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poetry from London

OK hello all of you out there I'm new at this so just keep that in mind. And dont ask why its all on one page cuz like I said I"m new at this............. .............................Baby Zoey.............. We have a baby Zoey is her name She is new to this world Her eyes full of hope Her dreams are big and small The one thing missing from her life will only be me For I can't be there To help her with those dreams she has All I want is to see her grow up but now I can't Becaues you up and left me here To set and think of what me and my daughter could of had................................... ...............................The End............ you say you love me so why must you go I love you so, but still you go we are perfetic togeather so wont you say that you'll stay stay togeather always we said wher are you now your not with me we want to get marrdy so why did you go what is to come of us, what shale we do we have all the time in the world, but do we no one knows whats going to happin happin to us.......................... ...................the ones we love................ I know times are hard But times will be good one day so dont for ge those who you love dont for get thoes who are gone For they are never gone they will always be in are hearts just think of the good times evon the bad ones to for they are times we spent with them times to cherish times to keep forever good times bad times, who cares for they are times spent with the ones we love (for all thows who lost some one on september 11 2001).................................... your gone.................. what will life be like win your not hear will it go on will it stop win your gone will you still be with us how will we know your ok you will always be in are harts are love for you will never stop just becaues your gone the love for we have for you is for ever so don't let your love forus end one day we will be togeather and we will all be a famly onces more we will all live in pace for all times....................... ..................My Angel.................. There is a place in the world where angels live thats is where you belong you ae an angel to me If you where mine you would be therd like a goddsis why do you eicnlges me for you most be love by eveone hay you my sweet angel where are you do you evon care about me or are you just in love with someone easl why must you do this to me so i'm defrent take a chants on me you wont for get it In the name of lovegave me a chants wont you my sweet angel..................... ...................Your eyes................ I look in to your eyes all I seeis the sun set your eyes say a story they story of you life you say your happy your eyes say or not they say hi win your sad your eyes are blie they are so beautiful they say so much But they dont say a word Just look into yor eyes And I knoe how you fell.................... ....................whats love.............. Whats is love Is it a felling is it simething we just think do we need love how much dose love cost us or is it free how do you show someone you love them do you say it to them do you buy them things is love a friend or an enmey do we evon need love love its funny how we go looking for it Just so it can lavea us it can make you happy it can make you cry shoud love heart why must we love at all love what a funny thing we look for................... ....................The kiss.............. The one thing i want was a kiss a kiss from you I dont know if you know but all this time all I want was a kiss every time i see you every time I'm with you all I can think of is that kiss you lips look so soft the kiss would put me in havin havin is where that kiss would put me that kiss is all i can think about it would be so perfit that kiss is in all my dearms so wont you gave it to me.......... ..................Lost Havin........... lay here in wating for the day you'll say here I am in love with you the colst i have ever been to havin was win I was in you arms you chold all most say i'm in hell now for my havin went a way with lavaeing me in my own little hell I would pray for you to come back to me If i only know who to pray too I'm just a person in this world thring to make it But all of a sund this world ant so small And my havin got lost some where on a back rode one night as she came to see me now i spent every waking day looking for my lost little havin find her i hope some day that way we can be that famly we always want........................................... ....................Aboreson...................... the water is blood the sky is black death is all around you look out your window and what do you see a little girl she is in a withe dress she is crying for what you don't know all around her is death you go up to help her and win you get to her she looks at you may i help you, you say to her she said her name is cassy she looks up at you then stas to cry onecs more then says to you pales don't kill me that is win you look up to see that they called your name for its your aboreson time............... .................A Vampires Love............... night falls darkness fill the sky the airis warm, the wind it still the smell of blod is in the air the prince of darkness is about he looks for his first vectom of the night he finds her she is all a lone he walks up to her Hi is all she said and with one word her life ends he moves on all night long until he finds her the one he cant kill the one he cant kill she is the one that makes him want to be humin he wachs her all night long until one day win she is about to die he tells her how would you like to live forever she takes one look at him no is all she said to him with that one word she dies he lives to whand the earth thin one day he sos to her grave to lay ther and die for her cant go on the sun is all most up for the prince of darkness who haves live for all time was not killed by thows who hate him but my love..................... ..............The Dream............... the night comes evil is about the moon is full the air is cool death is every where no one sems to see it you can hear the crys of all the childen as the smll of death fills the air and blood covers the ground who will stop this evil win will it end look out you window if you dare will you like what you see I think not moring comes, and you get up your in a cold sweat you go to look out your window but you stop and think was it just a dream.................... ............Demans in my head.......... kill kill kill they say there in my head they hunt my dreams see them in the shodows at night I can't make them go a way all i want to do is salints them dam them to hell I would but i fear they come from hell do as they say and they will go a way then the world would hate me they will go a way but then I would realy see them no longer in the shodows but in my face hunt me for ever do as they say they tell me all the time evey thing will be ok no haem will come to me how can you truse some thing you cant see there only in my head so why cant i make them go a way my life is a liveing hell cuz of the are they tell me some thing I'm going to do it someday I hope not but if I do let me befor gavein for it was not me how did the killing............... ..................My Suicide.............. Sorry it had to end this way not evon I want it to end this way sorry for all thows who i have heart by doing this this was the only way out for me or it sime like it at the time dont realy have any one to lavea any thing to Its only becasue no one loved me ever one I hvae ever love left me sorry I left a mass in my room I didnt mane to lave it there my life niver amont to any thing Its not any ones falt I did this just for get about me and move on life for all you will still be the same Its not like i did any thing spchels in my life the bigis high light in my life was haveing a baby only to be let dwon and thold its not mine thats life will not my life any more I'll always be with you Love always your son or darther that you always puss a way........................ new life.............. this is my new life my old life left me sad with no one to love and no one loved me Suicide was on my mind all the time think of ways to make it all end so many to pick then one day as i was walking donw the st I saw her the most beautiful girl in the world she tock me out of this hell showed me love and i'm left in a beautiful hell with a beautiful girl............. ...................whping soul.......................... wather from the soul comes from my eyes Win I think of you what we choud have had is now no more the only thing left here is a whping soul fulled with so much pain and sarow at time it fells as thow my soul haves been rape by you so uesd and abustuesd left in the gutter for the rats to feed onas they pass by you choud have at less put me in a grave win you where done Angels pass by just to lafe at my soul as it lies in this gutter no one stop to ask if they can help they just pass by some stop to tack some ather of this whping soul and say my soul is a geft from god a rapeed soul is no geft Its beton and brozsed can you even tell that its a soul all it is a showed in the gutter coverd in rats as they feed on it some day my soul will get up from this guttein witch it lies and there will be no morewather from the soul coming from my eyes...................... More to be add soon so come back and have a look

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