I think it was inevtible that Madison would factor back into the story, I'm sure at least one of you guessed it already. How is the question though, well I'll answer it. As you know I was in NY for a week or so, when I came home I found a most unexpected message on my answering machine.

"Hi Gavin, it's me Madison. Don't erase this message yet, please. Just listen, I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but I was under a lot of pressure. I was about to graduate, I was studying as hard as I could, I had us on my mind. and one night I needed a beak from everything. Then one thing led to another." I think I can feel myself melting, especially during this pause of hers. Oh, she's talking again. "I just couldn't take it all at once. I know you probaly don't want to talk to me, but I miss you and I really am sorry. I'd like to talk to you, I'll try you back later. Bye."

She's sorry, well that's great but sorry doesn't fix everything. Sorry doesn't give me my time back or my warmth. Sorry is a word that's thrown around so people don't feel guilty! It means nothing! Of course I'm going to delete that message.

Definitely deleting it, the message is so erased. Yep, gone. Bye bye message! Okay, so I lied. I'm not deleting it, big deal. I think my subconscious is done talking now.

I, a proffesional narrator, will now take over the job of narrating. I think it's a better idea, don't worry though. We'll still get into Gavin's head. Anyway, he was very confused after hearing that. He was amazed in a way, yet angry in another. After months and months, now she decides to apologize. Tsk, tsk...

You see, the phonecall by Madison turned him around. He is angry and hurt, yes. Now though, he's also curious. He's curious as to why she wants to talk to him, why she bothered to call, and so on. Women don't realize how much power they have over guys like Gavin, it's a shame really. Nice guys get screwed over. It's the same with nice girls though, so I shouldn't complain.

Gavin sat and stared at his phone, he wanted to call her back but couldn't bring himself to do it. The phone rang on it's own soon, he picked it up and it was Julia.

"Hiya, I wanted to call you to let you know I'm home. I'm so tired, I think I could fall asleep right now." She laughed.

Gavin, now very uneasy, wasn't focused on Julia as you can imagine."Yeah, me too. It's only about eight-thirty though."

"You don't sound too happy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." Gavin hates to discuss his feelings, I'm suprised he told you as much as he did.

"No, you aren't. I can tell by your voice, tell me what's a matter?"

"I'm okay, really. I think I'm just tired or maybe I'm hungry?"

"Want to get together for dinner and maybe you'll tell me what's wrong then?" That's love when you know you're too exhausted to go somewhere but still try to. Gavin doesn't love Julia, I can't beleive that. Moron, you don't get engaged to someone you just like.

"No, I'm really just in the mood to be home right now. I'm sorry."

Julia's tone went lower. "Oh...well okay." She paused only for a moment."I'll just come to you then! I'll cook dinner, how's that?"

Gavin didn't want to hurt her feelings by refusing the offer. "Sure, that's cool. Come on over, it'll be um..fun."

How sweet, he made plans. I think he only made the plans so he can get fed some positive attention. That could just be my opinon though. He paced around his loft a little and ended up just lying on his sofa until she got there about an hour and a half later.

Julia didn't bother knocking on the door, she let herself in using the key that was given to her by Gavin. He sat up from the couch and smiled. "Hi there." His mind was still elsewhere. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans, and the sneakers he bought her recently.

She put two bags on the counter and jumped on the couch, she laid on top of him and smiled. "Hey hun, instead of cooking I brought chinese. Is that okay?" She gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, Chinese is fine." He touched her face sweetly as she got up and started pulling food out of the bags. He sat just looking at her.

She noticed his stare and laughed. "What cha looking at?"

"Just you." He continued to look as she blushed.

The night was going well, until half way through dinner that is. Gavin heard someone knocking, he went to answer it and who do you think it was? Humor me here, guess. Take at least two guesses.

If you guessed someone other than Madison, you're so right. No, I'm just kidding. It was Madison. He opened the door and there stood the woman who hurt him. Her head was bowed but slowly she lifted it and their eyes met.

"Hello Gavin, you look great." Her tone was very easing, she seemed quite calm. Gavin was speechless and just sat staring at her. She looked even more beautiful to him than ever, it was most likely the blonde streaks she added to her hair as well as the new length. It was now on her shoulders, it used to be to the middle of her back.

"Who's at the door, Gav?" Julia came to the door as well. She recognized this other woman, she saw an old picture of her in Gavin's office before. "Madison?"

Gavin still stood speechless just staring at her. Cat had his tongue I suppose? Madison looked at Julia and it appeared she was saddened.

"Oh, Im sorry. I'll just go." After having said that, she ran down the hallway to the elevator. Julia could tell Gavin was a bit struck by his ex love and she herself felt kind of sad.

To the people who are saying this is too cliche, I have two simple words for you....Screw you.