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Put your mind in Cat Control and fasten your seat belts !

Kitty would like, if she may - - to take YOU on a strange journey.

Kitty nostalgia, taking YOU out of the present and back to the past !

Witness a package full of pure sin ! A performance that won Kitty her college boot.

The following is information Kitty got written up for by Dr. Tom Bailey. A psychology professor she had at The College for ( 1 ) year, a so -called friend-mentor.

Keep in mind folks, this GAG BAG is a "SUPPLEMENT" to Kitty's college story. This is not your average poetry book. This is a jam-packed guide. Her ( MY ) own creation, a "college joke bag" (a psychological game) which contained these ingredients inside a brown lunch sack :

  • adult explicit / sexual content
  • profanity
  • erotica
  • childhood photographs of Kitty
  • A combo of Kitty's artwork blended with other artists (Japanese animation ) to depict chapters or scenes ( sexual / non-sexual, nudity : some toons are blurred / censored ).

Additionally enclosed a variety of candy :

  • Dum Dum lollypops

  • ( 2 ) bottled candies labeled 'PMS' and 'KNOW-IT-ALL' symbolizing Kitty's ex- professor's mood swings she caught onto for some twisted reason. Each were wrapped separately, containing instructions to guide him onto the next game, all done on paper.

  • adult college jokes

  • adult pick-up lines

  • adult psychology jokes

  • A 3-page apology letter pertaining to ancient rocky times between Kitty and her ex-mentor, pointing out moral lessons in life done from her own artistic / psychological scope.

  • Fun directions / instructions to guide her ex-teach throughout the joke process, a 3 -page apology letter comprised of separate envelopes, including the bottled candies.

  • advertised the phrase "pure entertainment" scattered about

  • Kitty included her and her teacher into the jokes and examples.

  • a one page good-bye letter ( summarization )

This "gag bag" is a quick analysis of Kitty's College Story, a psychological game and for adult entertainment purposes. After all, Kitty is legal. Approximately 16 pages with candy. No need to even go near your kitchen ! A recipe that made her teacher drool in possibly shame, guilt, embarrassment, you name it. Ingredients : 2 cups of confidence or boldness, 3 heaping tbsp of spontaneity, 2 sticks of friendliness, 6 oz of your sense of humor, 1 small compliment ( or more ), and lastly ! A pinch of spice (optional ).

Chef's note: All gathered information came from :

  • web sources readily available online to the public

  • URL's Kitty had saved onto her microcomputer for the longest time

  • Kitty's artistic humor

Created in Kitty's own spare time at home on her own computer.

All pages are in order they came in. Once you start to read the nifty directions and play along mentally in your head, you'll get the gist of what Kitty was aiming to do with her professor.

  • A way to discover what kind of stuff this man was really made of, considering Dr. Tom Bailey had Kitty's College Story for nearly ( 1 ) month.

  • A TEST, to wake Tom Bailey up to reality. Make sure he wasn't trapped in Kitty's past writings. It being one, twisted emotional adventure through the mind of Cat, weird and okay memories she had with Bailey himself in and out of class.

The graphic materials you are about to view is an exact replica. A Cat experiment that got Kitty expelled from The College; this is one of the HOT items that were on their Santa check list. Use care, caution, and common sense. This is not for children or morons.

Lastly, prior to spring break, Kitty e-mailed Dr. Bailey. Informed him she had 2 kinds of special medication for him. Provided him the gift :

  • in school setting

  • right at the front of his door step - - 10 minutes before his psyke session began

Kitty never interrupted Dr. Bailey's class. Greeted him. Told him she had something for him. Repeated her self twice. Exclaimed the lunch bag consisted of jokes. Dr. Bailey voluntarily took it from her. Kitty suggested he open it at home, when he had time. On the front of the bag she wrote, "Read the OPEN LETTER first." What's that you ask ? Well, it's the first ( 3 ) pages you earthlings are about to review ! From there, you'll see how this psyke game unfolds.

P.S. Don't say Kitty made you look ! Don't pretend like you've never read profanity or used it on special equations ! Or ever made a sexual joke in reference to anyone, student or faculty. We're all adults here. Kitty's seen the errors of her ways. She'd just like to say to all students and college faculty, among other members of the educational board, "I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my actions. I'm an adult. Nor do I consider myself a legendary role model in the event of this case. Nor am I a rebel. I'm a college student!" Each and possibly every one of you out there in the audience has mastered some sort of fun throughout your college days . . . Parties, sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, drinking, devious gags on professors, developed new friends here and there - - lost some along the way, tests, exams, studying, night clubs, more parties ! What ever your college self experienced, we all have our own zesty tales to share.

Get ready for gut-wrenching action ! As Kitty's wildest ideas and observations come to life in her Gag Bag full of adventure and entertainment. Yes, there's some hardcore shit in here !


Mr. Bailey, Is it hot in here or is it just you ? This bag is filled with all sorts of yummy goodies. Please read the following directions closely before you tamper with any of the HOT items in this nifty bag.

# 1 What's a nice boy like you doing at The College ?

# 2 What would you do if I kissed you right now ?

# 3 What do you like for breakfast ?

# 4 Why did the chicken cross the road ?

  • CAPTAIN James Kirk : " To boldly go where no chicken has gone before. "

  • Freud : " The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity. "

# 5 Okay Tom, see all that yummy candy stashed in this brown paper bag ? ? Well, out of all the delicious flavors . . . Pick only one lollypop you like out of the bunch and start SUCKing on it. Don't worry, it's FAT FREE. Heck, even I suck on them ! Their total fat is 0g. :-)

# 6 While you're SUCKing away on that juicy lollypop Tom . . . I, Cat, just wanted to sincerely apologize for being a bitch or cynical with you. From the past or the present.

Namely OUR 1st psychology project, where I screeched childishly at you in the corridor with " You're treating me like a child ! " That was 100 % me, Cat. Sorry, but you intimidated the hell out of me. YOU were an ASS Tom. Truthfully, you should've given my little girly self a chance. I assure you, if you played doctor with me, I don't bite. Not unless you asked me to.

Hell, back then … I was mentally fucked over " Michael. " Nowadays, we're doing fine as a dear couple. Thanks to my weird ass pointing out numerous psychological views or my outlook on RELATIONSHIP THINGS TO HIM repetitively. It's like training a damn dog, but my own therapeutic remedy for the boy including information that I previously learned from your psychology courses. Really, I was a depressed child and too mortified to even show up for your psychology session that day.

