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                                           Stoners Dictionary

Ah, here you will learn what all the stoner terms mean. Like toke, and hit and all that shit. Its helpful if your at a party and some one says spark a fatty and your clueless as to what they mean. There will also be other drug terms in here. Enjoy the learning.

Spark: Light it

Toke: When the weed is still burning

Blunt: When you use the papers from a blunt(cigar) to roll a joint

Bowl: a spoon shaped bowl you smoke out of.

Hit: when you inhale it, like takeing a drag from a cig.

Joint: when you use rolling paper and use weed insted of tabacoo.

Stem: part of a bong u put the weed in.

Shot gun: When you take a hit off a bong or bowl and then blow the smoke into some ones mouth.

Carb: a small hole on the side of a bowl you cover when you hit it and let go right when you finish the hit.

Cashed: when the weed cant be smoked any more.

Ass hit: When you hit the very very last bit of weed.

Resin: The black stuff that clogs your bowl or stem, can be smoked when your out of weed.

Dry Hit: When you test your peice to make sure it hits

Steam roller: a peice that is open on both ends with a built in stem on the top. mostly used for shot guns

Suck back or suck through: when you take a hit and some of the ash from the stem gets inhaled.

Bong water: the nasty ass water in a water bong(dont drink it)

Cotton Mouth: When you smoke and your mouth gets really really dry.

Kills: when you finish off the last of something

Trpping: when you drop(see below) acid

Drop: when you drop something you take it. like if you drop acid, it means you take acid

Rolling: When you take X