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--Coming Soon
-Coming Soon
-Coming Soon

--Belldandy's Media Files

--Coming Soon




--Link To Belldandy's Site


--Gifts From Other Websites

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--Contact Me

* T h e _ S h i r e *

You hear a voice coming from behind you, but you stay still listening

welcome! The Shire is just a little test project i have... i want to see how well it goes out (or vice versa, how bad) i seem to have a clumsy layout for now... hehe. maybe with some time itll end up looking good... so keep in mind this layout isnt official!

i hope you like my site, for as small as it may be i've put up effort in it!

you decide to turn and look at whoever is talking to you, there sits a thin brunette with purple shimmering eyes about 5'5'' in height. she is smiling.

i am Belldandy, though many people know me by many names.

these cosist of Katsy, Kadmia, Rinoa, Cybunny, Faerie Kougress, Hotaru, Serena, Shampoo, Miyu, Eowyn, Fleur, Beatrix, Garnet, Aeris, Tifa, FairySnowTiger, Morticia (School), Fire Crackers (School), Legally Blonde (School), Claudia, and many others beyond naming.

call me as you like! I've included a fast way to catch me, use these well! *^_^*

Belldandy stands up

we shall proceed to explore this site. just click on where you want to go... but first, please sign my guest book!

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Three Rings For The Elven Kings Under The Sky,
Seven For The Dwarf-Lords In Their Halls Of Stone,
Nine For Mortal Men Doomed To Die,
One For The Dark Lord On His Dark Throne,
In The Land Of Mordor Where The Shadows Lie. One Ring To Rule Them All,
One Ring To Find Them,
One Ring To Bring Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them
In The Land Of Mordor Where The Shadows Lie