NOT A FUN BAILEY MOMENT, mainly when you pulled those rotten, vile tricks : where you kept your nerdy distance from me in class, presented that ROACH EXAMPLE, and neglected ME outside over redhead Eve. That was all fucked.

Right then and there, I should've seized your ass, slammed you across my knee and spanked you silly till you finally squealed out an apology. That wasn't very nice Tom. You need to consider other people's feelings too.

Also, it was my BAD, my fault, my dumb ass automatically assuming that YOU of all people talk to anyone about his or her problems. Honestly, I overheard you blurt it in class one day. That's where I got that idea from. So you can't shoot me because I specifically heard it fly out of your mouth. Nevertheless, YOU NEVER MENTIONED YOU COULDN'T HAVE COUCH THERAPY WITH YOUR OWN STUDENTS. Besides, I never really stated in my project that I wanted YOU to be my psychologist Tom. Come to think about it, that thought never even crossed my mind. Not until you rang my house, which was a complete SHOCK. First off, I never told you to present me with a surprise telephone call. Plus, I never even slipped you my home number. Truthfully, I feel that is where you went wrong.

Notice = the picture of chatting on the telephone when she was a little munchkin says " Hey ... Why's the nerd calling me ? "

Not to mention, blabbing my " problem " in an E -mail to the Department Chair of Psychology and trying to seek advice from him in order to figure out what to do with me. You could've confronted me first before you got all FREAKED OUT. Geezzz, I wasn't that suicidal back then Tom. In addition, you slapped me in the face with all those unexpected, disappointing words. "Although I'd like to, but I can't be your psychologist . . . I'm the teacher and you’re my student . . . You told me, what makes you think you can trust me ? "

That project was for entertainment purposes. However in the end, I tossed in reality. Sure I wanted to get a RISE out of you, but I was unprepared for such phrases. Still, I am sorry for my foolish behavior. Next time, you need to consider your actions too. I'm just being candid - open and honest. Really, all I ever wanted from YOU was your own psychological aspects coming from a friendship side. I wasn't expecting for you to get all technical with me at the end of my project. Sure I wanted a psychologist, but you're overall approach on the telephone made it seem as if I had stapled PSYCHOLOGIST on your forehead - - that YOU instantly imagined that I wished for you to be my couch doctor. Man, if you just gave me a little input or simple advice, I would've left the matter alone. Easy. I guess that's why I told you, " But I don't want to talk to someone else. " Then again, I only got 3 hours of sleep that day. Not like I could focus or think straight anyhow. Plus, it's like you BREEZED through my project rather quickly ! My god Tom, that's why I handed it over to you on a Friday. That way, you had the entire weekend to consider what appealed to your liking and what stunk in your eyes. Next time you come across a PUZZLE, be sure to ponder for awhile before you make any drastic moves.

And now that I think about this whole project / psychologist situation, this is where OUR teacher / student relationship got SCREWED. Afterwards, that's when you began to ACT LIKE A TRUE ASS INDIRECTLY on special occasions toward me. In addition to this matter, we can't forget PROJECTION. Finally ! All the puzzle pieces are beginning to fit nicely into place. The more I think things out Tom . . .

Moreover, please excuse me. You're still a great guy though. A NERD. A jerk. An A -hole. A cock. A sweetheart. A nerd. Gee, I already said that one. Whooops ! ! ! A dork. An ass. A jackass. Overall, incredibly sexy or pleasurable when you want to be. :-)

Although I might say, you were quite fun to fuck with in or out of class. I won't lie Tom. Your Intro to Psychology course was my favorite. And that's where I first got the chance to see a unique, special side of TOM. With all due respect, when you waited for me to take my final, that meant everything to me. Including that SPECIAL moment I had with you outside on the bench. Right then and there, I adored and respected you.

However, over the summer . . . I think you must have gotten mixed emotions in regards to OUR student - teacher relationship. You were the devil in disguise to me the first week of school at The College that Fall 2000. I wasn't expecting to see a demonish side of you . . .

Well, except for that hot QUARREL we had in Social Psychology. The one about the MD House of Corrections field trip and you blurting to my face that you tattle tailed to your wife about my bloodthirsty E - mail , me flaming you " a little bit sadistic. " My god, that FUCKED our student / teacher relationship up also. I AM SORRY FOR ALL THE MEAN THINGS I SAID. But you were an ass. I mean C 'mon, we both know that was a KINDERGARDEN prank. Geezzz ! And you're how old Tom ? Only 41 ? And my luscious, wicked self is only 26 ? That's okay because I too ratted you out to my friends, lovers, fuckers . . . So WE'RE both naturally EVEN. :-)

Works either way on the playground Tom. Next time, you and I should take turns on the teeter totter just for shits and giggles. Better yet, I think it would be more enjoyable for the both of us to push each other back and forth on the swings. As in playing it nice or keeping our cool with one another.


Notice the picture of my adolescent self - where I've got my cheesy hand on my hip sporting that silly getup . . . well, it says the following :

Man ! ! At times, I do wonder what you were like as a child. I bet I would've kicked your ass back then if I was alive and breathing during your time frame. Believe me, I was and still am a major TOMboy for a little girl. You would've been TOAST buddy ! I would've had your ass pinned to the ground, that I would've made you cry and beg for mercy. Better yet, send you home to mommie bitching with a black eye. In a sense, I think I would've had fun torturing you - especially playing doctor or house. But that's just my own artistic imagination. :-)

Regardless, when I reminisce back into time, I can see where things turned out ROCKY between us two. Still, I am upset for particular issues or your crude behavior toward me in Social Psychology. But I can't turn back time. You treated me like shit for some purpose in life. And because of your stubbornness, that is why I fought back. Hopefully to release those ugly demons you had buried deep within you. And to reach in for the goodness that I once saw inside your nerdy ass as TOM Bailey. The cool, flirty, down to earth, sexy, intelligent dork who I was once so intrigued with and found to be highly attractive in an odd sense, DR. Tom Bailey. It's like a love - hate thing. You're unforgettable Tom. I will always remember and admire you for who you are, despite all the BAD THINGS.

