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We see the crazy scene last week with Pyre blowing fire in the face of Jace Silver. We then see the insane battle between Jonothan and Plague for the Hardcore Title as Jonothan became the NEW Hardcore Champion. After the match, ANGEL attacked Jonothan for no reason as he and Plague exchanged looks. Asylum and Wicked D have been challenged by two hard working heroes in Samual Boone and Orlando Jackson. That match is scheduled for the PPV and others will be announced tonight. We go to the back before we begin the show where Mike Cole interviewed Jace Silver in his home earlier this week.

We see Jace sitting down with a big white bandage on his face from the burn marks. It wasn't as bad as expected, but the fire in his eyes may burn more than what Pyre blew at him.

MC: I just wanna say that everyone in the IHWA was relieved when we heard that the fire didn't do much damage to you. How are you doing from such a heinous attack?

JS:........I'm doing ok Cole...extremely angry...but I'm doing fine. The fire caught me on the side of my face and I was temporarily blinded for 45 minutes thanks to the heat and light from the flames.

MC: When will you be back in action?

JS: Oh....the PPV Cole.

MC: So soon?

JS: arms, legs, heart, and soul all work fine. I'm just a little shocked and scarred up for the was a scary thing. I never knew Pyre had it in him.

MC: That anger? That dark side?

JS: No, that stupidity. I was always messing around with him, but just playing with him. Never taking him serious, not trying to make another mortal enemy. But he wanted to play school nerd who get's upset and cause an outburst. This isn't hig school, and now he MUSTR deal with the consequences.

MC: He was suspended for a month with out pay by the Front Office. Did you know that?

JS: Yeah I knew, but now it's only a week with out pay thanks to my request.

MC: Your request?

JS: PPV Cole, I asked the FO to let it slide, and that I will PERSONALLY deal him his punishment. They were reluctant at first, but had no choice. So at the PPV it will be an INFERNO MATCH between Pyre and I. First one to get burned LOSES! And trust me on this....more than just his cheek will be getting burned. With the way I am right now, I plan on throwing his whole BODY into those damn flames.

And with that MAYHEM BEGINS!!!! The fireworks go off and the pyro EXPLODES!!! Our PPV is next week and 2 BIG matches have already been signed. Wicked D and Asylum vs Boone and the returning Jackson for the TAG TEAM TITLES!! Boone wanted one more shot at the Henchmen and now he will get it. PLUS, the INFERNO MATCH has been signed and both Pyre and Jace Silver will battle it out in this vicious contest. But first let's go up to ringside....

Jean Giruad vs Draven Azagthoth

"Pot City" starts to play and outcomes this short Indian man swaggering his way to the ring. He looks very relaxed as the fans look at him wondering what to make of this Jean Giruad. All of a sudden "BLOOD IS LIFE" flashes on the big screen and the lights go out. We then get a shot of Draven in the hallway face down in what must be a pool of his own blood. Wicked D and Asylum run up to lift him up as he looks to be out of it. Asylum looks at Wicked D and says "You know what this is...and what we have to do." They just haul Draven away leaving the fans, the announcers, and newcomer Jean questioning what in the hell just happened.

The ref has no choice but to throw the match out and award the victory to Jean Giruad.

Winner: Jean Giruad

As he steps through the ropes Tyson Sharpe walks out and pushes Giruad.

TS: Oh what you think your tough sh!t because you won your first match?

Jean has no idea what is going on, and has no idea that Tyson Sharpe has some serious mental health problems.

TS: You think this is all fun and games? All chops, and missed punches? Well tell me if this stings you JACKASS!!!

Tyson just SLAPPED the taste out of Jean's mouth who looks shocked and appauled but then FLOORS Tyson with a right hand that sends him to the floor. Jean looks at him with a angered look and walks to the back hlding his face. The camera gets a shot at Tyson who is now smiling and yells...SEE YOU AT THE PPV...BECAUSE NOW YOU GET TO GO AT IT AGAINST ME!!!" Welcome to the IHWA Jean....

Backstage we see Boone and Jackson in there locker room talking about the PPV.

SB: GOOD GAWD ALL MIGHTY JACKSON!!! SURE IS GOOD TA HAVE YA BACK HERE IN THE I-H-DUBYA-A!!! It's about time you got yer scrawny behind back in businuss so we can give those darn Henchmen a good ol butt whoopin.

