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King Kills Site (yes i had some free time)

LOOK AT ME FOLKS IM ACCUALY DOING IT! Yes ive grown tired of Dark Realms what with all the morons running around,so I descided to stop my bitchin' and make my own site. Yes this is like what,my fourth or fifth shot at making a site,well I figured you know what the hell,I got the free time,everyone else I know has a site so I mide as well give it a go again,now beware me and my three word vocabulary.

Top three animes i love to watch (yes in this order)

Places you people should go to.

A very good friend of mine,she has lots of good pictures and such on here its worth checking out =D
This is one of the bastards who got me motivated in to building a site,but most of all he showed the the damn thingy on how to build a page
onea those Journal thingies,its my cousines and she knows i love her stupid bitch ass to death =D,yes i have a weird way of showing respect
Very good group i listen to and so should all of you