  • :-)

  • :-(

# 7 Well, aside from my creative thoughts . . . Pretty please, with SUGAR on top … open up the white envelope that is labeled # 1 Tom. And I hope you're enjoying that sugary, SWEET lollypop. Believe me, everything in this gag bag is for pure entertainment. So flatter yourself if you wish Tom. Hell, I would. :-) Not like I'm your pupil anymore, and not like I'm going to be at The College much longer. Besides, I'm probably the only SPECIAL little gal whose ever done such artistic things for you. Not necessarily for attention, but for something to go down in history, like Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer. (LOL)

Two college students had a week of final exams coming up. So instead of hitting the books, Kitty and Eve decided to party . . . sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, you name it. Unfortunately their biggest exam was on Friday. However they both told each other that they'd think of something clever. But in the meantime, to do whatever they had planned.

All hung over and trying to keep their cool, Kitty and Eve both showed up telling their psychology professor that their vehicle had broken down the night before due to a very flat tire and that they desired a bit more study time.

Afterwards they illustrated in more dept as to what happened, where they were at and so fourth. And hoped that Mr. Bailey would fall for their lame excuse. They both knew they were quite crispy and fried due to all the marijuana and booze, among other things they enjoyed from the crazy evening beforehand. Finally after listening to their descriptive tale of horror, Mr. Bailey told them sincerely that they could have another day to study for his final.

That evening both Kitty and Eve laughed hysterically to themselves about what they had done to Mr. Bailey. In a sense they both felt rotten. But figured you only live once and that the man obviously had no clue as to what they were up to.

As time went by, Kitty and Eve crammed all night until they were sure that they had memorized just about every psychological thing from the assigned chapters in their psychology book.

Arriving to Mr. Bailey's psychology class early the next morning, their professor greeted them, asked them how they were doing, said it was a pleasure having the both of them as his students, and wished them luck on their final exam. In addition to the matter, Kitty and Eve were specifically told to go to separate classrooms to take their test. Each shrugged, looked at one another, agreed with Mr. Bailey and went to 2 different parts of the Psychology building.

As Kitty and Eve sat down in separate class settings, they each read the first question on Mr. Bailey's exam: " For 5 points, explain the Id, Ego, and Superego. " At this point Magenta and Lucretia both thought, " Man, this shit's a piece of cake ! " And answered the question with ease. Then the test continued: " For 95 points, tell Mr. Bailey which tire it was. "

The following are noted on this page :

Fuck me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Trenton ?

I guess I'll tell you a joke before we supposedly get to the "good stuff " Tom. :-)

During a course in Human Sexuality, the instructor was discussing various items in the Kinsey report.

The class members gasped audibly when the professor read out that a woman had several hundred orgasms in a single session.

  • A male voice said, " Wow, who was she ? "

  • A female voice followed with, "The hell with that ... who was HE ? ! "

Okay Brainy, next thing Kitty desires you to do is tear up the brown, oddly shaped package that is labeled # 1

Caution : Excuse me Tom, have I fucked you yet ?

NOTE = The following are noted on this page :

Bottles up ! This is in memory of you Tom.

For all those memorable PMS days you had in Intro to Psychology, Intro to Sociology, and Social Psychology.

" Excuse me. Do you want to fuck, or should I apologize ? "

Better yet, there were occasions I thought that you needed a good sucking … but that's my view. All those times you seemed so stressed. No offense.

First and foremost, I am not obligated to do it. So if you get one, be grateful. Psych ! I'm sure you'd gladly kick my ass if I even …

Although I will admit, my imagination went rather wild in your classes. There were moments that I wanted desperately to relieve your tension.

Especially when you made the scene more theatrical, where YOU kept flipping back and forth from your evil, sweet, yet pissy character between you and I.

Mainly in Social Psychology. More like it, after your lecture(s) ended and once the room became silent, I wanted to seal the door shut, casually walk up to you, slam you against the chalkboard, unbuckle your pants and give you a taste of realism.

Moreover, this yummy picture is dedicated to YOU Tom. Hope you like it. And yes, it's meant for entertainment purposes only. For your viewing pleasure. ( LOL ) Duuuuhhhhhhhh ! ! :-) Actually, I wanted to do " that " for the 2 months you treated me like utter filth, like I wasn't SPECIAL anymore. Or how I once brightened your days or fulfilled your mornings in your Introductory Psychology classes. Believe me, I was one sad, little girl back then in your Social Psychology course.

You were my mentor. And I admired you. I didn't understand why you had to crush me that Fall quarter at The College.

Sometimes I wanted to tell you, namely when you didn't even have the nerve to look me in the eye, " You know ... quit acting like an ass indirectly Tom ! And for your information, did anyone ever tell you that you NEED A GOOD BLOWJOB lately ? "

And yes Tom ! Let's just say YOU NEEDED LOTS OF SUCKING. Hell, I could care less if you're married. Not to mention, you only live once. Well, that's my wonderful outlook on life. Believe me, I'm a bold young lady, not a slut. There's a difference Tom. Not like I encounter much men like you on a daily basis. Let alone, offer " SUCKING " to them. ( LOL ) :-)

Still, if you ever get the urge or desire, feel free to ... Psychology - ROOM 321 ( Computer Lab - across from the elevator is available at the crack of dawn Tom. ) Moreover, I am a very " open minded " young woman. Not like WE'RE going to be at The College much longer this 2001 of Spring. ( LOL ) :-)

- Kitty -

Since we're down to the last scrumptious dessert, pick at the brown wrapping that's labeled # 2 Tom. :-)

A research psychologist by the name of Norma May had twins ( Michella May and Kelly May ).

She rang the minister who was delighted.

" Bring Michela and Kelly to church on Sunday and we'll baptize them, " said the minister.

" No, " replied Mrs. May. "Baptize one. We'll keep the other as a control."

Shit ! When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block of creation.

Finally ! This bottle's dedicated to the main man himself, Tom Bailey.

I won't lie. YOU were a REAL SMART ass in or out of PSYCHOLOGY, among other childish things.

Certificate of Upgrade to Complete Asshole is awarded to Dr. Tom Bailey

In recognition of your obnoxious attitude, ability to piss people off, complete asinine juvenile behavior and total dedication to personal gain without regard to the many hardships you have forced upon friends, family and other during your lifetime, you have become a legend in your own mind.

To recognize your upgrade from half-assed to complete asshole, gives all concerned great satisfaction. If anyone, for any reason, doubts your status, JUST BE YOURSELF!

