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With Arms Wide Open Chapter 2 Teen

With Arms Wide Open Chapter 2

This is the dress that I have Buffy wearing in the first scene.
Author’s Note:  I wish to welcome Sara Egbert to my beta team.  
I have messed around with the timeline to fit my story, so some of the episodes happen out of order in this universe.  
Thank you to Tani who wrote the NC-17 Scene!

Chapter 2

The next night, Xander, Cordelia, Willow, Oz, Buffy, and Angel went to the Bronze.  Buffy wore a tight spaghetti strap mini dress that showed off all

of her curves and enhanced her chest.  The dress reminded Angel of an old song, so he had asked the D.J. to play Lady in Red.  
While Buffy and Angel were dancing, Devlin and Drusilla walked in.  When Angel saw them enter, he stiffened and tightened his hold on Buffy.  She 
felt the change in him, looked around, and saw Drusilla and Devlin.  They both knew that the two powerful vampires were not alone, but they waited 
to for them to make their move.  They continued to dance until the end of the song and then went to their table to keep an eye on Devlin and Drusilla.
As they watched, Drusilla and Devlin split up and started talking to some of the patrons.  Devlin still couldn’t believe that Angel was with The Slayer.  
He hadn’t believed Spike and Drusilla when they had told him when he came to Sunnydale for Drusilla’s birthday.  But he had smelled someone on 
Angel when he had visited Angel’s apartment.  He hadn’t been sure it was the Slayer he smelled, until he met her.  
Buffy and Angel kept an eye on Drusilla and Devlin.  After about half an hour, Devlin nodded to one of patrons by the door.  The patron vamped out, 
knocked out the bouncer, and blocked the exit.  At the same time about twenty of the patrons vamped out as well.  Buffy and Angel made their way 
to the dance floor when they saw Devlin get on the stage.  Devlin announced, “There is no need to panic, we only want two of you.  And those two 
know who they are.”  He looked right at Buffy and Angel.
Angel instinctively protectively stepped in front of Buffy and demanded, “What do you want, Devlin?”  Buffy being annoyed that Angel stepped in 
front of her, stepped around him, and stood beside him.
“You and her!  You dare to turn your back on us?”
Angel knew that Devlin was taking about when he had gotten his Soul back.  He had heard that Darla had told the family that he had turned his back 
on them.  But in reality, she had kicked him out because she could smell the Soul on him and he could not kill innocents anymore.
He stared at Devlin as Drusilla grabbed Buffy from behind.  She was stunned at first, but began to fight back as Devlin launched himself from the stage
and punched Angel in the face.
Xander tried to fight the vamp that was closest to him but the vamp put him into a headlock and held him there.  He was too strong for Xander to 
break loose.  Willow, Oz, and Cordelia were likewise pinned by a vampire while trying to fight them off.
Drusilla had Buffy up against a pool table as she was grabbing for Buffy’s neck to snap it, but Buffy flipped her over and Drusilla landed on the pool 
table.  Buffy grabbed a pool stick and was about to stake her when Devlin shouted, “You do that, Slayer, and twenty patrons here die along with 
Angel here.”
Buffy looked up to see that Devlin had Angel pinned down with a stake above his heart.  She also saw that the twenty minions that came in with 
Devlin and Drusilla each had a hostage, Willow, Oz, Cordelia, and Xander were among the ones being held.  Angel got the upper hand and now 
had the stake pointed at Devlin’s heart.  “If Dru or I die, so do the twenty kids our boys have.”  Buffy and Angel looked at one another and nodded
in agreement.
“Let them go now, and Dru and Devlin will live for now,” Angel shouted.
Buffy added, “If just one of them is harmed in any way, they both will be dust.”  
The minions looked at Devlin and he told them, “Go! Now!”  The undead let their hostages go and Angel and Buffy could only watch as Devlin and 
Drusilla walked out with them.
“You going after them?”  Xander asked.
“Later.  We go now, and we’re dead.  There’s too many of them right now.”  Angel said while holding onto Buffy to keep her from following them.
Not long after the creatures of the night left, the music started again and the patrons went back to their dancing, seeming to forget the gang with the 
weird faces.
“Life on the Hellmouth,” Cordelia snipped as she sighed.
“Yep.  They’ll probably only remember a fight, nothing weird about the people fighting though,” Willow said annoyed.
“As usual,” Oz commented. 

