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LundblogBLOG Michael Hill's

Books I haven't read
Physics I don't understand
Gossip I don't care about


Didn't read Lundblog. As many of you know this is essentially a dead page anyway (as evidenced by my last post being > 12 months ago), but this is the unfortunate final death certificate. This is in large part due my personal lack of interest, as this blogblog, and the concept of blogbloging was invented while on a bus in 2002 because my car had broken down. At a certain point I found I was largely repeating myself and as the author of Lundblog began concentrating solely on his studies in the last year of his grad school my interest lessened reciprocally. The final coffin nail was the final archiving of Lundblog due the author being a big pussy and not wanting prospective employers to see. Which is AT BEST logical and reasonable, if a little paranoid and megalomaniacal.

But fear not gentle reader(s) I will likely find some snarky and mocking forum in the future. But for now this will be the Lundblogblog museum to remain here for as long as angelfire feels like giving me free webspace. My only regret is never actually posting the picture I have of the lundblog author bent in pain after hitting himself in the genitals with a basketball. Like all good friends I ran for the camera. Eat right, live long and prosper.


Read Lundblog, only entery is about being contacted about a "not hazing" incident by an LA Times reporter. I got the lowdown on the lack of posting/lack of linking to this fabulous blogblog from the site. According to the author this is based upon job searches, and paranoid about google hits. I am of course tempted to write all sorts of lies now. However the FBI is already on to him as you can see from my 7/31/05 entry.

There will be more lundblogblogs soon as lundblog picks up production again (I have a verbal promise from the author on this)


Didn't Read Lundblog, as there is no new lundblog to read. The author is obviously slacking(and I find no irony that I would write that). I am sure he will make up excuses about being hard at work "Making Science" or figuring out where he will live and work next year, but I am sure his head is full of reviews of books I have never heard of or will read.

However I did have a strange dream last night, wherin I had made a post, the author then responded on Lundblog about my post, and I then retaliated by writing a book report on "The Wind in the Willows" on this blogblog. The natural order of things were disturbed, and horses began to eat each other, and there were civil war re-enactors at the park, but they all wore red hats.

Random Items on my desk: Empty diet dr pepper bottle, disposble camera, Receipt from "Philly Franks" documenting my purchsase of 1 Cheesesteak on January 6th, 2006


Read Lundblog. As you may have noticed it has been approximately 27 years since my last entry. This should not indicate to you that I have stopped reading Lundblog, oh no. Quite the opposite. Actually I have no real clue why I quite posting, I am sure there was reason for it.

But this is a new year, and this is the semi-unofficial relaunch of the LUNDBLOGBLOG.

Lundblog has undergone some weird rennovations since my last post, including the addition of "Random Books in my library" which is tremedoulsy exciting, well probably for the author it is anyway. I will be sure to keep you updated on the random things on my desk, each entry from now on. Also Lundblog has now ceased to link to Lundblogblog, which is simply heresy. So if you see the author about, feel free to set him on fire.

I myself has seen the author twice recently, and discovered through him there are actually a surprising amount of people in bars 10pm on Christmas eve.

Currently on lundblog there is a link to "The Play" and a comment on going to (I assume Maryland) to pursue the author's adventures in post doc-shipness, and is a nice return to form of the author posting intentionally leaving out details in order to generate more comments. As you can see, I again did not fall for it.

Random items on my desk: A 1988 nickel, a losing lotto ticket. A receipt with addresses written on the back.


Read Lundblog, Four entries since my last post. Which is far better than my track record of late. The 7/19 post simply states that the authors trip to cerain death and dismemberment has been postponed, which is likely a good thing. Given a knee and a couple of back injuries, and that time he cut himself badly with my my swiss army knife, and the time a few days later when he cut himself badly with my swiss army knife again, he has been shifted into status as "accident prone" in my head.

The 7/23 entry is a Classic Lundblog post, with reviews of books I read and have no real intention of ever reading. Though one of the books was the basis for a movie which I remember the previews for, mostly because it had the same orchestal score as "Fargo" and I remember watching it and wondering if that music was preexisting from Fargo, though I never really bothered to look it up. 7/28 details the authors survival from a menacing blue tailed skink, which viciously attacked him in his lab. If I am not wrong skinks are considered the most vicious predator along the 210 coridor.

The 7/31 is a techinical annoucment as apparently there has been touble with feeds and links and stuff I geniunely don't care about.

On a serious note, I was interviewed by a Federal agent the other day. This was due in large part to my "association" with certain persons residing at 103 Mar Vista, Pasedena, CA. The agent (ATF for those keeping score) was polite and I was sure it was a mistake until he showed me the evidence.


Read Lundblog. Due to increasing demand, this Blogblog is now back in production. The small sabatical had numerous causes, not the least of which was after the initial doldrum the snowball of backlog material was daunting, and I felt it would be hard to mix as many metaphors as I used to. So as you can see by the previous sentence I have solved the latter without solving the former.
I have still been reading the Lundblog, however the only thing that could possibly be more boring that writing a massive post covering the last six months would be reading it. And from several requests and anecdotal information I have gathered there are no less than 6 people who bother to read this and perhaps 3-4 times that many as actually occasionally look at it. Freaks.
My one observance over the past few months that I will update about it that "Secret Animal Lodge" seems to be alive and well, now including spirit worship and the occasional book report, as evidenced by the rather bizarre report the author posted on Sake.


Read Lundblog. There have been three entries since my last post. The 1/20 entry details the authors intention to become nocturnal due to air conditioning issues. It does seem amusing that a place like JPL would have issues like this. Of course it is also possible the author is hiding from his bookie's muscle.

The second post, 1/23 is quite possibly the briefest Lundblog entry ever. 20 words. Which of course had to last faithful Lundblog readers an entire month while the author did science/laid low from bookies.

Lastly, the bad news, good news post of 2/21. Hunter S. Thompson died. It was intresting to have a semi-eulogy on the Lundblog as I associate Thompson with the Lundblog author. This is due entirely to having watched "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" the night of the author's gradution from Berkeley, at which the author insisted on being named twice, as he was receiving two degrees. This is also when the 'laser incident' happened that I discovered I am known for in the author's CalTech circles, as in "the guy who did the laser thing", weird. Anyway, I have never read Thompson stuff, or at least I never remember having done so.

The good news of the post being that the author has traded in his red mr. scott shirt, and traded it in for a blue Mr Spock shirt, as his fancy science machine is up and running. Hopefully he will avoid the other kind of red shirt (see 'bookies' above) and finish his PhD more or less on time.

In other news, Lundblogblog has risen back to 2nd on google search of "Lundblog", and ironically the blurb underneath the title is a quote from below stating that it is fourth on a goodle search.


Didn't read Lundblog, as there was no new Lundblog entries to read, further supporting the Ying-yang theory of the blog/blogblog relationship. I do have to say, since hearing of the author's ashmatic reaction to dimes, I have tried to replicate it with my own inhaler and various standard Roseveldt dimes, to no success. The spray does not eject quickly enough to budge the dime. I even tried a swift motion from pocket to mouth, hoping the sudden stop and simultatious spray would create the necessary force. Still no luck. sigh.


