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In Paralyzed Shadows





Pagan Support

Sang/Psi Support

My Xanga

Rika Nacht

So you've somehow found my unimportant page among the millions of others out there. I feel like I've accomplished somethig already...Feel very, very special now. I suppose before you slit your wrists of boredom with my ramblings, I should get to the point and explain a little about myself and this webpage (which is still in progress, so if you find an empty link, don't freak out.)

I tend to enjoy privacy and anonimity, and lack of creepy Internet stalkers/pedophiles, so you will know me as Rika Nacht, which is my writer's pseudonim. Other than that I don't think there's much harm in telling you a little about myself. However, you will probably gain a better understanding of me as you look through my page, so don't expect much.

I'm currently a student, a junior in High School, to be exact, and counting down days to graduation and a life. Afterwards, I'm planning on becoming a medical examiner (don't we all want to dig in homicide victims?) and a freelance writer/artist. If time permits, I'm also going to do some web/graphic design on the side. That Adobe and Dreamweaver obsesssion is hard to kill...As for anything else? I will waste another few minutes of your precious life and give you a list, because I'm a lazy-ass, and don't feel the need to write in complete sentences.

Hobbies: painting, writing "disturbing" things, messing with computers (arguing the Linux/other unimportant O.S. topic), playing (making noise) on my Fender, researching alternative religions,reading too much, music, and teaching people(esp. my parents) tolerance (draw your own conclusions here).

Favorite Authors: Shelley, Lovecraft, Poe, Beddoes, Byron, Michael Slade, Anne Rice, Marlowe, Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley, Silver RavenWolf, Alice Borchardt, and many others.

Music: Cradle Of Filth, M.Manson, Alkaline Trio, Pink Floyd, Tori Amos, Chevelle, Rosetta Stone, Bauhaus, Qntal, Rammstein, H.I.M., Megadeth, Nirvana, The White Stripes, Deftones, Atreyu, The Dreamside, Tapping the Vein, Mudvayne, Paralysed Age, Element, Mephisto Walts, Two Witches,Tool, Korn, The Cruxshadows, Christian Death, The Wake, Nosferatu....etc

Beliefs: Pagan.

I will update this periodically, so more is to come later. You can contact me via e-mail: or AIM: PrlyzdShadow.