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Metal is the greatest music of all time. Whether it is the brutality of Death metal, the darkness of Black metal, or the great 80/90's metal bands!"

I can't get enough of it! I love listening to the Melodic Black Metal from Norway. Dimmu Borgir amoung most, led the way for promoting it!

Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that emerged as a defined musical style in the 1970s, having its roots in hard rock bands which, between 1967 and 1974, mixed blues and rock to create a hybrid with a thick, heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound, characterised by the use of highly-amplified distortion. Out of heavy metal various subgenres later evolved, many of which are referred to simply as "metal". As a result, "heavy metal" now has two distinct meanings: either the genre and all of its subgenres, or the original heavy metal bands of the 1970s style sometimes dubbed "traditional metal", as exemplified by Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Blue �yster Cult and Black Sabbath. Heavy metal began gaining popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, at which time many of the now existing subgenres first evolved. Heavy metal has a large world-wide following of fans known by terms such as "metalheads" and "headbangers".

Black metal started in the early 1980s with bands such as Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, and Hellhammer. The second wave of black metal, an essentially Scandinavian movement, started in the late 1980s and early 1990s, primarily in Norway. Black metal has gathered intense criticism from many sectors of society, for its brutal aesthetic, its misanthropic spirit, and the extreme right wing ideologies displayed by some musicians working in the National Socialist Black Metal subgenre. However, at the same time it experienced a meteoric rise in popularity among metal fans during the 1990s.

Dimmu Borgir (pronounced "dim-moo bore-gear") is a Norwegian symphonic black metal band from Oslo whose music has been very popular in several Scandinavian countries and Germany. "Dimmu Borgir" means "Dark Citadel/Castle/Fortress" in Icelandic, and is actually the name of an area of lava formations close to M�vatn, a lake in Iceland. Dimmu Borgir was originally founded in 1993 by Shagrath, Silenoz, and Tjodalv. The band released an EP entitled Inn I Evighetens M�rke (1994) translated to English the title means "Into The Darkness of Eternity". This short EP sold out within weeks, and the band followed up with the full length album For All Tid (1994). This album featured musical contributions by members of D�dheimsgard and Ved Buens Ende. Interestingly enough, Shagrath played drums with Tjodalv on guitar and Erkekjetter (translating "arch heretic") Silenoz covering vocals. This lineup changed before the release of Stormbl�st (translates to "Storm Blown") on Cacophonous Records in 1996. Stormbl�st received high praise from many melodic black metal fans, and is often regarded as a highlight of the band's career. It is also the last album which features all lyrics written and sung in Norwegian. After Stormbl�st, Dimmu Borgir's career took a sharp turn. Keyboardist Stian Aarstad left the band due to his obligation to serve in the Norwegian army, thus he was not able to participate in the recording of Devil's Path (1996). That period was also marked by the leave of their bassist Brynjard Tristan and the arrival of Nagash. Stian Aarstad returned for the recording of Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (1997). On the tour to support the album he had trouble attending rehearsals and tour dates, and he was fired from the band. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant was a huge success for the band, and it was their first release signed to the famous German record label Nuclear Blast. It was recorded in the Abyss Studios, owned by Hypocrisy's mainman Peter T�gtgren. After the tour for Enthrone Darkness Triumphant the band recruited new members Mustis on keyboards and Astennu on second guitar so that Shagrath could concentrate on vocals. Dimmu Borgir's following full-length albums Spiritual Black Dimensions (1999) and Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (2001) both met critical acclaim. Some fans accused the band of "selling out" due to the mass audiences which the albums reached. Despite regular video play on MTV2 and Fuse TV that their follow-up album would receive, the band has stated that they are not "commercially-oriented," and instead, they simply wish to spread their message to more people. In 2003, Dimmu Borgir used their major record label financial leverage to create a monumental album titled Death Cult Armageddon. Sections of the album were recorded with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra to enhance the classical arrangements which have always augmented the band's style. In 2005, the band did a complete re-recording of the Stormbl�st album, featuring Hellhammer of Mayhem fame as the session drummer. Recently on their website, it was announced that Dimmu Borgir have begun working on their follow up to Death Cult Armageddon.

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