Later on that night, Buffy and Angel dropped  Xander, Cordelia, Willow and Oz off at Buffy’s house.  They were all staying over there since 
Buffy’s mom was out of town. Buffy and Angel had gone on a quick patrol while the Scooby Gang watched a movie.
“So what now?  Do you want to start the Truth or Dare game now?”  Xander asked as the movie ended.  The gang had discussed playing Truth or 
Dare while the movie was playing.  They had hoped to see if Angel would tell them something about what Devlin could be up to.  The first time that 
Angel asked for Truth the person who picked him would ask if he had any idea on Devlin’s next move.
“I think we should wait for Buffy and Angel to get back from Patrol.”  Willow said. right before the front door opened up and Buffy and Angel walked
“Well, did you find them?”
“No.  They’ve left the factory.  Not sure where they are.  But we’re safe here.  They can’t come in without an invite.”  Buffy said.
“Cool,” Oz said.
“And we stopped to get pizza.”  Buffy announced as Angel walked in with three boxes of large pizza.  As soon as Angel put the pizza boxes on the 
coffee table, the boxes were attacked by the teenagers.
“Who’s up for a game of Truth or Dare before bed?”  Xander asked biting into a slice of pepperoni pizza.  The plan was to pretend that they had 
not discussed this before hand.
“Sure,” Oz approved.
“Why not,” Willow agreed.
 “I’m in,” Buffy said.
“Whatever,” Cordelia uncaringly said.
“What’s that?”  Angel asked as he sat beside Buffy on the couch and putting his arm around her.
“When someone calls on you, you pick truth or dare.  If you pick truth, you will be asked a question and you have to tell the truth no matter what 
the question is.  If you pick dare you have do whatever you’re told no matter what it is.”  Buffy explained.
“Sure why not.”  Angel said, not knowing that the truth questions could get personal and the dares could be wacky and/or embarrassing. 
“Who goes first?”  Willow asked.  She hoped that she would get to ask Buffy a Truth question.  
“Well, I say since it’s Buffy’s house, she gets to go first.”  Cordelia said.
“Ok, umm…Oz, Truth or Dare?”  Buffy asked.
“How long have you been in The Dingoes Ate My Baby?”
“Two years ever since we started the band.  Xander, Truth or Dare?

