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Barely escapeing death inside the womb and coming out just a little bit early in the year 1988, Justin Wisner was finally born ...but would the world be ready for someone like him? Justin grew up as the song of a worship leader at church and has been playing music sence he was very small (in recent years he's even gotten good at it). When he turned 5 years old he started going to Berkshire Christian School where he ment Aaron Smith (member of the CYM Mosh Team), school was not good for Justin becuz he had a learning problem called NLD and the school was under staffed and didn't know what to do. After 5th grade his mother took him out of school and began home schooling him which he liked a lot better. In the year 2001 Justin and his family moved to Pittsfeild, Mass and then to Dalton, Mass, then in March 2002 they left their church of 16 years (13 for Justin) and began looking for a new church. While looking for a new church they went to his grandmother (on his fathers side) church where a few of the kids invited him to youth group, he came the next Friday and has been going there sence then. In November 2002 he began playing drums with the youth group worship team and he has been ever sence. now he lives a a happy life of going to youth, playing music at youth, and is working on a CD (but who knows when it will be done) and thats about all i can say about Justin.

:Extra Things You Probaly Don't Care About:

