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Heyla. Welcome to my little corner of th' Pad, my site dedicated to long-haired weirdos everwhere.

6-14-01: Two new fics up, and I got a club and chatroom. Go have fun with my little place now.

Updates! I've learned some new HTML and I'm gonna totally redo this plain old boring thing. Heyla!
My club, the Closet Blackboard Nobody's been to my club. Whyyyy???

fiction of fans...fannyfiction! *Yawn*...sleepy-time Just like all of your toys... You do and I'll be sorry!

Woolhat Nishwash Fuzzy-Wuzzy Dolenz Peter Percival Patters- er, Tork Manchester Midget Greenie
Bye bye! Me, Wonderful ME!

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Baby Texas prairie Chicken
Adoption Certificate

Baby's Name: Zilcher
Adoption Date: 5-22-01(My Daddy's B-day!)
Parents Name: Silk

Adopt your own! Click Here
You're the person to find your way into the closet. Alot, huh?