OJ: I told you I would be back Boone, I just had to go away and clear my head. You know...think some things out a bit and get everything in order.

SB: I hear ya, those insane boys have been...

Before he can finish, the door opens and what looks to be a smoke bomb rolls in their room and the door shuts again. Boone and Jackson quickly get out of the locker room but are AMBUSHED by Asylum and Wicked D with STEEL CHAIRS!! The Henchmen are beating down these two heroes with the steel. They leave them laying as Asylum grabs the smoke bomb which is nothing but a firecracker. They laugh as they drop it to the floor and walk away as Boone and Jackson struggle to gain their senses.

Tyson Sharpe vs Phantom
Phantom comes out first to a mixed reaction as he slides into the ring and looks to be in good shape. Tyson Sharpe makes his way out next....which one is he today?? The fans give him a mixed reaction which is probably right for this crazy guy who looks at Phantom and tells him he's going down. As TS gets in the ring JEAN GIRUAD RUNS DOWN AND ATTACKS HIM!!! This newcomer just jumps all over TS for that rude interruption earlier. Both men are going at it on the outside as PHANTOM SUICIDE DIVES ON BOTH OF THEM!!!! All three men are down, but slowly start to get back up as they battle back and forth with each other. They toss Phantom into the steel railing as TS and JG go at it, but Phantom is back up and hits both men with a microphone. Phantom starts to choke out Jean, but TS chokes Phantom out with a camera cable. They are battling to the back as they disappear behind the curtain. The ref just says "The Hell with it." and throws this match out.
Winner: No-Contest

As the fans start booing the match they DIDN'T see the sounds of Slayer hit and out walks the former Hardcore Champion Plague. We show clips of that BRUTAL Hardcore title Match as Plague gets trapped under some pipes and debris as Jonothan emerges and remains the last man standning to become the new champ. Plague hears the boos as they get to him and he lashes out at the crowd.

Plague: SHUT UP!!!! You're lookin at a man who got GIPPED out of his Hardcore Title. I had that brit BEATEN until the platform gave way and everything fell on ME! What does he do? He gets out of what LITTLE wreckage he had on him and took my damn title. ANd now you have Angel after you as well, i don't know what his problem is with you but he doesn't like you. It's probably because you are a jackass and no one likes you. Trust me Jonothan, you think this is over? No, you HOPE this is over...well it's NOT! We have unfinished business whether you like it or not. You won't get rid of me until I am dead and buried. But speaking of dead and being buried...that brings me to my next subject...the World Heavyweight Champion. Alec Diablo, you've barely defended the world strap ever since you got it during that Stairway to Hell match. I've called out the ICON, and that dumb snake doesn't seem to be coming. So I'm calling YOU out. WHy? Simple, I want the World Title, I may not have been on the best of winning streaks, but I've been consistent with wins back and forth this whole summer. I'v been in the mix and fought more challenging matches week after week after week. You fought in two hardcore style matches and barely came out alive. I've fought in dozens and I'm STILL here talking to you bruised and battered. I see you got a match tonight with X-Factor...well here's the deal...X you better listen too. I want the WINNER of tonights Main Event at the PPV for a World Title shot. I know, everyone thinks I don't deserve it, what have I done...I've been crackin heads in this federation ever since I came back THAT's what I've done. You wanna turn me down for the shot.....well....whoever ends up winning better hope a truck hits me on the way out of this place tonight. Because I will make your life a living hell.

The music of Alec Diablo hits, and out walks the champ to MASSIVE boos. He comes out without 5 Star as he addresses Plague.

AD: Who are you? Aren't you the guy that was stalking VP Sean? Aren't you the no good creep that tried to get famous off of dragging a dead mans name through the mud? Aren't you the guy that's trying to be famous by calling out a man I PUT OUT OF THIS SPORT??? Yeah, your that LEECH by the name of Plague. You can't get famous the hard way can ya? Making a career for yourself huh? You have to do what the Onslaught does and that's come after the BIG DOGS!! Well it looks like you bit off a hell of a lot more than you can chew @$$hole. You don't get a title shot at don't get nothing but a slap in the face and someone telling you to move on.

Plague: What, are you scared Diablo? Scared to face a man that will haunt your inner soul?

AD: WHAT?? Give me a break with that Papa Shango mumbo jumbo. I am the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! I've held this belt more times than you have come and gone from this federation. You held the Hardcore Title for a week, and lost it to the guy who is losing it tonight to a member of Team 5 Star. You're a nobody get no title shot.