Read Lundblog. It occurs to me, that due to a specific mixture of the author's industry, my busy last few weeks, and my periodic laziness that this blogblog has fallen rather hopelessly behind of late. This can be evidenced by a simple scrolling down and seeing the previous entry is dated over two months ago. For all two of my readers I would like to apologize. There does seem to be a certain pendulous relationship between Lundblog and Lundblogblog, as activity in one seems to discourage the same in another.

By this time it should be apparent I am not going to comment on the actual entries, as substance is not nearly as important as form, and books should always be judged by their cover, etc...anyway Lundblog has had quite a make over. Like many large changes it may take me a while to adjust, but so far I must admit not being in favor of the new look. The author seems to have embraced the great "beige is the rage" mentallity that has infected my beloved San Diego Padres (formerly blue, formerly brown, now 'sandy'-ego!; I say be Brown Be Proud!). The question of course becomes, does the blogblog reflect this change? So far I am leaning towards not, as 1) I resist change 2) I am lazy 3) I can make myself believe that its "classic" not "old".

Addionally, Lundblog is now apparently accesible via Livejournal, as the author's life-quest of becoming a 12 year old girl enters a new phase.
Lundblogblog is now 4th on a google search of "lundblog" sigh.


Read Lundblog. Two new posts since my last entry. The first dated 10/29 was rather obviously placed there as bait to make people think about the authors gentitles, and his long line of viking ancestors that in all likely hood raped your ancestors. Obviously the author owes each of us reparations for such acts.

The 11/3 post is the great lament of the events of 11/02/04, which were, of course, entirely the author's fault. You see, while it is a perfectly acceptable theory that the presidential election was decided by voter-turn out demographics, wedge issues, and the like. Unfortunatley this is complete shit. I have it on good authority that the author, despite discouragement from myself and Mr. Hurst, held an "Election Night" party at the Sea View. This sort of impudence by mortals angers the vengful god at the core of the universe. Not since Odysseus did, well, whatever Odysseus did to piss off Posideon, had their been such pride in a mortal man. In Gods anger, he mocked the hopes of the Seaview's less-than-bipartisan guests and hosts by letting exit polling showing a Kerry victory in Florida and Ohio, just to laugh at the trickles of their tears as this proved false.

So, dear readers, in our latter years, when we go and show our grandchildren the buried-in-the-sand Statue of Liberty, and tell them forgotten tales about blue skies, gay people, and the bill of rights, be sure to have them thank the author.

10/26/04 (Happy Birthday Julie!)

Read Lundblog. One new post since my last entry, dated 10/21. As a clear appeasment of this blog, the author reviews a book. The book appears to be the novelization of the 80's movie "Flatliners," the movie best known for being the movie in which Julia Roberts bra is inexplicably never removed, even though it clearly should be. Anyway, the author thought of the book pretty much what I thought of the movie, which was more of a shrug than a thumbs up or down, though the book apparently had more boobs than the movie.

It should also be pointed out that the author has mentioned Neal Stephenson twice in the last three entries without reviewing the new book. In what I am sure is a departure from other Lundblog fans, I am quite glad. Now, this may reflect what I am sure is some sort of personality disorder on my part, but having never read a Neal Stephenson book, all the praise has left me really never wanting to read any. They couldn't possibly live up, even if they were objectively the best books of all time, I would find some reason why they would suck. This has happened before with me, even things I really marveled at later on, I disliked just because I had already decided not to like based on over-praising of others. This once led to the Lundblog Author literally (and by literally, I mean figuratively) choking on rage when I refused to watch "Swingers" for the same reason. So, hopefully the non-review will continue, or I maybe forced to read it and not like it. Oh Lundblog, what hast thou wrought?


Read Lundblog. One new post since my last entry. No books. The 10/13 entry is about the Author going to Texas for a wedding for his friend "Teacup". I figured "Teacup" was a derogatory nickname, though when I clicked on the link, the guy calls himself "Teacup." This, of course, brings the question: why would anyone call themself 'teacup' when it turns into 'teabag' so easily?

The second part of the post is about the Bill O'Reily scandal, with a link to the "Smoking Gun" site that had the complaint. I am still hoping for the Lundblog review of his book the title and cover of which are even more funny now.

But, (sigh) no books.


Read Lundblog. One entry since my last update. This was about watching the second of the three Presidential Debates, and more specifically the use of the word "Facile" by the current President. Reading the entry and more specifically the quote from Andrew "why the hell am I a republican, again?" Sullivan I realised that 'malapropism' doesn't mean what I thought it meant. This is embarassing, and more specifically it the kind of irony that makes my head hurt.

For the record I thought it was a flipping of syllables, for example (more specifically) "drain bramage."
More specifically.


Read Lundblog. The author has continued his story from two weeks ago, regarding the summer from nine years ago. I will say that these stories are remarkably similar to their first tellings, nine years ago, and perhaps you doubt that I would be able to remember those stories, but I can assure you, I have a quite a capacity for remembering mundane 'I worked at Jenny Craig' stories. My cell phone number I have to sit and think about for a few minutes, but the fact the author worked at Jenny Craig in the summer of 1995, in the wooden facade buidling, off the I-5 in or near Solana Beach, I would attest to that in court, dear Glaucon. My main point being, the author didn't punch that up, which should of course be gathered by the actual text of the stories.

I would also like to point out, as the author write "a duke's ransom" that the author pronouces Duchy, "Dookie". (immature fun-- My Dookie for a horse! My daugher and a large dookie for the one who defeats the dragon! The first world war would have been avoided if only Ferdinand had never left his grand dookie when he went on vacation)

And the point of all this? This details the last non-physics job of the author. Exactly what the meaning of that the author leaves to us, as he goes to play with his LAZER in his LAB. I would like to point out my first temp job involved going to a Nokia plant, and doing a fake-interview for a job which did not exist, to help train Nokia managers-in-training learn how to interview people. For my services I recieved $30 minus tax.

Words in my temp story: 45, words in authors temp story: 1298.


Read Lundblog. It has been long enough since my last real entry that review all the Lundblog post would be tiresome and boring. Much like reading them again would be. Also I have a rather bad habit of making comments on that site early in the moring which make sense to me when I write them, but several caffinated drinks later seem embarassing. Just like the ever present typos in this site embarass me. And for the record I DO proof-read, which makes my horrid spelling all the more sad. I blame reganomics.

Anyway, the second to last post the 9/20 the author veers in an odd direction of memoir. Titled "Plastics," in a reference to one of the most over-rated movies of all time, other than perhaps "Garden State" or "Forest Gump" (secretly you like all three of those movies, don't you? you fucking commie!!) Anyway, it details the summer of 1995, which I am stating here simply to age the author in concert with his 10 year reunion upcoming. I can't seem to get my head around why exactly its there. Its quite out of place, not that its bad or anything, but what the hell? Also, it just sort of stops. I am assuming this will be continued, perhaps changing the trinity of the the lundblog charter from "Books, Physics, Gossip" to "Book, Physics, and vague recollections of things that happened 10 years ago." I have a feeling the author was caught in the same black hole of pop-culture a never-ending-that-horse-isn't-dead-yet-I-tell-you!-marathon of "I love the 90s" that stole 90 minutes of my life a few weeks ago.

