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||| Message Board ||| Private Message Board ||| Guest Book ||| Alchemy ||| HIM ||| ||| Amiee Mann ||| ||| Non Local Bands ||| ||| Recommend My Site To A Friend ||| ||| About Me ||| ||| Reading Festival ||| ||| Guttermouth ||| ||| Gash ||| ||| Guitars ||| ||| Alkaline Trio ||| ||| For Gods Eyes Only ||| ||| HIM website & Chat ||| ||| Ozzy Osbourne |||
Hi! I'm Sarah and this is my website. Its about recommended local bands to me (Birmingham), and unsigned bands I've seen play.

If you're in a band in the midlands and would like me to add you to the site, then email me with this address,

and I'll add you and maybe review a gig or demo on the site.

New Amiee Mann album "Lost In Space" released 28th August!

Check out the private message board, new HIM page, and the live Aimee Mann pictures I took on the 4th July at the London Astoria.

Watch The Osbournes, Sunday,MTV, 10pm