Plague: Diablo, why did you even come out here? Who says your gonna even BE the champ when the night is over? Already doubting X-Factor? Last person that doubted him was Asylum....and we all saw the way he lost his title.

AD: You just don't get it do you? Guys like you and X-Factor need guys like me so you can look up to us and hope that one day you can shine my boots. Get lost third string.

Plague: HEhehe....if I'm a waste of your time...then why did you come out here? To see what the boogyman really looks like?

Diablo just shakes his head.

Plague: Oh....and's your sister? Oh that's right...THE B!TCH IS DEAD!!!!

The whole crowd "WHOA"S!!!" that remark as the calm eyes of the champion become heated as the drops the title and looks a hole through the laughing Plague. As he starts a slow walk to the ring, but before he can even get to the ring he is ATTACKED BY ANGEL!!! Angel grabs Diablo and CHOKESLAMS him on the steel RAMP!!! We see in the back that Team 5 Star is running down the halls as fast as they can to get to Angel. Angel just points at Plague and stares him down. It looks as if Angel has a problem with Plague....what the hell is the problem between these two? Before Team 5 Star can get there X-Factor gets there and attacks his former friend Angel. Angel just pushes X off and leaves as he looks down at Diablo. Diablo gets back up and SPITS in the face of X-Factor. X-Factor then PUMMELS Diablo as the champ is getting it taken to him by the challenger for tonight. Plague is just laughing the whole time as he makes his leave through the crowd. X is about to leave BUT IS FLOORED BY WOLF AND BASTIAN XANE!!!! They missed Angel, but now they have X as Wolf PILEDRIVES him on the steel. He holds up X as Bastian Xane measures him up with the TV Title and SPLITS his head open with the title. Diablo is up and is in visble pain as he tries to shake off the affects of the massive chokeslam. He shoves the World Title in the face of X and yells 'YOU'LL NEVER SEE THIS YOU BASTARD...NEVER!!!" Diablo then turns to his partners with a ANGRY AS HELL look in his eyes and tells them "Find that big Son of a Bitch and beat the HELL out of him...and then bring him to me." Xane and Wolf just smile as they go looking for Angel. Diablo turns to the ring to look for Plague, but he is already gone. What a way to start off the night.

We see Xane and Wolf looking for Angel still as they have no luck. So far we've seen Plague get under the skin of the champ, Angel chokeslam Diablo for no damn reason and then have a stare down with Plague. Then Draven gets attacked by an unknown assailant as "Blood is Life" flashes on the jumbo screen. Asylum and D attack the challengers for the PPV, and now Wolf and Xane can't find the biggest man in the IHWA. We see Wicked D and Asylum dragging Draven back to their dressing room as Asylum tells D " think I know who did this...I'm gonna go look for him and pay his ass back and then bring him in front of the Henchmen." D takes a bloody Draven into the dressing room as Asylum takes off with ice in his eyes. The crazy man walks down the hall, and then turns the corner and is SPRAYED BY A FIRE EXTINGUISHER!!! All you hear is "YEEEEEE HAAAAA!!!" As one half of the tag team champions has JUST BEEN HOG TIED!!! The fans erupt with laughter and cheers as Samual Boone and Orlando Jackson get a good kick out of it. Jones goes and grabs a chair, but Boone looks at him with curiosity.

SB: Hey now, he's down already, doncha stoop ta his level hoss.

OJ: Why not, this bastard attacks us with no cause, attacks us with steel chairs when we are blinded....let me show him what it feels like.

SB: Hey...Orlando ol buddy...put the chair down.

Jackson looks at Boone who is just a smilin away as Jackson smiles and tosses the chair down. Boone pats the tied up Asylum on the head and tosses an apple in his mouth.

SB: Now you be a good little piggy until the PPV ya hear...BWHAHAHAHAHA!!! Let's go get a cold one Jackson, ya need ta work off some of that stress hehehehe.

Boone and Jackson walk away as Asylum screams, but it is muffled thanks to the apple. Back to the ring....

