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Name: Kasuri

Catch Copy: Kasuri 471

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Weight: 120lbs

Height: 5'9"

Country Of Origin: Japan

Settled In: Travels

Occupation: Assassin

Hobby: She Enjoys A Challenge Every Now And Then, Putting Up A Fight With People. She Loves To Get Herself Into Trouble.

Group: Abunakkashii Yasha

Element: Fire

Weapons: Sword(Rebel)

Powers: Unknown

Attitude: Goofy,Serious & Sarcastic


Boyfriend: No One

Loves: Unknown For A Reason

Hates: When She Isn't Taken Serious At Times Or If She Is Treated Like Shit.

Favorite Animal: Dragon

Fighting Style: Stealth Ninjitsu & Elemental Attacks(Fire)

Personal Quote: "You Have GOT To Be Shittin' Me.."


Although much information is unknown about her,she has quite the reputation.Her past actions have givin' her the name of a rebel,and an assassian.Her actions are always so secretive,so subtle..yet she always gets the job done. She has joined the group called Abunakkashii Yasha when she found herself in a fight with Syao,whom is now her comrad,as well as a close 'friend' of hers. She is quite the oddball of the group I must admit,always lookin' for a good time. Everythin' that she does seems like a game to her,the fights,the kills,everythin'. Even though she is sixteen and has the job of an assassian,she looks into the world with the eyes of a child. She has seen much bloodshed throughout her years,and yet..she still remains the way she is,her personality,so different from what she really is..