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Water slaps gently against your legs as the sound of breaking surf rushes to your ears but of this you can see nothing, but a thick wall of swirling mist.Wrapping itself delicately about your body,it seems to explore you,examining you for the journey ahead. Suddenly, as quickly as it came the mist recedes and a pebbly beach, dark pines looming behind, fades into view. A chill wind blows uncomfortably against your damp hide and you move forward, seeking the protection of the pines. The sound of the surf immediatly and eerily dissapears as you step into the dark, still forest. Soft branches rustle above your head as unseen creatures move about in the lofty limbs but your footsteps are muffled and the ancient wood retains it's ominous hush. You travel on warily, following the winding path through the magnificent trunks until suddenly the branches clear and you step into a small grassy clearing. A small, misty spring bubbles up from the center, rushing over a rocky channel before swirling over a small fall and into the still forest. A movement catches in your vision, drawing slowly out of the mist above the stream, and stepping lightly into the clearing. It's form is uncertain at first, but slowly focuses, an equine perhaps; your mind continues to ponder as he speaks, soothing tones calming your senses..

"Welcome, friend, to the Isle of Avalon. You have questions, of your presence here, of the Isle...I will show you if you desire.. "

~A Tale~

The mist dissapears, fading away twoard the stream's shallow course.Yet the clearing before you stands empty, no sign of the source of the voice remaining.....But a breeze wafts quietly around your ears.. carrying the mysterious whisper...'Dagda'...Three paths lead out of the clearing, two further inland, the third, from which you came, leading back to the shore. The two before you are similar, yet wind in different directions.Both are well traveled, leading deep into dark ancient forest. Shall you move inland, into the realm of Avalon, and the feuding lands, or back, to potential safety and forget the mystic isle of legend?

"....Few withstand the tests of the mist, so choose wisely, for you have been awarded a great honour...."

Rules of the Avalon Mist



Tales of Other Lands
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Please note that this is a simulation game and nothing inside this game actually exists. Most of this was made from my imagination. The pictures in the game are used as examples and are not used for any commercial purposes, but if one of your pictures or other material is copyrighted and you wish it not to be shown within this game please e-mail me, and I would be glad to remove it for you, or provide an appropriate credit.

Please take a moment to read the Credits and appreciate the people who have helped behind the scenes.
Have any questions, comments, concerns? Feel free to post any out of character discussions at The Lake of Avalon.

© 2002 The Lady of the Lake. All rights reserved.