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Dedicated To Emma Chambers Name: Emma Chambers

Does: Actress

Age: unknown

Quotes (Alice):

"You can call me Alice, cos that's my name."

"I'm all ears. . .well, not all ears. I'm face and tummy and legs and lots of other bits, including some rather private bits I only let a doctor see. . .except he wasn't a doctor, and later he got arrested."

"I remember the first time my budgie Carrot died. He came back to life, you know. A bit like Jesus, but with feathers."

"Man and woman get to inn, inn's full, woman has baby in manger, angels sing on high, blah blah blah."

"I'm so excited I could just burst like a great big blister when you pop it with a pin!"

"Well, I can't believe I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and the stuff I can't believe is not I Can't Believe It's Not Butter are not butter, and I believe that they both just might in fact be butter, but in cunning disguises, and in fact there's a lot more butter out there than we believe."

"Art's my forte."

"I know a lot about tropical fish as well."

"Oh, Brillo pads!"

"When he kisses me I get all goosepimply like a great pimply goose!"

"Wouldn't it be lovely if some kittens were born with pink fur and you didn't actually have to paint them yourself?"

Quote (Honey): Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm failing 100%. I absolutley and totally and utterly adore you and I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends. What do YOU think?

Wanna write to Emma? The address:

Emma Chambers
c/o Conway Van Gelder Ltd
18/21 Jermyn St, 3rd Floor
London SW1 6HP
United Kingdom

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