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As the show opens we see a shot of Commissioner Sloan working frantically in the back trying to make sure everything is in order for tonight's event. There is a knock at the door and Sloan looks up frustrated and says "Come in...". VP Smith steps into the room with a guy with an unfamiliar face. Smith looks at Sloan and says...

Smith: "Just wanted to stop in and check on things..."
Sloan: "Things are fine, and aren't you really here to check on me?"

Smith smiles a sly little smile.

Smith: "Maybe a little."
Sloan: "I don't need a baby sitter, Smith!"
Smith: "Well, based on some of the decisions you've made recently, I don't know that the Front Office agrees with you."

Sloan looks up, with a look of anger on his face.

Sloan: "Excuse me?"
Smith: "Well, some of your decisions of late HAVE been rather questionable, you must admit."
Sloan: "No, actually, I must not..."
Smith: "4 MILLION dollars to bring Extreme back? Allowing Cobra to write his own contract clauses... I mean, come on Sloan, what's next?"
Sloan: "Look Smith, do you realize how busy this office is? DO YOU?!? NO!!! I don't think you do! I do a ton of work here and I do the best I can..."
Smith: "Yea, well maybe your best just isn't enough anymore! You never use the Front Office anymore... this is SUPPOSED to be a group effort!"
Sloan: "Yea, so?"
Smith: "So... so I think it's time to start sharing duties again. That's why the Front Office has brought on some more help..."
Sloan: "Help? This guy?"
Smith: "Yea, 'this guy'. This is Dustman... he's a new VP we've brought on to check things out for us."
Sloan: "Things? What kind of things?"
Smith: "He'll be evaluating all of the contracts... that's his specialty."
Sloan: "I TOLD YOU... I don't need no baby sitter!"
Smith: "We disagree... just humor us, OK?"

Sloan looks pissed, but then concedes and turns away...

Sloan: "Fine... WHATEVER!"
Smith: "OK, cool... well I'm going to introduce him to the talent... talk to you in a bit."
Sloan: "Whatever..."
Dustman: "Nice to meet you..."

Sloan ignores the new guy and continues shuffling through papers...

Sloan: "Yea, right!"

Smith and Dustman exit the room and shut the door. Sloan throws all of the papers off his desk and then lays on it and has a tantrum! What a maroon!

Lets get down to the ring for our first match!

The arena lights darken as "God Send Death" by Slayer starts to play...the crowd start booing loudly as the man simply known as Plague walks out, he gets to the ring just as Black Sabbath's classic "Iron Man" starts to play - here comes Jay Miller!! He runs straight to the ring and slides underneath the ropes...ding ding!!

Miller and Plague lock up. Plague pushes Miller towards the ropes but Miller uses his strength and pushes Plague into the opposite ropes. Miller puts his knee into Plague’s midsection and then whips him across the ring...clothesline from Miller! Plague back up...Miller suplexes him to the mat...and again! Plague lands hard on his back. Miller gets Plague back to his feet...fisherman suplex...bridge...1.....2...kickout in the early going from Plague.

Wait a minute...there’s a stir in the crowd...what the hell...? Jace Silver has appeared at the top of the ramp - he’s standing there watching the match!! Remember, Miller beat Jace in Silver’s TV debut just last week - does Silver want revenge? In the ring, Miller gets Plague up...right hand followed by right hand...followed by a left...Plague blocks the left jab and dropkicks Miller in the knee...Miller falls to the floor holding his knee and Plague executes a DDT on Miller! Big move this early in the match...Plague gets back to his feet and holds himself up on the ropes. Miller gets back up...Clothesline...this time from Plague!

Plague grabs Miller by the hair and gets him to his feet. Snap-suplex from Plague! Plague follows up with an elbowdrop to Miller’s chest. Miller is back to his feet. Plague pushes him back into the ropes...whips him across the ring...hiptoss takedown from Plague! Cover...1...2...kickout from Miller!

Plague gets Miller back up. He whips him into the ropes yet another time...drop-toe-hold! Miller appears to bounce straight back up...only to be met by a dropkick from Plague! Miller hits the mat again! Plague gets him up...kicks him in the the ropes...spinning neckbreaker!

