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Holly the Psypider

The purpose of this page is to inform the reader of how I am progressing through college, and life. It is to tell you exactly what's going on in my head.

I am hoping lately to get a position at the local would mean that I would have financial security and a job I like. Sweet!

I love devouring books. All kinds of knowledge seeping into my head. I am currently reading about gypsy cures, but have been always interested in psychic abilities, and vampirism. I can't swallow pills, so I've found herbal cures do the trick. Hence the interest in Romanie cures. It's beautiful. I am going to try and find relevant sites, so anyone else who is interested can find their way through here, and get some info.

Hey, new Stuff! I have begun to study the Wiccan way of life, and found it oddly comforting. This is very strange, since I have long since declined "tree-huggers". However, it seems to be the one closest to home. Click Me to find the Pagan community near you. I have found also, that soapmaking has been a soothing hobby, (No Fight Club jokes, please) and that my reading has become slightly darker,

but I am very okay with that. Also, that since I am single, and didn't get the library job, had to settle for Mcdonald' has been different. Can't wait for school again.Wish me luck, all, and Blessed Be.

New stuff! I am no longer single (oops, haven't been updating...) and am very happy with my honey. I am almost done getting my Associate's in Psychology. Whoopee! Accreditation! Life is sweet. MWAH MWAH MWAH. PS- check out the page for my honey bunny's car place.

My Honey's Car Page

Feel the joy. Right now not much is going on, but life is pretty chaotic. I had a check fall in my lap! Hurray for me. I love it when life is like Monopoly.