Ways to Annoy Your Professor in Class

1. Sit way at the back of the room, up against the wall, to get as far away from your professor as possible. While he / she is lecturing, shout out things like, " What !? " and " Speak up ! You're mumbling ! "

Kitty's thoughts . . . Well, instead of planting my ass way in the back of the classroom, there were times I almost spoke my mind. Mainly the first week of school, when I'd sit in on your Introductory Psychology lectures. Just hearing you stretch the tone of your voice DROVE ME INSANE ! ! To the point I almost had the nerve to blurt, " Okay, I think you're LOUD enough ! Jesus, I can hear you plain and clear sitting right here Bailey! "

2. If you have an early morning class, get there before anyone else, and bring a pillow, some blankets, an air mattress, and an alarm clock. Wear your pajamas. Lie down on the air mattress with the pillow and the blankets and act like you're asleep. Have the alarm set for about two minutes into class. When it goes off, preferably very loudly, hit the " snooze " button and go back to sleep. Keep doing so for the duration of the class.

Kitty's thoughts . . . In actuality, I almost had the nerve to bring my pillow to your class one day. Don't ask me why. I'm weird. At first, I was going to do so just to fuck with you. But then again, I didn't want you to think I was that deranged. There was a time I almost wanted to make a suggestion to you in class. " If this is psychology, then why don't we have couches ? ? " Personally, I think that would've made the atmosphere a bit more cozy, more sociable.

3. Fake an orgasm in the middle of your professor's lecture. If he / she asks about it, say that their lecture was " really compelling. "

Kitty's thoughts . . . Funny thing is, I would have loved to performed such a wild thing in your psychology class. Instead, I think my weird self got more of a kick out of watching you. That is, if you have fully read my " story, " THE ONE I RECENTLY WROTE in memory of YOU, Tom Bailey . . .

Then try to imagine, if you can, a bizarre thing that happened to me in your Intro to Psychology course one time. The day that I turned in my first psychology project, I was DEAD. So freaking tired ( 3 hrs. of sleep only ) that I wanted to pass out right there as I sat in my seat listening to you lecture.

But in opposite, I had this strange idea to examine every single move you made, while outlining your entire body as you scribbled notes onto the blackboard. My eyes must have liked what was in front of me because in a matter of minutes, I really began to drift off, deeper and deeper. That's when I started to lust or creatively imagined that I was engaging in all these hot, steamy sexual things with you.

Amazed the hell out of me quite frankly. Never happened before. Not to mention, you made me feel as if I was in some sort of pleasurable sexual trance, namely when I attempted to stress my beliefs on transvestism. Right then and there, I was STILL A ZOMBIE, but sooooo HORNY !!!!!! You know that feeling when you first wake up in the morning, like you got a hard on ( well, FOR GUYS ). Obviously for girls it's quite different. But I'm sure you get the picture. Besides, that wonderful " morning feeling " where you wanna FUCK the shit out of your wife / girl . . . That great feeling to get the day started . . .

Well, when you tried to help me rearrange my words into the correct position, I about died !! Yet more from the inside. Truthfully, I actually got off on that shit. I was so god damn horny that I didn't know what to do as I sat in my desk. I was embarrassed however, and had no clue if you even noticed there was something wrong with me as you stood directly in front of my desk. Although, I'm pretty sure you did. Moreover, I had this burning rush to leave your class instantly. But I figured if I did that, you'd probably question me later on as to why I ditched your class rather early. In a way I didn't want to make a big scene in the middle of your lecture, so I just sat there, hoping you wouldn't realize. But after class was over, I noticed you kept your distance from me pretty far away when we smoked cigarettes. Me at the table with Eve, and your weird self adjusted with the bench. Oh well, I won't stab my self because I experienced such a "thing" in your Intro to Psychology course. Hope YOU don't think I'm weird. :-) :-(

4. Come to class in your nightgown / pajamas.

I've already done that before ! Well, once I came to school wearing leopard shorts. If you recall, that day I turned in my vocabulary homework, and attached a note on it stating that you didn't know how to pronounce my middle name correctly and how to perfect it.

Remember ? Those " short shorts " I sported to psychology class that day was actually what I wear to sleep on occasions. Really, that morning, I was too lazy to slip them off. I felt comfortable in them, so I threw a black tank top on, brushed my teeth, put hair barrettes in my hair, slapped red lipstick onto my lips, and headed straight for school. Didn't even eat breakfast.

That's a perfect example where I just don't give a flying F !

5. Hide somewhere inside the classroom. Wait for your professor to take attendance. Don't come out when he / she calls your name. Halfway through class, jump out and yell, " Just kidding ! I'm here ! Fooled you again ! " Then sit down and be quiet for the rest of class.

Kitty's thoughts . . . Well, in this case, there were occasions I actually wanted to come in early and hide directly underneath your desk. Once you discovered that my things were at my seat, took role, and wondered with curiosity by asking the class, "Has anyone seen Kitty ?? Her stuff is here." By that point, I wanted to jump out from under your desk and scream, " Surprise !! I'm HERE YOU FREAKING NERD !!!!!!! " But I never did. Still, I always had this desire to do so because of the fact that you never sat at your desk - You always stood up or leaned against the chalkboard. Or paced around your desk. Or leaned on the counter that was directly next to my desk in Psychology, room 301. :-)

6. In the middle of class, stand up and walk out. A couple of minutes later, come back in and sit back down. Act as though nothing happened. Do this every 10 - 15 minutes if possible.

Kitty's thoughts . . . There were times when I really did this shit in your Intro to Psychology course. Most of the time, I'd go to the water fountain or stand out by the desks near the bathroom and laugh a little. Afterwards, I'd make my way back into your class and notice that your eyes would meet with mine. So I'd sit there for awhile as you continued to lecture, then fumble through my backpack. Again, I'd get up and go to the ladies room, rinse my contacts, and mosey on back into your session. That was rare though.

7. Run out of class screaming, " Someone please stop the itching, I'm covered in fleas ! " A couple of minutes later, walk back into class and act as though nothing happened.

Kitty's thoughts . . . I would have like to experienced that, supposedly. But on another note, I did come into your Intro to Psychology class all itchy and scratchy. For instance, I had hives / the itchies on account of my weird self smoking marijuana from my fun-filled weekend. All that itching and attempting NOT TO SCRATCH ! As I sat across from your desk, I told myself, " NO MORE weed ! "

8. Come to class every day wearing scary Halloween masks. Try to get your professor to guess who you are. Shoot him / her with a water pistol, scream, and run around the room knocking things over. Say, "Pretty scary, huh?"