Plague up followed by Miller! Plague executes a modified T-bone suplex which sends Miller down to the mat in a heap. Plague gets him up again...into ropes...sidewalk slam by Plague! Plague goes for cover...too close to the ropes! Miller gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Plague waits as Miller gets to his feet...he goes for a clothesline...Miller ducks...Plague off the ropes...Miller with a spinebuster! Plague goes down...did you see his head bounce off the mat then! Miller with the cover...hooks leg! 1......2......kickout! Plague just kicks out! Miller gets to his feet in disbelief!

Miller gets Plague up, pushes him back into the corner and sets him up on the turnbuckle. What could be going through the mind of our Millerion! Miller climbs the turnbuckle and gets Plague on his arms...powerbomb from the top rope! What a super-powerbomb! That has to be it...but Miller has hurt himself as well on the turnbuckle...Miller slowly makes the! Plague kicked out...Plague kicked out!

Miller cannot believe it. He holds himself up on the ropes and catches his breath before grabbing Plague by the hair. He slowly gets him to his feet...DOWNWARD SPIRAL! Plague hits the mat face first...Miller stands up and waits! Plague slowly gets to his feet. Miller grabs his arm and whips him across the ring...reversal by Plague, Miller into the ropes. Plague goes for a desperation clothesline...Miller ducks, spins him round...CROSSFACE from Miller! He has it locked in......this has got to be it......NOOOOO Plague manages to roll through...Miller's shoulders are down!!!! 1.......2.............3!!!!!!!! What a big win this is for Plague!!!

At the top of the ramp, Jace simply shrugs and walks off to the back. What a controversial decision by the referee - I wonder what’s going to come of this one!!!

Winner: Plague

In the back we see VP Dustman getting himself a drink from the Cola machine. He turns around to face Cobra and Anastasia staring him down.

VP Dustman: Anything I can help you two with?
Stasia: Dustman, I know you don't know me. But I know you, I know how you and Wicked D used to be close friends. I'm onto you.
VP Dustman: WELL LAAA DEE FRICKEN DAH. I've only been here for a few days and you just find out about it fifteen minutes ago and already you're onto me. AMAZING.
Cobra: You've got a smart mouth.
VP Dustman: And you've got bad breath.

Cobra grabs him by the throat and slams him against the Coke Machine.

Cobra: I should pound you now.
VP Dustman: Go ahead, I hope you enjoy your unpaid suspension if you do.

Cobra reluctantly releases him.

VP Dustman: Well, you aren't as dumb as I thought, I applaud you. But both of you need to worry about other things and not bother with me. I'm sure that Wicked D and his partner will be looking for you.
Stasia: They know where to find us.
Dustman: That they do, but you don't know D as well as I do my dear. Keep an eye out Stasia, I'm sure it'll pay off to keep a gaurd up. Now if you'll excuse me, I have people's contracts to overlook.

VP Dustman walks away while opening his drink and taking a swig from it. Stasia and Cobra walk away and unknowingly walk by a room with which we see Wicked D and Pyre in it. D hands Pyre another brown Envelope labeled 'Twist List'. Pyre takes it and walks away.

Tornado vs Wolf "Supercharger Heaven" by White Zombie comes on and the fans start getting excited for this next match. The music plays as we wait for the IHWA Outcast to show himself but nothing... what the heck is going on? They change the music to Tornado's music, but he doesn't show either... something is definitely wrong here! Let's get a crew into the back area NOW!!!

The cameras search the back area and we find Wolf and Tornado both busted open and laid out in the back! Wolf is laying through a broken serving table unconscious with blood running down his face, and Tornado is collapsed over a stair railing, only being supported by a foot that is caught in the safety rail. As the camera closes in we see that both men have black t-shirts laid across them that say simply "PIMP" on them. What can that mean?!?

Winner: No Contest

Before anything else can happen, Pyre runs up and looks at both of the downed wrestlers. Pyre takes out the brown envelope from earlier and spots Wolf's name on it. He puts away the envelope and reaches down and twists Wolf's Nipple. Wolf screams in pain and manages to kick Pyre away. Pyre laughs maniacly and runs off.

Who could have laid out both Wolf AND Tornado? What the hell is going on?!? I wish we knew!!!

In the back we are outside of the Henchmen's dressing room. Michael Cole is there and knocks on the door. Asylum comes to the door and looks at Cole. After a moment Asylum closes the door again and soon Wicked D emerges.

