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Read about my Big Brother here. Isn't he a cutie!
Jacleen came into my life at a time when things were rocky for both of us. We made an instant connection and have been close ever since. She is truly a very special woman and has recently moved to FL. I wish her the best of luck in this new life path! and I miss her terribly!
Amanda and I met online and in the beginning we didn't know how we would be able to make our relationship work, but as time went on, we kept in touch. Life has come between us from time to time, but she has a wonderful heart and is very caring and I hope that she is happy in whatever she chooses to do in her life.
Kristen is such a beautiful girl inside and out. She is from Massechusettes and from day one we connected! I feel like I've found my twin :) She has gone through some tough times lately, but she is pulling through nicely. I pray that she only continues to get stronger and that one day she and I can spend some much needed time together. This woman is such an encouragement to me and I hope that I can be as good a friend to her as she has been to me! This is something she made for me a while ago...isn't it beautiful?