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Krysta Elvamp


Krysta is a half-Breed of a unusual pair. She is half Vampire and half Elven, which most know are two opposite breeds mostly. The vampiric side, an undead spirit, mainly is a dark and evil and feeds upon pain, suffering, blood and the misery of others. This makes up Krysta's dark side.

Then you have the elven side which is playfully almost mischievous and loving of all nature and the creatures with in , hence a spirit of pure light and goodness. Which makes up Krysta's light side.

Therefore you probably can see why Krysta has a war raging inside her at all times. Both sides want control over her soul and a battle of darkness and light always resides within her.

Krysta wears a simple attire made up of black jeans that fit snug against her muscular yet slender legs and a low cut white cotton tunic tucked into her pants, which fits loosly around her shapely top and lean muscular arms. She wears a simple dark blue cloak that has a menagire of silver embroidered stars and dragons upon it. Simple, plain tanned deerskin boots that tie around her calves help her feel the tree limbs that she darts around on in the woods easily and makes her movement upon the leafy forest floor silent.

Her facial features are soft and delicate yet she has the slightly pointed ears and the elven slant of the eyes as well. She carries no facial characteristic of the vampiric side save the paleness to her skin.

Her body is well built and has the grace of a refined lady but under all the clothes is the body of a extremly athletic woman. Her muscles are strong and she carries the strength of her vampiric side. She has been known to lift up to 500 lbs one time with varible ease but her normal limit of strength is up to 300lbs.

She has a slender build and lean but strong muscle tone. Her skin is of a golden color, as of her ancestorial Elven side, yet it has an eerie paleness to it from her Vampiral side as well. This make her look very unique.

Her Eyes are a very complex thing to describe, for their color is always shifting to her mood. There is always one way to see what kind of mood Krysta is in. Look into her eyes.

If you see her eyes a dark emerald enchanting green color that seems to match the deepest of forest and swirl with different shades of green, then you are lucky for you caught Krysta in a good mood. If you look into Krysta's eyes and you see a mass of darkened crimson red and the eyes have small sparks of what seem to be red lightning coming from them, then I suggest you high tail it out of there for this is when Krysta's dark side is coming to surface and this is when the gates of her own personal hell open up and unleash a unholy fury upon her target.

Then there is a color of her eyes that seem to appear when she really concentrates on communicating with nature of focusing her elemental magic. Her eyes become almost a icy sharp blue with a dark blue ring tracing the outline of her eye color. The eyes almost have a haunting look about them and seem as if they could read your very soul. When they are this color her mood is void of emotions and filled with concentration, focus, and strain as she tries to do the spell or conjuring she is working on . It is sometimes hard for her to hear what else is going on around her at this moment.

Krysta had a very strange and unique hair color. It was a blessing from both her father and mother's genes. She has hair blacker than any black seen. Even in the light, it seems like it is a shadow upon her head. It has silver streaks flowing through out it and an especially concentrated patch above her right temple.

It is a pure silver color, the same as her mother's, and it gleams in the sunlight like stars against the night sky as it lays amongst the dark black like her father had.

Her hair compliments her attitude about things though. She has a dark humor toward new ppl who seem rude and a threat but yet a shining silver light shines through when it comes to family, friends, and seemingly good ppl she is extremly nice and friendly to them.

Age: She looks like she is only a woman of 25 but yet she is actually 275 yrs old. Her Vampiric side keeps her ageless and her Elven side keeps her youthful. She stopped ageing at 25, but every 50 yrs adds a year to her appearence. Since she is not totally either vampire nor elven she does age but extremly slow.

Size: She is a average height of 5'7 but yet most wouldn't know that, since she is usually running around and crouching and pouncing people.

Traits & Skills

Spells of the Light: Spells of the Dark: **This is only avalible when she is gripped by her evil half. Krysta has been told this is what she has used so far by witnesses of her battles in this state. If more lays within her, then it hasn't been used or no one was around to tell her of it.**