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News and Updates : January 30th, 2007

If you're here you know me, or talk to me, this place won't be ready till the end of the month, your just getting a preview.


New Content
Posted By: Jorge
Date: January 30th, 2007
Source: Everywhere.

Here is some stuff from this morning.

Britney Spears is planning her come back, this was released yesterday evening. She said her "come back" is going to be "bigger and better than ever". Who wants some milf prancing around on stage after having her saggy breasts surgically redone. just to see some skin that could easily be beaten by the looks of Xtina?
Of course Britney used to be hot, she used to have the sexiness of the goddess type, but after the effects that two children put on your body, I don't think anyone will ever be too excited.
It was reported she was refused to be paid 400 000 dollars after she "fell asleep" on stage at a night club in Ireland. She fell asleep because of the exhaustion." It's probably your body telling you to stop being a sluttily dressed mother of two doing your striptease routine on stage. Nobody gets off on a milf except Madonna. Madonna has been fit and I don't think she has used plastic surgery to make herself as good looking as she is. For a forty or fifty something year old, Madonna has a tight bod.
Apparently K-Fed has made a sex tape of Spears and himself at home and is holding against her out of court, saying that she has to give him $30 million and custody of the children, or he will release the tape on the internet. I've personally seen this preview of the tape and it looks like spears alright. I guess Britney's being a slut hads paid off... For K-Fed.
Well In conclusion of all this Hollywood Britney Spears gossip, I have to say, thank you Britney, for giving me something to write about, no one wants to see you come back, your not hot anymore, and knowing that you are probably a sloot in the sack you will probably sleep your way back on the airwaves of North America. Your not Madonna, and I don't think she ever had to have a comeback. She is a genuine diva. I'm sure Walt Disney would be spinning in his grave if he saw what your doing, I'm sure all the 12-14 year old girls that pretend to be like you will enjoy your comeback, I can't say much for anyone else though. I sure hope it's not as bad as your ex-husband's breakthrough. How many Cd's did he sell? 5?

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