“The Truth is out there.”
“Ok.  How long have you and Cordelia been making out?”
“A few weeks.  Cordy, Truth or Dare?”  Xander quickly said and called on the next person before any one could comment.
“Ok…um…let’s see…I dare you to go take all of your make up off and wear that cream all over your face for the rest of the game.”
Cordelia looked confused, “Cream?”
“Yeah you know that green cream that you girls use to take off your make-up.”
Cordelia thought a moment, “You mean the face mask?”
“Yeah that’s it!”  Xander exclaimed.
“You mean I have to wear that in front of you guys?”
“Come on, Xander.  Something else please.  I don’t want to look like a geek.”  Cordelia complained.
“You gotta do it, Cordelia.”  Willow said as everyone agreed.
“Fine,” she sighed and grabbed her make up bag and went to the bathroom.
Angel raised an eyebrow and looked at Buffy.  So Buffy explained, “Usually a dare is something embarrassing.  While, it wouldn’t bother Willow or
me to wear the face mask in front of everyone here, it does bother Cordelia.”
“Oh.”  Angel said.  He had seen Buffy remove her make up several times in the past few nights.  He didn’t see what the big deal was.  Cordelia 
walked in 10 minutes later with green cream all over her face.
“Angel, Truth or Dare?” Cordelia inquired.
“Truth.”  I’ve got nothing to hide, he thought.
“God I was hoping you would ask that.  Do you know Devlin’s plan?  I mean you said that he’s trying to copy you when you didn’t have a Soul.  
Do you know what he’s going to do?”
Angel looked at Buffy and at her nod, he began to tell her friends what he knew all the while looking down at the floor or at Buffy, “I can guess.  
I’m his target.  He knows that the best way to torture me, would be to torture Buffy.  He will most likely go after everyone close to Buffy first and 
then let her suffer through the death of her family and friends and then forcing me to watch as he physically tortures her and then he will kill her – 
again forcing me to watch – and then he will kill me.”  Angel said.  When he saw everyone’s face was pale, he quickly added, “Unless we stop him.  
Which I’m sure that we can do.”
“Right.  We’ll find him and stop him.  Don’t worry.”  Buffy and Angel had already talked about what Devlin would probably do, so this was no 
surprise to her.  She then explained to him, “It’s your turn now to ask a truth question or to dare someone to do something.  Usually everyone gets 
a turn before someone gets another turn and I went first so ask Willow.” 
“OK.  Willow Truth or Dare.”  Angel asked.
“Truth.”  Willow said not knowing what to expect in the way of a question or a dare from Angel.
Angel, not really know what to ask her decided on a question that he felt wasn’t too personal, “What’s your favorite music band?”
“Oh that’s easy.  The Dingoes.”  She said without hesitation.  Then she grinned and said, “Buffy, Truth or Dare?”
“Truth.”  Buffy said.
Willow got a glint in her eyes and said, “Remember you have to tell the truth.  Have you and Angel…”  Gosh, she thought that she could ask this 
question.  It had been bugging her ever since she saw Buffy wearing Angel’s shirt to school the other day.  “You know.”
Buffy did know but saw a way out of answering the question.  “Will, if you can’t ask the question, I don’t have to answer it.”  Buffy glanced at Angel 
and saw the confused look on his face.  It was obvious that he had no idea what Willow was trying to ask.
“Have you had sex?”  Willow finally blurted out.
“Isn’t that personal?”  Angel chocked out before Buffy could answer.
“That’s the game, Angel.”  Buffy said.  Damn.  She was backed into a corner and was going to have to answer.  She wasn’t ashamed.  She had just
hoped to keep it between her and Angel for a while.  “Yes.”   She said finally.  The she quickly added, “Angel, Truth or Dare?”
“What’s the full story on Elizabeth?”
Angel thought a moment.  He had known that he was going to have to tell her eventually.  But he wanted to do it in private.  “Can I tell you in private?”
Buffy looked around the room and everyone was nodding their heads yes so she said, “Yes.  Go ahead and ask someone so that the game doesn’t 
stop while you’re telling me all about Elizabeth.”
“Xander, Truth or Dare?”
Buffy whispered something in his ear and he said, “I dare you to do the … ‘Snoopy Dance’?”  Angel’s face was one of confusion. 
“Hey that’s cheating!  No giving hints!” 
Cordelia who wanted to see what the Snoopy Dance was said, “Angel’s new to the game so I vote that we can give him hints on things.”  Everyone 
else agreed with her.
“Oh come on, I only do that for the Charlie Brown Specials.”
“Well, now you have to do it for all to see.”  Buffy said grinning.
Xander got up and did the Snoopy Dance, then sat back down next to Cordelia and said, “Oz Truth or Dare?”  
Angel and Buffy left the living room and went up to her room to talk privately.  “You know you could have asked me when we were alone.”  Buffy 
just shrugged her shoulders.  Angel took her into his arms and gave her a hug.  They sat down on her bed, and then he started to tell her all about 
“Devlin, Elizabeth and I grew up together.  All three of us were very close.  When we turned 15 we all swore that we would never marry someone 
who we didn’t love.  While their parents didn’t really get along, my father was the worst.  He beat my mother and my sister.  I could take the beatings
he dealt out.  But Kathy, she was so young.  And my mother didn’t have a choice either.  Devlin and Elizabeth fathers just cheated on their wives.  
They didn’t beat on them.  Or if they did, I didn’t know about it.  
“Anyway, we didn’t want to end up in a loveless marriage and turn out like our fathers, and Elizabeth didn’t want to end up being beaten every 
night like my mother or having her husband cheat on her every chance he got like her father did to her mother or both.”
Angel took an unneeded breath and looked at a poster on Buffy’s wall and continued, “A little over a year went by and Elizabeth found out that 
she had been betrothed to Angus O’Brian.  Angus was very rude to Elizabeth and always had been.  He was our age, but we all hated him.  Devlin 
and I always tried to protect Elizabeth from him.  His father owned a fleet of boats and Elizabeth’s father was a fisherman.  It was stated in the 
betrothal contract that Elizabeth’s father would receive a boat of his own and be promoted to captain when they were married.  Elizabeth tried 
everything she could think of to get her father to cancel the betrothal.  Back then a betrothal was more times than not a business contract.  It wasn’t 
easy to get out them.  
Angel looked back at Buffy and said, “My father accused me several times of ruining his businesses by refusing to marry a girl that he had tried to
betrothe me to.  But being a man, I had more say in it than Elizabeth did.  She didn’t have any say whatsoever.  
“Then she came up with a plan.  She begged me to marry her to save her from Angus.  I was too afraid of becoming my father and I refused her.  I 
knew that she was in love with me.  But I was too afraid of hurting her.  So I told her no.  She would have to find some other way.  I told her that 
Devlin would marry her.  He was in love with her and wanted to marry to her even though he knew that she wanted me.”  