The 9/23 post is a "happy birthday me" (as seen on Vh1's "I love 1992: when 'Cracker' Ruled the world") from the author to the author. Only 5 comments, and only two happy birthdays, meaning the author is going to have to play weeks and weeks of poker to fill his soul again. Also reading the comments I realized that "carless" and "careless" are the same word in the visual center of my brain. It worked out as it made sense either way.


Read Lundblog. War was luckily averted, but being at it was pretty much an empty threat we are not eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize. Though lundblogblog has now dropped to 4th on google searches for 'lundblog'

Three new entries, all rather short. The first is an invitation to the summer debauch at the Seaview. I did not attend, as the author, as usual, was a dick and had it on a day I could not go.

Secondly, there is a science entry that I read a few weeks ago, and for no good reason will not re-read at this moment. Not even to make fun. I believe it was complaining about the equipment again or something. Well I am guessing thats what it is.

Lastly, the 8/13 entry will be copied and pasted to my Msword as "stufffornathanseventualintervention.doc" This is the final post and is two weeks ago. From all available reports, the author is living with a troupe of european midgets behind Circus Circus, collecting nickels and complaining about tourists who don't hit when the dealer shows a seven. Certainly the author will resurface sometime soon, having collected enought nickels or having cleaning a pipe or two, if you know what I mean, to win a hand enough money to get back to California and his side hobby of science.


Read Lundblog. Three new entries, but those will have to wait. I noticed that there is no longer a link to this blogblog. This can only mean one thing, the author is taking me on, this means war.

Coming soon: war.


Read Lundblog. Again only one new post. For a while I was in serious danger of a "didn't read lundblog" entry which tends to lead to disaster. The 7/9 post is mostly about poker, or rather watching poker on tv, which I keep hearing is a trend, though I don't (or didn't) know anyone who actually watches it. In paragraph three the author's homage to the classic star trek ruse of using two real names followed by a fake one adds a nice touch (another Napoleon, or Hitler, Or Zansoz of Taltos IV).

Then the author loses me when speaking of beating the 2/4 when he can beat the 3/6. Clearly they are both just different names for 1/2. How did the author get into Caltech and not understand reducing fractions? Cause if there is any thing Lundblog is about, its the lowest common denominator.

The last section deals with the author's 4th of July weekend, where he says "MOT" twice in the same sentence, triggering a faulty synapse in my brain and has had me saying "Tony, I got the motts" for the past 12 hours. I am sure the lundblog author will demure about growing up in Israel and not knowing about 'da motts' (and yes, click the "download"). Finally the post ends with a slightly coy near-story about a 'gal pal' who he ate at Gordon Biersch with (with a Gordon Biersch-"sucking ass since 1987" link as a bonus).


Read Lundblog. Only one new post, the 6/21 post. Its about the author and Swanson going to the Mojave to see the lauch of Spaceship One, which was the most expensive M&Ms commercial ever. The post contains two links, one to the shockingly boring 'Scaled Composites' website, and the other to the, well, less shocking Swanson site (RIP Lundblogblogblog 4:30pm 5/26/03-4:35pm 5/26/03). I am sure there is a hidden link to the Secret Animal Lodge website, but I am still unable to find it.

In other news the pseudo-annual Lundblog/Lundblogblog baseball game went well. Padres 3 Bluejays 2. Take that Canada! We were treated to over-priced "field level" seats (40+ rows up), but with some real-life lesbians near by. Its like bird-watching for the 21st century. The ride back to Old Town on the over-crowded trolley was as eventful as the game, with some very drunk and inappropriately grabby people who really wanted to be our new friends. No such luck for them.


Read Lundblog. Three new entries to read, the first of which discusses this blogblog, in the opening paragraph. This is like when you are a kid and you hold the mirror up to the mirror at the correct angle and you see infinite numbers of your reflections. Anyway, it occured to me that I may have actually coined a phrase in "blogbloging"; since someone else used it I think it now counts as a word. But please join with me in a moment of silence for my other invented word, which never made its way into even the most obscure jargon or slang:

"Phatastic"(adj.-american english-ebonic influences.slang)- 1. Being superior to something that is phat. Example "That cookie isn't just phat, its phatastic"

The rest of the 6/11 post is simply phatastic. With a discussion of Moby Dick. The author simply loves Dick. He'd like to see Geogory Peck's Dick, and he'd like to see Captian Picard's Dick. Unfortuantely he found the Gay vibe too overt. He also doesn't like Atlas Shrugged (though no commentary on Atlas Shrugged can compare to the 'Chicken Fucker' Episode of South Park) apparently there is no Dick.

In a desperate attempt to hide his Encyclopedically odd past the author also attempts a "Battlestar Galactica" reference since there is some one named Starbuck in Moby Dick. Starbuck was of course played by Dirk Bennidict, who later would play Face in "The A-team". Apollo was played by Richard Hatch. (work with me here...) so the author was saddened there was no Dick Hatch for his precious Dick, but at least there was Face to give some order to the seamen.

Also, huh huh huh 'Sperm' Whale

The 6/13 post is a rambling monolouge that can be paraphrased as "I am too poor and too old to like cool music. Also, I havent listened to any of this much, so don't think I am not cool." Then it proceed to list about 17 or 18 songs of which I have never heard of. Surely this is the Foos' doing, and this are likely Secret Animal Lodge hymhs or incantations.

The, uh, other 6/13 post continues the delusion of the author that he on the Rugby team. The photo-shop cropping is getting better I must admit. The author played 'tight-head prop' which I guess is the British equivolent of "Deep Left Field" so his delusion is kind of pointless if you think about it. Tomorrow he is going to day dream about being a Major League bullpen catcher.

Lastly frequent commenter dude named Matt is still a sniveling little fuck.


Read Lundblog. The renaissance of Lundblog has struck a small snag. One entry in the last week as opposed to three the week before. This is simply the market forces causing an adjustment, a lull after the "bubble" of 3/26-6/1. Unfortunatley the Lundblogblog bubble continues to exceed market forcasts, with three entries in three weeks.

The 6/3 entry is another step in the author's devolution into a 12-year old girl. Its is clear we have moved on from "The Great Lament" phase of Lundblog and into something far more troubling. The enrty consists of "CD's in my Car Right Now" with of course of list of cds, of which I have one (Bishop Allen which was semi-stolen from the author), and could have guessed another (metallica). Admittedly my music knowledge ends in a votex of unhip-ness in about 1997, but Mogwai should be boycotted based on the lame name (I don't think I have heard a song though).

Anyway, showing that content and popularity are not as connected as we'd like to believe (like the inexplicable RISE in ratings for the dying "Simpsons") the post got Twelve comments. The highest in some time, which I base on no research at all. Gone are the days where the author tries to justify how good the latest sci-fi novel featuring a space-going vampire and his Artificially Intelligent Pancreas is. I am sure we all look forward instead to part three of the 12-yr-old-girl phase, a list of "Boys who might like me."
(Full Disclosure-that last line might be stolen from an old "Onion" article, too close to call)


Read Lundblog. Three entries in a week, shocking, almost as shocking as me posting twice in two weeks.

