All the Nightmares are Real, and All the Monsters Come Alive...

"I have a feeling I shall go mad.

I cannot go on longer in these terrible times.

I shan't recover this time.

I hear voices and cannot concentrate on my work.

I have fought against it but cannot fight any longer."

~Suicide note of Virginia Woolfe (1882-1941)

A SHORT NOTE: This website contains material that some may find offensive. Take my words with a grain of salt, and enjoy! As always, feel free to email any comments or suggestions. - M.V.

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**Choose Your Destiny**

~*A Brief Introduction*~
Jack Handy's Deep Thoughts
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
A Conversation with a Stoner
Reflections on Humanity
Drink Recipes
An Interview with God
Animal Rights
Quotes From AIM
A Christmas Poem
A Valentine's Day Poem
Beauty and Perfection
The Adventures of Arlene and Michelle
Sleeping in the Grass - A "Found" Poem
