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Lynne's Lair of Lycanthropy

The full moon peeks around the grey clouds as the shadowy form flits through the trees. It stops, and in the silvery beams of the moon, the form is revealed to be a young human female. She freezes and her face twists into a snarl of pain. She hunches over on herself and throws her head back. An inhuman howl escapes her throat and the forest rings with her call. Fur sprouts on her body and an audible popping sound sends creatures running; her bones are reforming themselves inside her skin. Her eyes change, becoming a shining emerald color and moving on her head, which is elongating. Her ears are getting bigger and moving up on her head. Suddenly, she throws back her head and howls again, and the transformation is complete. She is no longer a puny human girl: she has become a true creature of the forest. The little girl is now a wolf, and with a mighty bound, she disappears into the darkness, the lust of the hunt pounding in her head and the silver moonsong humming in her veins.

Lycanthropy is scientifically termed "a mental disorder in which one believes him or herself to be a wolf" by those scientific types who refuse to believe. However, there are those of us who know the truth. Lycanthropy is NOT a mental disorder. Lycanthropist, lycanthropy, and lycanthrope are words used by the Children of the Moon, the Hijos Lunares, to describe themselves. In the Undersociety, lycanthropy means werewolf.

Click here to see a prime example of the scientific brush-off.

Click here to see a prime example of the historic brush-off from a less cynical view.

You understand, of course, that I am not expecting you to believe this, but I ask that if you enter my lair, please do so with an open mind. The lifelong conditioning you have endured cannot be erased in one day by one puny website on werewolves, but maybe I can serve as a wedge to crack open your humanity and allow your inner werewolf to come shining through.


There is much to the werewolf that you are unfamiliar with, mortal. You see werewolves as bloodthirsty superhuman spawns of whatever demon you fear. Be warned. I am going to correct your misinformation. The Tribe Of The Werewolf is a complex thing. I am going to explain it to you as well as I can. If you think you are ready, Enter and explore the subculture of werewolves.

The life of a werewolf is a haunting, magical, and vital thing. A werewolf is bound by the restrictions of a human and blessed with the kiss of the wolf. She can be both brutal and mothering, and human and animal. She is blessed with the senses of a wolf and the conscious and mind of mankind. A dear friend of mine, a lycanthrope in an extreme, has died recently, from a long, cruel disease. Her parting gift to me was her diary, and she wanted to share her life with the world.

In nearly every culture in the world, there is a belief in werewolves or shifters. Each of those cultures have a different word for these creatures:

American Indians:limikkin or skin walkers.
Brazil:lobisomem and botoor a dolphin that transforms into a boy and a uirapuru a little brown bird that transforms into a boy.
Canada:wendigo or witiko
Chili:chonchon is a witch that transforms into a vulture.
Ethiopia, Morocco and Tanzania:boudas or werehyena
France:loup-garou or bisclavret
Greece:vrykolaka is a word for werewolf which is used for vampires and sorcerers also.
Haiti:loup-garou that can change into anything, both plant and animal.
Iceland:hamrammr is a shifter who changes into what it has last eaten and gains power by eating more.
India:rakshasa is a shifter who can change into any animal it wants.
Indonesia:layak is a spirit that shift into anything
Italy:lupo manero or benandanti for people who permanently become wolves and fight witches in the underworld.
Japan:kitsune is a werefox and also there are the tanuki or minjina the a wereraccoon or dog or badger. In general shapeshifters are called henge.
Mexico:nahaul is a werewolf, werecat, wereagle or werebull.
Normandy, France:lubins or lupins
Norway and Sweden:eigi einhamir
Philippines:aswang the vampire/werewolf.
Portugal:bruxsa or cucubuth is a vampire/werewolf, the lobhomen and lobis-homems
Russia: wawkalak or bodark.
Scandinavia: varulv, ulv, ulfen
Serbia: vukodlak
Slovakia: vulkodlak
South America:kanima is a jaguar-shaped spirit
Spain:hombre lobo, lupino
United States: many, an oddity being the wererat who is said to be common around the Pennsylvania area.

"We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast within ourselves"---Gerald Hausman


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I would like to apologize now to all the people whose sites I stole graphics from....I'm sorry!!!