The first entry (5/26) is an actual book post. Truly a classical-style Lundblog post, which like a new house in the Ghetto, it draws attention to the Ghetto as much as the new house. The last book post was sometime in the Clinton administration if memory serves. Anyway due to Lundblog I have learned the following things: There is a genre of books called "Steampunk"
People actually bother to read books in a genre called "steampunk"
"China" can be a boy's name
what 'puissant' means. Which is quite the opposite of what it sounds like. I attempted to start a conversation in comments about words that suck, but there were few if no takers.

The second post on 5/30 is another sad lie told by the Lundblog author, about how is on the Caltech rugby team. As you can see by looking at the picture, the author is obviously photoshop-ed in with cut and past. He didn't even bother to crop out a uniform for himself, he's just wearing the same worn Metallica t-shirt he has had since 10th grade. You cant even make out the letters anymore. He did do a halfway decent job of making the arm look like it belongs there, though the thumb is seemingly missing.

The third post, date 6/1 (my god I caught up!), is about a hectic weekend involving science and non-science stuff. On friday he came down to his old haunts, neglecting to at least invite me to coffee or anything, so he could play a board game with "SMITH". I am sure everything went quite smooth and there were no slight disagreements about anything that went on for 10x longer than it should. I am completely sure of that.

Saturday is about a trip to Dodger staduim, in the sad delusion they won't, again, completely collapse after the All-Star Break. Go pads.
By the time I got to mondays section I was kind of tired of reading, so I just skimmed enought to realize the author <3's beer, and <3's burgers, and is turning N2 a 12 year old girl 4ever. Also he seems to have fixed his fancy-pants science machine problems, cause he <3's science. "MRS. NATHAN BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE" (its on his notebook).

Also, Angelfire has started adding in the advertisements at the top of this page in a way which I no longer no how to counter. Bastards.


Read Lundblog. The 5/2 Entry is a really, really long physic post. I am sure it is all very intresting, but the general rule of Lundblog is >5paragraphs=skimming. By the general skimming, the gist is the authors long-range project, which has something to do with hot soup, isn't going so well due to the fansy-pants-vaccuum-laser-robot isn't functioning propery,and the author has the math to prove it. It probably has a bad motivator, he should have bought the blue one.

The 5/10 entry is the second in the trilogy of May 04 "the Great Lament" Here the author explains the experiment's crisis of faith. It is a geniunely heartfelt angst, like the first Violent Femmes Album, and I would feel wrong making fun.

But he should have bought the blue one.

The third part comes in 5/12. Uh. Ok, the Coming Attractions for the third part comes on 5/12. One paragraph, 18 words. Compared with the epic 5/2 post its not really a post. In what is possibly the deepest cry for "please ask me about what this means" in Lundblog history the author manages 7 i in "intriiiiiging" and doesnt explain further. The comments don't ask, but degrade in to juvenile dick refrences (guilty as charged), and anonymous posts by the guy with the weird gay crush on me.

Alas, no books.


Read Lundblog. Thats the good news, there was a new lundblog after a serious hiatus (read-author gambling spree). Thinking my previous entry had prescient and magical powers I was both happy and sad. Luckily, 4/20 Has a special significance to the lundblog author,being Hitler's birthday and all, so we are treated to two entries instead of the standard one

The first of the two entries is a travel log, which isn't even done in classic Captain Kirk Fashion. Its like setting a real diamond in fake gold, no sense to it. Anyway the final and expected entry details a trip to Las Vegas (Surprise!!!) so the author can further his gambling addictions.

The second entry vaguely mentions work, then an outright lie about "...blogging several books I read" which is lundspeak for "I havent read anything but playboy". Most notabley there is no mentions of loss or earnings from Las Vegas, which can in no doubt mean atrocious losses of an oct 1929 scale. Sort of like when the lundblog author had a knee broken "playing rugby" after a trip to Nevada, I am sure we will shortly read an entry about how his toe was cut off "playing raquetball."

In a Lundblog trivia moment, I should note that google now asks if you meant 'Lundberg' as opposed to the past when it asked if you mean "lindblom". I don't know what either of those things are, and I prefer to keep it mysterious.


Read Lundblog. But thats not important right now. As opposed to critiquing Lundblog entries, as is my usual bent, I care to discuss something that has been growing on my mind, since on or about 2/25/04.

I don't mean to alarm anyone, least of all the Lundblog author, but I have the dreaded sense that the Golden Era of Lundblog may have faded into the mists of time.

As with most declines of my favorite entertainments, the change is hard to state. One day I suddenly noticed that "the simpsons" isn't really funny anymore, and that REM hasn't made a good album in 9 years. Perhaps those are poor examples as I still rather enjoy reading lundblog, and I don't feel the quality has suffered much if at all. But I have noticed the comment sections are nearly void now.

In the past comment sections would average about 6 or 7 comments, with a high (based on memory, not research) of 30+. On the current Lundblog page the are six entries over the past three weeks. There are a total of 10 comments, eight of which are either by the Lundblog or Lundblogblog authors. Suddenly lundblog has become the ham radio of the blog world.

Some of the blame must go to the author of getting away from his three pillars of BOOKS physics and gossip, into Gambling, Sports Gambling, and "that dude that goes to caltech who burned up suv's (alegedly)" But the true blame must surely go to you. That's right you, the asshole reading this right now. No, not some "universal you" or "y'all"- you! You fucking cock-vomit. You make me sick. Where are you when Lundblog needs you to save it from itself? Casting lots for Lundlogs clothes? (yes I just saw that "passion" movie, which is over-rated and gets some details wrong...hmm much like "BraveHeart"). So go out there and comment, I don't care that you don't care the author 'picked up a queen on the river' or 'had pocket jacks' or whatever the hell any of that means, suck it up. Its a major league "hang with 'em." Bastard.


Read Lundblog. Apparently my news years resolution to update more than once a month has failed miserably. Though honesty compells me to note that I have never actually made such a resolution.

There are 5 brand-new (well within the last month) posts. Of course NONE are about books (even after I gave him a book for christmas!), only one is physics and, again, none about gossip. Lundblog gets some seriously low marks in maintaining its focus. So what has the author been posting? Read on:

The 2/5 post is an actual science post. Though not as fufilling as the books-I-have-not-read post a science post can be just dandy, as I usually have no idea what the hell its about. This time however I felt that warm fuzzy feeling of "Hey I know what a 'Bose-Einstein condensate' is!!" My flush of smart-kid-happy faded as I remembered I only knew what it was because I asked the author about it some weeks ago.

