Star Frog Splash!!! 1... 2... NO!!! Angel manages to kick out just at the count of 3!!! HOW CLOSE!!! Xane pulls up Angel and then uses a Spinning Back Kick to send him back into the ropes... Xane catches him on the rebound with the "Career Ender"!!! The crowd goes wild as Xane makes the cover... 1... 2... 3!!!! HE DID IT!!! THE CHAMP DID IT AGAIN!!!!

Winner: Bastian Xane Xane gets up as Angel writhes on the mat in pain... Xane looks at him and says "You should have stayed retired, you gigantic freak!" Suddenly Plague and Corpse rush the ring and overpower Xane with a series of kicks and punches! They slam him hard into the corner and then pick him up - STUFF PILEDRIVER!!! The fans are shocked as the Burning Demons continue the beating. The fans are shocked as the Burning Demons continue the beat down. HOLD UP!!! HERE COMES TEAM 5 STAR!!! The Outcast, Wolf, and the World Champion, Alec Diablo, hit the ring with chairs in hand!!! They clear the ring as the Demons dive for safety and then stand on the outside and smile as Diablo checks on Xane!

Backstage we see Mike Cole with a very serious Jonothan as Cole goes over some of the happenings here in the IHWA with Jonothan.

MC: It's been a rough few months for you ever since you came back to the IHWA Jonothan, things have not fallen into place like you wanted. The Onslaught has been riddled with injury problems and people going M.I.A., you are coming off a concussion from that match against Xane. It seems as if your team has not been 100% from the get go.

Jono: Yeah, it's been a weird return Cole. Things haven't worked out in my favor, but that's how life is sometimes. Jace had some personal things he had to attend at the beginning stages of our run, Mantra gets injured during Wargames, I don't know when he will be back. I got a nasty shot to the head a few times when I fought Xane, and when I went for the spear and hit the fountain that really did it. I missed the PPV because of it, with all the stuff that is going on right now in the IHWA with the return of the Demons, stables going aftet stables, and now, after the PPV, Jace is missing in action....I guess I'm on my own for the first time in a long time. I don't know how long I'm gonna be depending on myself for now, but it's not a big deal, I'm a fighter, a champion, and if anyone comes after me...I'm coming out swinging.

MC: Is it a blessing in disguise right now that the Demons are back? Everyone has turned their attention to them, and sort of not bothered you even though you don't have a stable watching your back right now?

Jono: I guess, but if they did, they better put me out for good. Because if I get jumped on, I'm coming back 10 times worse and I will make anyone pay for trying to take me out.

MC: Where is Jace Silver? I haven't seen him ever since the PPV, and I know he is in the Hardcore Battle Royal today.

Jono: Your guess is as good as mine Cole. After the match they took him to the hospital and I went there, but they said he was gone. I haven't heard from him since, but hopefully he will get a hold of me. It's not like Jace not to show up and not tell me. Hopefully he's running late...

MC: You seem to be at a stand still right now Jonothan...where do you go from here? You lost the Hardcore Title, you don't have a stable right now....where do you go from here?

Jono: Where I always go Cole....up. It doesn't matter if I have a stable or not....I'm gonna get that World Title around my waist again some day....whehter I have to battle every man there is in this federation...or win every title in his fed. I'm gonna be number one'll see.

We go now to the offices of VP Smith as the Burning Demons are inside.

Smith: Yes Plague, I know you put on a hell of a match at the PPV, but you aren't getting a title shot tonight and that's that.

Plague: Next week then...sign it.

Smith: I can't do that....Diablo has to agree and sign the contract. He says you HAD your chance so your done with.

Angel: The words of a coward if you ask saw what we did to Xane in there tonight. We put him on his ass again. Why can't we get our shot at the title? Why are you trying to hold us back?

Smith: I'm not try...

Corpse: Then give him the damn title match Smith....NOW!!

Smith: Look, not this week, not next week....but I will see what I can do...alright? You gotta get some "W's" before you go back to the big dance guys. Strong arm tactis and mind games don't work all the time.

Plague: Don't worry about wins just worry about us not putting your World Champion on the shelf for good.

They walk out as Smith breathes a "sigh" of relief....back to the ring...