Wicked D: What is it Cole?
Cole: Just a few questions.
Wicked D: Very well then.
Cole: First of all, after reveiwing what was said by Stasia and VP Dustman it is now known that you and Dustman have a history together, care to elaborate?
Wicked D: We've worked together before, a few years back when I was out of wrestling I worked in the RCW Front Office for a while before going back into wrestling. And a few odd encounters here and there.
Cole: What do you think your relationship with him will be now?
Wicked D: Who knows, who cares. What else Cole?
Cole: After what happened at the end of last weeks show, how do you feel?
Wicked D: I feel fine, why should it bother me that I didn't get a World Title shot and Asylum didn't get his hands on Cobra one on one? Just because they found a loop hole means nothing, they are just delaying the inevitable. Oh they thought it was such a great plan to find a loop hole in order to not have to fight us, sounds like cowardice to me and not a mind game.

Hardcore Championship Pyre vs Ichabod (c) The match has already begun and we see Pyre and Ichabod fighting back and forth on the outside. IChabod is ramming Pyre's head into the ring post and then whips him into the gaurd railing. Pyre bounces off and lands on his stomach, Ichabod walks over and grabs a beer from a fan and drinks it and pours the remainder onto Pyre. Ichabod then picks up Pyre and whips him but Pyre reverses it and sends Ichabod toward the steps. Ichabod jumps up onto of them but Pyre runs up and catches his legs and Electric Chair Drops him onto the floor. Ichabods face bounced on that one too. Pyre is up and grabs Ichabod up and rolls him into the ring. Pyre reaches under the ring and tosses in a few items into the ring. Trash cans, wooden boards, lids, stop signs and so on. Pyre rolls into the ring but is met with several smashes across his back with that board. Pyre is rolling around trying to get away but Ichabod picks him up and DDT's him onto the Stop Sign. Ichabod sets Pyre up into the corner and sets a trash can standing up in front of him. Ichabod stands at the opposite ring corner and charges in and Shoulder Charges the trash can, smashing it into Pyre's face. The can falls over and Pyre's face is dripping with blood that is coming forth from the impact of the trash can. Pyre is crawling out of the corner when Draven runs down to the ring dragging behind him his SPIKED TABLE. That table has hundreds of nails sticking through it. Ichabod is beating away at Pyre while Draven is setting the table up on the outside. He lifts one end up onto the gaurd rail and puts the other end onto the ring apron. He yells at Ichabod and points to the table. Ichabod nods and drags Pyre to the ropes. Ichabod steps through the ropes and in front of the SPIKED TABLE and Pyre kicks him backwards. Ichabod falls backwards and ALMOST into the table but Draven quickly shoves him out of the way and Ichabod lands full force on his ass on the ground instead. Draven walks over and check on Ichabod and helps him to his feet. Pyre is up and standing on the top rope. As soon as he dives off Draven and Ichabod catch him and with one fluid motion Gorilla Press Slam him into the Table. Those spikes have driven into his skin, peirced it and he's bleeding badly. Draven and Ichabod start stomping on his broken body. The table is in peices now and they continue on until the ref has to stop the match for fear of Pyre's safety after that fall through the Spiked Table. Ichabod grabs his Hardcore Title and he and Draven walk off while EMT's are checking on Pyre. Before cutting to a commercial. Winner: ICHABOD

We cut back from commercial and see Pyre on an examining able being attended to by EMT's. He's dazed and bloody but suddenly he snaps out of his dazed state and Nipple Twists the closest person. He jumps over them and runs off screaming "Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch little ole' me."

In the back we see newly appointed VP Dustman running through the halls with a paper in his hands. He looks in a couple of rooms as he keeps moving. He continues down the hall and sees VPs Smith and Faeth talking by a water cooler. Dustman runs up to them and says...

Dustman: "We've got a possible BIG problem here..."

Smith and Faeth look concerned as they meet his eyes...

Faeth: "Yea, like what?"

Dustman: "Come here, I'll show you!"

Dustman leads Faeth and Smith into another room and then shuts the door. What was that about?

Back down to the ring!

We go to commercial and when we come back we see the ring empty. Just then 'Nocturnal Supremacy' comes over the PA system and the Tag Team Champions walk out. Wicked D and Asylum enter the ring and ask for a microphone. Asylum and D look out at the audience and receive numerous boos. Asylum takes the microphone and begins speaking.

Asylum: You know, D and I have conquered many a foe here in this ring. Cobra and Ana, X and Angel, and so on and so forth. We've been dealt many screw jobs and we always came back over it. But, there is now something that we are working on that will change the face of the IHWA FOREVER. Something that will never be looked upon as a Good Cause. We are sending out a message to the Front Office and to the rest of the wrestlers backstage. This is your official 'CALL TO ARMS' For every wrestler in the back that is not liking what is happening around here, for everyone that is being screwed over time and time again then listen to our words. Join us, join and fight to OVERTHROW THE FRONT OFFICE. Us Henchmen already run the backstage, why not control the entire federation within a group? We know that there are several wrestlers that have been looked over time and time again that have deservedly earned many shots but were not given them. Well D and I are fed up with it happening to us alone. So, who wants to join us?

Asylum hands the Mic over to D?

Wicked D: Who will join us and see that everyone is treated fairly? Who will join the most dominating force in the IHWA and see that the Front Office is overthrown and crushed to the ground?

The camera cuts to a commercial after centering in on Wicked D and Asylum. We come back from commercial and are already watching the next bout.

Draven and Cletus vs X-Factor and Angel

Draven's music hits as two of the Henchmen walk out to the loud boos. Cletus looks as crazy as ever and Draven has that wicked glare in his eyes. As they walk closer to the ring the fans go nuts as the team of Angel and X-Factor run out from behind and pummel their opponents. Angel tosses Cletus in the ring while X whips Draven over the guard rail. They are still mad from that loss to the tag champs last week. X is in the crowd with Draven as he body slams him on a set of chairs. The ref calls for the bell to get this thing started as Angel sends Cletus to the ropes and delivers a massive spinning side suplex. X leaves Draven in the crowd as he gets up on the apron, this match has turned out to be a wild one. the fans are behind Angel and X-Factor as Angel scoop slams Cletus and slams INTO the corner. Cletus's neck twists as his head hits the mat. He's stuck upside down now as X is tagged in and BASEBALL slides into the face of Cletus Pisson. Draven is back up on the apron, but X runs and drop kicks him off. X is on fire as he snap suplexes Cletus 3 times and then covers him. Cletus kicks out, but X applies a dragon sleeper, but turns it into a inverted DDT. Angel is tagged back in as X powerslams Cletus to teh mat. Angel bounces off the ropes and delivers a MASSIVE leg drop to the face of Cletus. Angel whips him into the ropes, but a blind tag is made to Draven. Cletus gets caught in the vice like grip of Angel, but Angel is chop blocked by Draven. Draven snap suplexes Angel and begins to stomp on the knee of Angel. He applies a indian deathlock on Angel and has the big man on the verge of submission. X runs in and stomps the head of Draven and the hold is broken. But Draven gets up and t-bone suplxes Angel to the mat. Draven wastes no time as he climbs to the top rope, and comes off with a big missile dropkick. Angel just swats him out the way and tags in X-Factor. X runs in and jumps on the fallen Draven and pounds his head into the mat. He lifts him up and hits a twisting belly to belly suplex followed by a senton backsplash. X goes to the top and comes off with a buff blockbuster that puts DA on the mat. A cover..1..2..Cletus makes the save. X irish whips DA into the ropes, but misses the high cross body as DA ducks.

X gets tangled in the ropes as Pisson pounds on his head and chokes him. Draven dropkicks the prone XF and the hits a release German Suplex. XF lands on the back of his head while Draven takes advantage and dropkicks the lower back of X. Draven tags in Cletus who comes in and knees XF right in his nose. That might have opened him up. Cletus puts him in the corner and chokes him until the 5 count. XF slumps in the corner, and CP runs into his face with a vicious running knee. X starts bleeding from the nose as CP takes advantage of the wound and begins to twist and turn the nose of X-Factor. X screams out in pain, but manages to rake the eyes and hits a back suplex. he tags in Angel who drops Cletus with a massive boot. Cletus goes for a tag, but Angel catches him and puts him high in the air only to drop him with a mega atomic drop. Cletus flies into his corner and turns around only to be CHOKESLAMMED by Angel...a..cover......1..2..Draven kicks Angel in the head as X comes in, but is back body dropped to the outside. Draven runs into the hand of Angel and is CHOKESLAMMED to the OUTSIDE of the ring!! Draven lands hard but as he turns around Cletus has the JAWS OF LIFE locked on!! There is no escape from this one as Angel slowly goes to one knee...boy does he look to be in pain. Angel can't break it, but X does with a WICKED chair shot to the back of Cletus Pisson. The ref calls for the bell, but X doesn't care....he grabs Cletus and hits a X-TERMINATOR BOMB ON THE STEEL CHAIR!!! The fans are goiung CRAZY for X and Angel as Draven drags the lifeless body of Cletus out of the ring before any more damage is done.

X points to the camera and says "This isn't over yet Henchmen!" What a match!

Winners by DQ: Draven and Cletus

Mike Cole walks up to Asylum and Wicked D as they stand outside in the hall and asks them about this Henchmen vs FO thing.

MC: What was the motivation for the Henchmen to expand into one giant army?

Asylum: Weren't you listening Cole? The front Office wants to protect people, they wanna protect people like Cobra and Anastasia....the Henchmen don't need any political pull to get things done around here...but since they wanna pull their power cards then we will pull ours.

WD: And that's by uniting everyone that won't go for this FO protection BS. They don't want people like the Henchmen getting there rightful shot...then we will just take everything by we ALWAYS do.

Both men walk off...back to the ring

Hardcore Street Fight Jason Perry vs Mean Mike Smith We cut to the back and see Mike Smith and Perry already fighting it out. They are battling back and forth trading blows. Mike Smith gets the quick upper hand by slamming Perry into a door. Too bad for Perry, that was the Henchmen's locker room. All of them stand up. Wicked D, Asylum, Cletus, Ichabod, and Draven are all looking towards the door at Perry on the ground. Mike Smith walks in and notices them all and quickly backs away, Wicked D steps forth and calmy says "Continue" Smith wastes no time and picks up Perry and whips him into the lockers and rams his head into them. He opens a locker and puts Perry's head in it and goes to slam it shut bu Perry collapses. Mike has Perry up again and drags him to the shower room as the Henchmen follow. Mike picks up Perry and whips him but Perry reverses it and sends Mike into the tiled wall. Mike falls over as Perry advances towards him. Not long after ALL of the Henchmen attack both Perry and Mike Smith and grab them both and carry them to the door and toss them out. Perry goes sailing out of the door first and lands on his back, Mike is thrown out second and lands on Perry. That being a legal pin the ref runs from around the corner and begins the count 1................2.................3......

Winner: 'Mean' Mike Smith

World Title Match Anastasia (c) vs Cobra "Mr. Self Destruct" by Nine Inch Nails comes over the PA system and the masked man, Cobra, comes out first for tonight's main event! He comes out slowly and walks deliberately to the ring. Cobra slides in and waits as the music changes to Danzig's "Hand of Doom"... here comes the World Heavyweight Champion!!! Anastasia comes out of the back and holds the belt high as the fans cheer wildly. She walks to the ring, up the step and then enters the squared circle. She walks to the middle of the ring, hands the belt to the ref and then shakes Cobra's hand. Cobra pulls out a mic and then tells the audience that because of the importance of tonight's main event, he has taken some necessary precautions to ensure the safety and integrity of it. Suddenly the sound of motorcycles revving fills the arena - VROOMMM!!! Gargoyle, Jason Perry, Wildebeast Wilson and a bunch of Hells Angels come riding down the ramp and surround the ring to everyone's surprise! The cyclists encircle the ring and make sure that NOBODY is interfering in this match!

Cobra smiles to the crowd and then shakes hands with Anastasia one more time. The ref calls for the bell and they're off!!! Both wrestlers circle each other in the ring and then Collar and Elbow lock up. They push back and forth, each trying to gain the advantage and then Cobra uses his superior strength to shoves her on her butt!!! He smiles at her as Ana quickly regains her feet. They try it again, but same results! Ana gets up shaking her head as Cobra chuckles softly. They start to circle again and Ana calls for another C&E only this time she ducks behind the masked man and bends his arm up with a Hammer Lock! Cobra was taken by surprise with that one! He looks for an escape and then slams her in the side of the head with a Back Elbow! Cobra grabs her by the head, kicks his feet into the air and then Snap Mares her over and onto the mat! Ana holds on and takes Cobra over so she ends up standing behind him again, still holding him in the Hammer Lock! She kicks Cobra in the back of his knees dropping him into a kneeling position then step over his shoulder and rolls down, twisting through, turning the move into a Cross Arm Breaker!!!! Cobra is in serious pain but is still clear headed! He reaches out and grabs the bottom rope forcing the ref to break the hold! WOW! What a way to start the match!

Cobra gets up quickly and Ana Drop Kicks him into the ropes! As he bounces off, she catches him and slams him hard to the mat with a Side Walk Slam on Cobra! Ana runs to the ropes, vaults over, grabs the top rope and then barely touches the floor as she sling shots back into the ring with a Flying Senton Bomb! BAM!!! She slams into Cobra and drives the air out of the masked man... Here's a cover... 1... 2... NO!!! Kick out by the challenger!! Ana pulls him up and whips Cobra to the ropes - she goes for another Drop Kick but Cobra shoulder rolls past her and then sweeps her legs out from under her when she lands! Cobra waits for her to sit up, grabs her arm and twists through! He then forces her to her knees as he sits on her extended arm, putting all of his weight on the back of her elbow! Cobra pulls back and Ana yells out in pain! Cobra tries but Ana refuses to submit! Cobra loosens up the hold a little and Ana is able to make it to the ropes forcing the break!

Cobra hangs onto the arm and uses it to pull her back to her feet... He twists through again only this time he positions himself so that he ends up with his head under her chest... he lifts her high into the air and slams her to the mat as he bridges up for a pin attempt! 1... 2... NO!!! Anastasia kicks out! That was close! Both wrestlers roll free and then get back to their feet. Cobra rushes in and hits a Fireman's Carry Take Down that drops Ana onto her back... he grabs an arm and bends it back at an angle, using the Arm Lock to keep her in position. He takes his other arm and wraps it around her head locking on a Dragon Sleeper! The crowd is chanting wildly for their champion as the masked man squeezes the life out of her. The ref asks Anastasia if she wants to submit, but she indicates No. Cobra pulls her to a standing position while maintaining the Dragon Sleeper and then Suplexes her up and over into a Front Slam! WHAT A MOVE!!! He makes the quick cover... 1.. 2.. NO!!! Kick out!

Cobra kneels on the mat by her and gives Ana a little golf clap... He gets to his feet and then offers her a hand which she takes, and he helps her to her feet. As she gets to a standing position - SURPRISE!!! - KICK TO THE GUT FOLLOWED BY A COBRA DROP!!! They both hit the mat hard... here's the cover... 1... 2... NO!!! HE LET HER UP!!! Cobra had her and he let her up! Cobra backs up smiling and points to Anastasia as he says "Sorry about that... but I HAD YOU!!!" Ana slowly gets to her feet, smiling too. She nods her head and says "Yea, you did, but you'll pay for that treachery now!"

Slowly they begin to circle one another again. Collar and Elbow lock up... a beautifully executed Arm Drag sends Cobra sprawling to the mat, but he gets immediately to his feet... Ana jumps into the air and Drop Kicks the masked man into the ropes... she waits for his rebound and then Back Body Drops him high into the air. Cobra lands with a thud and Ana dives onto him, grabbing his head and a leg and rolling through with a Cow Catcher! Only a 2 count! Both of them get back to their feet. Ana grabs him by the wrist and whips him into the ropes, she grabs him on the rebound, using his momentum to lift him into the air and then hits a Spinning Side Slam!!! Ana gets up, turns away from where he lays on the mat and then hits a Standing Moonsault! She doesn't go for the pin though... Anastasia gets up and runs into the ropes - Asai Moonsault! But Cobra saw it coming and rolls out of the way! Ana lands on her feet - Leg Sweep by Cobra, but Ana jumps over it - She lets herself fall to the mat but hits him with a Falling Drop Kick on the way down! OWW!!!

Cobra's up and she whips him into the ropes again but this time he holds on - Ana rushes in behind him, pushing him into the ropes and then rolling backwards - Back Bridging Roll Up!!! 1.. 2... NO!!! Cobra struggles free! Cobra is on his feet but so is the Champ... Cobra throws a Round House but Ana DROPS TO THE MAT WITH CHINESE SPLITS!!!! HOLY CRAP! Cobra looks at her stunned and she gives him a little smile then hits a NUT SHOT!!! OWWW!!!! All of the guys in the arena felt that one! Cobra doubles over in pain and Ana gets up, locks up with him and then sends the masked man crashing into the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex!!! 1.. 2.. .NO!!! Cobra manages to get free!!! That was another close one!

Both wrestlers are back up to their feet... She grabs him by the arm and twists it into a Standing Arm Bar! She kicks Cobra in the back of the leg, dropping him to one knee, kicks him in the gut to double him over and then kicks her leg over his arm and snap kicks the masked man right in the face!!! Man, it looks like she's been studying with Jet Li!!! She hangs onto the arm and rolls through into a modified Cradle - 1... 2... NO!!! Cobra grabs the bottom rope! Anastasia releases the hold and gets up as Cobra sits in the corner and then pulls himself to his feet. He rubs a sore jaw and smiles at her as she gives a little "I Told You So.." smile right back.

Cobra stalks into the center of the ring and immediately locks up with her... Ana whips him into the corner and then rushes in after him and does a Tiger Mask Front Walk Up!!! Cobra is staggered! Ana whips him across the ring and goes for another only this time Cobra catches her and falls backwards - SNAKE EYES!!! He just bounced her head off the top turnbuckle! Ana is holding her face in pain! Cobra rushes in and smashes the champ into the corner! He hits three quick Knees to the Gut that double her over in pain and then Snap Suplexes her out of the corner! Ana comes crashing down hard in the middle of the ring! Cobra nips up and waits for Ana to get to her feet, then rushes in with a Clothesline that she ducks! Ana with a Kick to the ribs! NO!!! Cobra caught it and hit a Dragon Screw Leg Whip! WOW! Ana is down in the ring holding her knee in pain but Cobra doesn't let up - he holds onto the leg and turns her over onto her belly and then locks on an Achilles Tendon lock! He's bending the leg back but Ana won't give up so Cobra grabs her foot and twists the move into an Anglesque Ankle Lock! The ref is asking her if she submits but she shakes her no... she reaches out - stretching - stretching - Too close to the ropes! - SHE GOT EM!!!

Cobra releases the hold and Ana gets up noticeably limping. Cobra rushes in again and grabs the bad leg. He's holding it in the air as Ana hops up and down... she goes for an Enziguri but Cobra ducks it! Ana hits the mat but Cobra immediately grabs her by the waist and lifts the champ into the air - German Bridging Suplex! He's got her shoulders down as he bridges up to hold her in place... 1... 2... 2 3/4 COUNT!!! Ana kicks out at the last possible moment!

Cobra pulls her up and whips her hard into the corner - he runs in after her with a Stinger Splash! NO! She drops down and he takes the brunt of the move on his own body! Cobra collapses onto the ropes holding his chest in pain! Ana jumps up onto the 2nd turnbuckle and jumps over her partner - CHAOS RELIC!!! WHERE THE HELL DID SHE PULL THAT FROM!!! 1... 2... NO!!! ANA PULLED HIM UP!!! The ref looks at her in awe as Ana rolls away from her opponent and takes a break to catch her breath... Both wrestlers get to their feet and Cobra offers a hand, Ana smiles and then shakes it. She lets go of his hand and says "OK, we're even now, NEXT FALL WINS!!!" And Cobra nods his head in agreement.

The circle each other and go for another lock up... Ana turns around in mid-ring and jumps into the air - she kicks her feet back and locks them around Cobra in some weird, almost erotic way but then ducks her head and rolls between his legs taking the masked man off his feet and ending up with an Rolling Ankle Lock!!! Cobra refuses to give and is pulling them both towards the ropes! Ana releases the hold long enough to pull him back into the middle of the ring... Cobra flips onto his back but Ana still has his leg... Cobra tries to kick her off with the other leg and she catches it - wraps the legs and then turns him over with a COBRA COIL!!! HOLY CRAP! SHE'S USING HIS OWN MOVE AGAINST HIM!! Cobra is trying to pull free but she's got it locked on really well! Cobra changes tactics and reaches back, pulling both of her feet out from under the champ and then end up lying in the ring, EACH of them with a submission hold on the other! The crowd is going nuts! Neither one can make the other submit but neither is getting the upper hand! Both release and roll away...

Anastasia and Cobra are both rubbing out the aches in their legs as they get back to their feet. Once again they circle each other, each looking for an opening, for some weakness in the other. Collar and Elbow...Cobra hits a Forearm Upper Cut that rocks the champ back on her heels and then whips his partner hard into the corner! Cobra rushes in with a Running Spear into the corner but Ana kicks her feet up, lets him go under her and lands sitting on his back! She rolls him up with a Sunset Flip - 1... 2... NO!!! Cobra kicks out and uses his momentum to lift her legs and pin her... 1... 2... NO!!! Ana rolls out but grabs him by the head and arm then turns him over, drops to her knees and hits a Back Slide! 1... 2... NO!!! The crowd is going wild at all the near falls!

