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.:hushed whispers:.

do you ever feel alone in a crowded room...?

  • *NEW* 06/04/08

    This site is not going to be updated, possibly forever. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy your stay.
  • go,!

    New to Eating Disorders?
    .Quiz Results!.
    Anorexia Info
    Bulimia Info
    Other Eating Disorders
    Signs of an ED
    .recovery sites.

    About Me
    -My Experiences With Ipecac-
    Recipes -for the anorexic, bulimic, and anyone
    else who wants to eat something yummy! ;)
    Sad Truth of EDs.
    My Pics



    .this is an eating disorder site. if you are
    anti-anorexia/bulmia/ED's, don't visit. some information
    may be triggering. if you don't have an eating
    disorder, i wouldn't suggest you to develop
    one or anything like that. this site is cheifly made
    so that people with ED's can have
    a refuge from everyday life. some of the
    information is taken from, but
    when it is, it is noted.

    -Tell me what you think!-


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    Cassie Charles 2000-2007©