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Mistress Sabrina BlazE ^*^ Transfetish Dominatrix/Performance Artist

^*^ ^*^ In High_HeeLED_TighT_LaceD_FetisH ^*^ I ^*^ BiD yoU welcomE fetish submissive into this deepeR realM ^*^descend the stairCase Unto MY ^*^ WEB ^*^ The Clicks of MY ^*^ Stilettoes on Ancient polished Marble , Deep withIn the RubbeRtemplE havE stirred yOu in your DreamS ^*^FroM deep withiN the CastlE oF DesirE I call to yOU ^*^ I call to yOU ^*^ yOu have DreameD ^*^ finD FulfilmenT on sucH levelS on such levelS ^*^ and WithiN MY ^*^ OppulenT BondagE MirroreD DungeoN_Of_DesiRE, sweet creatureS shall wHispeR to yOu ^*^ shall whisper to yOu ^*^ Tall Looking Glasses ^*^ Long Velvet Drapes ^*^ Gothic Candelabra ^*^ in such Caverns of Decadence thE PotenT High_HeeleD TighT ShinY MidnighT LaTeX RubbeR AddicTed DelightS do so nicelY EXIST *********************** ^*^ Now take another step and finD yOur EntraNcE ^*^ *******************************************************ShimmerinG trans~lucent Fetish Curtains Part *********************** Now Move along the FetisH patH ******************** All is quiet except your heartbeat and the Roar of Distant Flames within the Entrance a Sweet Latex fragrance Mixed with other Mesmeriseing PerfumeS fill the air ***AlloW the FragrancE oF a brave new RUBBER RELIGION to OvertakE yOu as yOu prepare to awaKeN intO a DeepeninG Rubber Fetish DREAME ^*^ discard your ego ..what has it done for you lately? bathe in an ancient lake ^*^ Rainbows in the Waterfall ^*^shower to be reborN & be NOW dressed for PleasurE ^*^************* Deep SiNsationS to SlidE over you and an inner thrill shall MakE yOu moaN ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MakE yOu MoaN ^*^ writhE iN PleasurE ^*^ AwakeN to truE RubbeR~HungeR ^*^******************************************************************************************A SiN_FuLL ConstanT BurNinG **********************************************************************^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Beautiful Femme~Fatale MannequinS oF thE LateX BondagE MirroR~RooMs oF thE RubbeRtemPlE ^*^ *******************************************anoint you ^*^********** Rubber MirroR CreaturES oF thE MoonliT NighT WrithE withiN the FirEs deep insidE yOu & Below yOu & oveR yOu .....* * * * * ImageS & VisionS ^*^*^*^*^* ^*^ Visionaries and PoetS that have cuM beforE yOu are An ^*^ InsperatioN DeeP withiN the RubbertemPlE ^*^ WonderouS to BeholD ^*^******************************************************* do yOu dare join such CreativitY or are yOu a predictable and penniless slave to the urban myth ? *******************************************************Such AvanT~ GardE , SurreaL , BizarrE , Kink Dynamic lIFESTYLe EXISTs ^*^ you owe it to yourself to partake in something a litle less predicatble ^*^ GET USEd TO It ^*^*****^*^ Deep Dungeons such as ThE RubberTemplE ^*^ ^*^ are an EnigMA ^*^ a Necessity ^*^ 4 there to be ways always & the placeS wHerby "the powers that be" of the political world of manchild ^*^ May seek their deliverancE ^*^ deep within such Deep Dungeon walls ^*^ and you Be SO FortuneD you may attain such pleasurE iN TighT ~LaceD FetisH PurgatorY LandscapE ^*^ a Fine Line exists [now be aware ] between pleasure and PaiN ^*^

^*^ ThE RubberTemplE ^*^
^*^ Photos ^*^
