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Family Christmas Lists, Version 2014!

Welcome to the Family Christmas Lists Version 2014. :)

Dede Bob
MeeMaw April Sean
Lori Sam Melvin
Roxanne Kevin Ian
-A small deep fryer (researching a good one, though Bob might know of one? Indoor, countertop model, please.)
-Kohl's gift card (for shirts)
-A Family photo (like we did for MeeMaw all those years back on the roof)
-Giant corkboard or maybe a split board with 1/2 corkboard and 1/2 dry erase
Birthday Ideas
I don't want to forget the things I think of, so I'm listing them here.
-Java Dave's "Full City Roast" Coffee ground into espresso (He can't get enough. Seriously. MeeMaw knows.)
-Leatherman "Surge"
-a boneless chicken stuffed with crawfish etouffe from Herbert's
-Gift cards to Old Navy
-Plano Gun Case
-A good belt with a changeable belt buckle (He's wanted a changeable buckle for a while, but I cannot find one!)
Codi Luther Dane
-Pretend Food! He *loves* pretending to cook! -Books
-Socks 3T and 4T
-Pants 4T -Burt's Bees baby lotion
-Donations for college fund
-Marty Stoufer's Wild America! Any of the dvds would work!
Want to add anything to your list? EMAIL ME or TEXT ME.