Kitty's thoughts . . . Gee, Halloween. I think I did a fine job sporting black attire to your psychology class. Additionally, YOU poking fun at me - - the " gothic thing ". In contrast, for the " water pistol and squirting you " I think that would've been a nifty invention.

Strangely, there were times when I came in early to your psychology class. 7:30 am more like it.

Once I heard your footsteps, I wanted to casually make my way out the door by crashing into you accidentally - More on the lines of spilling your coffee and hoping that'd you'd get your pants a little soaked to the point you had to go home and change clothes. Still, each time you'd haul a cup of coffee to class, I always wanted to . . .

9. When your professor gives you a syllabus, take it home, correct it, give it a grade, and return it to the professor. Demand extra credit.

Kitty's thoughts . . . Heeyyyy, come to think about it, I wished I had. JUST KIDDING ! Well, there was a time you assigned something in the study guide. Even suggested that we do the vocabulary section on CD if we wished. That is, instead of using our psychology book. When I acknowledged that idea, I tested it out. Turns out, there was more than one version on the vocab section. More like 20 ! My god, by then . . . that's when I really said to myself, "MR. Bailey is fucking insane ! " So I decided to send you an E- mail in reference to the study guide and pointed out mistakes or questioned you like crazy. That's when I threw in the " psychotic TWIN " joke.

The following class, I noticed when you began your lecture, you brought up what I had discovered in the study guide and didn't even give me credit. Or even thanked me for figuring out what was wrong. In a way, that pissed me off. I almost had the nerve to blurt, "Hey NERD, Who first discovered America ? It obviously wasn't you! Or better yet - WHO ACTUALLY DISCOVERED what the major problem was in OUR study guide on CD ? It certainly WASN'T YOU ! It was me you moron." But I never did. I figured I'd let you have your shining moment as you went into descriptive detail to your students. :-(

10. Get the whole class to show up a few minutes early, and throw a surprise party for your professor. Insist that you can't start class until he / she has a piece of cake. Keep asking people when the strippers are going to arrive.

Kitty's thoughts . . . Hardy HAR harrrrr - - this is a lame prank. Really, I would have liked to arrived extra early ( by myself ), JUST FOR YOU. Like at the crack of dawn. And once your sexy self came in, I wanted to lock the door and approach you by getting all cute and hot. Then eventually, perform pleasurable oral sex on you as you leaned against the chalkboard… to get the morning started. Mainly because of all those memorable times you seemed so strained or stressed. Overall, I figured if I even tried to do what I was sexually thinking, you'd probably kick my little ass. Again, HOPE YOU DON'T THINK that I HAVE A crazy IMAGINATION Tom. :-( :-)

Hey TOM :

March 2001

I told you I had 2 kinds of fucking medication for your special nerdy ass. :-) That is, if you read my current E- mail. The one about you being a great big ASS lately ... # 1 Those bottles symbolize part of your strange personality. God knows why I picked up on it, but I like you for some reason. You're my mentor. And I will never forget you. Honestly, the more you keep it up . . .

And remember Tom, no man can possibly know all THE RULES. The male is expected to mind read at all times. Not to mention, the female is never wrong. Keep in mind, this is just the beginning. Although I wrote a quick story about my college experience ( in memory of YOU ) at The College, there are more to come in the near future.

Honestly, that was a shitty rough draft that I handed you. I plan to spice it up by revising and affixing juicy tid bits here and there, along with other teacher / student anecdotes besides your SPECIAL, nerdy self while I attended The College.

Additionally, I shall include other yummy tales as I, ( Kitty ), progress into my so -called Fashion MAJOR and Psychology MINOR at MU. Down the line, I am sure I will mysteriously find other award winning professor(s) who will rock my world. Moreover, I plan to publish a book packed with my insane, memorable moments as a college girl. Really, that is my ultimate wish. Who knows, maybe it will come true one day. Only time will tell. Regardless of all the wonderful, crazy things I scribbled about you, they are all true. Well, coming from my own unique, artistic view. BTW, may God or the Devil create more of you Tom. Take care you HOT , silly thing ! Kitty, XoXo NERD

Here's one cheesy joke for the road . . . A professor stood before his class of 20 senior psychology students about to hand out the final exam. " I want to say that it's been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to medical school after summer. So that no one gets their GP messed up because they might have been celebrating a bit too much this week, anyone who would like to opt out of the final exam today will receive a 'B' for the course. "

There was much rejoicing amongst the class as students got up, passed by Mr. Bailey to thank him and sign out on his offer. As the last taker left the room, Mr. Bailey looked out over the handful of remaining students and asked, " Anyone else ? This is your last chance. " One final student rose up and took the offer. He closed the door and took attendance of those students remaining. " I'm glad to see you believe in yourself, " Mr. Bailey said. " You all have 'A's. " :-)

NOTE : Originally there was a picture of a Japanese animated girl: fully clothed, sitting at her desk with a pencil in her hand thinking as she glanced down at her paper on her desk.

Unfortunately, I can't locate this photo online anymore. I lost the link. Sorry !

The captions read :

MR. Bailey : " Didn't you hear me call you ? "

Kitty : " But you said not to answer you back ! "

New Teacher

A new teacher is trying to make use of his Psychology courses. Mr. Bailey starts his class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up." After a few seconds, little Kitty stood up. Mr. Bailey said, " Do you think you're stupid, Kitty ? " " No, sir. " She immediately responded, "but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself. "

  • Mr. Bailey : " You copied from Eve's exam paper didn't you ? "
  • Kitty : " How did you know ? "
  • Mr. Bailey : " Because Eve's paper says 'I don't know' and you wrote 'Me, neither' ! "

No Homework Excuses = " Some aliens from outer space borrowed my psychology homework so they could study how the human brain worked. "

The Professor

Kitty was in class one day when Mr. Bailey was explaining about sperm. As he paced back and forth from his desk to the blackboard, he began talking about the glucose formula in sperm. Out of curiosity, Kitty raised her hand and asked, " Isn't there sugar in the glucose formula of sperm ??? " Mr. Bailey quickly answered, " Yes, there is. " " Well, then why doesn't it taste sweet ?? " Kitty asked with a sour look on her face as she wiggled around in her seat. Right then and there, everyone in class began to laugh.

