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The name's Khat, pronounced like you would the feline, and the poems, pictures and other things here are strait from my mind, so know that I won't be surprised if they scare you out of your wits or just confuse the hell out of 'ya. For the FAQs, no, my claws do not get in the way when I type, I do NOT have fleas and don't even ask about my tail, I have my pants custom-made. In acuality I'm an 13 year old chick (human) living in the Mundane world. This page is a random effort to appease my self indulgent side. I love myself! enjoy!

GREAT: The White Tiger � online comic book by Khat


If I could turn back time
I�d turn it back a year
Change the dusk before it sets
Change the pain, the tears.

A year ago today
Was a time when I was free
Had love, a life, a soul mate
When I had a family.

But the passing of this time
Always has its price
And never lets you go back
To live life over twice.

I wish that I could turn back time
And live it all again
I�d keep my love, restore my hope
Surround myself with friends.

I�d never let them split
I�d keep my family
I�d hold on to my sister
Even though she bothered me.

I�d never let there be a time
When freedom didn�t ring
I�d take back fights and restore life
I�d dance; I�d jump; I�d sing!

I�d visit her one last time
Before she passed away
I�d say goodbye and never regret
The words I didn�t say.

I wish that I could turn back time.
I�d turn it back a year
Vanquish hatred; destroy sadness
Banish all my fears.

Fears of future sorrows
Fears of future pains
I�d focus on the present time
And happiness would reign.

I�d be content in love
And wouldn�t yearn for more
I�d take not for granted
The love I had in store.

But it seems I can�t go back
So how shall I go on?
If I can�t change the dusk
Can I change the dawn?


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