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"She lay as though she were in a trance, with her long eyelashes fluttering like she was dreaming. She said to him 'I lie beyond the sea' and then all of a sudden her head dipped back and she vanished. Gone, gone without a trace. Ecart a tuohtiw enog! She's never coming back, do you know what it's like to live with that? No one knows what it's like. The only one who knew me, gone."

Hey it's Kabage. Hope you have fun on my site. I am constantly updating due to lack of anything better to do. For those of you who don't know me already, I am a 15 year old female, and I live in Pinckney/Hell, MI.

This site is dedicated to Dan and Ted.
I lubber j00!

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Mekhanikal - Devin and Dan's Projekt
Kabage's DeadJournal