Finally realizing what she had said, Kitty immediately ran out the classroom and down the hall. In the heat of the moment, Mr. Bailey answered, " That's because you have taste buds on the tip of your tongue not the back of your throat ! "

Top Lies Told by Professors :

Hey Mr. Bailey, funny thing is, I've actually heard you say some of these lines. Kitty :-)

  • I'm not here for the money, I'm here to help students.
  • I don't mind if you call me at home.
  • I'm really quite well known in the field.
  • I will be available in my office during the posted office hours.
  • Students that drop my class are doing so for personal reasons.
  • My students are more important than my research.
  • Call me any time. I'm always available.
  • It doesn't matter what I think; write what you believe.

Tom, here are some fun things for professors to do on the first day of class . . .

Begin class by smashing the neck off a bottle of vodka, and announce that the lecture's over when the bottle's done.

Gradually speak softer and softer and then suddenly point to a pupil and scream "YOU ! WHAT DID I JUST SAY ?"

Deliver your psychology lecture through a hand puppet. If a student asks a question directly, say in a high-pitched voice, "Mr. Bailey can't hear you . . . you'll have to ask *me*, "Winky Willy".

If a student questions you, walk silently over to his or her seat. Then immediately hand them your piece of chalk and ask, "Would YOU like to give the lecture, Mr. Smartypants ?"

Pick out random pupils. Ask them queries and time their responses with a stop watch. Record their times in your grade book while muttering, "tsk, tsk".

Stop in mid-lecture, frown for a moment, and then ask the entire class, "Does my butt look fat ?"

Start the lecture by dancing and lip-syncing to James Brown's "Sex Machine."

Announce to students that their entire grades will be based on a single-question oral final exam. Imply that this could happen at any moment.

Ask for a volunteer for a demonstration. Then ask him or her to fill out a waiver as you put on a lead apron and light a blowtorch.

Point the overhead projector at the entire class. Demand each student's name, rank, and serial number.

Every so often, freeze in mid sentence and stare off into space for several minutes. After a long, awkward silence, resume your sentence and proceed normally.

Announce that last year's psychology students have almost finished their class projects.

Bring a small dog to psychology class. Tell the class he's named "Boogers McGee" and is your "mascot". Whenever someone asks a question, walk over to the dog and ask it, "What'll be, McGee ?"

Announce that the entire 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica will be "required reading" for your course.

Sprint from the classroom in a panic state if you instantly hear sirens outside.

Warn pupils that they should bring a sack lunch to psychology exams.

Refer frequently to students who died while taking your Intro to Psychology course.

Jog into class. Rip the textbook in half and scream, "Are you pumped? ARE YOU PUMPED ? I CAN'T HEEEEEEAR YOU !"

BTW, if you are curious, purchased the candy from Spencer's Gift Store at the mall.

A place that sells cheese ball gags for friends, family, acquaintances, etc - - people of all walks of life.

The bottled candies read :

  • PMS = PMS isn't caused by hormones, it's caused by men ! If you're suffering from irrational mood swings, volatile temper, bouts of depression or a complete lack of logic - you're probably putting up with men's shit ! But don't despair ! Help is here with new PMS PILLS.

Directions : Take 2 PMS PILLS once a month and disappear for the weekend with any hunk who thinks you're dynamite !

CAUTION : Use only as directed. Could lead to addiction.

  • Smart Ass = " People who think they know everything are very irritating to those of us who do ! "
  • Directions : Take 2 SMART ASS tablets with 24 bottles of beer and start spewing out all that valuable info that we haven't been able to live without. Keep this bottle of medication with you at all times. In case you get really obnoxious someone can stick the whole bottle up your very smart ass !

    If you've read this far people, you better wake up to reality !

    Those are old, mildew stains when Kitty was a student of Dr. Bailey's. This professor could've used his common sense, among other things . . .

    First off, each page was mapped out, each joke growing into a more daring one. If Dr. Bailey's taste buds were satisfied with the first juicy envelope, he could have opened and proceeded with the following package, discovering a new wacky dimension. If not, Tom could have put his foot down and said, "I'll pass."

    Overall, Mr. Bailey chose to enter the so -called second phase, the peak of it's moment, where Kitty's boldness came into cue. Her chance to reveal her inner most feelings about him. Her vision of him on those moody, rainy days - - jokes incorporating him into the problem.

    As Tom was in the second phase, Kitty has a Scooby-Doo hunch he swore left and right as his eyes read what he saw for the 2nd time. Yes folks, all of what YOU people read on this web page is another way of Kitty rehashing what was inside her college story, but altering it in a DARE-devil way. The oral / sex jokes, they're all in there ! Dr. Bailey gladly and voluntarily agreed to read Kitty's story but never turned it into the Dean or the Department Chair of Psychology. After the hoopla of events ( Kitty's dismissal ) - - probably weeks or months after, she's confident this man slipped in EXTRA evidence. HINT =This little fellow is a picky man or choosy when it comes to showing evidence on Kitty, so she's heard, learned, and observed.

    The question, "Was Tom Bailey pressured to open this package of jokes ?" Doubtfully. Kitty didn't monitor him like a baby 24 / 7. As a participant, Tom willingly proceeded at his own risk. No one made him read this. Similar to that saying, " Would you jump off a bridge if someone asked you to ? " This wasn't a controlled experiment whereKittyI had Tom locked up in a room.

    Additionally, not like Tom had a group of friends huddled around him screaming, "Do it ! I dare ya, open it up you chicken ! "

    Or did he ? Kitty doubts Tom even went that far in his participation.

    Under such circumstances, Tom's behavior over reacted. He turned Kitty's gag bag into one gigantic playwright with The College.

    However, if this man actually took one step backward and analyzed the situation further and said to himself, "Alright, Cat's just messing with me. In contrast, she's being open and honest. I give her credit for that. " If Tom didn't have an anxiety attack, he could have handled this situation in a clam, rational manner. But he didn't.