United States Title Match
Wicked D vs Wolf
"Supercharger Heaven" roars through the crowd as the fans know who is coming down and boo the hell out of the Wolf...a valuable member of Team 5 Star. He looks to be in a serious mood as he power walks to the ring and just scowls at the fans. He gets in the ring and waits for the US Champ. The sounds of Cradle of Filth hit as the returning US champ walks out to bigger boos than the Wolf. He gets in the ring and throws down the title and rushes the Wolf. The bell sounds, and Wolf is ready for him as he kicks him in the gut and scoop slams him with some good power behind it. He pulls D up and puts him in the corner and begins to punch the hell out of him with some vicious right hands. He whips him into the opposite corner, but D reverses and sends the Wolf in. WD hits a running splash and then bulldogs the Wolf out of the corner. He stomps on the Wolf's body and then hits the ropes for a big elbow. Wolf, too quick, moves out of the way and drop kicks D in the face. This sends D outside the ring as Wolf measures him and hits a running moonsault to the outside. He crashes onto D as the fans give that move a huge response. Wolf just smiles as he slaps D in the face and yells something about Team 5 Star and then rams D's head into the steps. He picks up D in a German suplex position and rams him face first into the post. He puts D in the ring and climbs up the turnbuckles. He waits for D to get up and comes off with a high cross body, but WD steps back and kneels as he catches him with a super gut buster. That just looked nasty as D knife edge chops the skull of Wolf and the hits an old school Shawn Michael's belly to back suplex. He gets up and plays the crowd as they boo the US champ. D picks up Wolf and hits a cradle piledriver and then slaps Wolf in the face. He chokes him with his boot as the ref gives him the five count. D breaks at five and then lands a pointed elbow in the chest of Wolf. He picks up Wolf and places his feet on the top turnbuckle and DDT's him. Man that was brutal, the elevation of his body caused that move to be ten times worse. D covers him...1..2...Wolf kicks out after a fast two count and then rakes the eyes of D. Wolf slides behind the champ and hits a Russian leg sweep into a cover....1.....2...D kicks out as Wolf hits the ropes and delivers a sliding leg drop. He then goes to the outside on the apron and delivers a springboard guillotine leg drop onto D. He picks D up again and Irish whips him to the ropes and delivers a standing huracanrana. He has him in a victory roll up...1....2...WD kicks out but barely. Wolf wisks him up for a quick snap suplex follwed by a standing senton splash. Wolf climbs to the top rope and comes off the top with a corkscrew frog about inventive. Another cover....1...2...D's foot was on the ropes this time as Wolf gives him about three kicks to the face and lifts him back up. Wolf whips him to the ropes, but D ducks the back hand and springs off with the Tattered and Torn kick. Wolf falls out of the ring from the move as D slowly gets up and then slides out of the ring to meet Wolf. Wolf looks dazed as D grabs him from behind with a waistlock and German Suplexes him INTO the guard rail. The back of Wolfs head just split open when his skin hit the steel. D winds up and knuckle punches the cut as blood squirts on the camera. D headbutts him from behind then delivers a fallaway slam INTO the steps. I KNOW that had to hurt as Wolf squirms in pain on the ground as the US Champ stalks him. Wolf gets up but is met with a spinning back kick to his ribs. He hurls over only to be hit with a FAMEASSER on the steps. D tosses him back in and covers him....1...2...Wolf kicks out. D can't believe it....he scoops him up and goes for a Nail in the Coffin, but Wolf kicks his legs and slides behind D to hit a tiger suplex with a bridge...1...2...D kicks out. He quickly gets to his feet and floors Wolf with a big clothesline that has him tied in the ropes. D pounes on him and begins to pound away on his head as blood drips down the back of the neck of Wolf. D hits the other side of the ropes and goes for a big punch, but Wolf gets untangled and catches D with a spinning spinebuster. Both men are down as the fans just cheer for a winner as Wolf gets to his feet, but then is swept by D who pops up for the RVD-esque leg drop. D picks Wolf up and sets him on the top rope, but Wolf grabs his head and hits one half of a acid drop. Both men are down again as the ref starts his count......1......2.....3.....4.....5....Wolf gets up, but it is D who spears him through the ropes. Both men hit hard on the outside as they fall to the ground. The ref is counting as each man rises to his feet only to catch the other mans punch with his face. Wolf fires again, but so does D.....back and forth they go with each blow until Wolf grabs a chair, and D grabs a table leg. They swing at each other and cancel out each others hits as the two weapons clash together. They toss the weapons down and rush each other as they start to brawl into the crowd.....the ref was still counting and all of a sudden you hear a bell ring. BOTH MEN HAVE BEEN COUNTED OUT!!! They don't even care as they continue to battle it out as security and officials try to break them up. Each time they get them apart they manage to get back at each other. Several mintues go by until order is finally restored.
Winner: Double Countout (Two People came up with this decision so don't get too mad.)

After officials break up the brawl between D and Wolf, WD is walking backstage and falls upon the tied up Asylum.

WD: What in the hell happened to you?


WD: What? Couldn't hear you with this damn apple in your mouth.


WD: Bastards....first Draven and now this. Someone is DEAD at the PPV!

We see a split screen of Jonothan and Xane as both men wearing their respective titles walk to the ring for their big match up. Xane has his team here tonight, but Jono is all alone. This could be a rough night for our British Superstar.

Television Title vs Hardcore Title
Bastian Xane (c) vs Jonothan (c)
Before this match can begin, we see Howard Sharp, the IHWA's interviewer in training, standing in the hallway outside of Onslaught's locker room... he looks nervous as hell as he twitches and fiddles with his mic. He reaches down to check his zipper and is just pulling it into place as Jonathan walks through the door.

Jono: "Just who in the bloody blue hell are you? And why the hell are you wacking off in the middle of the hallway?"

Sharp: "Wacking Of... NO!!! No, sir, it was nothing like that... you see, I was just waiting for you..."

Jono: "Waiting for me? Waiting for me and wacking off? That's freaking disgusting, you little pervert!!!"

Sharp: "No, you don't understand... I was just..."

Jono shoves sharp out of the way and starts to make his way to the entrance ramp when suddenly Bastian Xane comes running up out of the blue and attacks him!!! Flying Forearm to the back of the head sends the Big Brit sprawling!!! He slams down onto Jono's back with a Double Sledge and then send him sprawling with a huge kick to the rib cage! Xane has taken the early advantage in this one and it looks like he's planning to keep it!

Jono tries to fight back but Xane surprised him and holds the advantage... Jono slams him hard in the gut with a big right hand, but Xane shakes it off and hits him with another wicked looking forearm that sends the big man sprawling. Xane grabs him by the hair and runs him along a hallway and into the arena entrance! OH HELL - they're fighting in the middle of the fans buying beers and popcorn! This can't be good!

Xane pops Jono in the side of the head three times and then Irish Whips him into the stone retaining wall that separates the bathrooms from the main hall... Jono hits with a thud and grabs his back in pain! Xane is smiling and shaking his head at Jono, but that just worked like shaking a red cape in front of an angry bull!!! Jono gets pissed and comes running, catching Xane around the mid-section, lifting him off his feet and sending the both of them careening into a nearby t-shirt stand!!!

The wooden wall of the stand crumbles as both men fall through it... Jono is pounding on his opponent, throwing the wrestling guide out the window and sticking to the hardcore style that earned him that belt! Jono is surprised when Xane arches his back, sending both of them tumbling... first one man on top peppering the other with big fists and then the other returning the favor. They end up against a wall of the booth and Jono is the first to find one of the fake tin belts they sell as souvinears. He grabs it in his hand and SLAMS it hard into the side of Xane's head! Xane grabs his head in pain as he tumbles off of Jono.

Jono gets to his feet and kicks Xane in the head! He then pulls the big man up by the hair and throws him OVER the wooden side of the stand! Jono waits for Xane to start getting to his feet and then does a running dive OVER the wooden stand wall and hits a Flying Shoulderblock that sends Xane crashing into a hallway door! Xane is stunned and leaning on the door as Jono gets up adn comes running - Spear into Xane sending them crashing through the door!!! Holy crap, they just broke into a Starbucks that's housed in this arena! Jono is the first to his feet and waits for his opponent to stagger up... Drop Out DDT on Xane to the floor! WOW!!! Where did that come from? Xane is laid out on the linoleum floor of Starbucks! Jono is kneeling over him, holding Xane's head by his hair and slamming a fist over and over into Xane's head! Jono pulls back, spits on his fist and slams Xane one more time between the eyes, laying out the Television champion!!! Jono looks around and realizes where he is. He reaches out and grabs a bag of Starbucks roast of the month, a nice dark French roast, and rips the bag of beans open, letting them fill his right hand.

Jono: "So you hate coffee, eh, mate? Well try this on for size!!"

Jono grabs Bastian Xane's face and forces his mouth open as he shoves beans into his opponents mouth by the handful!!! Xane starts choking there on the floor as it looks like Jonathan is trying to affixiate him with coffee beans!!! Hell, now I've seen everything in a hardcore match!!! Jono drops the rest of the beans and grabs a nearby metal driving cup and slams it hard into the side of Xane's head! Xane was busted open with that one!!!

It looks like Team 5 Stars resident monster is choking on his coffee as the blood runs into his eyes.

Jono gets up and looks around for more weapons to use as Xane gets on his hands and knees and starts spitting out the foul tasting beans! Xane looks up with a fire burning deep in his eyes and starts to get to his feet, just managing to duck as a 5 pound bag of beans comes flying at his head! Xane wipes the blood out of his eyes, then looks up and smiles. Jono smiles back and signals to Bane with his hand to bring it.

Xane starts moving towards Jono, as the big Brit comes storming up to him - suddenly a waitress steps out of the back room with a tray of coffees and stops suddenly with a start and a scream!!! Jono pulls up short so as not to hit her as Xane does a little jump kick that sends the tray of hot coffees flying into Jono's face and upper chest! The hardcore champ lets out a slight yell of pain as the hot liquid scalds the side of his face and his chest! Jono grabs his face in pain as Xane takes advantage of the situation and doubles him over with a kick to the gut! Double underhook on both of Jono's arms and Xane sends him face first into the linoleum with a Pedigree!

Jono is down and holding his face in pain as Xane spins up to his feet and grabs a nearby chair. Bastien slams the chair into Jono's back and then sets it across his throat then sits in it!!! Holy crap!!! He's choking off Jonathan's airway as he grabs a nearby tray of scones and helps himself to a chocolate one! Xane takes two bites and smiles like he's enjoying them as Jono is fighting hard to get a breath. Xane finally gets up, freeing the big man to catch his breath.

Jono gets on his hands and knees and crawls to the counter and then pulls himself up. He is standing there trying to catch his breath as Xane dives in and takes out his knee, sending Jono crashing to the floor on the back of his head! Jono is down and nearly out it looks like! Xane looks down and runs a thumb across his throat indicating that this one is over... he grabs Jono and pulls the Brit to his feet and then shows an incredible amount of strength as he presses the big man high over head and holds him there for five seconds and then drops him face first into the class display case with a Snake Eyes slam!!! Luckily for Jono the glass cracks but does not shatter as he bounces off and slides to the floor!

Xane drops down and makes the cover, hooking one leg and bending the big man in half, as the referee fights his way past the fans and drops to the floor... 1... 2... NO!!! 2 1/2 count!!! Jono found the strength deep inside to get a shoulder up! Where did he find the strength to do that?!? Xane pulls the big Brit up by his hair and then grabs him by the waist and flips the big man into the air with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam but drops him on his face and stomach onto a metal table with a Modified "Career Ender"!!! HOLY CRAP!!! He rolls him over right on the table!!! Here's the cover... 1... 2... NO!!!! Jono shifts his weight and the table falls to the floor sending both men stumbling across the floor! THAT WAS SOOOO CLOSE!!!!

Both men are sprawled out but scurry to their feet at the same time. Xane runs at Jono with a Clothesline but Jono grabs the arm and turns him so that Xane goes head first into the newspaper stand! Xane is stunned as his head slams into the hard wooden shelving! Jono pulls the now teetering wooden structure over so that it topples down apon the Television Champion! Xane is under all that weight and is trying to lift it off but is having trouble, partially due in fact to Jono leaning on the wooden frame. Jono lays his 275 pound frame across the wooden rack and tells the ref to count.. 1... 2... BAM!!! Jono suddenly comes flying into the ref, breaking up the count! Both the ref and Jonathan are down, but only Jono is bleeding profusely from a cut to the back of his head. The camera pans back to the fallen bookshelf and we see Plague standing there with a dented coffee maker in his hands!

Plague stands over Jono and throws the metal container down hard across his back! Jono seems out of it as Plague stands over him celebrating his achievement. We can see Xane press the wooden structure off of him and then make his way back to his feet. Plague turns to Bastian Xane and says "You're Welcome!" and Xane just looks at him like he insulted his mother!

Xane: "I'm welcome? I'M WELCOME?!? Who the hell asked for your help?!?"

Plague looks confused as Xane rocks back onto his back leg and then superkicks him through a plate glass window!!! Plague goes flying what few customers remain dive for cover!!! Plague is laying on the arena hall floor, bleeding profusely from multiple cuts as Xane turns his attention back to his fallen opponent! No, Jono isn't fallen anymore - BAM!!! He meets Xane with a Running Spear, but it seemed kind of weak! Xane didn't go down, but he did get knocked back out into the hall! Jono goes for another spear to set up his big finisher but Xane drops to his back and rolls, trapping Jonathan's foot and sending the big Brit crashing head long into a ceramic drinking fountain!!! GROSS!!! Jono is covered in blood and water as the broken pipe is sending sprays of water cascading down on everyone in proximity! Xane grabs a leg and rolls up for the pin... 1... 2... 3!!! HE DID IT!!! OH MY GAWD, BASTIAN XANE DID IT!!! Team 5 Star just added another belt to their collection!!!
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: Bastian Xane

So far our PPV line-up looks pretty impressive. A few changes have been made to the card though, Draven will sub for Wicked D who will defend the US Title against Wolf in a 15 foot high steel cage match. Let's look at out card so far...

Draven and Asylum vs Boone and Jackson for the Tag Straps
Jace will battle Pyre in a Inferno Match
Phantom vs Sharpe vs Giruad
Wicked D vs Wolf for the US Title-Steel Cage

So far it looks pretty good, and everyone is buzzing about X-Factor and Alec Diablo. Both men sustained a beating at the beginning of the show...who did it affect more? We are about to find our right now.

World Title Match
Alec Diablo vs X-Factor
The match was signed, and the trash was spoken by both men. The crowd is PRO X-Factor tonight with signs for the Canadian hero EVERYWHERE! X's new music hits and the place ERUPTS as X walks out with a bandage on his head from that belt shot and piledriver he took from 5 Star tonight. This guy might be the gutsiest of them all as he walks to the ring with a dangerous look in his eye. He wants to take the gold home SO bad tonight. He gets in the ring as the fans chant "X" until "Points of Authority" plays and the BOOS DROWN out any other noise you could hear. Diablo walks out to a "Asshole" chant as the fans get on his case. He looks to be in a VERY bad mood, especially from the comments made from Plague, that was just plain wrong, and the chokeslam he got from Angel earlier tonight. He gets in the ring as the music cuts off as both men go nose to nose. Their is no love lost here I can tel you that. Both men have had very successful careers outside of the IHWA and both men have done it all here in the IHWA. X came into the IHWA a certified star while AD had shakey moments when he first entered here. The bell sounds and the trash talking starts up again, but AD wastes no time and slaps X right in his face. X knees him in the gut and starts to whale on him with all types of forearms and punches. He sets up to the ropes and chops him then whips him into the other side where he springs and delivers a flying clothesline. He knocks AD down, the champs gets back up....X knocks him down with a tornado punch. AD crawls into the corner and gives off a Flair-eque NOOOOO, but X kicks him in his face and arm drags him out of the corner. X goes for the drop kick, but AD swats it away as X lands on his gut. AD drops and elbow to the back of the head of X and then starts to choke the challenger. He whips him into the ropes, and goes for the back body drop only for X to his a sunsetflip. AD drops to his knees for a schoolboy, but X kicks out. AD goes for a clothesline, but X ducks and turns it into a t-bone suplex. AD gets up and X superkicks him over the top rope. Diablo is down on the floor, as X runs up the top turnbuckle and high cross bodies OFF the top. He lands on Diablo and starts to pound away on his head and then whips the champ over the announce table. X grabs a chair and says to hell with it and SMASHES the back of the champ. He looks at the ref who almost DQ's him. X drops the chair and then SNAP suplexes D OFF the announce table and onto the floor. AD hit's hard as he bounces off the blue mats. X tosses him back into the ring and springboard planchas back into the ring. He covers AD...1...2...Diablo kicks out, but X stays on him. He applies reverse chinlock and tries to wear the champ down, X is a great technical wrestler and it is showing here as he slowly takes Diablo apart. X now applies a sleeper and raises AD to his feet ONLY to drop back down with a sleeper drop. Nice move by X-Factor who climbs the second rope and comes off with a leg drop. He quickly hooks the leg, but AD is out by 2. X scoops him up and delivers a falcon arrow slam and then applies a bston crab. X uses a higher leverage as the pressure is more of the neck and upper back. AD is being bent like a pretzel as X tries to take the champ apart. He then rolls him back over and sling shots him into the corner. X goes for a Stinger splash, but there is no body home as AD moves and then catches the falling X with a reverse russian leg sweep. Great counter by Diablo, AD is back up and holding his back, but manages to kick at X a bit. He scoops him up and hits a standing vertical supplex into a pin...1..2..X is up by mid two but AD slaps on a head scissors and tries to cut the air from X's neck. X nips out, but is swept by AD who then hits a flipping knee into the face of X. AD hits the ropes and delivers a rolling thunder like leg drop onto the back of the head of X. AD stands up and praises himself as the fans get on his case.

Diablo scoops X up and hits a standing spinebuster and then applies a crossface chicken wing on X-Factor. AD is matching hold for hold with X right now, as both men show off their stuff. AD tries to choke out X who puts his foot on the ropes, AD stands up and just begins to stomp away at X and then sling shots him neck first into the bottom rope. What a move, almost took his head off. Diablo lifts him up and delivers a Dominator slam and then covers X again.....X is out by 2 but barely. That slam took a lot out of him as he crawls to the ropes for help up. But AD lifts him up with a German Suplex...release style as X lands on the back of his head. AD grabs him....piledriver on the mat....1....2...another kick out by X. He tosses X to the outside of the ring.....AD follows him....PILEDRIVER ON THE FLOOR!!!!! HE'S TRYING TO END HIS DAMN CAREER WITH MOVES LIKE THAT!!! He tosses X back in the ring....a's over...1..2....X kicks out...what does he have to do to put this guy away. AD says that's it as he motions for 15 minutes. AD picks X up....BUT A SMALL PACKAGE BY X...1...2...AD KICKS OUT!!! He just surprised the hell out of the champ. And that angers Diablo....AD picks up X and is going for the FIfteen Minutes untl the big screen flashes and a picture of AD's late sister is on the screen. Diablo pauses with shock as we can hear Plagues voice over the speakers.

Plagues: I didn't want to have to go to such extremes to get your attention Diablo.....but if you happen to win and don't give me a title shot....well...who knows what I might do. I mean....look at beautiful...innocent...dead...HAHAHAHAA!

Oh come on...this is just SICK!!! Diablo drops X and is about to get out of the ring until Xane runs down and tells him to focus. Diablo ignores Xane, but X ROLLS HIM UP.....1....2...AD KICKED OUT...I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER RIGHT THERE!!! AD looks at Xane again, and he snaps out of his anger. AD gets up and goes for a clothesline on X, but X ducks..l..kick to the gut...HE HAS HIM HOISTED.....X-TERMINATOR BOMB!!!!! MY FAWD WE HAVE A NEW....NOOOOO XANE JUST GOT UP ON THE APRON AND GOT THE REFS' ATTENTION!!! X is comes the Wolf sneakin down to the ring BUT WICKED D IS BEHIND HIM AND LEVELS THE WOLF FROM BEHIND!!!! Both men are going at it again back and forth as the ref calls for more officials to get these two out of the ring. X super kicks X off the apron as he measures a VERY groggy Alec Diablo. X hits the ropes, BUT XANE CRACKS HIM IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH A STEEL CHAIR!! X falls right into the FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME!!!!!! Xane pushes the ref back into the ring where he sees the cover....1......2.....3...DAMN IT!!!! Diablo pulled it off with the help of Xane. Xane pulls X out of the ring and begins to stomp away at the defated man. Xane is all bloody and bruised up from his match with Jonothan, but his damn heinous actions are all over X. Diablo pulls himself up to look at the big screen as he climbs on the top rope to stare at the now blanks screen. Wait a second...PLAGUE IS IN THE RING...HE JUMPS ON THE TOP ROPE.....FALL FROM DARKNESS ON THE CHAMPION!!!!!! He drops the picture of Diablo's late sister on his chest as Xane hops in to make the save for Diablo. Plague just laughs as he gets out of the ring. Wolf and D are in the damn crowd somewhere as X is still on the ground and the hurt Xane attends to Diablo as Plague laughs a sinister laugh all the way to the back. What is WRONG with this man?? I think he got the attention of the champion now. My lord the PPV "To Hell and BACK" is gonna be insane.
WInner: Alec Diablo