Battle Royal for the Hardcore Title
X-Factor, Draven, Corpse, Samual Boone, Orlando Jackson, Jean Giruad, Wolf, Pyre, Jace Silver, Phantom, and Tyson Sharpe
All 11 men start to walk down the aisle to their music one by one...theres Pyre walking down in his damn Knights Gear....Wolf...X....Corpse...Jackson who looks awfully bitter...Jean...Tyson Sharpe...Draven...Samual Boone who RUNS after Jackson as both men start brawling on the outside before the match can even begin. Boone drops a bag by the side of the ring...I wonder if that is the pineta he was talking about? All the men are in the ring except for Jace Silver....his music plays as the announcer announces him again and STILL no more time says the announcer and Jace Silver is no where to be seen. Even Jonothan didn't know where he was....but on the outside of the ring we see Boone taking it to Jackson as he rams him face first into the steel steps and then post. He whips him over the railing and into the crowd as he chases him into a sea of fans. SB grabs a chair and LEVELS Jackson with it across the head. OJ falls as SB jumps on him and begins to blast away with those massive right hands. In the middle of the ring we see TS dropkick Pyre who falls in the center of the ring with his knight outfit on AND CAN'T GET BACK UP!!! They all laugh at him as TS is blindsided by XF who is one of the favorites in this match up. Jean Giruad and DA go at it as the Henchmen stomps away at the newcomer in the corner. Phantom attacks DA from behind and hits him with a belly to back suplex. Meanwhile on the outside we see OJ getting PILEDRIVEN on the concrete floor by Boone who then unloads a big wad of tobacco on OJ and walks back to the ring. Blood trickles down the forehead of OJ as he gets up and LEVELS SB from behind with someones boot. He tosses it to the floor and shoves SB face first into the concrete floor. Jackons picks up Boone and hits his finisher ON THE STEEL GUARD RAIL!!! That firemens carry into the diamond cutter. Boone lays on the floor as Jackons grabs chairs, tables, and all sorts of other weapons and starts tossing them in the ring. He grabs a fire extuinguisher and walks in but is PLANTED with a chairshot to his back by Draven. TS picks up Jean Giruad and DDT's him on a STOP sign as he and Phantom lift him up then toss him our of the ring. That's one man gone, 10 left. TS gets caught from behind by Wolf and rammed into the turnbuckle while X CLOTHESLINES Phantom over the top rope. X grabs Wolf and hits a german suplex, but is shoulder blocked by TS as Wolf and TS grab X and hit a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM onto a flat table as X slides off of it and onto the canvas. Pyre is on the outside of the ring now (went under the ropes) and the refs are trying to help him up. He is FINALLY back up as he walks over to the ramp and pulls off a small tarp and reveals a JOUSTING lance. He also sets up a unicycle and tosses that in the ring. He gets in the ring as everyone just stops and satres at him as he gains his balance and starts to ride the unicycle...he JABS TS from behind, but then is CLOTHESLINED by Corpse as Pyre is now flat on his back again. The crowd ERUPTS with laughter as the knight...thus has fallen....Corpse gets back up but is SPEARED by Draven who was attacked by the Demons last week. Draven is all over Corpse as he pounds his head into the mat and tries to kill the man. But Wolf is there and he LEVELS both men with a mega phone and goes to work on both men from rival stables. He picks up Draven and delivers ANARCHYS PLAYPEN and TOSSES Draven out of the ring...Draven has been eliminated. He starts to choke out Corpse with a shirt that someone had on as he pounds away on his head at teh same time with the meg phone. A bloody Samual Boone is back in the ring, but is met with a piece of a table to the back of the head by Orlando Jackson as jackson tries to put the hurt on Boone. But X-Factor hits OJ in the back of the head with a shining wizard kick. Jackons goes down as X stomps on the sour firefighter.