The next post (2/9) is about "baseball." I used the quotes as its actually about a Fantasy Leauge. Now I realize the Lundblog author gets some heat about 'rolling the dice' now and then, but Fantasy League baseball is something even the purest of us nerds can mock. You can also note the team is devoid of any San Diego Padres, as the lundblog author is one of those horrid carpetbaggers: "San Diego Dwelling Dodger Fan" (even if he's in LA now, the stench clings to him). You will see below the author has anticipated this complaint.*

The 2/12 post is about a commercial. More acurately about Dustan Hoffman spoofing "the graduate" for a commercial. Now often times the author and I have differing opinions on movies, and this is one of those times. When I saw "the graduate" my main thought was "hey, this guy's kind of a dick," and my final thought being "gee, this girl is pretty lame too, I guess they should be together after all"
The thing that really stops me in my tracks is the author mentioning "Bottle Rocket" (pure and good) with "Highlander"(worse than devil-shit) in the same line, even conectted with a conjuction. I'm not sure, but I think I puked a little in my mouth after I read that.

The 2/16 line is again about baseball. This time actual baseball, being that the Los Angeles Dodgers have a new GM, with of course David Letterman impersonator Jim Tracy back at manager (maybe its just me?)
*(see! look-> I told you!) The author then make a prediction that MY san diego padres will win the NL west. Perhaps it is the anticpation of David Wells going on the DL five times, and the complete lack of speed, and shoddy outfield defense that leads to this theory, but more likely it was simply flattery for yours truely about not picking any padres on his fantasy league team. The second is far more likely. (for the record: SF LA SD AZ CR, even with out Bonds pixie-dust)

Last and least we have the 2/19 entry. Its a link to a study about sexual harassment/bias/discrimination (ok well I maybe I didn't read every little syllable), which lead to a cheap joke by myself in the comment section, which has been enjoying cricket noises ever sense.


Read Lundblog. It is always a sad state of affairs when I have to go into the Lundblog archives to find the last post I reviewed. And yes there are in fact Lundblog archives, and you can send $4.50 to NBC to recieve a complete transcript of this week's "Meet The Press" also. And, no, there are no Lundblogblog archives, but you can scroll down to the bottom to spot the two entries that are not in chronilogical order.

The 12/13 entry is about the new car the author bought on or about 12/13. Having been a passenger in this new Lundblobile I have the following insights, cool orange display, crappy head room.

the 12/25 (the lonely author blogging on christmas, so sad!) is a double fisted action packed review of "Howard's End" and "a Room with a view." the Reviews being as exciting as I imagine either book being.

The 1/8/04 post contains a multitude of subjects, including the dog-ate-my-homework "I have been reading so many books I couldn't possibly review them all."
The author then goes on to "bitch" about his laser in his lab. Reading this at my workdesk, my LASER-LESS work desk, brings to mind that "Oh pish-posh, my Jaguar is always in the shop" sort of envy. I then sat back and day dreamed about having a laser at my desk and saving the world from robots.
The author does manage to sneak in a book review about "Shogun" which the author apparently accomplished a six-year goal of reading. But in fact, he simply slapped it in their to prove he was reading "So many books" and not watching "girls gone wild."

The 1/9 entry is a clear plea for attention from the author, to tell us he now has AIM messenger. He is Leafoftheglad, which is apparently faux-swedish translation for...uh...I don't know. It's a mystery overshadowed only by the lack of curiosity about the mystery.

The 1/11 entry is the mathmatical equation for the NFL's QB rating. A rating both important and occasionally useless (i.e. Dave Kreig). I am assuming the "simplicity and elegance" to be ironic. And I will go right on assuming that, thank you very much.

The 1/14 entry is an open invite to BLU the Seaviews semi-annual debauch. This entry calls into clear focus an observation. Of the six entries I have covered in this post, the author has written the first comment in four of them. This brings into mind an obvious question: why? And also the less obvious: How come?
The author could simply go back into his entry and enter whatever it is that he wanted added to comments instead. Two quick theories: 1)Once posted the author considers his prized-work sacrosanct and untouchable 2)the author is simply "priming-the-pump" (not to be confused with "cleaning the pipes") for readers who are too delicate to make that first comment solo. At first this seems to have worked, but since the comment on the 1/14 entry (a mere 5 minutes after the post) has been langishing for over a week I see I am not the only one who figured out the authors wiley scheme.


Read Lundblog. The 12/2 entry is quite a foray by the author into new ground, commenting on another persons favorite book list. The author then, seeming apologetically, writes his own "favorite" booklist.

The score: I have read 3 out of the 21 books. 2 of which are also favorties of mine-LOTR and 'The Dark Knight Returns' though the second is a comic book, and holds but a dim candle to my own opus (pause for laughter). The third? Raymond Chandler's "The Long Goodbye" which I at least think I have read. I read a good mess of his stuff. He is buried in a cemetery in La Jolla, Ca if anyone is interested.

The 'honorable mentions' was pretty much an 'O-fer' except for the Lovecraft collection, but this brings the follwing question: did the lundblog author and I read the SAME Lovecraft collection??? The world may never know, but true knowledge can only lead to madness. Please roll a sanity check(pause for groans).

The last bit of the entry is a question on what is more irresponsible; a hyndai or a pontiac? I pondered this question for all the time it took to flip a quarter, and was then promply made fun of in the comment sections.

When I re-read the entry over the weekend a strange event occured, whether dream or vision I may never discover. I found myself suddenly in a large and nearly vacant room. It was quite dark but I could sense the ceiling far above. Ahead of me was a simple wooden desk, with a grey laptop computer. The desk was spot-lit with a soft radiance from an undetectable source far above. I found myself drawn closer, and finally read the screen "Lundblog- 5-13-06- My car broke down again today, what a piece of crap."

Breaking my own rules in homage, a favorite, though admittedly slapped together five minutes ago, booklist which I will be sure to edit into something at least mildly entertaining when I don't have email to catch up on.


Revived self from dead, also read Lundblog. There was a lot to read, even so far as to require going into the Lundblog archives, which admitedly I didnt do, as there is plenty to look at.

The 10/17 entry is about baseball, or more specifically the Lundblogs sad devotion to several evil teams from evil cities. It may be heartless of me to say so, but deep down we all know secretly Redsawks fans were relieved when they lost. Otherwise there would be nothing to moan about come spring.
The 10/26 entry (happy birthday Julie!) is a science entry, with the incredibly clever "Missle Command" title. But seriously, those fake atari 2600 controllers rule.

On 10/29 (a glaring THREE DAYS LATER) the author corrects his spelling of Absorption. As loyal Lundblogblog readers know, this isn't somthing I can fathom (phathom?). There has always been something really ghoti-y about that word. (Shoot me, you know you want to)

11/3 brings us back into sub-classic Lundblog sub-splendor. As it is not one review but TEN, yes count them TEN Book reviews. Well ok, not ten reviews, but at least ten books are mentioned. 3 are passable reviews, 5 are mere mentions, and the remaining two are never to be mentioned again.

2 of the mentions and 1 of the reviews are books the author apparently intentionally reading before seeing the film. This is just a wanton circle of self-destruction, as the book is nearly always better than the movie, and its acceptable to doing that in the reverse fashion (as in movie then book, not reading the book sdrawkcab), but doing that on purpose just kind of freaks me out.

And now we come to the moment I have been waiting for since 11/4: I saw "the Human Stain" after work on 11/4 as I had planned to for several days. "after work" being several hours AFTER reading the Lundblog spoiler. THANK YOU VERY MUCH LUNDBLOG! Jerk-o. Ps the mute kid is the killer in "Mystic River" everyone. Fucker.

