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For hundreds of years Americans have reported abductions by Aliens. However many of these abductions go unreported. Many Americans are skeptical about the truth behind these reports and so called “Abductions”, but most do not know the reasons why they occur or the effects they have on those abducted.

Many underestimate the intelligence of the mid-western Americans. Unparalleled knowledge is possessed by the farmers and the extraterrestrial beings are eager to obtain it. It is unarguably important that beings from Outer Space are able to raise and maintain crops on distant planets. Farmers are known to be easy targets as well. Often they are found passed out drunk on moonshine and slumped over their tractors.

Aliens have studied Americans and their culture. From these studies they have realized that Americans ignore pretty much anything a drunken farmer says. After being abducted, farmers report what happened, but as usual no one will believe them and take time to listen to their story. This enables Aliens to keep abducting farmers at a constant rate with no fear of being discovered or having too much information being disclosed. Many farmers have read the handbook on foiling abduction attempts, but the Aliens have altered themselves to become immune to these tactics. The handbook suggests to verbally resist the abduction and if that does not work physically resist. Aliens have most likely obtained the handbook and read that the eyes are their area of vulnerability (Popular Mechanics) , and therefore most likely wear a protective cover now. (See picture A12-1b)

The need for understanding extends beyond agriculture. Humans as a life form intrigue Aliens as well. In order to be able to fully understand the inner workings of the

inferior being that is the human, experiments must be conducted. Often when abducted, abductees are put under the knife while in a trance like state. Organs are taken out and observed before they replace them. Probes are also common amongst those abducted. Rectal probes are inserted while the abductee is on board the Alien craft.(See Picture 12A-45b) These probes are not permanent, and most likely disintegrate after a set period of time. Before they are disintegrated, they transmit data back to the ship. The data transmitted is that of vital signs and food consumption as well as sleeping patterns and emotions throughout the testing period.

These traumatic incidents often leave those who experience it mentally unstable afterwards. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the most common amongst pupils that have been abducted (Bhattacharaya). Frightening re accounts of the abduction haunt them for years afterwards, the images that were seen in the ship never leave them. The feeling that they are still under the trance (Jacobs) and thus under the control of the Aliens never escapes them as they attempt to live their lives normally. Women abductees have reported miscarried births after having been abducted. This seemed to be a common trend throughout the females who reported being experimented on while in the ship (Shermata) . It is likely that the Aliens are using the unborn fetuses to birth their own more human-like children (Shermer).

Aliens are eager to communicate and be accepted by the human population, that is why they are so interested in the inner workings of the human form. Acknowledgment of their existence is the first step as they see it. That is why they leave such tales to be told

by those who were abducted, as they could easily erase their memory. An abduction for some may be a terrifying experience, but it is seen needed by the Aliens to be able to fully understand the creatures they are desperately trying to imitate.