
1) This is a STRICT White Wolf W.O.D. room, it means that you can’t use any fantasy discipline, play the part of creatures that are not described and allowed as PG in WW wod tomes or do anything that is out of WW wod (and that includes WW publications not related with the World of Darkness such as Exalted and the futuristic stuff) ....we will not recognize any other kind of roleplay but WW wod. Not only you won’t be recognized but also treated like a mortal with NO POWERS....entering this room you agree to this rule and so if you’ll be fool enough to play the part of something forbidden here you’ll be made a slave or killed like a boring mortal with no chioce of defense. If you shall use something that is WW but unknown to those of the room you’ve to state precisely where you found it in WW tomes. The only exceptions are at the Familys discretion! As a note even if we know that the creation of alternative bloodmagic pathes and rituals is possible if your character is in possesion of such paths or rituals they must first be approved by the room controller to be considered legit in the room....see more here.

2) Godmodders are not accepted and will be banned from the room or ignored as soon as they make their nature clear, any roleplay with them will be considered null!!

3) Harassment is not tolerated and harassers will be simply ignored.!

4)This is an adult roleplay,, there will be NO CENSORING of pics or language, Vamps are sexual people there ways seductive and alluring with open scening.. BUT any reference to child pornography animals or any other ABNORMALTIES , you will be asked to leave and reported to the site ADMIN!

5) Spars are going to be taken in our Arena and if it’s going to be an official Death Spar it requires at least one judge present. Spars are to be made of 5 posts with 3 actions per post that can be used to parry or attack, always remember that you’re supposed to aknowledge the damage of your opponent if you don’t manage to avoid/parry it. (anyway more complete rules for sparring are listed Below)!


) This is a RP room...we won’t accept any RP that comes from RT issues, leave them at the door!!! (E.G. if you create a character only to kill someon else’s because you’ve problems with him in your RT we will not recognize that RP).!

7) If you see that a Ceremony or a Test is going on please just remain quiet and enjoy what is going on...then we shall RP with you! These things are not going to happen very often so bear with us.!

8) Respect the others and the others will respect you. Respect is required from all to all.!

9) Those of House on the Lake or protected by us are not to be threatened in any it and you’ll pay the consequences. Humans that are not protected or ghouled you can treat as food.....but some will try their best to not let you to!!

9b)Humans who come in this home and are not protected may even be made slaves but keep in mind this is not a Gorean room; slaves or servants or even blood dolls are subject to the wishes of the owner...may be collared...may be not..may be ordered not wear clothes... may be not, We are creature of Darkness and we treat our food or what we consider our property the way that pleases us the best. Observers must wear the ~o~ in their names and are asked please not to interfere with the RP, they are also invited to ask questions that we will be pleased to answer but in PM

10) This room can’t be entered without warning...we have our ways (that shall be explained in case of need) to know when and how anyone enters our home.!

11) Do not take your lil wars in our Home..but if you truly have to (E.G. you see someone who has a bloodhunt upon him in our home)speak to the one in charge first before your fighting!!

12) Have fun with your RP!!

13) impossible Characters....(E.G. No half Kuey jin half Kin jin and half western Dhampyrs that had the first change as a wyrm follower...then awaken...then embraced and survived and then made a pact with the Demons to have back the avatar gifts and 2nd/3d generations or the Scarlet Queen or any famous png created by the WW guys etc)


Actions: Every Official spar is to be made of three posts with three actions per post. Each action can be used to parry, avoid, attack, summon disciplines, gifts or spells etc... Reflexive actions (such as healing, Rising stats with blood points, etc) can be performed once per every main action in your post accordingly with the limitation imposed by your generation.

