February 9th- Look for possible PPO shows at Bacci's Pizza in Late Feb-Early March!! Also, be sure to check out the only thing we have recorded...how pitiful...lol...
September 14th- New pictures added! Links to Selena's and Tide's journals........Various other crap added, too drunk to remember....

Be sure to come see us play in Hubbard High's BATTLE OF THE BANDS competition....date to be announced....to take place some time after homecoming week....

August 16th - !@#$% Holy shit, we've got a site. A shitty one at that matter. It's 2:30 in the goddamned morning. I have nothing better to do than to make dumb computer graphics for this shitty band. Well, here's a list of our upcoming shows. Hope to see you out there.

<3 - selena

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17TH AT BACCI'S PIZZA w/ Homicidal Squirels, Kardoid and Anderline - Showtime is 6pm - $5 cover
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23RD AT JACKIE'S HOUSE w/ Homicidal Squirels - 5pm - free admission with nice birthday present for Jackie. (she's really into ceramic cats.)

e-mail us if you want us to play a show, because we'll do it. yeah, we're that sick.

old-ass news
lousy songs
meet the freakin' band
ugly mugs
get lost
talk to us (because we have nothing better to do)