What Angel was about to say he wasn’t proud of.  He again took an unneeded breath as he sighed, took Mr. Gordo from the bed, held and looked

at the stuffed pig as he continued,  “A few days later she came to me with another plan.  She asked me to make love to her.  Even though we knew

that Angus was sleeping around, we couldn’t prove it and she really didn’t want to marry him.  If she was impure, then he wouldn’t want her anymore

and he would be the one to break the betrothal.  It was the only way that she could see out of the arrangement.  I didn’t know of any other way

either.”  Angel whispered the last sentence.

“So you slept with her?”  Buffy asked trying to mask the jealousy that she felt.
Angel sighed again and looked into Buffy’s green eyes.  Buffy could see the shame that Angel felt reflected in his eyes as he answered her, “Yes, I 
did.  She was my first.  And we kept up an affair for several months.  I found out later from my mother that Elizabeth had thought that she was 
pregnant and went to the midwife.  But there was no pregnancy and Elizabeth refused to name who the father would be.  Angus found out and 
broke off the betrothal on grounds of infidelity.  A few months later, Elizabeth came to me and said that her mother’s sister in Dublin was sick and
she and her mother were going to go take care of her and hopefully nurse her back to health.  About six months later, her mother came home and 
when I went to go visit Elizabeth, her mother told me that she had married a nice young man in Dublin and had stayed there.”  
Buffy noticed a sadness had crept into Angel’s eyes but let him continue.  “Two years later she came back to Galway with her husband and two kids 
to visit her parents.  I saw them in town one day.  She had an infant and a little boy who looked to be two years old.  When I heard her call him 
Liam…I started to wonder if her aunt was ever sick.  I went to see her that afternoon.  And I asked her if the boy was mine.  She told me no.  She 
told me that her mother had lied to everyone in Dublin saying that she was a new widow.  Her mother also said that she had just married a sailor who 
had died at sea.  When she found out that she was pregnant, her husband insisted on her naming the child after her ‘dead husband’ to keep his memory
alive.  She said that she combined my name and her husband’s name for the boy.  She chose my name because she would always love me.  She said 
that the timing was all wrong that the boy was unquestionably her husband’s son.  After they left to go back to Dublin, I started staying all night in the 
pubs drinking and ‘whoring about’ as my father called it.  When Darla turned me, I killed her parents, brothers and sisters. But I never saw her, her 
husband or their children again.”  Angel finished his story wondering again if Elizabeth had told him the truth about her little Liam.
Buffy sat there looking into his eyes, searching for something. “Do you love her?” she asked afraid of the answer.
“No.”  Angel answered truthfully.  “You are the only woman in my whole life that I have ever loved.”  He then kissed her deeply and they slowly laid 
down on the bed. 
Angel had gotten Buffy’s shirt off and was kissing her neck when Xander barged into the room saying, “Guys, are you finished talking?”  Xander 
didn’t see much of Buffy since Angel body was covering her up, but he did see her shirt on the floor and said, “Oooppps. I think I’ll just go now.”  
Angel heard Xander walking down the steps and saying, “I don’t care if it is a dare in a Truth or Dare game; I am not ever going to walk into a room 
where those two are alone again!”
Angel stopped kissing Buffy’s neck and said, “Do you think we should go back down there?”
“Not right now.  Let them think what they want to think I want you now.”  Buffy said as she slid Angel’s shirt off of him.

