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Peektures of meh..

Gnarls Barkley

Phallacy Clothing

Goofy Foot Press..

Naughti Necie (Nee-C)

Mere Speculation & Innocent Misleadings...

Hmmm...broad topic-Me that is. Like many, I can't be summed up into a few words or even paragraphs, but I can try just for you. *winks & grins* As of June 2003-I relocated to Las Vegas, NV..Whooot! hehe, I figured this would a much needed change of pace (and it has been such!) I’ve been attending the local community college since August 2004-currently in the middle of my third semester here. I have finally decided what I'm going to school for: Proteomics! Yay!! So there will be random updates pertaining to that, tho my other academic interests still remain: Political Science, Neuropsychology and Psych in general-though not the clinical aspect-more research oriented.... As for my current job-I'm still a server/trainer for Red Robin

In my free time-well, when I DO have free-time, I can occasionally be found in any number of dark alleys abusing various illicit substances, at my own discretion of course..*snickers* Every so often you'll catch me at a club/bar..Of course all this is done in the company of those that usually don't make my brain hurt..Reading is a major pastime of mine-tho currently I am reading a bunch of college textbooks..tee hee..(BUT I can tell ya a few of my faves: Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, Antigone, Naked Lunch, Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.) on a side note, I just hafta take this moment to expand on William Burroughs (Naked Lunch)..If you've never heard of the man, it's high time you go out and pick up his cd (him reading his work) Spare Ass Annie and Other Tales. His books kick ass, but Burroughs is best taken in audio format..*snickers* after ya listen, you'll see what i mean..*grins*

Music is a MAJOR part of my life-which is why I'm devoting a paragraph to it..the impact that music has had on me is extensive-emotions can be felt and intensified or trivialized and forgotten..many say that drugs have the ability to enhance the effects of certain, if not all types of music, though i believe the opposite, or at least an aspect of the opposite (in my case)-Music has this innate power to tear my consciousness away from reality and throw it into an esoteric spiral where time is relative and all existance outside of Me and It cease to exist..kinda like I'm lost in the pure subjectivity of the moment-the ways in which the music always seems to reach me-even if nothing else can..Due to those reasons-I'm eclectic..though i may prefer certain genres over others-i deffinatly have a deep appreciation and respect for each one..Now we've come to the obligatory list of groups/bands/artists that have influenced & affected me as well as a few others that just plain kick ass: Tori Amos (my FAVE! Pure emotion..), Portishead (sensuality at it's finest..), Modest Mouse, Poe, Tool, Tricky, SuperTramp, Natalie Merchant, Dungeon Family, Outkast, Lords of Acid, Thrill Kill Kult, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Blondie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Pat Benetar, Genitorturers, Sheryl Crow, Nate Dogg, R.E.M., Weezer, Pantera, System of a Down, Perfect Circle, Drain sth, Prince, Fleetwood Mac, Moody Blues, NIN, Crystal Method, Alice Deejay, Danzig, Norah Jones, 311, Bloodhound Gang, Depeche Mode..I'll add more as I think of them..*grins*

I AM a spiritual person, but not in the conventional sense. Meaning-I believe in a higher power of sum sort, though I haven't been able to puzzle out WHAT that higher power is. I stopped following the Christianity path years ago-just left too many questions unanswered and required too much faith on my behalf. I believe in energy-not as a ruling factor, just as an ever present substance (if it IS a substance) Lately I've been attuning myself to the energies people give off and it's so interesting to watch and see how easily people can be manipulated or coerced by pushing the energy flow certain ways. When I look around me at humanity, it startles me to realize that many, if not most people are in fact as stupid as they seem. Intelligence, wit, & intellect among many other things are all but lost on the average human in favor of trendiness and popularity. *laughs* *steps down from her soap box and kix it into a dark corner* Another thing that I’ve been putting my time into is reading the’s something I didn’t think I had the talent for back when I first started reading, but perseverance and patience drew out what lay hidden and allowed it to view on the tarot is one that, I really don’t feel that I’m “reading the cards”, I feel that I’m using the cards as a channel, or an interpreter, of the person’s energies that I’m reading for. It usually depends on how open or closed off the person is as to how accurate my reading ends up being. I don’t charge (but by all means I’ll take money!)

Anyhow! People who know me would say that I am a sarcastic, cynical, witty, flirtatious, caring, warm-hearted, inquisitive, energetic, moody, playful, and fun-loving person (it greatly depends on the mood I'm in as to which traits are manifested), but if you don't know me, I doubt you would come up with that same observation. I tend to act tougher/bitchier than I am, so as to fend off the unwanted or in sum cases unworthy. I figure if the way I dress, act, speak, etc. causes you to refrain from engaging in a friendship with me, you were never worth it in the first place, for you would have never accepted me when it came down to it. well enough about me. I guess if I haven't covered sumthin about myself that ur dying to know, you'll just hafta email meh..*bats her eyelashes*

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