Chapter 5

Chapter 5-DarkCove GM’s and my resignation

I had known an Amber_Goddess. Who was pretty much a nobody that had gotten with Shadow_of_Dk who had been kicked as his postion of the Lord of the DarksBanes. They broke up I spoke with her. We got together and she became a stryk. Little did I know that letting this bitch into the stryks would be one of my biggest mistakes…Amber and LadyDeth had a tight circle of friendship. Dethstryk left being online for months Seeker went with him. Then twhen they Deth and Seeker went to LadyDeath’s house. It turns out Amber and LadyDeath lived 30 minutes away. So they all became good friends. While Death was away..he allowed LadyDeath to basically control and say anything she wanted to say for she could say he said it. LadyDeath ran the stryks as Xeniastryk. I was barely able to hold onto the gunslingers. As Xenia recruited members without my consent. The stryks were becoming corrupt. And Amber and I decided to leave and so we did. After being married and divorced and remarried again that is. Amber gave up her Goddess of love tittle in Tyran. And we formed the Chasers. Having 4 children as well to carry the name. We ventured into the realm of DarkCove created by Brutal_LsT..Well Tyran was changing, Magic was placed into the fighting system. Ground range was added and shot limitations with reloads. But that was only the fighting. The people changed as well. And the little bad ass wannabe’s of today had ruled it over. So we began to play in DarkCove. I was made a GM and known as LuciferGM. As Luck would have it Lucifer got with StormGM who turned out to be a gunslinger and famliy member I had hated in the stryks (Imbristryk aka vT_DarkGoddess) When she found this out this relationship was quickly over… DarkCove thrived for the first 2 weeks. Then things began to get boring. Brutal wanted to add dice…..The People tended to want to go back to there responiblities in Tyran rather then play a new game. When Brutal moved the DarkCove server it fell apart and people stopped coming. Amber and Dream broke up and she went back to the stryks stabbing him the back of course. After she had made a name for herself.

Dream wore the chaser name for about a week until he ran in with Reaperstryfe and Seriestryfe. They were the two leaders of the stryfe family. They offered Dream a place in the stryfe famliy. And I accepted. Satan (another wannabe badass) was gone and banned (for posting Serie’s real life nude pics no less) I was then promoted to leadership postion and we ruled as the stryfe triad of the three. Not long after as Dream came back around Tyran. The Professor started his royal crap. I posted a challenge to him to fight 4 days later. Dream got with a woman HG Freyja who claimed to be the IC/OOC sister of Seriestryfe. (Probally were the same person though) . I was the underdog and Akuzed (aka Shinboi of Dk) and other friends of Professor laughed at me saying I would lose. In the fight I fought him and won 4-1. With my first real fight using the magic system. Professor acted humble the next day and I made one of the biggest mistakes ever and rezzed him as the first one I’ve rezzed ever….Soon Serie was killed and Reaper disappeared leaving me to lead the stryfes . Which I did.

Chapter 6