When Buffy and Angel made it back down to the living room, the gang had just decided to end the game.  They were tired and wanted to go to sleep.  
Buffy and Angel went back up to her room to get pillows and blankets to lay down on the living room floor while her friends laid out their sleeping bags
and pillows and Cordelia went to wash her face.  
“Remind me never to play that game with your friends again.”  Angel commented as he helped her retrieve the pillows and sheets from her room.
“What embarrassed?  I didn’t think that vamps got embarrassed.”  Buffy teasesd.
“There were some things that I had wanted to keep between us and not everyone.”
“I know.  I didn’t think that they would ask that question.  I knew it was a possibility.  But I thought that Willow would wait until we were alone, you 
know just me and her.”  Buffy grabbed the pillows as Angel grabbed the covers from Buffy’s bed.  
They walked into the living room to see Oz and Willow curled up next to each other and Xander and Cordelia were curled up together.  Each couple 
had opened up all four sleeping bags and was laying on top of one the sleeping bags while covering up with another one.  Buffy and Angel laid out a
blanket on the floor and laid down on top of it and pulled a comforter over them.  Angel held Buffy close to himThey had yet to spend a night apart 
since Buffy’s mom left the day after her birthday.  He was enjoying sleeping with Buffy in his arms and waking up with her still in his arms.  He knew 
that things would change when her mom got back into town, so he would enjoy this while he could.  He would have to figure out how to make it so 
they could sleep together each night, but for now, until he could figure it out, these nights would have to be sufficient.

The night before Joyce was supposed to come home, Buffy and Angel were at her house waiting for her to call to check up on Buffy.  The plan was 
for Buffy to talk to her mother and then they would patrol and then go back to Angel’s apartment, where they had spent most of their nights since 
Joyce had been out of town.  She needed to know what time to expect Joyce home tomorrow so that she could be home by that time.
 At 9 pm when Joyce still hadn’t called, Angel decided it would be best if he went ahead and patrolled.  Buffy couldn’t leave until Joyce called, so 
she stayed behind to wait for the call.  However, when Angel returned at 11 pm, Joyce still hadn’t called.  “Well, we could always stay here.”
“Yeah, I guess.”  Buffy said as she started to unpack her bag.  “So did you find Devlin, Drusilla, and Spike?”
“No, not yet.”  Angel growled frustrated.
“Angel, what if they got to my mother?”  Buffy looked at Angel worriedly.
“I don’t think so.  When Devlin kills someone close to us, he’ll leave their body where we can find them easily.”  Angel hoped he was right.  That’s 
what he would have done.  And Devlin always tried to do things just like he did.  “Your mother was probably just tired and forgot to call.”  Angel 
assured her.  
“You really think so?”  Buffy asked.
“I do.”  Angel said as he pulled her into a hug.
Buffy was still worried about her mother, but wanted to believe that she was alright.  She needed Angel to distract her from her worrying about her 
mother.  She looked into his eyes and impishly asked, “So what do you want to do on our last night together?”
Angel didn’t reply with words.  Instead, he started to kiss her lips.  Without breaking the kiss, he picked her up and carried her to her bedroom.  He 
laid her down on her bed and began to make love to her.

