
My opinions are what I think the song means, and they may or may not not be right. So, where possible, I added in Chud's (and the rest of the group's) actual interpretations. If you think I'm wrong, or have more of their interpretations, feel free to write me ( feral_v@sbcglobal.net )and bite my head off.

Kill, I Oughta
I guess it means, I should kill you.

1. Poop Loser
It's all about being a peice of shit that will never amount to nothing.

2. Seed
Seed is all about someone's (probably Chad's) parents getting divorced, and making that kid (or teen, or young adult, or person) choose between them. Eventually, that kid ends up hating both of them, and hating their own life.

3. Cultivate
I think this song says "Look at me, I am God.", but behind this god, is a drug addict who hate his followers, and yet again, his life.

4. Some Assembly Required
This song is about Christianity being a mouthful of shit and lies, and Chad (or Greg, Matt, Ryan, or whoever wrote the song)won't accept it.

5. I.D.I.O.T
Chad said "This song is about what I am, a motherfuckin’ idiot, check it out."

6. Central Disposal
I think this song is about how he (Chad, or the others) is depressed and its party #2's part, except they don't live up to it. He hates party #2 desperatly, but wants even more to know why party #2 did, and/or does, it.

7. Coal
Coal is about how life is so hard and confusing, and he (Chad or ... you know the drill) wants answers to his questions.

Lethal dosage of 50%, a measure of acute toxicity. The dose of a substance expected to kill half of a group of test animals exposed for a specific period.

1. Monolith
Titled after the brooding alien artifact at the heart of Stanley Kubrick's classic '2001: A Space Odyssey'.

2. Dig
The band said "The song is all about change and reflects our sci-fi proclivities to that idea and 2001- so enjoy our monolithic effort."

3. Internal Primates Forever
This song means that we're still all animal inside, no matter what we'd like to think, and how we try to get away.

4. -1
-1 is all about modern modern society, and how it forces people to learn THEIR teachings, that are all unattain-able. So it leaves people feeling worthless and feeling like the failed in life.

5. Death Blooms
Chad said "It's a song about my grandmother, because she is on in years she is seen as useless and shunned by other family members."

6. Golden Ratio
I don't think it has a meaning.

7. Cradle
Chad said, "This song is about growing up in Illinois and all over the world. This is also a song about my bad dad, fuck off dad..."

8. Nothing To Gein
Chad said "Nothing to Gein is about Ed Gein. Not a serial killer, but a necrophiliac, cannibal, whatever you want to call him, and he had certain things that could be associated with the moon. And he did things under the moonlight that I think were important to him."

9. Mutatis Mutandis
I don't really think it has a meaning.

10. Everything and Nothing
Chad said "This is a love song, about bad love."

11. Severed
I think Severed is about feeling bad while everyone around you seems to be doing well, but in reality are just living a dis-illusioned life. Chad's trying to point it out, while depressing himself as well, because he wants the innocence they have.

12. Recombinant Resurgence
I don't really think it has a meaning.

13. Prod
Prod is about how we're all dirty inside, we're all killers, and its too late to change it.

14. Pharmaecopia
This song is all about being addicted to drugs as a way of life, a way of surviving modern society.

15. Under My Skin
I think this song is about how Chad is tired of people taking advantage of his mental states. He wants to show people how hard it is to be him.

16. (K)now F(orever)
I think this song is about people telling Chad what to, and he's tired of it. He's not begging for people to tell him what to do, but they seem to do it anyways.

17. Lethal Dosage
Err.... No meaning I think.

The Beggining of All Things to End
Its about what Mudvayne once was.

1. Poop Loser
It's all about being a peice of shit that will never amount to nothing.

2. Seed
Seed is all about someone's (probably Chad's) parents getting divorced, and making that kid (or teen, or young adult, or person) choose between them. Eventually, that kid ends up hating both of them, and hating their own life.

3. Cultivate
I think this song says "Look at me, I am God.", but behind this god, is a drug addict who hate his followers, and yet again, his life.

