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Welcome to My New Jersey Shore Page

A Canon Powershot site featuring pictures shot with a Canon Powershot Pro 90IS digital camera

The following images were all shot during the summer of 2002 (June-August).


More pics to come soon!!!!

Notes: Overall the camera performed flawlessly. The key to digital is you can take literally tons of shots and not worry about expenses. I purchased a 24x 512 meg Lexar CF card from BH Photo right before I went on vacation and already have two 256 12x cards and two 8x 128 meg cards. So needless to say I wasn't really worried about running out of CF space. I did manage to take over 1.2 gigs worth of shots, almost 1000 pics so these are only a fraction of the the many "scenic" views I captured.

One thing is for sure. Having the 10x zoom option is a godsend. There were so many different shots that I know would not have been the same had I only had say a 3 or 4 x zoom capability. Definitely a keeper my Pro 90IS is!!!

Check out my New York City Powershot page  by clicking here

All photo's are (c) rncep 2002

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Ray's Canon Powershot Page was last updated on 06/10/2003

Webs and Downloads courtesy of Intel Pentium 4 Processor w/ RAID controller

and Microsoft Front Page XP

and finally the images were processed using  Paintshop Pro 7