Meanwhile TS picks up Boone and head butts him, but that just angers the Texan as he lays out TS with a MASSIVE lariat. SB stumbles to the mat as well as Pyre, now up, SPLASHES Boone with full armor on. Pyre lifts the helmet back up and starts to pound on the Texan with those steel gauntlets and even turns around and BOOTS Wolf in the back of the head with a steel boot. Pyre places the mask down and HEADBUTTS SB> Boone falls this time as Pyre looks at the fallen ranger who is in the corner....Pyre looks to the crowd and gives the sign for the Bronco Buster....Pyre goes for it, but is real slow as SB SHOOTS out of the corner with a killer lariat again and sends Pyre to the mat. X picks up TS and hits a X-TERMINATOR BOMB and lays Tyson Sharpe OUT! He tries to throw him over, but Pyre uses X's leg to help himself up. X falls over and yells at Pyre who looks so ridiculous as he tries to get back up. This bus Tyson Sharpe some time to recuperate from that awesome powerbomb. Meanwhile Wolf TOSSES Corpse over the ropes and eliminates him. As Corpse hits the floor ALEC DIABLO rushes out and starts to attack Corpse. Wolf slides under the ropes and sets up a table as AD goes on the apron.....15 MINUTES OF FAME OFF THE APRON AND THROUGH A TABLE!!!! Diablo spits on Corpse as Wolf stomps on him and heads back in the ring as Diablo leaves ringside. They said they wanted revenge tonight, and they took some of it out on Corpse. Inside the ring we see Tyson Sharpe getting up and resting in the corner as Pyre goes to whip X-Factor into him, but X reverse and sends Pyre flying into TS....X winds up and goes for a super kick, but Pyre falls in time as TS eats the kick and flys OVER the top rope....Sharpe has been eliminated. Now Jackson, Boone, X, and Wolf are the only ones well as Pyre. X tries to get Pyre out, but the armor is helping Pyre stay in the ring. Wolf comes over to help, but neither man can get him out. Overon the other side of the ring we see OJ go for his finisher again, but Boone slides off and hits the FINAL JUSTICE!!! He lays Jackson out and then runs over and HEAVES as Wolf, Boone, and X manage to get Pyre over the top rope, armor and all. He lands with a LOUD THUD as the armor clanks on the floor. Again...the refs are over there to help him up. Wolf looks at both men and rakes the eyes and then BACKBODY DROPS X OUT THE RING!!!! BUT X HOLDS ON AND BRINGS HIMSELF BACK IN!!!! Boone turns around and goes to lariat Wolf, who ducks, and X is NAILED with the massive clothesline and put back over the ropes and to the floor!!! We have 3 men left in the ring as Boone knocks Wolf down and goes right after Jackson who ducks and tosses Boone to the outside via middle rope. You must go over the TOP rope to be eliminated so Boone is still in. Wolf and Jackson eye each other up, but Boone slides back in with that bag and pulls out a big jar of vaseline, rope, and a bat and goes right AFTER Jackson who JUMPS over the top rope and eliminates himself!!! Boone can't believe it as Jackson flicks him off and dares him to come after him. But WOLF SNEAKS UP FROM BEHIND....AND CATCHES A BAT TO THE RIBS!!! A DDT by SB who is all over the Wolf now...he tosses him to the ropes and back body drops him high in the air and to the mat. The Wolf lands hard as Boone drops him with several shoulder blocks and then powerslams Wolf to the mat. He's calling for some Final Justice as he grabs Wolf, but Wolf squirms behind him and lands a inverted DDT. Wolf quickly scoops up Boone and goes for his finisher, but Boone sneaks out and hits Wolf with a mega right hand that sends him to the mat. Boone measures him and hits the ropes BUT JACKSON PULLS IT DOWN AND BOONE FALLS TO THE FLOOR!!!! THE MATCH IS OVER AND WE HAVE A NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION!!!! Boone can't believe it as Jackson just smiles at him and takes off running as Boone gives chase in a mad fit. The ref comes in and hands the belt to Wolf as he gets his hand raised until THE BURNING DEMONS HIT THE RING!!!! We see Corpse running a long with themwith a pack of ice on his head as he tosses it to the crowd and they attack the new hardcore champ. Angel grabs him....POWERBOMB!!! HERE COMES TEAM 5 STAR!!!! Diablo and Xane slide in the ring AND WE HAVE OURSELVES A WAR!!!!! ANGEL AND XANE ARE GOING AT IT....PLAGUE AND DIABLO...AND WOLF AND CORPSE!!!!! This has turned into a stable war and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop!!! And look who is at the top of the ramp....JUST WATCHING!!! WICKED D, ASYLUM, AND DRAVEN!!! Are the Henchmen picking their spots? Or do they want these two to finish each other off and they get winner? They continue to brawl as it gets out of hand and we have run out of time....see you on Sunday everyone.

Winner and NEW Hardcore Champ: Wolf