~Red Savage Camps ~ Native^Fires ~

Hou Traveler, Welcome to Native^Fires ~ Clan of Yellow Knives of Red Savage Camps

Native^Fires respects the ways of others, and asks that you respect Our ways.

~ Timbra ~Itancanka ~ Tatrix ~ Mazaska Waha ~Itancan ~ Warrior Chief

[jolo]Timbra~RSC~cb ~ Camp boy

Native^Fires was created 7 years ago by Timbra, Protected and guarded by Mazaska. It is not just a Homestone, but a concept of what Gor means to those of the Clan of Native^Fires. While the "Clan" grows and shrinks according to the ebbs and flows of life, the passion and creativity remains the same.

Where is Native^Fires? On Gor there are many paths to follow, many places to rest our heads and build our home, we look nor farther than our Hearts and Spirits and this is where our Home lies. Native^Fires is located in the Barrens, and you will find it by taking the long journey through Palace Gor to haskins.epalaces.com:9998, www.secondlife.com, or irc collarme.com,or irc bondage.com,msn.com. Native^Fires exists within us, a concept which holds us together as a family, strong and faithful to each other, through good times and bad.

The Homestone of Native^Fires is our Heart, sheltered safe and sound, that no person can sneek up and steal the very breath that keeps us whole. If we are shunned, we smile, we dust our feet, and we find another place to go. Not unlike the Nomads, we are bound by each other, our health, safety and well being. We laugh, we find joy in life's simple pleasures and we listen to nature, for it is our greatest source of wisdom.

We am no more and no less than what We seem. We are not here for your approval. We do not follow the bosk herd mentality. If you threaten one of us, you threathen us all. We defend the home we live in with our hearts and souls.

We have no patience with fools. Circle Jerk Neanderthals, are simply ignorant humans that need to be either taught, collared, or shown the nearest exit.

This is *Our Law*. You enter Our Home, you deal with The Clan.

Maza & Timbra

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Red Savage Camps [Native^Fires]

  • Gorean Concepts and Old Gor Ways
  • The People of Gor
  • Surviving Gor

Gorean Links: ***WARNING** Write for Permission and Check for Copywrites before using or copying any Materials!

John Norman's World of Gor references and Links
About Native^Fires
Blackfoot Nation
Yahoo Group for RSC
Global Chat Network (Gor)
Red Savage Language and Info
Palace Gor
Second Life *Gor* (Timbra Galbraith)

Email: timbra_pw@yahoo.com