Oh yeah "Fortress of Solitude" gets an immediate disqualifaction from the "things I will ever read" list for such a lame title. I bet the cover picture is a sad clown.

11/7 is another science entry, with the much anticipated shadow-casted atoms/Atari game. This brings up a point that I have slowly but surely lost track of/forgotten exactly what the hell the Lundblog author is doing with these atoms. But at this point it is too embarrassing to bring up. Sort of like when you don't know the name of the pretty girl who works across the lobby who always mildly flirts with you, and its way too late to ask her name again. Just me? Ok.

11/14 brings us up to speed with the present. It is a appallingly clear that the author is still under the sad delusion that his audience still believes his car is gone because of "Car trouble" as opposed to losing it in a poker game. The entry mostly deals with the logistics of getting from Pasadena to Oceanside to Oakland to Reno. Why Reno? Because the loan sharks don't know him there. If I had never rented "Hard Eight" with him this would never have happened. And apparently the author only explains his science stuff when I am conviently out of town. And don't fool yourselves into thinking its coincidence, as the author hates discussing science with me as he put it because (actual quote here) "you always have some bullshit common-sense argument about something" said Nathan Lundblad, then 26, on 12/31/02.

Before writing this (seemingly bloated) entry, in a bit of idle vanity (if vanity can indeed be idle) I googled "Lundblogblog." Other than the actual site, as well as Lundblog and Ian Hurst's site, which I fully expected, it was the subject of a post on something called "Goatnews." Creepy. I don't know what Goatnews is, nor am I sure I want to know, much in the same way I don't really want to know what "lindblom" is (and No, I didn't mean Lindblom mr. google). But anyway my idle vanity was sated. 3 of seven deadly sins in one sitting.


Read Lundblog. The 9/26 entry was extremely long. I'll admit not reading it very carefully, but judging by the pictures the author was playing a really cool game of "missle command" on an Atari 2600, or maybe that cool thing they sell that is the Atari 2600 controller that has like 12 games on it (including "Missle Command"- the plot thickens!).
Skipping down to the bottom (as I advise on long Lundblog entries) we see the authors Lab Floor was being waxed, explaining why he has the time to play 'missle command.' "Missle Command" was a really awesome game. At first it seems to be a knock off of "Space Invaders" but is really an entirely seperate and distinct game, as its about timing and area of effect, not a straight shoot'em. I have no way to prove this, but it seems patently obvious to the most casual observer "Missle Command" was the direct ancestor of the Patriot Missle technology.
I will also admit being slightly jealous that there is a "Lundblog" lab, but no lab for the Lundblogblog. But I bet there isnt even one human skull in the Lundblog lab, or even anything vaguely Frankenstein-ish. Its probably filled with Swedish Flags and Katie Holmes Posters. Still I want a lab.
The 9/29 entry is about the authors old college's football team beating a football team of a college where he doesn't know anybody who went there. Sad. I am sure they are all excellent students though.



Read Lundblog. The 9/17 entry was massive. It is a mostly lackluster excuse to show off vacation pictures, and two of the links go to the tent advertisement instead of just one. I don't remember what the other one was supposed to be.
Aside from whining about a car, and managing to not show the only picture of relevance (an austrailian beauty, who in all likely hood was an oxygen-deprived delusion)he quite possibly had the best line in Lundblog history:

"Reach summit (~14,500', the highest in the lower 48). Take picture of marmot. Point out to fellow hiker that the discussed marmot is the highest marmot in the 48 states, and possibly the world."

True, not a book review, but still pretty good. (aside- I would also like to apologize to the dude I sort of insulted in the comments, even though NO ONE that isn't wearing a black turtle neck should say "poem on film," and even those guys shouldn't say it. But how do you stop them?)


Read Lundblog. The august 28th entry had all the appearances of a 'classic' Lundblog entry to the casual observer. Closer inspection reveals it to be 'sub-classic' or possible even 'neo-classic' as it is a review of a review. (See my previous entry for the author wanting to be me.)
Anyway, its all about the dude who wrote "Fight Club" or more about the article the Lundblog author read, about a woman who trashed his new book and the kind of people who read it. Being into dorky things myself, I have reservations about the whole "the fans suck, so it must suck" mentality because I don't want to be like all the inbred mouth-breathers who think like that.
The next two entries are explaining why the comment section doesn't work. The author is obviously a filthy liar, and just doesn't want to be bothered with comments. As I said, he wants to be me (regarding the comment part, not the filthy liar part).


Read Lundblog. Author reviewed the book I had lent him, which he still has, and given the fact it took him four or five years to return the last book I lent him (which he did not review), I don't expect it back anytime soon. His opinions were much the same as mine about it, because he wants to be me. Of course, he also compared me to Hitler, ergo the author wants to be Hitler. Nazi!
The comment section is surprisingly all about the Lundblogblog. Being called the 'most surreal thing in the blogsphere' (or something like that the comment section isn't working at the moment, which shouldn't surprise loyal Lungblog readers) is oddly disquieting. Also some whiney little impotent weasel complained that I called him a "sniveling little fuck" like four months ago. Well I'm sorry, then.


Read Lundblog. What a complete shock, there was lundblog to read! It was really long, as if the length of his entry would make up for his lack of posts. The author talks at length about the 'imposter syndrome,' though its quite likely just a hypocondric form of the imposter syndrom.
I do have to say the final mini-play with the advisors talking made no sense to me. I keep looking at it, hoping it will suddenly make sense to me like a riddle. I'm guessing it has something to do with the hollow paper #2 which I also didn't understand.
So here is what pisses me off: I lent the Lundblog author a book, just so he'd post and write about a book. It still wouldnt have counted as a real entry, as it would have been a book I had already read. But here is what REALLY pisses me off: he read it in like 80 minutes. It took me probably like 8 hours+ of reading time. I am apparently retarded. This means he will read this entry in like 3 seconds. fucker.


Didn't Read Lundblog. No new lundblog to read. I was so bored I had to read my own blogblog. Aside from getting more bored I was shocked to realize that I had used the pseudo-word "maked" in the last entry. I thought about editing it out, but I realized if I did that I would have nothing to write about in this entry. Stupid non-updated Lundblog, see what you have done?
The lack of productivity on the Lundblog has been attributed to the author's need for production. I have heard two seperate rumors concerning this.
1. The author's supervisor (or whatever they call them in science world)has demanded more progress and effort.
2. The author's supervisor hasn't demanded more progress and effort, causing the Lundblog author to panic and make more progress and effort.
And for those intrested (and seriously who would be) the Lundblog/Lundblogblog baseball game was cancelled due to prior commitments.


Read Lundblog. What little their was to read of lundblog. The 7/3 post conisists of the author telling us that Lundblog is on hiatus, as he need to do "some real work," which apparently doesn't leave time to update a log every couple of weeks. In his defense, he from outward (and distant) appearances he seems to be busy. Or at least lapsing into madness (scientist). This is evidenced by two rather disconcerting email conversations between us. The first of which I don't recall off hand but I will paraphrase the second:
Lundblogblog: Do you still want to go to the padres game I invited you to?