Meanwhile, Joyce was thankful that she was able to come a day early.  She had planned on being home by suppertime and surprising Buffy, so she 
hadn’t called.  Then her connecting flight was late and she was getting home at midnight instead of suppertime.  She wanted to take Buffy out to eat.  
But she supposed it would have to wait until tomorrow.
As Joyce walked into the house, she wasn’t prepared for what she would find when she checked on Buffy.  Everything  seemed to be fine.  Nothing 
out of place.  She went to put her suitcase in the laundry room since it was full of dirty clothes.  She would wash her clothes from the trip tomorrow.  
She was pleasantly surprised to notice that Buffy had washed all the clothes that were in the laundry room.  Buffy had never done the laundry without 
being told to do so before.
As she passed Buffy’s bedroom door, she opened it up to check on her daughter.  Whatever she thought she was going to see, she didn’t.  She was 
utterly unprepared to see a man in her daughter’s room.  She certainly did not expect to see a man having sex with her daughter on her bed.  So, to 
say that Joyce was shocked when she saw them making love was an understatement.  She quietly shut the door and went into her own room to think.  
What was she going to do?  How long had this been going on?  Is this what her daughter did every time she went out of town?  Who was that man?  
Was he the only one?  She would definitely have to talk to Buffy.  But should she talk to her now or tomorrow?  She absolutely should make an 
appointment for Buffy with her GYN to get on the Pill.  She didn’t want Buffy to go through what her and Hank went through before Buffy was born.  
Although, Joyce had miscarried that baby, she and Hank had been forced to marry by her parents.  She wouldn’t force Buffy to marry, but then again, 
she didn’t want Buffy to get pregnant either.   All of these things she would have to talk to Buffy about.  She understood; she really did.  She just had 
hoped that Buffy wouldn’t make the same mistakes she did.  Of course she had never told Buffy that her parents had forced her and Hank to get 
married when they were sixteen because of the pregnancy.  After the rushed wedding, she was in a car accident that had caused her miscarriage of that 
baby.  She had been twenbty-two before she got pregnant with Buffy.  In all of their sex talks she never brought  the subject up.  It appeared since she kept 
this information to her self, Buffy was making the same mistakes.  No, she would talk to her now.  She walked out of her room and back to Buffy’s 
bedroom door.  Not wanting to see anything more than what she had already seen, she knocked on the door and yelled through it, “Buffy, I need to 
see you in my room please.”
Buffy and Angel froze.  “Oh, God!  Angel, please tell me that was my imagination.”  She whispered still lying in her lover’s arms.
Angel listened for a second and then said, “No.  I can hear her heartbeat.  And you better answer her before she opens the door thinking you’re 
“Ok. Mom.  I’ll be there in a few minutes.”  She yelled back.  Then whispered to Angel, “Angel, we weren’t exactly quiet.  What if she knows?”
Angel gave her a passionate kiss and said, “Then we’ll deal with it – together.  Get dressed and go see what she wants.  Do you want me to stay – 
just incase?”
Buffy nodded, “Please.”  After getting dressed, she turned to Angel and said, “I love you.”
Angel pulled her into his arms and said, “I love you, too, Muirnín.”
“Umm, you better get dressed just in case she heard us and wants to talk to you too.”  Buffy suggested as she took a small comfort in his embrace.
Angel nodded in agreement then kissed Buffy again.
Buffy walked into her mother’s room and said, “You’re home early.  I wasn’t expecting you home until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, well, I finished a day early.  Thought I’d surprise you.”
“Surprise me? I’m surprised.”  Buffy said smiling apprehensively. 
“Buffy, when I came home, I saw the house neater than it has ever been.  All the dishes were washed and put away.  Everything in its place – 
despite the fact that you had Willow and Cordelia over the other night when I called.  Even all the laundry was done.  Not only were all of my 
clothes clean and folded, but you put them on my dresser for me.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Then I opened your bedroom door and was dazed 
at what I saw.”
Buffy’s face lost color as she thought, Oh my God!  She saw us!
“Who is he, Buffy?  It wasn’t his face that I saw.”
“Angel.”  Buffy answered quietly and waited for the storm to hit.
“You’re history tutor?” Joyce asked half afraid of the answer.  How dare that young man seduce my young and impressionable daughter!  
And a teacher no less.  There are all kinds of laws against this!
“Well…”  Buffy started to say, but her mother caught on and interrupted her.
“He was never your history tutor, was he?”  It was more of a statement than a question.