    Another leading factor in this TWILIGHT ZONE case, think of the age differences. Kitty ( Cat ) at the time was 26 years of age and Tom 42. From Cat's psychological perspective, she treated Tom like the average adult. Yes these are ADULT jokes. And no ! Kitty never meant harm to the little man in any way with them. If one has read the above info, additionally the web pages exhibiting Kitty's ( 2 ) psychology projects she devised in Dr. Bailey's past psychology courses, you will see Tom let Kitty cross the borderline when expressing herself. In e-mails, it was the same. The point is folks, Tom never had a problem with it beforehand, in or out of class setting. It seems Tom took Kitty's gag bag too personal. Why ? Probably because she added HIM into the PROBLEM - - the jokes, the oral sex ones. But Kitty doesn't see why Tom would get pissy, because they were originally comprised in her college story; he never said nor made a big deal about it. Still, if one were to closely examine Tom's actions ( him writing Kitty up, then getting her booted from school ), it appears SOMEBODY is a wee bit embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty that his own student out smarted him in a real life situation. Kitty and other crits have a Brady Bunch guess that Tom was appalled she wrote the truth from my own eyes : his moody behavior and how he displayed himself around her, despite if he once told Kitty and a classmate, "I never get to see my wife that much."

    A question to ponder about : " If someone you've known for quite some time established some sort of close relationship with you - - if he or she wrote or said something about YOU and you were not certain of the information provided, wouldn't YOU say or WRITE something to that person ? " Kitty's not necessarily suggesting a dirty letter to attack the individual, but a confrontation is something to think about before FREAKING OUT and turning the situation to another source. In this bizarre scenario, accidentally bumped into Tom at The College one night, a day or so after he was given the Gag Bag. He seemed startled by her, quickly announced, " We need to talk. " Repeated him self twice in a harsh tone. Kitty was surprised to see him SHOCKINGLY upset, considering he let her slide with many dare-devil things in the past. She immediately reassured him, " they're just college and psychology jokes. " This was Tom's first face- to- face agreement he made with Kitty.

    The next bonding agreement was made over the telephone. Kitty actually phoned Dr. Bailey. Tom suggested he schedule a meeting with Kitty, clear up the meaning behind the Gag Bag. She asked if he were upset. Repetitively announced she meant no harm by the jokes. Tom explained he WAS NOT MAD OR UPSET. From there, Kitty had assumed she was okay in his book. Figured he wanted a rational statement as to why she would write such things about him in a jokingly way.

    Whelp folks, Kitty and Tom never got as far as the planned meeting like he requested. He lied to Kitty like a broken record. Never made time for her like he used to. He ignored her letter of apologies and e -mails. Kitty was up front, honest, and explained she wasn't ashamed of her actions or her relationship with him. He still ignored Kitty. As a result, he wrote her up to the Department Chair of Psychology. Claimed through his thinking from past situations with her, he never gave Kitty permission to chat with him in such a way, was offended by what was inside the Gag Bag. From there, she was told to drop her relationship and communication with her teacher, not to discuss the matter. Over one month had passed, and strangely, Kitty was brought in for questioning by the Head Security, a college counselor, and the Dean. They claimed her Gag Bag was not a joke. They :

    • Targeted things Kitty had written in private e-mails / web links to Mr. Bailey.

    • Attacked Kitty's artwork in her college projects she did in Dr. Bailey's courses ( ones she got full credit for)

    • Additionally, her college story ( which was not a school assignment )

    • And my relationship with Tom.

    Although this matter was well expired, a month after the fact, was booted from The College without a hearing or any real investigation. Her professor was never present during the ( 2 ) scheduled meetings she had with The College counselor or the Dean. In those short moments Kitty spent with the opposing side, she was labeled a threat to herself, a threat to the college community, a threat to her teacher, and needed therapeutic assistance with psychological testings. Lastly, Kitty's artwork and writings were marked as "warning signals."

    Sadly, this man, Kitty's own teacher lied about her relationship with him. Who knows what kind of fibs Tom told the school board or the dean? Kitty discovered Tom provided some wrongful information, and quite frankly, she's disappointed by the outcome. The way he ruined her identity as a college student.

    Did Tom conform to the judgement of others, or did he stick with what his eyes told him ? Although he was Kitty's first participant in this psychological study, it's interesting to note this man never had desire to confront Kitty, open himself up to her. That would have been a better solution than jumping the gun. Moreover, her findings suggest Tom got nervous throughout the process of her GAG Bag. In other words, he's the type to avoid fixing a puzzle, invent a solution with the actual person, that being Kitty. By her understanding, when Tom is faced with a trivial game, he turns it into an unnecessary melodramatic event than what it really is. Next, he takes it to another source. This is Tom's way of letting a fresh side deal with it, although he or she doesn't have the entire facts. Talking and solving a problem with an individual, especially your own student is likely the better deal. In this case, Tom lost.

    Unfortunately Tom got all hot and flustered. Part of predicts he has a habit of running away from his own problems. From a professional scope, that's not necessarily a good or healthy trait for a teacher to advertise to his own pupils. In the past, Kitty had other professors 2 -3 times in a row for a variety of courses at The College. They gladly enjoyed her company a second or third time. Gradually with these mentors, she was able to establish a long term relationship with them - - to the point they knew she was a diligent, hardworking student. Additionally, revealed another side of Kitty, her silliness. Tom Bailey once saw the beauty and youth in Kitty. It's sad he couldn't finish what he started. That's why Kitty predominantly engraved him as a NERD. A coward's a better term, but Nerd is an overall word that gives a rundown of Tom's unique character with her. Sure he sported the glasses and other odd habits, but Kitty is not attacking these stereotypes in general.

    Perhaps Tom turning in and having her expelled was his way of saying, "Screw YOU !" His lust for revenge. Get justice. Or score a better way of having Kitty disappear into thin air, away from his existence. Why ? Who knows . . . Only Nerd Boy will know the true answer to this enigma.

    This Gag Bag was the truth. How viewed their relationship. This was not a dirty trick or scheme. There are moral lessons in life to be learned. Kitty felt Tom needed to be informed of specific events, past ones between them. Possibly he would wake up, realize their relationship was odd. Make him be wary in the near future as to how he communicates with female students in general. Yet, Kitty is certain Tom already had a mental note about their "odd moments" in and out of school setting.