Lundblog:When is that again?

Lundblogblog: August 9th

Lundblog: ...

Lundblogblog: ?
And as far as I can tell that is the last the Lundblog author has been heard from by the civilized world. The 7/9 entry is a link to a research paper the author co-authored, which is HILAROUS. Though for some reason the font it is written in maked M look like rn, so I spent two minutes trying to figure out what "atornic" meant.


Read Lundblog. Considering my last post was over a month ago, I am disappointed to say there are only four new posts to Lundblog. I am also disapointed to say the previous sentence is probably grammatically incorrect, and that I can't remember exactly why, or how to fix it. I am also disappointed to say I don't really care enought to either fix it, or at least check to see if I spelled "grammatically" correctly. On the other hand I originally wrote 'spelt' which I also can not remember if it is a real word or some weird southern idiom I picked up in childhood (e.g. 'washrags' 'a whole mess of...').
Where the hell am I?
Well anyway the March 28th entry is HUGE. It contains a massive amount of book reviews, many titles of which are cleary made up. These are noticable by the one-word movie reviews lines ("astounding!"), the questionble self-protective reviews (I read this, but i dont remember anything, but I think it was ok) the tiles "Poker nation" by Tread D Neadle. I would be so happy if these were actual books a person could go out and read. I have the feeling this entry was written in a delerium, as the author would never REALLY lie to us. I am sure he belives these are real books.
The next entry is about the authors increasing severe gambling addiction. Sad really. But his poor blackjack playing got us a free breakfast in Las Vegas in april, so gambling is cool.
The next entry was about rugby or some shit. Its on the other window, and I could go back and click on it right now and tell you exactly what it was, but I think its best for all involved to just skip it.
The last entry dated June 9th, is science entry. The author explains how he has much to do, but is going to sleep. Curiously it also contains more data about how much money he lost in gambling. Coincidence? The poor author is spiralling out of control. Being unable to work is one of the 4 serious signs of addiction. As is nordic heritage, bizarre taste for pabst beer, and an inability to understand spoken spacial describtions.


Read Lundblog. The actual post was nearly two weeks ago, as microscope wielding readers can note by the sad, withered, limp date notations. The author made a critical mistake mentioning Secret Animal Lodge night, he has not been heard of since. It is quite apparent that the Lundblog author is now deceased, as no one I know has seen the Author in nearly two months.
Undoubably a new "author" will reappear, but the more decerning readers will notate how when the 'author' has not logged a book related entry in weeks. The lametable fact is this is not even the true author anymore, but we shall call him version 'E'. The original being version 'N'. Readers can notate the sharp contrast in style begining when the Sea View Inn was "randomly" ransacked. Evidence dictates that N was abducted around this time. J began log entries, dealing with the fact that J has a digital camera while N did not. J also was incapable of driving, covering the cloning defect with a broken car.
But J had the problem of many clones, comming too close to the original for the comfort of the Masked Heptarchy of the Secret Animal Lodge. The violation of the Animal Lodge code (discussing it with 'mundanes') lead to his removal. Apparently there is some problem getting verison L ready for blogging, he apparently refuses to discuss anything not involving Dodgers' bench-coash Jim Riggleman. But I am sure the new clone will be a vast improvement over version J. Welcome L!!!


Read Lundblog. There was an actual post and everything, which means this entry will include much less fiction than the last few.
Anyway, the author finally ended the incredible cliff hanger about his car. I know all loyal Lundblog readers, and also myself, were losing sleep over it. He did manage to not completely rip-off my own eulogy (pronounced you-googly) for the tragic death of my 87 Corolla. Just the right amount to be flattering.
If my calcuations are correct (and they likely arent considering they depend on the tiny, flacid, and inadequate date-stamps on the Lundblog entries) then last night was Secret Animal Lodge Night, so we will hopefully get an update on his "gambling losses."


Didn't read Lundblog. Since my last post there has been one whopping entry. One. And that was just a reference to another blog. Imagine just always refrencing another blog in your blog. Pathetic.
Anyway, the cause for the lapse in Lundblog entries is obvious. I spilled the beans on the broken car story, and now the Lundblog Author is sulking in his room, drinking Mt. Dew and Pabst Blue Ribbion. He mixes them, it's disgusting. Either that or his gambling losses have increased such that he is on the run from loan sharks.
Also, I think he might drink the blood of the unbaptized. But that is just conjecture.


Read Lundblog. Last three entrie continue the cycle of despair. A half finished story about how the author's car is dead. I guess I just spoiled that, but it's dead apparently. I even recieved a call from the author inquiring about the price of a train ticket from Union Station to Oceanside (about 8.50 on Mertolink)
Second is simply a 'hey check it out I have a digital camera'. With a picture of what he seems to imply are deer. Likely they are the Foos and Swanson on lodge night. The author will no doubt deny the exsistance of lodge night, which only makes me more disappointed in him.
Third is a disburbingly jargon heavy entry about a poker night (also known as 'secret animal lodge night', a deep understanding of the Kabalah written in Sinderian is required. I wasn't invited.) It was quite incomprehensable and therefore the best of the three entries. I do look forward to the May 2005 entry about the author selling blood for a five dollar chip at Whiskey Pete at "Stateline" primm, nevada.
Also pointed out by some sniveling little fuck in a comment section Lundblog apparently has tiny, and inadequate date listings at the end of entries. I refuse to apologize for this because, as should be obvious, I don't read Lundblog all that carefully. Only complete ass-fuckers do that.

Hi, I don't use dates anymore, because I am a total dick

Read Lundblog. No books. Fishing. Weddings. No books. No dates. No books. Pictures. Rings. School stuff. No books.
Note to self: Get revenge.


Read Lundblog. What the fuck is this? The author in what can only be described as demonic servitude has decided to no longer date entries. I am pretty sure this only to fuck wih lundblogblog so I actually have to think about which entries I have blogblogged. Two of the last three entries were mostly just pictures. All of a sudden lundblog is "USA today" or somecrap. Anyway no new books, just a link to a antiwar comic strip. Oddly, he also quoted the strip he linked too, which is not only redundant but its saying the same thing twice for no reason.


Didn't Read Lundblog; no new Lundblog to read. The author has left this sitting there for 11 days in the vain hope that someone, anyone, will ask what exactly a "cornell box" is.
It won't be me.


Read Lundblog. Had four entries to catch up on. Three of which were non-book related and therefore complete shit. But of those three the Lundblog author only one was joe millionare related, so it is a mixed bag of shit. Anyway the author was unabashed in showing his contempt for our privacy, by posting his peeping-tom log of google hits. This also is how the lungblog author discovered lundblogblog.
Also there was an entry about the "author" being rejected for publication in a scientific jouranl. I would like to take a moment to point out that I, also, have never been published in a scientific journal.
Then of course comes todays entry. It was about a book that almost sounded intresting. Almost. About halfway through the entry I found myself curious about the book, luckily it turned out not to sound all that intresting. But still I wonder if some day I will wont to read one, and how I will react. It would be like waking up one day and discovering you are in fact gay. As it is now I will stick to my non-fiction and shitty star trek novels, as god intended us, thank you very much.
Also as you may have noticed I have finally subcumed to popular demand and have dropped centering the text. Boo me.


Read Lundblog. First the good news, there was an entry that wasnt just a link. Second, the bad news, no info about a book I would not read, not even one with a synopsis of a book that would make me not even consider reading it.
But here is the real mystery, the lundblog entry was dated "Feb 7" which is clearly impossible as I had checked only yesterday and there was no such entry. What a crock of shit. I mean why fuckng lie?? What possible motivation could the author have? I really cant figure this one out, the only possible explatation is that the lundblog author is pure evil and a liar.
And the next person who tells me to no longer center my texts gets a kick in the testicals. And I know what you thinking "what if a girl says that" well girls arent allowed to read Lundblogblog, so there.


Read Lundblog. The last three entries were merely links. Foolishly I fell for it. I gave the Lundblog Author exactly what he relishes, comments. Lots of comments with little work for the author. Not only that, two of the links lead to such obviously 10th-grade-controversal-topic-five-paragraph-essays that I cant believe I fell for it.
Well I'm on to you now, Mister Lundblog! No more!


Read Lundblog. Author had an actual entry concerning a book. He also had some stuff about having sex with cows, or something like that, I didnt read it all that closely (Jan 27 entry). Any the quote he provided made me extra certain to never read the book I had never heard of.
And of course, 1-28 brought us the inevitable, a typo in a comment section by me. I cant believe I flubbed such an obvious phallic joke. Oh yeah, and now there is a Lungblogblogblogblogblog.
And centering your text is cool.
Fuck Off


(sigh) No lundblog entry. Not even about joe millionare.
I would also like to proudly announce that Lundblogblog now comes up as fourth if you search for "Lundblog" on google.


I know, I know. A month between Lundblogblog entries is like a month between full moons. Just not fair at all. Anyway: Read Lundblog. Had a month of entries to cover, so I will just go through some stuff quickly. Some dude wrote a comment about finding the Lundblog randomly. This is fine but the dork used the word "Tome", like with no irony. Unless its in the "Unearthed Arcana" Tome just sucks. Its like saying "greetings and salutations" if you are older than 17. Also the Lundblog author left out an important detail of my (most welcome I assume) visit. The massive eye infection I got just after sleeping on his couch. Now perhaps I was my bad judgment of sleeping ona couch in The seaview inn, which is inhabited by three bachlors and their various prostitutes. Also sadly, and at least in part my fault, Lundblog is slowing devolving into JoeLundMillionairblog. If The author does not in the near future describe how a sci-fi novel about time-traveling telepaths in a french run UN world can possibly be worth reading, I just might cancel my subscribtion On a good note the Lundblog author finally returned "Jerusalem" by Cecilla Holland back to me. Which was nice, since I just lent it to him in Aug. August of 98. Fucker didnt even review it.


I burgled the Lundblog Author's house. Got some sweet stuff. And by sweet I mean totally cool.
PS-I am going to hell


Read Lundblog. The Author FINALLY updated after a break of like 10+ days. What kind of an asshole can't keep his blog updated like once or twice a week?

Shut up

Anyway the Author told of his exploits in Berekley and yada yada. Trouble is I heard this all a week ago in person. The remarkable thing is that the wording between the verbal rendition and the text-blog version were almost exact. This means one of two things: The Authors brain is wired so strangely that it causes ideas to only be expressed in one way, with no deviation, or the Author thinks about his log all day, and conversations are merely a rough draft for his log.

Well there were several entries which are too lengthy since my last entry. The most notable was the first mention of LUNDBLOGBLOG in the comment section by someone other than myself or the Lundblog author. Which is both cool and perhaps creepy. I should also point out, since now I know I have at least FOUR readers that Lundblogblog isnt finish, and the final version will be so funny that you will switch off your computer cause everythings else on the net will just be a pale relfection of Lungblogblog glory.


Read Lunblog. To might great surpise I had some catching up to do. The 10-23-26 discussion of some book I never read was particularly enjoyable, as the lundblog author himself had not even read the book being discussed. True perfection.

The 10/28 post was really, really long. I read the first line of each paragraph, which I highly recomend on long lundblog entries. Anyway the book sounded intresting in a "I dont want to read that" sort-of-way.

The 10/29 entry was pure excrement. Nothing about a book I didnt read. Just some physics stuff I dont really understand. The greatest amusing comming from the comment section where "Fortune" artist Ian Hurst and myself called each other lazy in a pissy way. Trouble is that we are both right.

The 11/3 entry is short, have nothing to do with physics nor books I have not read. I made the mistake of clicking on "Caltech" to ge the news, when it just took me to the caltech home page. then I had to click the other link to find out what the author was talking about (Lundblog needs a better editor, this is the kind of thing that ends up with the wrong president getting elected). I made a comment, and to my shame or pride I failed to say the words "watermelon" or "chicken" to get a rise out of anyone.


Read Lundblog. The 10/7 entry that has been just sitting there for two weeks. Fucking crap. I think the author is too busy sucking scabby cocks to write somehting.


Real Lundblog. The 9/29 entry. Author offered up some pitiful excuses for the long delay between entrys. I shall have my revenge, oh how sweet it will be.


Didn't Read Lundblog. Still no new lundblog. What a bunch of fucking anthrax infested cow shit.


Didn't Read Lundblog. There is no new entry to read, what a bunch of fucking bullshit. Author is apparently holding out for someone else to put a comment on his incredibly long entry. I won't give him the satisfaction.


Read Lunblog. The 9/14 entry. That's fucking right, author finally got back to basics writing about a book I have not read. Also had some stuff about baseball, and how the dodger will win, which they won't, because they are the dodgers and havent won shit in 14 years.

Ok, so maybe I didnt read the whole lundblog entry. Apparently neither did anyone else because its been on there for four days with one measly comment. But in all fairness it was a really long entry and I just dont have time to be bothered.


Read Lundblog. Had some catching up to do. Mostly intrested in 9/9 entry about Catherine Zeta Jones, and the various greek letter models of her. This has drunken rambling all over it, or at least late night silliness. Surely came from a converstation that ended with "Dude, you have to put this on your blog."

Also the 9/11 entry marked the second time in three weeks the author referenced a Onion article I had read the previous day. I know this is nitpicking, but the only reason to read lundblog is to read about a book one has A}Never heard of B}Never will read} and C}has no real intrest in reading. I feel as a loyal lundblog reader I am entitled to my expected material, not something I actually read first hand.


IF your are reading this, you have no life.

Read Lunbblog. My name was mentioned 3x. Only in the comment section though. Must write to the author to fix what seems to be a chronic underuse of my name. Author wrote mostly about stuff at his physics lab. Its entertaining in a way. Would have been more so if it somehow involved a story about me.


Read Lundblog. Funny story about Author calling 911 at work on accident. He didnt discuss a book that I've never read or heard of, which makes it slightly lacking. I left TWO comments to try to make up for the gaff, I dont think it helped much.

Here's a new paragraph. And here's a link to the real Lundblog.