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Roleplay #: Height: Weight: Finisher: Hometown: Age:
NYC, New York
Allies: Enemies: Title Of Roleplay: Worth Mentioning: Announcement About: Good Or Bad:
Kiss Asses
Important News
Jason Dreamer,
Icarus Keen
April 28th's Fury Card
Bit of Both
Aligment: Stable: Right Hand Man: Acheivements: Match: Opponent(s):
Talon Mercer
EGW Owner


The scene opens in the office in the EGW arena in Mexico City, Mexico. Sassy Micheals sits at her desk. She has her hands clapped her the sides of her head and she looks frustrated. Papers in front of her. There is a folder but the name on it is barried by papers. There is not identification as to who the folder is about. Sassy then lowers her hands curled in fists against the desk with a hard thud and she leans back quickly in her chair and shakes her head. Now the camera can see the head set in which she is wearing.

Sassy Micheals:
"I KNOW! This is a huge loss I get the fuckin' point. You don't need to tell me over and over again jesus christ!"

Curious as to what Sassy is talking about the camera man creeps up closer to the scene and you can hear a voice on the other end of the phone, very muffled and unable to understand.

Sassy Micheals:
"Well, what the hell do you want me to do. Get on my knees and beg? I am not that type. I don't want EGW to suffer and it is just one body.. it shouldn't matter."

Sassy Micheals sits up in her chair and she rubs her left hand on her forehead. The other hand reaches in a desk drawer to search for another folder.

Sassy Micheals:
"I know EGW is going to suffer for it. I know it's huge loss.. why tell me the same thing over and over again.. what do you expect me to do? I can't beg nor can I bribe..!"

She lets out a sarcastic and very unrealistic laugh.

Sassy Micheals:
"Oh yeah.. EGW would really go in the hole there if I was to just kidnap him. Not happening! I would go to jail.. do you really want that to happen you idiot?"

Sassy shakes her head in disbelief still.

Sassy Micheals:
"Don't worry I will handle it."

Pulling out another folder it reads Icarus Keen on it. She hangs up the line by pressing a button on the phone that is attached to her pants and she opens the folder. Sitting back she looks at it.. lifting it off the desk.

Sassy Micheals:
"You know EGW is run by the most impressive Staff I have seen around and yet.. the EGW still suffers for great loss'! The man known as Icarus Keen had to take a leave of absence due to some mentality incapability at the time being which leaves the EGW short on staff. Just a wee bit. You see we still have our co-owner and commisioner but.. that's not the only loss that EGW suffers."

Shuffling the folders in her hands she somewhat throws them on to the desk to an open folder of Vigilante.

Sassy Micheals:
"EGW has also suffered the loss of a great superstar Vigilante. A man with great potential and who had the talent to make it to the end here. Whether he made it through the tournament or not he was definatly champion material. Now we have to bid him adue, because of a conflict in his personal life. I hope this is not a start to a great drop in numbers in EGW. I hope that this is one of the only great losses EGW has for a very long time, and hopefully never again."

"Some may say that Vigilante was my pet but he earned his spot just like the rest of you and as it stands he will be taken out of Friday Night Fury. Now with that being said.. that leaves a vacant spot for the Carnage Title Tag Team match. Jason Dreamer is now without an opponent to face off against his ditsy girlfriend and his home boy Rufio Luciano. As much as it pains me to give Jason Dreamer the upper hand in this sick bind. I am letting him choose a tag team partner of his choosing. Who ever it may be.. he has the whole roster of wrestlers to choose from, go ahead and make your pick Dreamer and make it a wise one. You got lucky not having Vigilante as your tag team partner and you are even more lucky to be able to fill in his place with another able body. But however if you cannot find an opponent you will be facing off against Alison and Rufio all on your lonesome. Take that in to consideration and have fun finding the person you need."

Sassy Micheals gets up from her seat and she walks over to the window of the Office she was currently in and she crosses her arms.. staring out in to the rain of the atmosphere around here.. the scene fades.


Who Fell Victim To The Moi:None