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Whoa there I haven't updated this site in 4 years...
Who knows how you got here... however, there isn't really a whole lot here to see.
Currently I go to Berklee College of Music in Boston and I have a new website -
So kindly redirect yourself there to find lots more content.

Or check out

To navigate through the site, click on the sidebars. This page was meant for high resolution, so if your
resolution is low, you will have to scroll around left and right. That is your OWN damn fault! Change your resolution if you wanna see my page better!

Instant message me using AOL instant messenger at FiddleTilDeath
To contact me otherwise, click here to email me.

 Neeanh wonh!!!!

For now, just go here to hear some current mp3s
and watch Death of a Parrot!

Past news
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have been forced to take down my fiddle mp3s. This is not a copyright issue, but a space issue. There is still space to put more up, but everything on the site is very old at this point and not on par at all with what I've been working on lately. As of right now, I have 10 out of 12 songs recorded and mixed down that are going to go on the album, so I should be finished sometime in the nearish future. Samples will be posted, but not right now. In the meantime, my band Ossuaric Mortuary played its first show and we DESTROYED. Check out the Ossuaric Mortuary website hereFONT>
I haven't updated the site in a REALLY long while for a number of reasons. The lame reason is that I've been really busy lately. Which is true, but I've only made small updates here and there and not bothered to update the main page. Well, now you get the latest news on whats going on. I have begun work on a full album and nothing will be released until it is finished, besides Shottis Fran Idre which is in the mp3s section. It will have a good number of the tunes in the mp3s section but with much better quality and less sloppy playing. And there will be NO METAL. Thats right. Distorted fiddles and electric mandolins (yes that will be there) do not make metal but they will not be overused. Don't worry. It will rock.

Once I am done with this weekend, the hell known as finals will begin, from Monday til Thursday. Once finals are out of my way, I will begin the trek to make quality music for those lucky enough to hear it. I (hopefully) will be holding down a job at Scoops which should give me some extra money but that doesn't really have anything to do with anything here. So anyways, I made a link to the new version of Catharsis in the mp3s section. Make sure you check out from the button on the left. Also I have updated the Bands I like section because it was horribly outdated.

Well, it's been a while between updates. I have been very busy. Hopefully that's ok with you people but frankly I don't care too much so whatever. I have devoted much of my time to the excellet metal zine Denestrated which you can check out by
clicking on the banner at the left. I have two projects in the works right now that I intend to start either next weekend or over the summer: the celtic fiddle one and a black metal band I'm doing with Dana that will feature me on vocals and bass and Dana on guitar and drum machine. I will soon update the fiddle mp3s with a new version of Catharsis with an added c part.
Opeth was amazing, we saw the soundcheck and interviewed them. I will make the interview into mp3 once I get my hands on the tape. You can check out the text version at
defenestratedzine. I also made a new section for cds I'm selling so aim me at GeinRipperLecter if you are interested in purchasing one. Look on the sidebar to see my cds.
I updated the links, and poetry section, and I guess somewhere in the middle of all the recorded updates the Why section was erased and the weird stuff section was added. Hmm. I have no idea when but whatever. Anyway, the 4 track and its accompanying 90 page manual came and I figured out how to use it. I tested it on Julia Delaney's with Jeremiah and my dad. I hope to start the first session of official recording with our newly aquired drummer Alex Shore even though he is a bitch about having to bring his drums over. One by one, people will come over and lay down tracks until we have 2-3 very cool songs! Then I will start the process all over again, possibly with different people. The lineup will most likely vary from tune to tune but as of now this is who I intend to get on the first few songs: Jeremiah on Guitar, Dana on guitar, Louie on cello, me on bass and obviously fiddle, and maybe some other people. I'll see what happens. However, these tracks won't see release for a while. I might send out a 30 second teaser. Goodbye for now. Oh and I'm seeing Opeth on Friday!!!

I updated the links and poetry sections and the 4 track *digital* minidisc recorder should be coming VERY SOON... yay!

Today was a big day... I came home from school and recorded 3 tunes in about 20 minutes. That is no indication of the quality however heheh I was just rushed because my brother was about to get home from school and he would complain about the noise. Also, last night I fixed the problem with uploading mp3s that I was having so everything should now be working fine and you can download the new mp3's in my fiddle section.

Today I spontaneously combusted. I mean I spontaneously recorded 2 more tunes which are now of course turned into mp3s. These can be found in the mp3 section if for some reason you couldn't figure it out. Check out the *new* poetry section also while your here. Until next time......

I put up the poetry section after I got bored and somewhat inspired so I wrote a poem and it turned out pretty good so I'm posting it on the site so now it can be an outlet for me for other things besides music. I liked writing it so I think I will do this more often.

I posted those 3 tunes which I said I was going to use, so you can now download them from the mp3s section. I got my electric 5 string tuned now so I wont have to use the heavy as shit one now. I'm going down to Key West this weekend (for bad reasons, not good) and I'll be back Tuesday.

I have just recorded 4 more tunes, 3 of which I am sure I will use, and another that I will have to think about a little bit. I may have to re-record it. I'll see what i can do in the mp3 making process. These will be posted at the latest by the end of the weekend. I talked to Carrie and she said that I should learn some metallica or some kind of cool shit like that so I kinda sorta got master of puppets but since my 5 string is out of order for this week (goddamn those pegs!!) so i was having to use the 4 string, and that made the notes an octive higher than I wish they could be, unless I changed the key, but that just wouldn't be authentic me
tallica then would it!