Cobra gets up and staggers back to the corner... Ana gets up and then hits a Running Knee Lift that rocks the masked man back! Ana goes up top again and is setting him up for a second Chaos Relic but Cobra sees it coming and shifts his body... he grabs her by the head and drops down with a Super Cobra Drop!!! HOLY COW!!! She just came off the 2nd rope and crashed hard into the mat! Here's the cover... 1... 2... 3!!! HE DID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! NEW CHAMP!!! NEW CHAMP!!!


Cobra rolls off of her and they both lay in the ring catching their breaths. Jason Perry gets off his bike and then grabs the World Championship belt and slides into the ring. He starts to give it to Cobra but Anastasia gets up and stops him. She takes the belt from Perry and then hands the belt to Cobra herself! They hug in the ring and then Ana lifts Cobra's arm in victory! What a show of sportsmanship!

Suddenly Anastasia calls for the mic

Anastasia: "Congratulations, Cobra, you EARNED this win! And it's the perfect way for me to go out!"

You can see the look of shock and awe come over the faces of the ref and the fans.

Anastasia: "I want to thank you, thank you all really, for a wonderful run with the IHWA... but I'm done! THIS IS MY LAST MATCH IN THE IHWA!!!"

The fans start booing that announcement and don't stop until Commissioner Sloan comes out of the back accompanied by the rest of the Front Office.

Sloan: "What the hell are you talking about Ana, you can't leave, you're under CONTRACT to the IHWA."

Anastasia: "No.... I WAS under contract to the IHWA. But that ran out over a week ago!"

Cobra borrows the mic from Ana

Cobra: "Yea, Sloan, don't you EVER read the contracts?"

Sloan looks stunned... he starts flipping through her contract as he mutters...

Sloan: "but.... but... but..."

Anastasia: "But nothing! Sorry, Honey, but I'm gone! New Japan offered me a hefty sum to join them for the next year, so I'm gone!"

Sloan: "but... but... but... you can't..."

Anastasia: "Oh, but I can! I had hoped to take the World Title Strap with me to put on my mantle place, but at least I know that it is in good hands now. Hands I can TRUST with it!"

Sloan: "But... but... but..."

Anastasia: "You know Sloan, you should buy a dictionary, cause you REALLY need to improve your vocabulary!"

Sloan looks up at her in shock as the rest of the Front Office just glare at him!

Sloan: "But you are under contract..."

Anastasia: "No, like I said, I WAS under contract... not anymore..."

Dustman looks at the rest of the Front Office...

Dustman: "See, that's what I was worried about!"

Anastasia: "OK, Sloan, so the new guy got it, but you didn't? How's that work?"

Sloan just stands there dumbfounded.

Anastasia: "Anyway, just thought it would be nice if I said goodbye before I left... it's been fun you all, but I'm out of here!"

Anastasia, Jason Perry and Cobra get out of the ring, Perry gets on his Hog and offers a spot to Ana who gets on behind him. Gargoyle offers a seat to Cobra, but he just nods and says no thank you, not my style. Gargoyle says suit yourself and starts his hog. All of the others do too and the arena is filled with the deafening roar of revving bikes. Gargoyle and Wildebeast Wilson head up the ramp in tandem followed closely by Perry and Anastasia and the rest of the Angels. They roar up the ramp and through the curtain and then out the back of the arena. As the gang rides off, Cobra walks slowly up the ramp and then shakes hands with each of the Front Office members in turn. He stops at Sloan and says...

Cobra: "Just remember, Sloan, I couldn't have done this with out YOU!"

Cobra slaps him lightly on the face and then turns back to the crowd, holds the World title belt high over head and then disappears through the curtain as the fans get loud. The camera focuses back on Sloan as the Front Office closes in around him. He looks stunned and speechless.

Sloan: "But, but, but..."

VP Smith looks at Sloan, shakes his head and says...

Smith: "One more mistake Sloan, one more... you're done!"

It takes a moment for this comment to sink in and then Sloan looks up again...

Sloan: "WHAT?!?"

Smith: "You're done... you're gone..."

Sloan: "What are you saying?"

Smith shakes his head slowly...

Smith: "I hate to do this, cause we've been friends for a long time. But you need a break, my friend, so for your own good..."

Sloan: "What? What?!?"

Smith: "You're FIRED!!!"

The fans cheer wildly as Sloan's jaw drops and he falls on his butt, stunned! The rest of the Front Office walk into the back as the camera focuses on a stunned FORMER Commissioner Sloan.

Fade to black.