    Ever had a friend? Wanted to reveal intimate things in detail to this person without hurting his or her feelings face to face ? Take Kitty for instance. She's devoted to the arts and writing. Dr. Bailey already acknowledged this gift within her. For the longest time, Kitty wanted to sincerely tell him she wasn't blind or naïve when it came to words written or said, including their body language. How they supposedly bonded in a unique way. That's what her Gag Bag and College Story were for, partly. Humor was collaborated, only to get by those awkward moments she had with Tom. There were occasions, an " awkward situation," the kind where Tom would act like nothing happened ! However, Kitty did the same. Example, eye contact or getting rather close to one another. There could've been a million reasons as to why Tom or Kitty acted all amnesiac. A key fact, " flirting is a process, not a one-shot deal." It took time to digest Tom's nagging, his moodiness, his character, and attraction towards her. Perhaps he took time to digest her yumminess. The next time Kitty gradually saw Tom, their bond was sweeter ( namely in Introductory Psychology ). So there you have it, Bon appetit ! Maybe Kitty and Tom didn't know how to handle the awkward stitch or stitches any more than they both did. Whatever the reasons, with those " awkward moments, " she applied psychological concepts, illustrations to show Tom what she was getting at.

    respected her teacher in many ways. This Gag Bag was not meant to degrade him. Some of the examples Kitty contrived were hard core, she'll admit to that. But they make one think. That was her idea, make Tom think real hard back to those times. Kitty learned many things about herself, her actions, his actions, and so. If she could have pulled him aside to express her most inner feelings about "The past" she would've. But there's no way in hell Kitty could've accomplished that all in one brief setting, telling him point-blank. Hope this makes sense. Each person is unique in his or her own way. The Gag Bag is just a representation of Kitty's artistic self. She doesn't bake these bags like cookies to everyday individuals she greets on as acquaintances. To her, Bailey was closer than an average person on the street.

    As states : Dr. Bailey was in fact a down-to-earth likable fellow. He was always there for me. Gve me a helping hand when I it. Well, not the LIGHTER EPISODE, but . . ." Tom will always be a memory until the day Kitty dies. She'll definitely have some stories to share with her grand-children ! This Gag Bag was a quick homemade recipe, the art of kitty herself. As for the sexual fantasies, they never came true in class setting. Those were actual pissy thoughts. Well, like Kitty has mentioned before, she has a wild imagination. Tends to interpret things in a daring way. To her, getting a person to wake up ( to reality ) is to use the art of sex, like in advertising. Sex is a very powerful term. Most of the time it gets a message across. And that's exactly what Kitty attempted. However, Tom took her words too literally. It's obvious what the reasons are. Again, this was not a black book of dirty art to harm, threaten, or harass Tom. Kitty's the type to alter a boring, complicated issue into a comedy club. Considering she was a pupil of Dr. Bailey's for nearly ( 1 ) year, he fully accepted her knack for laughs. After all, laughter is the best medicine, namely for guys suffering from MOODINESS, mainly Tom. If feels good when you giggle. Tom could've done so in this situation, he did in the past. Even if Kitty got a little too hot for him in and out of class projects or no projects. Kitty's just keenly observant. If you think about it, there's probably lots of stuff that goes on in your day-to-day college life ( that is if YOU are one or were one) . Things that make or made you chuckle about your college friends or your professors. Instead of keeping those amusing thoughts to yourself, it's good to share them once in awhile. That's exactly what Kitty did with Tom, but through her College Story and Gag Bag. Good and bad memories, she had many reasons. Kitty's not promoting she's giggle-gifted, but that she tried. And she bombed. So now what ? Move on Kitty ! She's actually gotten a chuckle after a cold brush-off. It's okay.

    Kitty's secret recipe :

    • Step 1 : Start with a base of confidence or boldness. Like all-purpose flour, it's the foundation of whatever you do. Don't worry, Kitty's not asking you to pull a batch out of thin air.

    • Step 2 : Add spontaneity. A bit of impromptu flirting brings out your fun 'n' daring side. Shows him or her that you're not afraid to take a few chances. Plus, it paves the way for him or her ( your teacher ) to be bold right back. Feel free to think out a few talk topics ahead of time. Just don't write yourself a movie script that's considered overload in the fantasy department. Be truthful. That's what did.

    • Step 3 : Fold some friendliness. Even if he's strawberries and your cream, you can pretty much bet the farm that your dude ( teacher ) doesn't realize how whipped you are for him, coming from a friendly view. How to let him know how you feel ? Flash those pearlies ! In ink that is. As the saying goes, "the shortest distance between two people is a smile." With Tom, always tried make him laugh or smile. So ink is good.

    • Step 4 : Slowly pour in humor and mix well. Are you a bit of a klutz in the kitchen ? Don't despair : A good chuckle is guaranteed to get things cookin'. It's a real tension buster. Well, all can say is, "I tried."

    • Step 5 : Toss in a compliment or so and stir until smooth. A perfect-size piece of praise is one that's sweet enough to make him (your teach) wanna come back for seconds. But sincere enough to save you both from sugar shock. In Kitty's case, she got the shock of her life from Dr. Tom Bailey, her unexpected college expulsion !

    • Step 6 : Sprinkle in a dash of spice. If you're on the gutsy side, try dropping the dude ( your professor you like as a friend ) a casual invite. Example, Kitty used sex. But it was all a joke in an advertising way to get a message across. Sure Kitty liked Tom, but not in that way. Thoughts are natural and healthy. Remember, it's easy to develop fantasies, but always keep track of reality. It's like masturbating. That's what did. SIKE ! However, baking time for every college student varies. So don't throw in the apron if it takes a while for a relationship to rise.

      Moreover if your teacher doesn't take the bait, quickly finish your sentence with, " See ya around okay ? or I hate You, " letting him know you'll happily give him another chance to woo you some other time. Well, kitty's inventive ideas didn't work as she had planned. They did in the past, so she lost. It's no big deal. The best thing suggests, over do it - - as in art. He'll wonder whether you're for real. Good comedy over layering the past is also about enjoying each other's quirks and even poking fun at 'em occasionally, a good tension reliever. Don't worry, this man will repent in no time ! Have Marilyn Manson sing it to him until he does get down on his knees. Maybe not necessarily to you, but in time, a payback will hit him in life. Not a death scene, but a scenario that gets him squealing, " Omigod! Why me? I should've told that bitch I was sorry ages ago. F--K !" So don't sweat it ! Afterwards, seek all the help you can get to prove your so-called homemade recipe was nothing more but a sentimental hallmark card. Find a couch doctor that will rock your world!

      Read this ? Dazed and confused ? Eager to learn more ? Extra extra, read all about it ! It's just a click to the right, back into Kitty's world of NERD BOY. Once you've accomplished that masterpiece, , better known as THE BLACK BOOK : Diary of a College Kitty. There, YOU'll discover intimate secrets, Kitty's college life with Dr. Tom Bailey, their so -called platonic relationship. Experience their ups and downs, the joys of education. Get inside the mind of Kitty.
      Back to Cat's tale - NERD BOY