Priority: Each post has a “Consecutio Temporum”....which means that, in case your opponent has the first post, once he has posted and you have replied the battle will develop this way: his first action will be followed, even if he has already posted all os his first post actions, by your first action which will be followed by his second action etc..Same thing for the second post and the third...a sort of action and reaction system. A Disc Combo is considered a single action (such as the use of Vicissitude+Protean/Body Armory) we allow only the Disc Combo that are described in the books. If you don’t start countering immediatly your opponent’s attacks the judge will count as if you failed to parry/avoid...E.G. Your opponent declares that he hits you with his sword, then he summons “the armor of darkness” and then he vanishes from the mind’s eye....if you declare to summon Thaum/Conjuration/Magic of the smith to create a sword...and then you declare you parry the’ll fail for you have to try to avoid/parry his first action with your first action because his first action takes place almost at the same time of your first action (which you used to create the weapon) and before your second action that you used to this case you will create the weapon yes....but your second action will be null ‘cuz the at the time you’re trying to parry the blow already hit the target. If your character performs an action that can’t be detected immediatly by your opponent we suggest you to give a lil hint in the post and then you must communicate it to the judge E.G. if you use Obfuscate/Diastasis you’ve to communicate to the judge in PM where your physical form is moving.

Null actions: It can happen that with one of your actions you null two or more of your opponent’s that case all your actions in that post after the one you used to null you’r opponen’s will be considered with a certain advantge...E.G. your opponent summons Aromor of vitality then rushes to you and tries to hit you physically two use Rego Motus to slam him backward as first if he summoned succesfully armor of vitality his attempt to hit you failed...your next two actions will be judged with a rightful advantage...usually the next action will be considered an automatic success but the next one may be countered with the next post. You can’t null, usually, a Mental Action with a physical one (E.G. can't avoid the effects of presence by punching your enemy)...taking again the previous situation if your opponent’s third action was a Psychic Attack it would have not be nulled by your Rego Motus...but maybe another mental discipline used just after that would have countered it.

Physical and discipline contests: When there’s a physical contest involving Celerity the player with the highest level of celerity will be considered winner...E.G. trying to parry the blow of an opponent using celerity 7 having celerity 3 is don’t even try (Note: no matter how many levels of Celerity you will never be faster than your opponent’s thoughts so you will never be faster than a mental dicipline such as, Presence or everything that needs only a thought to be activated) ...same thing for Potence...the one with the higher level will triumph on the weaker one in any contenst involving physical strenght. In case of a contest between two opposite disciplines (such as Auspex and Obfuscate/Chimerstery) the rule is the same...the one with the higer level wins.

Lenght of actions: in case you summon a discipline that requires more than one turn (in term of on board game) to be activated you’ll need 1 action for every turn needed to use that discipline....E.G. Mistforming requires three turns...and so three actions (unless you DECLARE to spend blood points to make it faster)....and as a side note if you make grow claws and attack your opponent those are 2 actions...not one....

Willpower and blood points: Judges will keep count of BPs and WPPs you use in your actions and will be free to decide the effects of the loss of blood and willpower, calling frienzy or rotschreck, upon your character.

Special features: if your character is in posses of magical objects or is under particular kinds of rituals you’ve to communicate it to the judge and we strongly suggest to make a webpage for the objects, obviously we won’t aknowledge anything that is not from WW (WoD) please don’t come using the Sword of the won’t work.

Everyone knows that by WW rules is possible to create alternative levels of disciplines and new Thaumaturgical (Thanks to Rego Magica) and Necromantic paths.....but we won’t aknowledge any alternative or new discipline/path/ritual so please use what you find in the books.

Bashing, lethal and aggravated: we follow WW rules for the act and play accordingly, don’t declare to heal Aggravated damage immediatly or to suffer for a simple bullet (if you’re a vampire) it would not be really correct..and if human or if you’re not in posses of Fortitude...please....accept the fact that you CAN’T soak aggravated damage...and if human not even lethal....

Reposting: the right of reposting is up to the one of your posts is considered null you may or may not have the possibility to repost it’re warned.

Speed posting: is not allowed at all....

Force posting: does not exist, the actions take place as described unless realistically countered.

Back Posting: Does not exist (read the actions rule and the priority rule)