4. Some Assembly Required
This song is about Christianity being a mouthful of shit and lies, and Chad won't accept it.

5. I.D.I.O.T
Chad said "This song is about what I am, a motherfuckin’ idiot, check it out."

6. Central Disposal
I think this song is about how he (Chad, or the others) is depressed and its party #2's part, except they don't live up to it. He hates party #2 desperatly, but wants even more to know why party#2 did, and/or does, it.

7. Coal
Coal is about how life is so hard and confusing, and he (Chad or ... you know the drill) wants answers to his questions.

8. Fear
Its about being afraid, and he just want you to fuck off.

9. Dig (Future Evolution Remix)
Does a remix have a meaning?

10. Dig (Everything and Nothing Remix)
Yet again, does a remix have a meaning?

11. L.D. 50
It needs no meaning.....

The End Of All Things To Come
They are getting ready to take over the world!

01. Silenced
It's about the censorship in America, and how the officials are so prissiy about it. Chad's trying to say that no matter what you do to the music, he'll still get his message to his fans.

02. Trapped In The Wake Of A Dream
This song is about being caught up in an abusive situation, and being pissed off about not being able to escape it. Chad eventually snaps, and tries to pull out of it. The message is that anyone in a bad situation should be able to find the strentgh to get out of it.

03. Not Falling
I think Not Falling is about not being able to reach nirvana (meaning: release from selfishness and pain, not the band)and being depressed about it. Even though, he still is still striving to find a way, even as others look down upon him.

04. (Per) Version Of A Truth
This song is about how, when all the layers are stripped away, you will see the truth, and realize everything is a lie. Chad sings about how he doesn't want to live in the world with this realization. Chad also sings about how he hopes to escape this truth and find a light, or a way to change it. And he is not the only one who want to do this.

05. Mercy, Severity
Mercy, Severity is about some special cosmic mother-type-figure taking you away, and making it all good again. Chad is hoping this figure will get him, and fix him.

06. A World So Cold
This song is about growing up in a cruel, cold world. Aka, earth. Chad sings about living in this world, and wanting to find a way to escape it. Chad states the fact that he has tried to be good, but the world is still on his back.

07. The Patient Mental
This song is about how Chad wants people to leave him alone, and stop treating him like a case. People keep prodding him, and poking him, tearing him to pieces. Chad wants people to stop this, because he knows that he is not crazy.

08. Skrying
Skrying is yet another escape song. It is about Chad's life. Maybe even a bit of a self-description? It is a bit about his hiding place, his vice, and how he feels people are encroaching on it. He questions the validity of his old hiding place, wondering if it was really all the good to begin with.

09. Solve Et Coagula
Solve et Coagula is about fire, and its destructive (and in turn rebirth) elements and properties. It is also parallel.

10. Shadow Of A Man
This song is about how Chad feels like he's not real. He views the mirrior as maybe another world. He questions if it is his world, or the world he sees on the other side, is the mirrored one. Chad wants to escape through to the other world, to see if it is better over there. When the mirror doesn't answer his challenge, Chad discovers what it really is.

11. 12:97:24:99
What I had here before was severly disputed, so I'll write something new. There are NO lyrics, so the song essentially has no meaning, but the booklet does have something in it. Roughly translated, it reads "The sublime destroys the boundries of finiteness, yet this phenomonon is seen by the self not as an act of destruction, but rather as a kind of elevation and liberation, for it is in the fealing of infinitude, which it now discovers within itself, that it may enjoy a new experience of its own boundlessness." You can make your owns meanings here.

12. The End Of All Things To Come
This song is about an anarchic uprising taking over the world, (mayhap the band)abolishing all the nationalitys, and egos, etc. Chad explains the fact that he will murder, and create chaos, until people just let go and obey. Absolute peace can never exist.

13. A Key To Nothing
This song is about yet another murderer. It's about what the psychotic reverend promised his followers. He gave them poisoned kool-ade to drink, and in turn gave them no more anything. Chad is reflecting on the fact bthat he wants to have no more apathy (neutral feelings aka nothing), which is the complete opposite of what the reverend gave to his followers.

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Email: feral_v@sbcglobal.net