“No, Ma’am.”  Buffy said quietly.  While she normally wouldn’t say Ma’am to her mother, she knew that she was in big trouble and thought 
that maybe if she used her best manners then her mother would take that into consideration.
“How long have you been dating him?”  Again Joyce was afraid that her daughter was going to tell since last year when they moved to Sunnydale.
“Since the beginning of school.”  Buffy answered her mother but didn’t offer any more information.
At least her daughter had waited a year before starting to date him.  But as she thought about it, she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.  “How 
long have you been having sex?”
Buffy blushed and timidly answered, “About a week.”
“So, you decided that since I was out of town you would just sleep with the boyfriend I didn’t know about?”  Joyce let her anger at the situation 
slip through before she could stop it.
“No!  It wasn’t like that.”  Buffy protested.
Joyce sighed.  She was letting her feelings get in the way.  This was not how she wanted this talk to go tonight.  “Buffy, I just don’t want you to 
be making the same mistakes I did.”  At this Buffy looked confused.  “When I was sixteen, I got pregnant.  My parents forced your father and me to 
get married.  Shortly after the wedding, I miscarried the baby due to a car accident.  The doctors told us that it was a boy.  After I was released 
from the hospital, I got on the Pill and finished school.  It was after I went to collage and got my degree that we had you.  I’m sorry, Buffy.  I thought 
that by not telling you, that you wouldn’t make the same mistakes I did.  Just, please tell me that you’ve been careful.”
Well we haven’t been using anything, but there is no danger of STDs or getting pregnant by a vampire, so I guess it wouldn’t be a lie if 
I told her that we were careful.  Buffy rationalized.  “Yes,” was all that Buffy said.
“Do you love him?”  
“Yes.”  Buffy said with conviction.
Well that was some consolation.  Her daughter didn’t just sleep with him because he was older.  “He’s older than you.”
“I know.”  Buffy whispered.  Her mother had no idea how much older Angel was and she was going to keep it that way.
“How much older is he?”
There was no way of getting around lying to her mother about this.   She couldn’t very well tell her that he was born in 1727.  Well, if she was going 
to lie, might as well make him younger than he was when he was turned.  “He’s twenty-four.  So that makes him seven years older.”
“He looks to be twenty-sox or twenty-seven.”
Buffy fidgeted with her hands and not looking at her mother said, “I know.”
“I should send him home.  But I hated it when my father sent your dad home after we got caught.”  After a moment’s thought she said, “He can stay, 
just promise me no more sex in this house?”
Buffy looked up shocked.  Mom’s going to let him stay?  In my bed?  Not wanting to give her mother the chance to change her mind, she said,  
“I promise.”
“Does he live with his parents?”  
Buffy was again shocked at the question and stumbled over the question that she hadn’t thought would come up, “They, uh.., died a long time ago.”
“Oh.  So he lives alone?”  Joyce wasn’t sure why she was saddened by this.  Maybe because even though she didn’t know the man, the thought of
him having lost his parents at such an early age was tragic. 
“Yes.”  Buffy said as she nodded her head.
“How many times have you and Willow told me that you were at sleeping at her house and you were really at his house?”  Joyce needed to know 
the answer to this question.
“Once.  The night of my birthday.”  Buffy told her truthfully.
Mom is sick and if I get called to go see her, then I have to know where to get a hold of you.  Joyce couldn’t get a firm grip on her emotions 
right now and so she wasn’t going to tell Buffy about her mother being sick until she was positive she could do so with out crying.  Here she was forty 
years old and she was loosing her own mother to cancer and her daughter was becoming sexually active.  She wasn’t sure she could handle all of this.  
She just couldn’t tell Buffy about her mother’s cancer just yet.  “Well, from now on, when you tell me that you are at Willow’s please be there.  If 
you’re going to be spending the night with Angel, just tell me.  I need to know in case of an emergency.” 
Buffy nodded.  “Yes, Ma’am.”
“We’re not done with this talk.  I want to talk to the both you tomorrow night at supper.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”  Buffy said, relieved that she will be getting a break from this talk and then her and Angel could agree on how much to tell her mother 
about him and what lies that they would have to tell her.
“I’m going to call your father.  I want him here too.”  Buffy nodded again.  “Go on back to your room.  And, Buffy, go to sleep, you have school 
“Yes, Ma’am.”  Buffy said, suddenly tired and weary from their talk.
Joyce hugged her daughter and Buffy went to her room. 
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