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Hello! Welcome to my site. Pardon the dust, but not only is this currently being built, I'm in the process of learning html(I can link, and can color, and I can make tables, and that's about it.). This is my main page, which is basicly just so I can type this little intro and organize my other pages.

Well, the links in my nifty little table dow there are pretty self-explanitory, but I'll explain them anyway. Beatles lets you into my lovely little Field of Strawberries, my Beatles site, obviously, 'Monkees' would link to my groovy little pad, relating to them long-haired weirdos.

The Shoppe is a place where I put up characters I or someone else have created, and are willing to trade, for a picture or fanfiction or such.

Well, now that I've stated the obvious, go and get yourselves lost on my pages, and don't come back here till your done!
Beatles Monkees
The Shoppe About M'self