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The All Seeing Eye

Welcome to Open Eye, the official Joy of Satan Internet newspaper. This paper isn't here to twist what is reported to make people happy, I refuse to do that. This web-paper is here to tell you what needs to be known, and what should be known. I WILL NOT write that something is good, when it's not, I will give you the truth, and if there is no truth, only a matter of opinion, I'll give you the facts, and let you make up your own minds, although I cannot help but give my opinion on the situation. Anyway, I shall keep this short and sweet, I just wanted to warn you all that I don't write to be popular, I write because I can.

What all you lucky buggers have instore for you this week:

The Rise and Fall of the slightly unknown Joy of Satan webchat.
The mysterious disappearance of Priestess Cecily Rossell.
All that you should have read in the JoS yahoo! groups, but were too lazy too.