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Let There Be Darkness

My little Man!!!



Father of my children

" Now Her Soul Is Dead, Now Her Bodies Raw,
You Can Numb Her Pain
Watch The Blood Run Down Her Face.
But Dont Take Notice.
Watch The Blood Run Down Her Arms.
Please Don't Take Notice. "

" Watch all the blood, as it drips from my veins I'm a coward Godspeed, may my death come quickly....... "


New Life where there was no life before.
My little new love... my little boy...
My new life that has saved me
That will keep me alive...
That has put a smile on my face where there was no smile before.

I Feel* The current mood of at * ************************************************************************************************************************* "Dwell on moonlight glimmer, On evening shade and loneliness; And, while the sky grows dim and dimmer, Feel no untold and strange distress­ Only a deeper impulse given By lonely hour and darkened room." ************************************************************************************************************** *********** ADOUT ME: (like anyone cares) My name is Sarah. I'm 26 and from South Dakota. I've spent most of my life traveling, never getting the chance to make friends. So I've been alone most of my life without friends and the last few years of my life have been a never ending nightmare. My Dad died and things just kept going downhill from there. I've done some really fucked up stuff and for a long time I was suicidal, but I'm still here and now that I have a 2 year old son I'm doing so much better. **UPDATE: My son is now 4 1/2 years and I have a 11 month old baby girl.**
Things That Make Me Happy: My little boy Craven, Jp and Mom. I love Body Piercing and any other Body Modifications. I have 17 piercings and I'm not done yet. I did all of them myself, just me and a needle all except 1 of them. I also have a tattoo of a star on my right arm and the eye of Ra on my neck. I love music; a few of my favorite groups are Kittie, Deftones, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, Korn, Staind, Ween, The White Stripes and Disturbed. I love any & all Poetry & Art.
I'm so lucky to have Jp in my life and in Craven's life! He is one of my best friends. **************************************************************************************************************************

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You're a Mansonite! You're not even Goth, really.
In fact, you're probably just trying to piss
someone off by ripping off certain elements of
the superficial Gothic look. There may still
be hope, though. Break your Manson, Korn,
Slipknot, and Papa Roach CDs and pick up some
music by Siouxsie, the Sisters, or Alien Sex
Fiend. If you hate it, move on to posing as a
raver, that's where the shock value is these

What kind of Goth would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Blood for Blood
Blood for Blood

What hardcore band are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Piercing are you?

My Favorite Web Sites

People in glass houses: Is self-injury (cutting) really that different from body modification and ritual?
Morgan Lander's site
Art Magick
The Gaels
