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Greetings, and welcome to The Creature's Lab! I am your host, TCM Hitchhiker, also known as Delphar 7. This website is dedicated to showcasing custom horror action figures made by myself, and many, many other ghouls and ghoulettes. Take a creep around, and enjoy your stay, but remember, these figures are for screams, not for play, and after you leave, you may never be the same! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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- New ghouls for October! Looks like it will be a fun Halloween here at the Lab this year. Lots of cool customs!

- Spaz comes to us with a few different versions of Jason from the Friday the 13" films. all of them look really great, and with all the Jason craze right now, after Freddy VS Jason, what a perfect time to take a look at some new Jason customs! You can find these figures in the "Other Creepy Customs" section, in Gallery 19!

- Also in the update, Streamline has submitted a custom Alien figure, and, well, i will let the other one be a surprise. Lets just say, this is one bun you don't want in the oven! Streamline's customs kick off Gallery 20, in the "Other Creepy Customs" section!

- GALLERY 20 has begun, which means, as of right now, we are only 3 figures away from the Lab showcasing ONE HUNDRED different horror customs! And that is NOT including Delphar 7's own customs! Only 3 away, lets try and break 100 by Halloween folks, send in some customs!!!!!

- ALSO, you may have noticed we changed the front page here. We thought we would make it a bit more organized, and less busy. Let us know what you think! And PLEASE sign the guest book, only takes a second, and we want to hear your opinions!

- This update, we are featuring some really fun custom figures! What do you get when you combine classic monsters with the greatest animated TV show of all time? Frankenhomer and Pinhead Homer, that's who! You can view these figures made by the talented Poppoman in Gallery 19 of the "Other Creepy Customs" section!

- We will be featuring many other killer customs in the next couple weeks, so be sure and stop back in very soon! And hey, get off your lazy ass and sign out guest book would ya! We want to hear your thoughts on the site and all the great customs featured here, we would really appreciate it! You can find the link to the guest book at the bottom of the page!

- Dr. Zaius will never die! Or so it seems. TCM/Delphar7's custom Dr. Zaius figure can be seen in the new issue of Lee's Toy Review, #127. He is way in the back in the price guide section, and it is a little picture, but he is there! This issue also has lots of continuing Toy Fair coverage, including coverage of NECA's new Hellraiser and Friday the 13th toys, woohoo! Lee's Toy Review has been the best magazine on toy collecting for many years now, check it out!

- New customs on the way, but if you want more  and more updates, we need more pictures, so SEND IN THOSE PICS OF YOUR CUSTOMS!!

- We're baaaaa aaaack! That's right fiends, after 4 long month of no activity, due to may reasons I shall not bore you with, The Creature's Lab is back in action! Please note that we also have a new e-mail address.! Please send all submissions, comments, etc. to this new address! If you have sent any pictures within the last 4 months, please send them again, as much mail has been lost. Stay tuned for some new submissions later this week, and if you have any figures you want featured here, send them on over! Ahhh, good to be back amongst the un-living! >: )

- More Movie Maniacs, and more dioramas! RipperBendix has submitted some pictures I have been trying to get out of him for some time now. He has made custom dioramas/playsets for his Movie Maniacs figures, and they are just plain bad ass! See Leatherface's playroom (Muahahaha), Jason Voorhees at camp, Norman Bates in the shower, Michael Myers on the prowl, and Predator after a successful day of hunting! Yep, see them living their everyday normal lives, enjoying their favorite hobbies! >: ) You will find them all in Gallery 18 of the "Other Creepy Customs" section!

Hey ghouls & ghoulettes, have you made any custom horror or monster action figures?
If so, send Delphar 7 your pics and he will post them right here in one of the galleries with full credit, and yes, if you have a website that features your customs, he will link it!

Have questions about The Creature's Lab? Check out the FAQ section and see if it is answered there. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, feel free to e-mail Delphar 7.



The Custom Action Figure Collective
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