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This next chapter has explicit sex in it. Please click on continue ONLY if you are legally able to read this type of scene in your country/area. I can promise you all the teen version is missing is the sex. If you are offended by graphic sex scenes, then please click on the teen version. Like I said the only thing that is missing in the Teen version is the graphic sex. Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma Counter

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I want my smut!!! Take me to the adult page for Chapter 2 NOW!!!!
Take me to the Teen Chapter 2 page
I told you last time I wanted my SMUT!! I need to read the Chapter 5 SMUT before I go crazy!
Oh Darn! I hit the wrong link again. Please take me to the teen Chapter 5.
I already said I was old enough!! I need my smut fix for Chapter 9
oohhhh mistake didn't mean to walk in here. Take me to Chapter 9 Teen before I'm scared for life!!!
For the last time, Take me to the NC-17 Page. I promise I'm old enough and I'm not offended by such things as sex and the "F" word!!
oopppsss I made a mistake and I need the Teen Page.
